Add errorbar to gscatter Matlab - matlab

I want to add a known error bar (vertical) for each x data for the gscatter function. I have plotted the grouped scatter (to specify the colour) with calculated mean. How should I do?
This is my current code
Mydata = readable ('D:\Download\Book1.xlsv);
y = Mydata.Y;
x = Mydata.X;
g = Mydata.Category
size = 10
h = gcatter (x,y,g,'rkgb','X',size);

I don't think that Matlab's scatterplot supports errorbars from within the scatter function itself. I think that some more manual work should be done. Here is a working example with 2 categories, made simple with a loop (you can apply this to much more than just 2 categories)
Y = [4,3,4,2,10,9,11]; % some invented Y data
X = [1,2,3,7,6,9,8]; % some invented X data
groups = [0, 1]; % 2 groups/categories
G = [0,0,0,1,1,1,1]; % categories of data
E = [0.1, 0.4, 0.2, 0.5, 0.9, 0.7, 1]; % errors
colors = {'r', 'k'};
figure, gscatter (X,Y,G,'rk','X',10);
hold on
for i = 1:length(groups)


Easy logaritmic curve fitting

I am trying to model some measures (lux, ohm) that behave as a logarithmic function.
In order to do it, I've tried to model it with MATLAB by projecting the real values using natural logarithms, then use polyfit to get a linear expression. Then, I want to isolate the variable lux.
What I have so far is:
% Original values from spreadsheet
lux = [1, 5, 10, 50, 100]';
ohm = [100, 35, 25, 8, 6]';
% Logaritmic fitting
x_ = log(lux);
y_ = log(ohm);
p = polyfit(x_,y_,1)
x1 = linspace(x_(1), x_(end), 1000);
y1 = polyval(p,x1);
hold on;
plot(x1,y1, 'r');
hold on;
% Get expression
% y = -0.6212x + 4.5944
% log(ohm) = -0.6212 * log(lux) + 4.5944
lfun = #(ohm, a, b) ((ohm/exp(b)).^(1/a));
a = p(1);
b = p(2);
t = linspace(1,100,100);
plot(log(t), log(lfun(t, a, b)), '--g');
hold off;
Since I got p = -0.6212 4.5944, I assume that the equation is log(ohm) = -0.6212 * log(lux) + 4.5944. Isolating the variable lux results in:
lux = (ohm / exp(4.5944) ).^(-1/0.6212)
However, as can be seen in the green line, it is not working!
What am I doing wrong?
You're doing everything right except for the plotting, in the first plot you defined the x-axis to be log(lux) and the y-axis to be log(ohm), but to adhere to that in the second case you need to flip the arguments:
plot(log(lfun(t, a, b)), log(t), '--g')
t refers to 'ohm' and must therefore be displayed on the y-axis to coincide with the first plot.

