Protractor - Cucumber not picking values from Examples - protractor

Protractor - Cucumber not picking values from Examples. I am using site "" in first text box it enters <key1> and <key2>.
Feature file is below
Feature: Navigate to calculator site and add two number
Scenario: Add two number using calculator site
Given Navigate to calculator site url ""
When Provide two numbers to add first number "< key1 >" and "< key2 >"
Then Click on add button on calculator site
Scenario Outline: Provide parameters
| key1 | key2 |
| 2 | 3 |
| 2 | 60 |
Step definition file
import { Given, When, Then } from "cucumber";
import { browser } from "protractor";
import { calculator } from "../pageObjects/calculator";
let cal = new calculator();
Given('Navigate to calculator site url {string}', async (string)=> {
// Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
await browser.get(string);
When('Provide two numbers to add first number {string} and {string}', async (firstValue:string,
secondvalue:string)=> {
// Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
await cal.firstEditBox.sendKeys(firstValue);
await cal.secondEditBox.sendKeys(secondvalue);
Then('Click on add button on calculator site', async ()=> {
// Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
cal.getResult.getText().then(function(text) {

Feature file
Feature: To search keywords in google
Scenario Outline: Searching on google
Given I am on "<search>" search page
When I type "<search keyword>"
Then I click on search button
Then I clear the search text
| search | search keyword |
| google | cucumber |
| cucumber | protractor |
| protractor | typescript |
Step def
Given(/^I am on "(.*?)" search page$/, async (text) => {
if (text === "google") {
await expect(browser.getTitle()).to.eventually.equal("Google");
} else if (text === "cucumber") {
await expect(browser.getTitle()).to.eventually.equal(text + " - Google Search");
} else if (text === "protractor") {
await expect(browser.getTitle()).to.eventually.equal(text + " - Google Search");
When(/^I type "(.*?)"$/, async (text) => {
await search.searchTextBox.sendKeys(text);

Please mention "Scenario Outline:" instead of "Scenario:" in the first line of your Feature file. Then it will be resolved. Otherwise everything is alright in your code. It should be like below:
Scenario Outline: Add two number using calculator site
"Scenario Outline: Provide parameters"- Please remove this line from your feature file.


Setting StrongAuthenticationUserDetails PhoneNumber for AzureAD via Powershell?

