delete column from table when deleted package in laravel - eloquent

When a field in the database is added by installing a package, how do I make sure that it is removed when I uninstall the package. Will it be deleted?

Many Laravel packages come with migrations that create tables (and fields at times) like this:
public function up()
Schema::create($this->getTableName(), function (Blueprint $table) {
and usually, remove them on tear down
* Reverse the migrations.
* #return void
public function down()
However, sometimes things go wrong and you may want to check yourself. Refer the database/migrations file that shipped with the package and see what was created and compare it to the tables/columns you see in your database.


How to change the position of a column in the TYPO3 TCA?

I want to move a column from one tab to another. Is there a better way than to rewrite the types definition manually which is not very reliant in regard to extension updates changing the TCA?
It's not 100% fail safe, since there still might be extensions messing things up, but the closest you can get will be to make use of the ExtTablesInclusionPostProcessing event and put addToAllTCAtypes into the invoke method, since this will not just add new fields but even put existing fields to another tab:
namespace Vendor\Extension\EventListener;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility;
* Class ExtTablesInclusionPostProcessing
class ExtTablesInclusionPostProcessing
* Function which may process data created / registered by extTables
* scripts (f.e. modifying TCA data of all extensions)
* #param AfterTcaCompilationEvent $event
public function __invoke(AfterTcaCompilationEvent $event): void
ExtensionManagementUtility::addToAllTCAtypes('tt_content', 'fieldname', '', 'after:fieldname_in_the_other_tab');
To remove the existing field before, you could make use of this trick:
And finally to be on the safer side you could make sure that other extensions are loaded before your own extension by putting them into the suggest section of your composer.json.
With installation of extension tcabuilder it is possible to do simple changes in the TCA.

How to register modules for advanced functions

When I select Web/Functions in the menu of typo3 cms 9.5.4 backend, I get this error:
Advanced functions
No modules have been registered. Please contact your system administrator.
I am the system administrator. I can't find anywhere how to register modules. How do I register any modules?
Like Peter wrote, the Extension func was removed from core, is actually not marked as compatible with version 9.5. and should avoided to use further more.
But follow two files will help you to register your own module:
// Module wizard
if (TYPO3_MODE === 'BE') {
namespace Vendor\Extension;
class MyModuleFunction
* Initialize the object
* #param \object $pObj A reference to the parent (calling) object
* #throws \RuntimeException
public function init($pObj)
// Required method
* Checking for first level external objects
public function checkExtObj()
// Required method
* Main function creating the content for the module.
* #return string HTML content for the module, actually a "section" made through the parent object in $this->pObj
public function main()
return '<h1>My module function</h1>';
As far as I know, EXT:wizard_crpages and EXT:wizard_sortpages are not maintained anymore in TYPO3 9.x.
EXT:func has been moved to the TYPO3 Extension Repository to preserve the possibility to register your own wizards.
The possibility to create multiple pages and to sort pages is now available via the context menu in the page tree. Just do a left or right click on the icon in front of any page and choose More options ... from the context menu.

Mongodb update embedded document doctrine (zero-length keys are not allowed, did you use $ with double quotes?)

I'm trying to update an embedded mongodb document with Doctrine: I want to search for the embedded documents (within their parents..) and then update the child document within its parent. Basically, this is my datastructure:
class a{
protected $id;
protected $objectB;
portected $myArray; // type of class c
class b{
protected $id;
protected $attribute;
protected $realCoolAttribute;
class c{
protected $id;
protected $attribute;
protected $realCoolAttribute;
All of these attributes have their getters and setters within their class. But I also had a try using public attributes instead of protected ones.
Using a similar query to this
I am able to search and even to delete the embedded document. I am also able to change simple attributes. But, if I try to change a complex attribute, which is member of an array or if the attribute I want to change is a whole document (and not any more a simple value..), I got the following error message:
zero-length keys are not allowed, did you use $ with double quotes?
The new document I wants to update instead is complete, with attributes and Id.
I would appreciate any help

Entity Framework telling me the model backing the context has changed

I have a weird problem with Entity Framework code first migrations. I've been using EF and code first migrations on a project for months now and things are working fine. I recently created a new migration and when running Update-Database a restored backup of my database I get this error:
The model backing the context has changed since the database was
created. Consider using Code First Migrations to update the database
The migration does something like the following:
public override void Up()
using (SomeDbContext ctx = new SomeDbContext())
//loop through table and update rows
foreach (SomeTable table in ctx.SomeTables)
table.SomeField = DoSomeCalculation(table.SomeField);
I'm not using the Sql() function because DoSomeCalculation must be done in C# code.
Usually when I get something like this is means that I have updated my model somehow and forgot to create a migration. However that's not the case this time. The weird thing is that the error isn't even occurring on a migration that I created a few days ago and had been working fine.
I looked a quite a few articles about this and they all seems to say call
Doing that does seem to work, but my understanding (based on this article) is that doing that will remove EF's ability to determine when the database and model are out of sync. I don't want to do that. I just want to know why it thinks they are out of sync all of a sudden.
I also tried running Add-Migration just to see if what it thought changed about the model but it won't let me do that stating that I have pending migrations to run. Nice catch 22, Microsoft.
Any guesses as to what's going on here?
I'm wondering if maybe the fact that migration listed above is using EntityFramework is the problem. Seems like maybe since it's not the latest migration anymore, when EF gets to it tries to create a SomeDbContext object it checks the database (which is not fully up to date yet since we're in the middle of running migrations) against my current code model and then throws the "context has changed" error.
It's possibly related to your using EF within the migration. I'm not sure how you're actually managing this, unless you've set a null database initialiser.
If you need to update data within a migration, use the Sql function, e.g.
Sql("UPDATE SomeTable SET SomeField = 'Blah'");
You should note that the Up() method is not actually running at the time of doing the migration, it's simply used to set up the migration which is then run later. So although you may think you've done something in the migration above the bit where you're using EF, in reality that won't have actually run yet.
If you cannot refactor your calculation code so it can be written in SQL, then you would need to use some mechanism other than migrations to run this change. One possibility would be to use the Seed method in your configuration, but you would need to be aware that this does not keep track of whether the change has been run or not. For example...
internal sealed class Configuration : DbMigrationsConfiguration<MyContext>
public Configuration()
AutomaticMigrationsEnabled = false;
protected override void Seed(MyContext context)
// Code here runs any time ANY migration is performed...
I tried replacing the EntityFramework code with regular ADO.NET code and it seems to work. Here is what it looks like:
public override void Up()
Dictionary<long, string> idToNewVal = new Dictionary<long, string>();
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("..."))
using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT SomeID, SomeField FROM SomeTable", conn))
SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
//loop through all fields, calculating the new value and storing it with the row ID
while (reader.Read())
long id = Convert.ToInt64(reader["SomeID"]);
string initialValue = Convert.ToString(reader["SomeField"]);
idToNewVal[id] = DoSomeCalculation(initialValue);
//update each row with the new value
foreach (long id in idToNewVal.Keys)
string newVal = idToNewVal[id];
Sql(string.Format("UPDATE SomeTable SET SomeField = '{0}' WHERE SomeID = {1}", newVal, id));