Producing a histogram in Matlab with out using Hist

I am using histograms in Matlab to look at the distribution of some data from my experiments. I want to find the mean distribution (mean height of the bars) from a group of tests then produce an average histogram.
By using this code:
data = zeros(26,31);
for i = 1:length(files6)
x = csvread(files6(i).name);
x = x(1:end,:);
time = x(:,1);
variable = x(:,3);
thing(:,1) = x(:,1);
thing(:,2) = x(:,3);
binCenter = {0:tbinstep:tbinend 0:varbinstep:varbinend};
hist3(thing, 'Ctrs', binCenter, 'CDataMode','auto','FaceColor','interp');
[N,C] = hist3(thing, 'Ctrs', binCenter);
data = data + N;
clearvars x time variable
avedata = data / i;
I can find the mean of N, which will be the Z value for the plot (histogram) I want, and I have X,Y (which are the same for all tests) from:
x = 0:tbinstep:tbinend;
y = 0:varbinstep:varbinend;
But how do I bring these together to make the graphical out that shows the average height of the bars? I can't use hist3 again as that will just calculate the distribution of avedata.
AT THE RISK OF STARTING AN XY PROBLEM using bar3 has been suggested, but that asks the question "how do I go from 2 vectors and a matrix to 1 matrix bar3 can handle? I.e. how do I plot x(1), y(1), avedata(1,1) and so on for all the data points in avedata?"
By looking at hist3 source code in matlab r2014b, it has his own plotting implemented inside that prepares data and plot it using surf method. Here is a function that reproduce the same output highly inspired from the hist3 function with your options ('CDataMode','auto','FaceColor','interp'). You can put this in a new file called hist3plot.m:
function [ h ] = hist3plot( N, C )
%HIST3PLOT Summary of this function goes here
% Detailed explanation goes here
xBins = C{1};
yBins = C{2};
% Computing edges and width
nbins = [length(xBins), length(yBins)];
xEdges = [0.5*(3*xBins(1)-xBins(2)), 0.5*(xBins(2:end)+xBins(1:end-1)), 0.5*(3*xBins(end)-xBins(end-1))];
yEdges = [0.5*(3*yBins(1)-yBins(2)), 0.5*(yBins(2:end)+yBins(1:end-1)), 0.5*(3*yBins(end)-yBins(end-1))];
xWidth = xEdges(2:end)-xEdges(1:end-1);
yWidth = yEdges(2:end)-yEdges(1:end-1);
del = .001; % space between bars, relative to bar size
% Build x-coords for the eight corners of each bar.
xx = xEdges;
xx = [xx(1:nbins(1))+del*xWidth; xx(2:nbins(1)+1)-del*xWidth];
xx = [reshape(repmat(xx(:)',2,1),4,nbins(1)); NaN(1,nbins(1))];
xx = [repmat(xx(:),1,4) NaN(5*nbins(1),1)];
xx = repmat(xx,1,nbins(2));
% Build y-coords for the eight corners of each bar.
yy = yEdges;
yy = [yy(1:nbins(2))+del*yWidth; yy(2:nbins(2)+1)-del*yWidth];
yy = [reshape(repmat(yy(:)',2,1),4,nbins(2)); NaN(1,nbins(2))];
yy = [repmat(yy(:),1,4) NaN(5*nbins(2),1)];
yy = repmat(yy',nbins(1),1);
% Build z-coords for the eight corners of each bar.
zz = zeros(5*nbins(1), 5*nbins(2));
zz(5*(1:nbins(1))-3, 5*(1:nbins(2))-3) = N;
zz(5*(1:nbins(1))-3, 5*(1:nbins(2))-2) = N;
zz(5*(1:nbins(1))-2, 5*(1:nbins(2))-3) = N;
zz(5*(1:nbins(1))-2, 5*(1:nbins(2))-2) = N;
% Plot the bars in a light steel blue.
cc = repmat(cat(3,.75,.85,.95), [size(zz) 1]);
% Plot the surface
h = surf(xx, yy, zz, cc, 'CDataMode','auto','FaceColor','interp');
% Setting x-axis and y-axis limits
xlim([yBins(1)-yWidth(1) yBins(end)+yWidth(end)]) % x-axis limit
ylim([xBins(1)-xWidth(1) xBins(end)+xWidth(end)]) % y-axis limit
You can then call this function when you want to plot outputs from Matlab's hist3 function. Note that this can handle non uniform positionning of bins:
close all; clear all;
data = rand(10000,2);
xBins = [0,0.1,0.3,0.5,0.6,0.8,1];
yBins = [0,0.1,0.3,0.5,0.6,0.8,1];
hist3(data, {xBins yBins}, 'CDataMode','auto','FaceColor','interp')
title('Using hist3')
[N,C] = hist3(data, {xBins yBins});
hist3plot(N, C); % The function is called here
title('Using hist3plot')
Here is a comparison of the two outputs:
So if I understand your question and code correctly, you are plotting the distribution of multiple experiments' data as histograms, then you want to calculate the average shape of all the previous histograms.
I usually avoid giving approaches the asker isn't explicitly asking for, but for this one I must comment that it is a very strange thing to do. I've never heard of calculating the average shape of multiple histograms before. So just in case, you could simply append all your experiment's data into a single variable, and plot a normalized histogram of that using histogram2. This code outputs a relative frequency histogram. (Other normalization methods)
% Append all data in a single matrix
x = []
for i = 1:length(files6)
x = [x; csvread(files6(i).name)];
% Plot normalized bivariate histogram, normalized
xEdges = 0:tbinstep:tbinend;
yEdges = 0:varbinstep:varbinend;
histogram2(x(:,1), x(:,3), xEdges, yEdges, 'Normalize', 'Probability')
Now, if you really are looking to draw the average shape of multiple histograms, then yes, use bar3. Since bar3 doesn't accept an (x,y) value argument, you can follow the other answer, or modify the XTickLabel and YTickLabel property to match whatever your bin range is, afterwards.
... % data = yourAverageData;
% Save axis handle to `h`
h = bar3(data);
% Set property of axis
h.XTickLabels = 0:tbinstep:tbinend;
h.YTickLabels = 0:varbinstep:varbinend;