That title really flows.
When setting up computers for use with Azure Active Directory, we would have IT do initial setup and config. This included the first sign in and joining to Azure Active Directory. When signing in it forces you to select a verification method. We would use our desk phone or cell phone for ease.
The time has come for us to update that second factor phone number. I know of a way to manually do it via the Azure AD Web UI, but I am looking for a scripted way to set that number in PowerShell.
Here is how I retrieve the number via PowerShell.
Get-msoluser -UserPrincipalName "" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty StrongAuthenticationUserDetails
That code returns this info:
ExtensionData : System.Runtime.Serialization.ExtensionDataObject
AlternativePhoneNumber :
Email :
OldPin :
PhoneNumber : +1 5554445555
Pin :
However, there seems to be no similar option for setting the StrongAuthenticationUserDetails.
All my searches just turned up how to bulk enable 2-factor authentication, which is not what I want to do. I want to leave the StrongAuthentication the same while only updating the phone number.
As I said in comment, it appears there is read-only access for powershell.
There is even opened ticket for that on Azure feedback.
There is a plan to do it, but no ETA. My guess is that you will have to wait if you want to use powershell only.
As workaround, you could use powershell & watir for .NET OR Watin with Watin recorder to automatize it via Internet Explorer. As I don't have a testing Azure; I can not create workable code for you.
Using Watin and powershell - you could check:
The following text and code, I wanted to backup it here, was taken from the above page (all credits to the author):
Next click the record button and click the HTML element you want to
automate. Then stop the WatIN recorder and click copy code to
clipboard icon. This will produce some C# code that just needs to be
translated into PowerShell:
// Windows
WatiN.Core.IE window = new WatiN.Core.IE();
// Frames
Frame frame_sd_scoreboard = window.Frame(Find.ByName("sd") && Find.ByName("scoreboard"));
// Model
Element __imgBtn0_button = frame_sd_scoreboard.Element(Find.ByName("imgBtn0_button"));
// Code
So, I now know the name of the button and that it is 3 frames deep. A
little WatIN object exploration later, I came up with the follow
script, which clicks a button every 50 mintues.
#Requires -version 2.0
#powershell.exe -STA
[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom( "$ProfileDirLibrariesWatiN.Core.dll" ) | out-null
$ie = new-object WatiN.Core.IE("")
$scoreboard = $ie.frames | foreach {$_.frames } | where {$ –eq ‘sd’} | foreach {$_.frames } | where {$ –eq ‘scoreboard’}
$button = $scoreboard.Element("imgBtn0_button")
while ($true)
#Sleep for 50 minutes
Disclaimer: the code is provided as-is. It might happen that it'll stop working in case MS changes Azure Portal interface.
I'm using the following Greasemonkey script to update alternate email and phone (phone can be updated via Graph API now so the script will be useful for email only):
// ==UserScript==
// #name Unnamed Script 548177
// #version 1
// #grant none
// #namespace
// ==/UserScript==
document.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) {
// press alt+shift+g
if (e.keyCode == 71 && e.shiftKey && !e.ctrlKey && e.altKey && !e.metaKey) {
const url = document.URL;
const regex = /https:\/\/\/#blade\/Microsoft_AAD_IAM\/UserDetailsMenuBlade\/UserAuthMethods\/userId\/[\w-]+\/adminUnitObjectId[\/]*\?\w+=(\d{9})&\w+=([\w\.-#]+)/;
const params = url.match(regex);
const allAuthRows = document.getElementsByClassName('ext-userauthenticationmethods-section-row');
const authRowsArray = Array.from(allAuthRows);
let emailRow;
let phoneRow;
let i;
for (i =0; i < authRowsArray.length; i++) {
if (authRowsArray[i].childNodes[1].childNodes[1].childNodes[0].data === 'Email') {
emailRow = authRowsArray[i]
if (authRowsArray[i].childNodes[1].childNodes[1].childNodes.length > 1) {
if (authRowsArray[i].childNodes[1].childNodes[1].childNodes[1].childNodes[0].data === 'Phone') {
phoneRow = authRowsArray[i]
const emailInput = emailRow.childNodes[3].childNodes[1].childNodes[1].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[2];
const phoneInput = phoneRow.childNodes[3].childNodes[1].childNodes[1].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[2];
const event = new Event('input', {
'bubbles': true,
'cancelable': true
if (params[1] !== '000000000') {
phoneInput.value = `+48 ${params[1]}`;
if (params[2] !== 'null') {
emailInput.value = params[2];
setTimeout(() => {
const buttonArr = document.getElementsByClassName('azc-toolbarButton-container fxs-portal-hover');
const saveButton = Array.from(buttonArr).find(e => e.title === 'Save');;
} , 2000);
}, false);
It requires you to open Azure portal with querystring like this (I do it with PowerShell):$($u.ObjectId)/adminUnitObjectId/?param1=$newPhone&param2=$newMail
How to use it:
open only one tab at a time, otherwise you'll receive Unable to sign-in error
from time to time you'll receive that error anyway, so just wait
to trigger the script press Alt+Shift+g after the site is loaded (you can change the shortcut in first if)
once the data is updated and saved, press Ctrl+w to close the current tab and press Alt+Tab to switch to previous window (should be PowerShell)
you're still free to use the code to update the phone. Make sure to change country code (currently +48 for Poland)

How to replace text with a MS Word web add-in by preserving the formatting?

