I have applied red material to gameobject plane still its showing black colour..can anyone help me out
It looks like your directional light isn't pointing downwards. Without any light, a plane will appear completely black. Try changing the X rotation of the directional light so that it points down.
So I have a HD2D Setup in Unity, meaning a 3D world containing 2D sprites (billboards). I am using URP and created a Lit Shader with the following configuration:
This Shader is attached to a material and this material is attached to my sprite. My problem is, when I rotate the global directional light, the sprite with this shader attached has sort of a delay in adjusting its darkness to the global light (in the video, the environment is bright (morning) but the sprite is still very dark in color (see next picture) and vice versa). This behavior can be seen in the video I uplaoded here:
Desired outcome:
The sprite gets darker as the sun fades (similar to the white Quad that can be seen in the video scene).
Does anyone have an idea which setting I need to tweak here? Thanks for any advice.
I figured it out. For some reason, URP Pipeline was not set under Edit-->ProjectSettings-->Graphics. Once set, I was able to set [X] Will be affected by shadows in shader graph. This solved the problem
I have two cameras and for each I've associated a Mesh Filter and Mesh Renderer (which are just red and green cubes. I notice that in the Scene view I can see one cameras position from the other camera. But when I actually play the scene the camera I'm looking through cannot see the cube of the other camera?
EDIT: Adding some clarity I hope.
When I click the play symbol.
When I switch to the green camera it cannot see the red camera.
When I switch to the red camera it cannot see the green camera.
Even though both cameras has a mesh attached to them which appears both in the Scene and Game previews (screenshot above).
The camera at the position of the green cube cannot see the green cube because it is inside the cube and the standard material uses backface culling, which means that only the fronts of the faces of the mesh are drawn and not their backs. And the standard Unity cube has all its faces facing outwards.
Also, I assume the cube would have been clipped regardless, since it's too close, under the near clipping distance of the camera. So anything outside the camera frustum will not be drawn.
I have a quad with a texture filled in on top a camera. When I added directional light, it shows a glare in the center. Earlier, I had it right, but now not sure why it comes. Below is my unity camera game with center glare & scene
It seems like a point light to me. Try to enable 3d view and move on the z Axis. See if that helps.
Check if you have DrawHalo on the DirectionalLight enabled. Otherwise you might need to adjust the specular/metallic settings on your quads material.
Here is a cube:
a cube with the dimensions (1,1,1) however to the eye the cube looks more of a cuboid
What is even more annoying is that the box collider is not lining up with the mesh.an image of the same cube rotated a bit but the box collider not lining up
How do I fix this guys?
The same stretching happens equally in the game and scene tabs.
I'm making a soccer stadium, with lamps to shine on the pitch. The lamp now contain cubes, with a point light inside. I hoped that, when I put the point light inside the cubes (in the empty space, inside the 'walls' of the lamp), the light would shine only to the pitch. Because only this side of the cubes is 'open'. But it's still a 'light circle'.
This is what I have now:
What I want:
Could anyone tell me how I can do this?
Use spotlight instead of point light. Spotlight is use for lighting in a precise direction.
And check the culling mask on your light. If the cube's layer is not include in the light culling mask, then the light will not care about your cube. The shadow type use by the spotlight can also change the way the light look on your cube.