Matlab: patch area between two curves which depend on the curves values

I'm trying to fill an area between two curves with respect to a function which depends on the values of the curves.
Here is the code of what I've managed to do so far
cc = #(xx,x,y) 1./(1+(exp(-xx)/(exp(-x)-exp(-y))));
n_vec = 2:0.1:10;
x_vec = linspace(2,10,length(n_vec));
y_vec = abs(sin(n_vec));
hold on
hp = patch(N,X,'b')
plot([n_vec(i) n_vec(i)],[x_vec(i),y_vec(i)],'linewidth',5)
xlabel('n'); ylabel('x')
xx = linspace(y_vec(i),x_vec(i),100);
xlabel('x'); ylabel('c(x)')
This code produces the following graph
The color code which I've added represent the color coding that each line (along the y axis at a point on the x axis) from the area between the two curves should be.
Overall, the entire area should be filled with a gradient color which depends on the values of the curves.
I've assisted the following previous questions but could not resolve a solution
MATLAB fill area between lines
Patch circle by a color gradient
Filling between two curves, according to a colormap given by a function MATLAB
NOTE: there is no importance to the functional form of the curves, I would prefer an answer which refers to two general arrays which consist the curves.
The surf plot method
The same as the scatter plot method, i.e. generate a point grid.
y = [x_vec(:); y_vec(:)];
resolution = [500,500];
px = linspace(min(n_vec), max(n_vec), resolution(1));
py = linspace(min(y), max(y), resolution(2));
[px, py] = meshgrid(px, py);
Generate a logical array indicating whether the points are inside the polygon, but no need to extract the points:
in = inpolygon(px, py, N, X);
Generate Z. The value of Z indicates the color to use for the surface plot. Hence, it is generated using the your function cc.
pz = 1./(1+(exp(-py_)/(exp(-y_vec(i))-exp(-x_vec(i)))));
pz = repmat(pz',1,resolution(2));
Set Z values for points outside the area of interest to NaN so MATLAB won't plot them.
pz(~in) = nan;
Generate a bounded colourmap (delete if you want to use full colour range)
% generate colormap
c = jet(100);
[s,l] = bounds(pz,'all');
s = round(s*100);
l = round(l*100);
if s ~= 0
c(1:s,:) = [];
if l ~= 100
c(l:100,:) = [];
Finally, plot.
view(2) % x-y view
Feel free to turn the image arround to see how it looks like in the Z-dimention - beautiful :)
Full code to test:
cc = #(xx,x,y) 1./(1+(exp(-xx)/(exp(-x)-exp(-y))));
n_vec = 2:0.1:10;
x_vec = linspace(2,10,length(n_vec));
y_vec = abs(sin(n_vec));
% generate grid
y = [x_vec(:); y_vec(:)];
resolution = [500,500];
px_ = linspace(min(n_vec), max(n_vec), resolution(1));
py_ = linspace(min(y), max(y), resolution(2));
[px, py] = meshgrid(px_, py_);
% extract points
in = inpolygon(px, py, N, X);
% generate z
pz = 1./(1+(exp(-py_)/(exp(-y_vec(i))-exp(-x_vec(i)))));
pz = repmat(pz',1,resolution(2));
pz(~in) = nan;
% generate colormap
c = jet(100);
[s,l] = bounds(pz,'all');
s = round(s*100);
l = round(l*100);
if s ~= 0
c(1:s,:) = [];
if l ~= 100
c(l:100,:) = [];
% plot
You can use imagesc and meshgrids. See comments in the code to understand what's going on.
Downsample your data
% your initial upper and lower boundaries
n_vec_long = linspace(2,10,1000000);
f_ub_vec_long = linspace(2, 10, length(n_vec_long));
f_lb_vec_long = abs(sin(n_vec_long));
% downsample
n_vec = linspace(n_vec_long(1), n_vec_long(end), 1000); % for example, only 1000 points
% get upper and lower boundary values for n_vec
f_ub_vec = interp1(n_vec_long, f_ub_vec_long, n_vec);
f_lb_vec = interp1(n_vec_long, f_lb_vec_long, n_vec);
% x_vec for the color function
x_vec = 0:0.01:10;
Plot the data
% create a 2D matrix with N and X position
[N, X] = meshgrid(n_vec, x_vec);
% evaluate the upper and lower boundary functions at n_vec
% can be any function at n you want (not tested for crossing boundaries though...)
f_ub_vec = linspace(2, 10, length(n_vec));
f_lb_vec = abs(sin(n_vec));