I'm working on a simple grammar correction web add-in for MS Word. Basically, I want to get the selected text, make minimal changes and update the document with the corrected text. Currently, if I use 'text' as the coercion type, I lose formatting. If there is a table or image in the selected text, they are also gone!
As I understand from the investigation I've been doing so far, openxml is the way to go. But I couldn't find any useful example on the web. How can I manipulate text by preserving the original formatting data? How can I ignore non-text paragraphs? I want to be able to do this with the Office JavaScript API:
I would do something like this:
// get data as OOXML
Office.context.document.getSelectedDataAsync(Office.CoercionType.Ooxml, function (result) {
if (result.status === "succeeded") {
var selectionAsOOXML = result.value;
var bodyContentAsOOXML = selectionAsOOXML.match(/<w:body.*?>(.*?)<\/w:body>/)[1];
// perform manipulations to the body
// it can be difficult to do to OOXML but with som regexps it should be possible
bodyContentAsOOXML = bodyContentAsOOXML.replace(/error/g, 'rorre'); // reverse the word 'error'
// insert the body back in to the OOXML
selectionAsOOXML = selectionAsOOXML.replace(/(<w:body.*?>)(.*?)<\/w:body>/, '$1' + bodyContentAsOOXML + '<\/w:body>');
// replace the selected text with the new OOXML
Office.context.document.setSelectedDataAsync(selectionAsOOXML, { coercionType: Office.CoercionType.Ooxml }, function (asyncResult) {
if (asyncResult.status === "failed") {
console.log("Action failed with error: " + asyncResult.error.message);

Unable to set a global variable

I want to use a function and the parameter I am passing should be set to global all the time. How can I do that? Here is my code:
function ReadExcelfunction($FileName,$SheetName,$RowNum,$ColNum,$Parameter)
var $excel = _getExcel($FileName,$SheetName);
var $excelData=$excel.getData();
var $Parameter=$excelData[$RowNum][$ColNum];
//_setGlobal($Parameter,$excelData[$RowNum][$ColNum]) -- Commented
Now suppose I pass the parameters as -- File sheet 1 1 Name.
What I want is this: name with the Value is stored as Global value.
Earlier I used _setGlobal($Parameter,$excelData[$RowNum][$ColNum]) which solved the purpose but this API has been removed and now I need to change my script.
I am using the sahi scripting language which is similar to JavaScript.
You don't need to use _setGlobal, you only need to declare a var before the function declaration. For example, you can declare a new Array and then set/get values just like _setGlobal.
// used as start URL
var $globalVariable = new Array();
function SetGlobalVariable(key, newValue) {
$globalVariable[key] = newValue;
SetGlobalVariable('inputValue', 'stack overflow');
_setValue(_textbox("q"), $globalVariable['inputValue']);
A probable solution for you is to write value to an existing excel sheet cell from the sahi script on the fly and then retrieve the same value from the corresponding cell of excel sheet from another sahi script.
I have done a similar thing using a simple text file.
First File
\\ script 1
var $str = "Hello World";
var$filePath = "C:\\temp\\mystring.txt";
_writeToFile($str, $filePath);
Second File
\\ script 2
var $filePath = "C:\\temp\\mystring.txt";
var $mystr = _readFile($filePath);
Edit: Extended Answer
| VariableName | VariableValue |
| MyVar1 | MyVar1Value |
| MyVar2 | MyVar2Value |
| MyVar3 | MyVar3Value |
Create a Sahi Function to creating a new excel sheet:
function _createExcelFile($fileName, $sheetName){
if($sheetName == null || $sheetName == ""){
$sheetName = "Sheet1";
_debug("Excel File Name :: " + $fileName);
_debug("Excel File Sheet Name :: " + $sheetName);
var $excelPoi = new$fileName, $sheetName);
Further you can refer the _getExcel($filePath[, $sheetName]) API from Sahi Pro. You need to do some iterations to get things done. You can read and write data as required.
Note: I have tried this only in the latest version of Sahi Pro i.e. 6.1.0.

Selenium IDE - always fail on any 500 error

Is there an easy way to tell Selenium IDE that any action that results in a http 500 response means the test failed?
I have tests that are 75 page requests long. Sometimes, I get a crash and burn somewhere in the middle, but the tests come back green.
Taking a look at selenium-api.js, I saw that there is a parameter ignoreResponseCode in the signature of the doOpen method in selenium-api.js :
Selenium.prototype.doOpen = function(url, ignoreResponseCode) {
This parameter is used by the browserbot object :
if (!((self.xhrResponseCode >= 200 && self.xhrResponseCode <= 399) || self.xhrResponseCode == 0)) {
// TODO: for IE status like: 12002, 12007, ... provide corresponding statusText messages also.
LOG.error("XHR failed with message " + self.xhrStatusText);
e = "XHR ERROR: URL = " + self.xhrOpenLocation + " Response_Code = " + self.xhrResponseCode + " Error_Message = " + self.xhrStatusText;
self.abortXhr = false;
self.isXhrSent = false;
self.isXhrDone = false;
self.xhrResponseCode = null;
self.xhrStatusText = null;
throw new SeleniumError(e);
I've tried calling the open function from selenium IDE with value = false and this results in an error (test failed).
My PHP test page was :
header('HTTP/1.1 500 Simulated 500 error');
And this results in :
For me, this solves the problem of checking HTTP response status.
Make a JavaScript file called "user-extensions.js" and add it to the Selenium-IDE under Options > Options. If you are running Selenium RC, pass it into the parameter when starting up your server in the jar command. There should be a user extensions javascript file attribute.
Then close and restart Selenium-IDE. The User-Extensions file is cached when the IDE starts up.
Add this code to your Selenium user-extensions.js file to make a custom command called "AssertLocationPart". As you know "assertLocation" and "storeLocation" are standard commands. I tried to reduce the extra line of code to storeLocation just by getting the href in the custom function. I wasn't able to get the doAssertValue command to work. I'll have to post my own question for that. That's why it's commented out. For now, just use "this.doStore" instead. And add an extra line to your script after your custom AssertLocationPart command. Since we're not actually doing an assertion in the custom function/command, we should call it "storeLocationPart" (function would be named "doStoreLocationPart"), not "assertLocationPart" (function would be named "doAssertLocationPart"), and just pass in the first parameter. But if you can get the doAssert* to work, please let me know. I'll mess with it another day since I need to do this same thing for work.
Selenium.prototype.doAssertLocationPart = function(partName,assertTo) {
var uri = selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.location.href;
//alert("URI = " + uri);
var partValue = parseUri(uri,partName);
//alert("Part '" + partName + "' = " + partValue);
// Slightly modified function based on author's original:
// parseUri JS v0.1, by Steven Levithan (
// Splits any well-formed URI into the following parts (all are optional):
// - source (since the exec() method returns backreference 0 [i.e., the entire match] as key 0, we might as well use it)
// - protocol (scheme)
// - authority (includes both the domain and port)
// - domain (part of the authority; can be an IP address)
// - port (part of the authority)
// - path (includes both the directory path and filename)
// - directoryPath (part of the path; supports directories with periods, and without a trailing backslash)
// - fileName (part of the path)
// - query (does not include the leading question mark)
// - anchor (fragment)
function parseUri(sourceUri,partName){
var uriPartNames = ["source","protocol","authority","domain","port","path","directoryPath","fileName","query","anchor"];
var uriParts = new RegExp("^(?:([^:/?#.]+):)?(?://)?(([^:/?#]*)(?::(\\d*))?)?((/(?:[^?#](?![^?#/]*\\.[^?#/.]+(?:[\\?#]|$)))*/?)?([^?#/]*))?(?:\\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?").exec(sourceUri);
var uri = {};
for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++){
uri[uriPartNames[i]] = (uriParts[i] ? uriParts[i] : "");
if (uriPartNames[i] == partName) {
return uri[uriPartNames[i]]; // line added by MacGyver
// Always end directoryPath with a trailing backslash if a path was present in the source URI
// Note that a trailing backslash is NOT automatically inserted within or appended to the "path" key
if(uri.directoryPath.length > 0){
uri.directoryPath = uri.directoryPath.replace(/\/?$/, "/");
if (partName == "directoryPath") {
return uri.directoryPath; // line added by MacGyver
return uri;
Then add this to your web.config file and make sure customErrors is turned off. Since you have a 500 error, it will redirect the user to the default page. Feel free to add a custom page for a 500 HTTP status code if you want to be specific in your Selenium scripts.
<customErrors mode="On" defaultRedirect="/ErrorHandler.aspx">
<error statusCode="401" redirect="/AccessDenied.aspx" />
<error statusCode="403" redirect="/AccessDenied.aspx" />
<error statusCode="404" redirect="/PageNotFound.aspx" />
This is what your commands will look like in the IDE:
Make sure you're on this page (or something similar) before running the script:
Log shows that it passed!
[info] Executing: |storeLocation | var_URI | |
[info] Executing: |echo | ${var_URI} | |
[info] echo: https://localhost/ErrorHandler.aspx?aspxerrorpath=//path/pathyouweretryingtoviewinwebapp.aspx
[info] Executing: |assertLocationPart | fileName | ErrorHandler.aspx |
[info] Executing: |assertExpression | ${var_fileName} | ErrorHandler.aspx |
Using the error handler from my previous answer:
Command: assertLocation
Target: regexp:^(https://localhost/ErrorHandler.aspx).*$
Or (per your comment) it's inverse if you don't have error handling turned on, use AssertNotLocation. This may require more work on the person writing the scripts. You'd have to keep track of all pages.
More on pattern matching:

