Rule for obsolete CSS properties? - stylelint

I'm looking for a Stylelint (and/or ESLint) plugin/rule that has a rule for avoiding the usage of obsolete CSS properties like grid-row-gap.
I'd like to believe someone already made this, but I couldn't find anything like it via Google, GitHub, or npm.
A plugin that also does the same for [warning] when using experimental properties/selectors would also be welcomed (e.g. :focus-visible).

Recently I started to develop a collection of rules in this plugin.
npm install #isnotdefined/stylelint-plugin
Refer the plugins and rules inside your .stylelintrc file:
"#isnotdefined/no-obsolete": true
At this point I need assistence to find more obsolete properties and values. Just in case someone knows a public list - let me know.


Cannot find module 'vscode' - Missing VSCode engine declaration in package.json

I'm developing a VSCode extension (package.json) and I get the "Error: Cannot find module 'vscode'" whenever I run it.
I've already tried running
npm install
and it did not help.
When I run
node ./node_modules/vscode/bin/install
I get "Error installing vscode.d.ts: Missing VSCode engine declaration in package.json.".
Remove the "vscode" dev dependency. No idea what that is for.
Your package.json is out of date, and is still using a deprecated definition. This has been changed, if I remember correctly, a couple of years ago.
You should update your dependency to something like
"devDependencies": {
"#types/vscode": "^1.73.0"
And don't forget to update the engines entry as well, to reflect the minimun VS Code version your extension will support.
"engines": {
"vscode": "^1.73.0"
Hope this helps
I'm not sure what it is yet, and I'll be back if I figure it out, but I'm assuming this is expecting to be run in VS Code, and I'm not doing that. I'm trying to create an LSP client outside of VS Code, and I think thats the rub.

vscode extension: how to prevent development-related fields automatically added to package.json

A few times in vscode extension development vscode has automatically added information to the extension's package.json that obviously seems related to development and debugging that extension.
Note: that the Marketplace Released version of the extension is also installed in the same workspaces used for debugging in the extensionHost. Could that be the issue?
The following fields were automatically added to the extension's package.json:
"identifier": {
"value": "ArturoDent.find-and-transform",
"_lower": "arturodent.find-and-transform"
"isBuiltin": false,
"isUserBuiltin": false,
"isUnderDevelopment": true,
"extensionLocation": {
"$mid": 1,
"fsPath": "c:\\Users\\Mark\\find-and-transform",
"_sep": 1,
"external": "file:///c%3A/Users/Mark/find-and-transform",
"path": "/c:/Users/Mark/find-and-transform",
"scheme": "file"
"targetPlatform": "undefined",
I missed looking for these changes and published the extension to the Marketplace and it understandably causes problems for users. The extension never loads for example, probably looking in that location from my development machine.
I do a lot of extension development and have only seen this info automatically added a few times.
Is there a way to prevent that info from being added? Or change my workflow so it doesn't happen again?
A closely related issue was reported at vscode extension test run modifies package.json after 1.67.0, where extra metdata was being written to package.json without warning and causing all kinds of problems.
The current SO question above here had nothing to do with running tests (as in the github issue) but only with debugging and was quite sporadic and difficult to make recur - but the same metadata was being written to package.json.
I have filed a new issue on this: Extraneous data written to package.json while debugging an extension that writes to package.json

Extension warning in VS code

I get this warning when opening a fresh-new NativeScript (Angular) in VS code.
The below 1 extension(s) in workspace recommendations have issues: telerik.nativescript (not found in marketplace)
Should I ignore the warning or delete telerik.nativescript in the extension.json while I develop the app?
I have also been getting this notification wondering what it was after creating a new NativeScript Angular project. It seems like NativeScript is trying to recommend their NativeScript extension in VSCode
I don't have this recommendation or extensions.json file on my older projects so I'm sure you can delete the file/recommendations and decide for yourself if you want to install their extension without affecting your project.
"recommendations": []
I think that this extension was probably renamed from "telerik.nativescript" to "NativeScript.nativescript" because in my case:
I was having the same problem described above "not found in marketplace"
I had an (old) nativescript extension already installed on my system (probably installed a year ago)
The VSCODE was kind of confused... checking the installed extensions was pointing me to the new one, but at the same time was telling me that it was not installed!?
VSCODE: Extensions: NativeScript => [Unistall] followed by a [Install]
Source Code: "recommendations" changed "telerik.nativescript" to "NativeScript.nativescript"
Now everything seems to be in order.
Just to add some more detail, the file that needs to be changed in your NativeScript projects is ".vscode\extensions.json"
The code needs to be changed from:
"recommendations": [
"recommendations": [
#antseq is correct that the extension was renamed from "telerik.nativescript" to "NativeScript.nativescript".

I want to use the Babel plug-in: optional-chaining, but the vscode console prompted me incorrectly. How can I solve this problem?

I created a new project with the create-react-app scaffold, and then I wanted to use the optional-chaining plug-in of babel. I installed the package according to the document and configured it, but vscode prompted grammatical errors. What can help me? please.
this is my package.json.
this is the problem:
If you are using CRA there is probably no way instead of ejecting project and applying Babel presets manually (according to
However, if you are decided to use eject there should be able to add plugin to babel config which is described here Probably applying stage-0 preset of Babel ( can also be a solution.
Edit: see also Null-safe property access (and conditional assignment) in ES6/2015
The error you are seeing is from Visual Studio Code's built-in JavaScript and/or TypeScript validator. In order to circumvent this, add this to your vscode settings.json file:
"javascript.validate.enable": false
Additionally you can disable the built-in TypeScript validator like this:
"typescript.validate.enable": false
Once those are disabled, eslint will take over and show you the proper errors when applicable.

How can I configure autocomplete for project in Brackets?

I'm using Brackets for development applications on the Node.JS. As I know Brackets relies on the TernJS library. When I add the root of the project file named .tern-project with the following lines, I do not see any change in the autocomplete.
"libs": [],
"plugins": {
"node": {}
After that I still see hints for browser, JQuery hints, AngularJS hints, etc. How can I configure TernJS for project(directory) in Brackets?
I've found the ternific plugin to work pretty well for per project tern configuration.