% make these row vectors into matrices, to create a boolean mask
F_UB = repmat(f_ub_vec, [size(N, 1) 1]);
F_LB = repmat(f_lb_vec, [size(N, 1) 1]);
% create a mask based on the upper and lower boundary functions
mask = true(size(N));
mask(X > F_UB | X < F_LB) = false;
% create data matrix
Z = NaN(size(N));
% create function that evaluates the color profile for each defined value
% in the vectors with the lower and upper bounds
zc = #(X, ub, lb) 1 ./ (1 + (exp(-X) ./ (exp(-ub) - exp(-lb))));
CData = zc(X, f_lb_vec, f_ub_vec); % create the c(x) at all X
% put the CData in Z, but only between the lower and upper bound.
Z(mask) = CData(mask);
% normalize Z along 1st dim
Z = normalize(Z, 1, 'range'); % get all values between 0 and 1 for colorbar
% draw a figure!
figure(1); clf;
ax = axes; % create some axes
sc = imagesc(ax, n_vec, x_vec, Z); % plot the data
ax.YDir = 'normal' % set the YDir to normal again, imagesc reverses it by default;
This already looks kinda like what you want, but let's get rid of the blue area outside the boundaries. This can be done by creating an 'alpha mask', i.e. set the alpha value for all pixels outside the previously defined mask to 0:
figure(2); clf;
ax = axes; % create some axes
hold on;
sc = imagesc(ax, n_vec, x_vec, Z); % plot the data
ax.YDir = 'normal' % set the YDir to normal again, imagesc reverses it by default;
% set a colormap
% set alpha for points outside mask
Calpha = ones(size(N));
Calpha(~mask) = 0;
sc.AlphaData = Calpha;
% plot the other lines
plot(n_vec, f_ub_vec, 'k', n_vec, f_lb_vec, 'k' ,'linewidth', 1)
% set axis limits
xlim([min(n_vec), max(n_vec)])
ylim([min(x_vec), max(x_vec)])
there is no importance to the functional form of the curves, I would prefer an answer which refers to two general arrays which consist the curves.
It is difficult to achieve this using patch.
However, you may use scatter plots to "fill" the area with coloured dots. Alternatively, and probably better, use surf plot and generate z coordinates using your cc function (See my seperate solution).
The scatter plot method
First, make a grid of points (resolution 500*500) inside the rectangular space bounding the two curves.
y = [x_vec(:); y_vec(:)];
resolution = [500,500];
px = linspace(min(n_vec), max(n_vec), resolution(1));
py = linspace(min(y), max(y), resolution(2));
[px, py] = meshgrid(px, py);
scatter(px(:), py(:), 1, 'r');
The not-interesting figure of the point grid:
Next, extract the points inside the polygon defined by the two curves.
in = inpolygon(px, py, N, X);
px = px(in);
py = py(in);
hold on;
scatter(px, py, 1, 'k');
Black points are inside the area:
Finally, create color and plot the nice looking gradient colour figure.
% create color for the points
cid = 1./(1+(exp(-py)/(exp(-y_vec(i))-exp(-x_vec(i)))));
c = jet(101);
c = c(round(cid*100)+1,:); % +1 to avoid zero indexing
% plot
scatter(px,py,16,c,'filled','s'); % use size 16, filled square markers.
Note that you may need a fairly dense grid of points to make sure the white background won't show up. You may also change the point size to a bigger value (won't impact performance).
Of cause, you may use patch to replace scatter but you will need to work out the vertices and face ids, then you may patch each faces separately with patch('Faces',F,'Vertices',V). Using patch this way may impact performance.
Complete code to test:
cc = #(xx,x,y) 1./(1+(exp(-xx)/(exp(-x)-exp(-y))));
n_vec = 2:0.1:10;
x_vec = linspace(2,10,length(n_vec));
y_vec = abs(sin(n_vec));
% generate point grid
y = [x_vec(:); y_vec(:)];
resolution = [500,500];
px_ = linspace(min(n_vec), max(n_vec), resolution(1));
py_ = linspace(min(y), max(y), resolution(2));
[px, py] = meshgrid(px_, py_);
% extract points
in = inpolygon(px, py, N, X);
px = px(in);
py = py(in);
% generate color
cid = 1./(1+(exp(-py)/(exp(-y_vec(i))-exp(-x_vec(i)))));
c = jet(101);
c = c(round(cid*100)+1,:); % +1 to avoid zero indexing
% plot

How to superimpose two contour maps onto each other in matlab?

I have two contour maps in Matlab and each of the two maps has a single curve specifying a single Z-value. I want to super impose the two contour maps so that I can find the single solution where the two z-value curves intersect. How could I go about super imposing the two contour maps?
% the two contour maps are coded the exact same way, but with different z-values
x = 0.05:0.05:1;
y = 0.0:0.05:1;
[X, Y] = meshgrid(x, y);
% Z-value data is copied from excel and pasted into an array
Z = [data]
contourf(X, Y, Z);
pcolor(X, Y, Z); hold on
shading interp
val = %z-value to plot onto colormap
tol = %tolerance
idxZval = (Z <= val+tol) & (Z >= val-tol);
plot(X(idxZval), Y(idxZval))[enter image description here][1]
The end result you seek is possible using contourc or using contour specifying the same contours (isolines).
This answer extends this answer in Approach 1 using contourc and provides a simple solution with contour in Approach 2.
You might ask "Why Approach 1 when Approach 2 is so simple?"
Approach 1 provides a way to directly access the individual isolines in the event you require a numerical approach to searching for intersections.
Approach 1
Example Data:
% MATLAB R2018b
x = 0:0.01:1;
y = 0:0.01:1;
[X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y);
Z = sqrt(X.^3+Y); % Placeholder 1
W = sqrt(X.*Y + X.^2 + Y.^(2/3)); % Placeholder 2
Overlay Single Isoline from 2 Contour Plots
Mimicking this answer and using
v = [.5 0.75 .85 1]; % Values of Z to plot isolines
we can visualize these two functions, Z, and W, respectively.
We can overlay the isolines since they share the same (x,y) domain. For example, they both equal 0.8 as displayed below.
val = 0.8; % Isoline value to plot (for Z & W)
Ck = contourc(x,y,Z,[val val]);
Ck2 = contourc(x,y,W,[val val]);
figure, hold on, box on
plot(Ck(1,2:end),Ck(2,2:end),'k-','LineWidth',2,'DisplayName',['Z = ' num2str(val)])
plot(Ck2(1,2:end),Ck2(2,2:end),'b-','LineWidth',2,'DisplayName',['W = ' num2str(val)])
Overlay Multiple Isolines from 2 Contour Plots
We can also do this for more isolines at a time.
v = [1 0.5]; % Isoline values to plot (for Z & W)
figure, hold on, box on
for k = 1:length(v)
Ck = contourc(x,y,Z,[v(k) v(k)]);
Ck2 = contourc(x,y,W,[v(k) v(k)]);
p(k) = plot(Ck(1,2:end),Ck(2,2:end),'k-','LineWidth',2,'DisplayName',['Z = ' num2str(v(k))]);
p2(k) = plot(Ck2(1,2:end),Ck2(2,2:end),'b-','LineWidth',2,'DisplayName',['W = ' num2str(v(k))]);
p(2).LineStyle = '--';
p2(2).LineStyle = '--';
Approach 2
Without making it pretty...
% Single Isoline
val = 1.2;
contour(X,Y,Z,val), hold on
% Multiple Isolines
v = [.5 0.75 .85 1];
contour(X,Y,Z,v), hold on
It is straightforward to clean these up for presentation. If val is a scalar (single number), then c1 = contour(X,Y,Z,val); and c2 = contour(X,Y,W,val) gives access to the isoline for each contour plot.

How to plot a intersection operation on two vectors MatLab

I'm trying to represent a the intersection of two fuzzy sets as a 3d mesh in MatLab.
Here are my sets of vectors:
x = [0.3 0.5 0.7]
y = [0.5 0.7 0.1]
Followed by these statements:
[u,v] = meshgrid(x,y)
w = min(u,v)
The x and y ticks seem to be all over the place and do not correlate to the actual index number of each vector i.e. 1 to 3, and the graph should represent the shape of a small triangle/T-norm.
At the moment it looks like this:
Here is an example out of my book I'm following:
Ignore what looks like fractions, they are delimiters. Here is the resulting graph:
After looking up fuzzy sets and intersections, here's what I've come up with. First, let's reproduce the textbook example:
% possible values and associated degrees of truth for F
Fv = 1 : 5;
Ft = [0 0.5 1 0.5 0];
% possible values and associated degrees of truth for D
Dv = 2 : 4;
Dt = [0 1 0];
% determine degrees of truth for fuzzy intersection
It = bsxfun(#min, Ft', Dt);
% plot
h = mesh(Dv, Fv, It);
set(h, 'FaceColor', 'none')
set(h, 'EdgeColor', 'k')
xlim([0 4.5])
ylim([0 5])
xlabel D
ylabel F
view(37.5, 30)
The result is:
Not as pretty as in your book, but the same thing.
Applying the same code to your example yields:
Via the arguments u,v you are telling mesh to use the values in them, i.e. the values from x and y, for the positioning of the data points and corresponding ticks. If you just want positions and ticks at 1, 2, 3, leave these arguments out.