KRL and Yahoo Local Search

I'm trying to use Yahoo Local Search in a Kynetx Application.
ruleset avogadro {
meta {
name "yahoo-local-ruleset"
description "use results from Yahoo local search"
author "randall bohn"
key yahoo_local "get-your-own-key"
dispatch { domain ""}
global {
datasource local:XML <- "";
rule add_list {
select when pageview ".*" setting ()
pre {
ds = datasource:local("?appid=#{keys:yahoo_local()}&query=pizza&zip=#{zip}&results=5");
rs = ds.pick("$..Result");
append("body","<ul id='my_list'></ul>");
always {
set ent:pizza rs;
rule add_results {
select when pageview ".*" setting ()
foreach ent:pizza setting pizza
pre {
title = pizza.pick("$..Title");
append("#my_list", "<li>#{title}</li>");
The list I wind up with is
. [object Object]
and 'title' has
{'$t' => 'Pizza Shop 1'}
I can't figure out how to get just the title. It looks like the 'text content' from the original XML file turns into {'$t' => 'text content'} and the '$t' give problems to pick().
When XML datasources and datasets get converted into JSON, the text value within an XML node gets assigned to $t. You can pick the text of the title by changing your pick statement in the pre block to
title = pizza.pick("$..Title.$t");
Try that and see if that solves your problem.
Side notes on things not related to your question to consider:
1) Thank you for sharing the entire ruleset, what problem you were seeing and what you expected. Made answering your question much easier.
2) The ruleset identifier should not be changed from what AppBuilder or the command-line gem generate for you. Your identifier that is currently
ruleset avogadro {
should look something more like
ruleset a60x304 {
3) You don't need the
setting ()
in the select statement unless you have a capture group in your regular expression
Turns out that pick("$..Title.$t") does work. It looks funny but it works. Less funny than a clown hat I guess.
name = pizza.pick("$..Title.$t");
city = pizza.pick("$..City.$t");
phone = pizza.pick("$..Phone.$t");
list_item = "<li>#{name}/#{city} #{phone}</li>"
Wish I had some pizza right now!