How to recreate migrations from scratch

I recently upgraded from EF6 alpha 1-3 to EF6 beta 1. This meant that I had to recreate all the migrations created using the alpha version.
So I tried to roll back to a migration created using EF5. But I hit the error Introducing FOREIGN KEY constraint on table may cause cycles or multiple cascade paths. I figure this is because I had neglected to fix Down migrations when I was fixing Up migrations for exactly the same problem. (Should have read this before)
Anyway, rather than try to fix it all up I am trying to reset all the migrations - as described here. I deleted my migrations table in the database and all migration .cs files, then in package manager Enable-Migrations -EnableAutomaticMigrations -Force and Add-Migration Initial
When I tried to run my application with my existing database initialiser (which has automatic migrations false) it failed because it tried to create tables that were already there. So I changed my initialiser to Database.SetInitializer(new DropCreateDatabaseAlways<MyContext>())
This time I got the Introducing FOREIGN KEY constraint on table may cause cycles or multiple cascade paths problem again during initialisation
So I changed ALL the cascadeDelete: true to cascadeDelete: false in the migration file
But I still get the same error!
Update 1 I removed all but the creation of 1 table in the migration file but I got the same error. There must be some kind of cache somewhere or it's picking up a file I don't know about or it's generating its own migration in the background
Update 2 I figured that when using DropCreateDatabaseAlways that EF must always generate the migrations and also that changing cascadeDelete to false in the migration file is the wrong place to do it. It should be done in the FluentAPI. So I added this line modelBuilder.Conventions.Remove<OneToManyCascadeDeleteConvention>(); to onmodelcreating. And I also deleted the Initial migration file. Then I ran the application and it correctly generated a database. I thought I'd cracked it but....
I changed initialisation to use my original configuration file:
internal sealed class Configuration : DbMigrationsConfiguration<SID2013Context>
public Configuration()
AutomaticMigrationsEnabled = false;
AutomaticMigrationDataLossAllowed = true;
protected override void Seed(etc..
Then I ran the application and it reported that the model had changed. So I did Add-Migration Update-Database and a migration file to create the database was created.
The problem now is that when I run the application it tries to run another update (even though AutomaticMigrationsEnabled = false). I get the "There is already an object named 'xxx' in the database" problem again. There is an entry in the migrations table that does not match the name of the configuration file.
If you would like to start work "code first migration" using an existing database, you can do the following:
I run the add-migration "InitialMigrations".
It explores the existing database and make it a migration step.
temporarily delete the contents of the "InitialMigrations" step:
public partial class InitialMigrations : DbMigration {
public override void Up()
public override void Down()
I run the update-database
This creates the appropriate entries in the table __MigrationHistory.
Restores the contents of the "InitialMigration" Go to work properly on an empty database.
That's it.
update: initializer
As I understand it, the 'DropCreateDatabaseAlways' always delete and create the database. This can only be used for the very first installation. If you have a working installation launchpad, you erase all data. That is why I hazardous.
I based on this article:… my own Initializer I'm using. I'll write.
The seed is definitely executed, so this method yields the same result, but it works even if you do not run installation, but run upgrade.
public partial class MyEntities : DbContext
static MyEntities()
Database.SetInitializer<MyEntities>(new ValidateDatabase<MyEntities>());
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TContext"></typeparam>
public class ValidateDatabase<TContext> : IDatabaseInitializer<TContext>
where TContext : DbContext
public void InitializeDatabase(TContext context)
if (!context.Database.Exists())
throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(
"Database does not exist");
if (!context.Database.CompatibleWithModel(true))
var cfg = new Migrations.Configuration();
var migrator = new DbMigrator(cfg);
///Last in the db, (first, the reverse order)
var dbLast = migrator.GetDatabaseMigrations().FirstOrDefault();
///last in the app
var appLast = migrator.GetLocalMigrations().LastOrDefault();
///what is missing
var pendings = string.Join(", ", migrator.GetPendingMigrations());
throw new InvalidOperationException(
string.Format("The database ({0}) is not compatible with the entity model ({1}). Pending migrations: {2}",
dbLast, appLast, pendings));
update: setup
Installation I'm using something like this:
I finally fixed this by dropping the database manually then running the application with the original MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion initializer. I had not realised that this would create the database if it did not exist and there was no need to use a DropCreateDatabaseAlways initializer then change to MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion