Open a modal page inside another modal page without closing parent modal page in oracle apex 20.1 - modal-dialog

I have two modal pages not inline modal pages those are two separated pages page A and page B. Inside page A there is a link to open page B. When open page B, page A will be closed. How do I avoid it.? I open the page B with option "Redirect into page in this application". I tried "Chained" disabled. But it didn't work. May be because of they are two separated pages.

You have to turn off this option in both dialog pages


How to build a multistep Drupal 7 form with a Bootstrap popup?

I have a multistep Drupal 7 form. I'd like to show it in a Bootstrap Popup.
This form works fine on a normal page however when I put it into a Bootstrap popup it closes the popup when the first button is pressed.
I use drupal_render(drupal_get_form('MYFORMNAME_form')) to put the form into the popup body.
How can I make this multistep form work properly in the popup?
when you say bootstrap popup, do you mean a modal window ( Modals in bootstrap are defined inside the body of the page and just hidden/shown as needed. If you want one to act as its own window, you need an iframe in it, because submitting the form will not trigger whatever mechanism you put in place to show the modal dialog in the first place.
Another option is to use code to re-show the modal, with the form at whatever stage it is at, with each page load (next button, etc.)
A last option is to do all of the form navigation via AJAX. Then you don't ever need to put the form inside an iframe nor include code to re-show the modal with each submission of the form, since the page never gets refreshed.
IMHO the iframe is easiest, and a decent option if you don't have any qualms about iframes. You just need to place the form in a separate page and include it inside the iframe. Some theming work will enable you to turn off the normal page chrome that will make your modal look like a miniature version of your site -- you probably don't want your header, navbar, footer, etc. inside the modal.
You could use the Popup forms module. It claims:
Works well with multi-step forms. Just don't add [the] "Next" button id to
[the] 'close_buttons' array to keep [the] popup open [when navigating between steps].
This solution is not using a Boostrap Modal ("Bootstrap popup") though rather a jQuery UI dialog. It requires a bit of custom coding to use this module. Example code is provided on the project page.

What is the difference between disable a page and hide the page in the meu into Typo3 CMS?

I am pretty new in Typo3 world (I came from Joomla and WordPress) and I have a doubt related to well understand what is the difference between disable a page and hide the page in the menu in Typo3.
I have create a new test page and I don't want that now it appears in my left main menu.
So I click on the Access tab of this page settings and I tick the Hide (In Menus) "checkbox" so the page exist (I can access and see it using its URL) but don't appear in my main menu.
This is pretty simple but, near to the previous options, I also find the Disable (Page) checkbox. So I have try to tick this checkbox (instead of Hide (In Menus)) and happens something that I did not expect:
My test page appear again in my left main menu (I have no hide it but if I thought that if I disable a page, it is as if this page does not exist, evidently the typo3 operating logic is different from what I expect)
If, in my left main menu, I click on my test page link: the page is open but on the right top corner on the page appear to me the following textual message PREVIEW!
What it mean? I am logged as administrator, maybe the normal visitor can't see the disabled pages whereas administrator\editor see these pages? Or what?
Disable page = Nobody can see the page. The page is removed from the menu and it can't be accessed with the URL. You see it because you're logged into the backend. That is also why you see the red sticker 'Preview', because it is a preview.
Hide in menu = Page is hidden from the menu and the sitemap, however, it can be accessed with the URL.
Check the following documentation:
There is a very short mapping between TYPO3 and Joomla:
TYPO3 "disable" = Joomla "Unpublish Article"
TYPO3 "hide" = Joomla "Unpublish Menu Item"

How to add custom button to facebook homepage

I am not sure what the correct way to ask this question is.
I will post a screen capture and let that assist me.
Notice the bottom of the screen capture. There is a row of buttons. They are Pictures, Likes, and BookNow buttons. How are buttons added to that location? What is the name of that portion of the screen? How can I add a button like the BookNow button?
These buttons are called Tabs which are displayed on a Facebook Page. There are few tabs provided by Facebook that a Page Admin can add to his page like Events Tab, Videos Tab, Photos Tab and Likes Tab.
Page Admins can additionally install other custom or available Page Tabs as per the requirement to increase the User's engagement with the Page. BookNow! App in your attached screenshot is a custom Page Tab that the Page has installed to allow other Page Admins to add the same to their Business Pages.
To add a custom Page Tab to your Business page you need to invoke the Add Page Tab Dialog box and select the Page from the list of Pages that your administer to add the Page Tab.

Coda Slider Tab Navigation

I am using Coda-Slider for my website and I want to know if there is a way to change the content of each tab. For example, the user navigates onto tab2 where I placed a link to redirect the user to another page. Is there a way NOT to navigate away from the page nor the tab but instead load the link inside the tab? I was thinking it would look something like a modal box that would stay inside the tab instead of popping up.
see 19. Coda-Slider Sliding Tabs or you might want to try 35. JQuery IDTabs if you want the effect to be non-intrusive

How are the facebook chat windows implemented?

On Facebook you can browse the site without affecting the floating chat windows. Seems like if the main page was inside an iFrame and the footer and chat windows where floating outside.
Is the main content inside an iframe or are the footer and chat windows the ones inside an iframe?
The later doesn't seem possible because int this case when you click in a link in the main page everything would have to reload, including the footer iframe.
If you refresh the page the chat windows are reloaded, but if you browse the site by clicking links they are not.
Thank you.
If you install FireBug and enable the net monitor for Facebook, you'll see that when you click most links inside the application, you're not doing a full page refresh, but rather an AJAX call which updates the page with the new content.
It looks like a new page, but in reality you're on the same page with just about everything but the chat-bar replaced.
Probobly just an absolutely positioned div, containing a scrolling div for the content. Ajax would provide the content.
The chat windows do indeed refresh when you load a new page, they maintain their viewstate however (open/close/chat history).
It's an absolutely positioned div, positioned at the bottom of your browser window. It's not hard, I cloned the Facebook chat for ClockingIT from scratch in a weekend.