CPU Utilization while using locust - locust

We are planning to use locust for performance testing. I have started locust in distributed mode on Kubernetes, with 800 Users for a duration of 5 minutes. Hatch rate is 100 as well. After a couple of minutes, I can see the below warning on the worker log.
[2020-07-15 07:03:15,990] pipeline1-locust-worker-1-gp824/WARNING/root: Loadgen CPU usage above 90%! This may constrain your throughput and may even give inconsistent response time measurements!
I am unable to figure what is 90% here since I have not specified any resource limits. Is it the 90% of node capacity? Which is unlikely since we use beefy nodes, 16Vcpus, and 128Gb memory. Can anyone give any insight?

It is 90% of one core (which is all a single locust process can utilize because of the python GIL) (measured using https://psutil.readthedocs.io/en/latest/#psutil.Process.cpu_percent)
If you have 16vcpu you need 16 processes to utilize the whole node.
I guess we should clarify the message.


OpenShift/Kubernetes memory handling

What is the correct way of memory handling in OpenShift/Kubernetes?
If I create a project in OKD, how can I determine optimal memory usage of pods? For example, if I use 1 deployment for 1-2 pods and each pod uses 300-500 Mb of RAM - Spring Boot apps. So technically, 20 pods uses around 6-10GB RAM, but as I see, sometimes each project could have around 100-150 containers which needs at least 30-50Gb of RAM.
I also tried with horizontal scale, and/or request/limits but still lot of memory used by each micro-service.
However, to start a pod, it requires around 500-700MB RAM, after spring container has been started they can live with around 300MB as mentioned.
So, I have 2 questions:
Is it able to give extra memory but only for the first X minutes for each pod start?
If not, than what is the best practice to handle memory shortage, if I have limited memory (16GB) and wants to run 35-40 pod?
Thanks for the answer in advance!
Is it able to give extra memory but only for the first X minutes for each pod start?
You do get this behavior when you set the limit to a higher value than the request. This allows pods to burst, unless they all need the memory at the same time.
If not, than what is the best practice to handle memory shortage, if I have limited memory (16GB) and wants to run 35-40 pod?
It is common to use some form of cluster autoscaler to add more nodes to your cluster if it needs more capacity. This is easy if you run in the cloud.
In general, Java and JVM is memory hungry, consider some other technology if you want to use less memory. How much memory an application needs/uses totally depends on your application, e.g what data structures are used.

Locust eats CPU after 2-3 hours running

I have a simple HTTP server that I was testing. This server interacts with other HTTP servers and Cassandra DB.
Currently I was using 100 users with 1 request/s, so totally 100 tps was on the server. What I noticed with the Docker stats was that the CPU usage became higher and higher and ~ 2-3 hours later the CPU usage reaches the 90% mark, and even more. After that I got a notice from Locust, stating that the measurement may be inconsistent. But the latencies were not increased, so I do not know why this has been happening.
Can you please suggest possible cause(s) of the problem? I think 100 tps should be handled by one vCPU.
There's no way for us to know exactly what's wrong without at very least seeing some code, and even then other factors like the environment or data or server you're running it on or against could have additional factors we wouldn't know about.
It's possible you have a problem with your code for your Locust users, such as a memory leak or they're just doing too much for a single worker to handle that many users. For users only doing simple HTTP calls, a single CPU typically can handle upwards of thousands of requests per second. Do anything more than that and you'll start to expect to reduce what a worker can handle. It's also possible you may just need a more powerful CPU (or more RAM or bandwidth) to do what you want it to do at the scale you want.
Do some profiling to see if you can find any inefficiencies in your code. Run smaller tests to see if the same behavior is evident with smaller loads. Run the same load but with additional Locust workers on other CPUs.
It's also just as possible your DB can't handle the load. The increasing CPU usage could be due to how your code is handling waiting on the connection from the DB. Perhaps the DB could sustain, say, 80 users at an acceptable rate but any additional users makes it fall further and further behind and your Locust users are then waiting longer and longer for the requested data.
For more suggestions, check out the Locust FAQ https://github.com/locustio/locust/wiki/FAQ#increase-my-request-raterps

How to determine resource limit for Openshift Pods required for my tomcat application?

I've a web application (soap service) running in Tomcat 8 server in Openshift. The payload size is relatively small with 5-10 elements and the traffic is also small (300 calls per day, 5-10 max threads at a time). I'm little confused on the Pod resource restriction. How do I come up with min and max cpu and memory limits for each pod if I'm going to use min 1 and max 3 pods for my application?
It's tricky to configure accurate limitation value without performance test.
Because we don't expect your application is required how much resources process per requests. A good rule of thumb is to limit the resource based on heaviest workload on your environment. Memory limitation can trigger OOM-killer, so you should set up afforded value which is based on your tomcat heap and static memory size.
As opposed to CPU limitation will not kill your pod if reached the limitation value, but slow down the process speed.
My suggestion of each limitation value's starting point is as follows.
Memory: Tomcat(Java) memory size + 30% buffer
CPU: personally I think CPU limitation is useless to maximize the
process performance and efficiency. Even though CPU usage is afforded and the pod
can use full cpu resources to process the requests as soon as
possible at that time, the limitation setting can disturb it. But if
you should spread the resource usage evenly for suppressing some
aggressive resource eater, you can consider the CPU limitation.
This answer might not be what you want to, but I hope it help you to consider your capacity planning.

Pod CPU Throttling

I'm experiencing a strange issue when using CPU Requests/Limits in Kubernetes. Prior to setting any CPU Requests/Limits at all, all my services performed very well. I recently started placing some Resource Quotas to avoid future resource starvation. These values were set based in the actual usage of those services, but to my surprise, after those were added, some services started to increase their response time drastically. My first guess was that I might placed wrong Requests/Limits, but looking at the metrics revealed that in fact none of the services facing this issue were near those values. In fact, some of them were closer to the Requests than the Limits.
Then I started looking at CPU throttling metrics and found that all my pods are being throttled. I then increased the limits for one of the services to 1000m (from 250m) and I saw less throttling in that pod, but I don't understand why I should set that higher limit if the pod wasn't reaching its old limit (250m).
So my question is: If I'm not reaching the CPU limits, why are my pods throttling? Why is my response time increasing if the pods are not using their full capacity?
Here there are some screenshots of my metrics (CPU Request: 50m, CPU Limit: 250m):
CPU Usage (here we can see the CPU of this pod never reached its limit of 250m):
CPU Throttling:
After setting limits to this pod to 1000m, we can observe less throttling
kubectl top
P.S: Before setting these Requests/Limits there wasn't throttling at all (as expected)
P.S 2: None of my nodes are facing high usage. In fact, none of them are using more than 50% of CPU at any time.
Thanks in advance!
If you see the documentation you see when you issue a Request for CPUs it actually uses the --cpu-shares option in Docker which actually uses the cpu.shares attribute for the cpu,cpuacct cgroup on Linux. So a value of 50m is about --cpu-shares=51 based on the maximum being 1024. 1024 represents 100% of the shares, so 51 would be 4-5% of the share. That's pretty low, to begin with. But the important factor here is that this relative to how many pods/container you have on your system and what cpu-shares those have (are they using the default).
So let's say that on your node you have another pod/container with 1024 shares which is the default and you have this pod/container with 4-5 shares. Then this container will get about get about 0.5% CPU, while the other pod/container will
get about 99.5% of the CPU (if it has no limits). So again it all depends on how many pods/container you have on the node and what their shares are.
Also, not very well documented in the Kubernetes docs, but if you use Limit on a pod it's basically using two flags in Docker: --cpu-period and --cpu--quota which actually uses the cpu.cfs_period_us and the cpu.cfs_quota_us attributes for the cpu,cpuacct cgroup on Linux. This was introduced to the fact that cpu.shares didn't provide a limit so you'd spill over cases where containers would grab most of the CPU.
So, as far as this limit is concerned you will never hit it if you have other containers on the same node that don't have limits (or higher limits) but have a higher cpu.shares because they will end up optimizing and picking idle CPU. This could be what you are seeing, but again depends on your specific case.
A longer explanation for all of the above here.
Kubernetes uses (Completely Fair Scheduler) CFS quota to enforce CPU limits on pod containers. See "How does the CPU Manager work" described in https://kubernetes.io/blog/2018/07/24/feature-highlight-cpu-manager/ for further details.
The CFS is a Linux feature, added with the 2.6.23 kernel, which is based on two parameters: cpu.cfs_period_us and cpu.cfs_quota
To visualize these two parameters, I'd like to borrow the following picture from Daniele Polencic from his excellent blog (https://twitter.com/danielepolencic/status/1267745860256841731):
If you configure a CPU limit in K8s it will set period and quota. If a process running in a container reaches the limit it is preempted and has to wait for the next period. It is throttled.
So this is the effect, which you are experiencing. The period and quota algorithm should not be considered to be a CPU limit, where processes are unthrottled, if not reached.
The behavior is confusing, and also a K8s issue exist for this: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/67577
The recommendation given in https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/51135 is to not set CPU limits for pods that shouldn't be throttled.
TLDR: remove your CPU limits. (Unless this alert fires on metrics-server in which case that wont work.) CPU limits are actually a bad-practice and not a best-practice.
Why this happens
I'll focus on what to do, but first let me give a quick example showing why this happens:
Imagine a pod with a CPU limit of 100m which is equivalent to 1/10 vCPU.
The pod does nothing for 10 minutes.
Then it uses the CPU nonstop for 200ms. The usage during the burst is equivalent to 2/10 vCPU, hence the pod is over it's limit and will be throttled.
On the other hand, the average CPU usage will be incredibly low.
In a case like this you'll be throttled but the burst is so small (200 milliseconds) that it wont show up in any graphs.
What to do
You actually don't want CPU limits in most cases because they prevent pods from using spare resources. There are Kubernetes maintainers on the record saying you shouldn't use CPU limits and should only set requests.
More info
I wrote a whole wiki page on why CPU throttling can occur despite low CPU usage and what to do about it. I also go into some common edge cases like how to deal with this for metrics-server which doesn't follow the usual rules.

How to set the right cpu millicores for a container?

I want to optimally configure the CPU cores without over or under allocation. How can I measure the required CPU millicore for a given container? It also brings the question of how much traffic a proxy will send it to any given pod based on CPU consumption so we can optimally use the compute.
Currently I send requests and monitor with,
kubectl top pod
Is there any tool that can measure, Requests, CPU and Memory over the time and suggest the optimal CPU recommendation for the pods.
Monitoring over time and per Pod yes, there's suggestions at https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/debug-application-cluster/resource-usage-monitoring/ One of the more popular is the Prometheus-Grafana combination - https://grafana.com/dashboards/315
As for automatic suggestion of the request and limits, I don't think there is anything. Keep in mind Kubernetes already tries to balance giving each Pod what it needs without it taking too much. The limits and requests that you set are to help it do this more safely. There are limitations on automatically inference as an under-resourced Pod can still work but respond a bit slower - it is up to you to decide what level of slowness you would tolerate. It is also up to you to decide what level of resource consumption could be acceptable in peak load, as opposed to excessive consumption that might indicate a bug in your app or even an attack. There's a further limitation as the metric units are themselves an attempt to approximate resource power that can actually vary with types of hardware (memory and CPUs can differ in mode of operation as well as quantity) and so can vary across clusters or even nodes on a cluster if the hardware isn't all equal.
What you are doing with top seems to me a good way to get started. You'll want to monitor resource usage for the cluster anyway so keeping track of this and adjusting limits as you go is a good idea. If you can run the same app outside of kubernetes and read around to see what other apps using the same language do then that can help to indicate if there's anything you can do to improve utilisation (memory consumption on the JVM in containers for example famously requires some tweaking to get right).