Grafana Table next/previous/number per page possible? - grafana

I need help! I also reported this on grafana community. I hope someone has this experience with me here.
I have a table with couple of rows (per day) with LCD gauge cell display mode each columns. As the Dates grows, it will pile up and they will scroll up/down to it. (Refer to screenshot below)
Would it be possible to group it by 7 or 10 per page/view or depending on the value set? And just have the Next/Previous button for other page, and at the same time still has cell display mode applied?
Im looking at the DataTable Panel, but it doesn’t support the cell display mode (like LCD gauge).
Looking forward for some of your answers. Thanks!

Thanks for confirming the version; so paginations i.e. setting up rows per page was definitely an option in pre v7 table panel but it seems they have dropped the support in v7.
check this link pls -


Printing Multiple Columns on Crystal Reports

First of all, my Crystal Reports is in Portuguese which is my mother language. So I am sorry in advance.
I am trying to use Mailing Labels from Crystal Reports to have multiple columns. I was able to set it up and I do it on the Design Mode, but when I change to the Preview Mode labels won't replicate.
This is how set it on the Preview Mode:
This is how it shows on the Preview Mode:
I think I've tried everything, changed all the properties, but I can't understand why it is not working. If you look at my Section Expert of Details and even though it is in Portuguese I don't think there is nothing wrong.
Here it is the Layout properties:
I don't know if there's any tip you could give me, but I would appreciate it so much.
Change the sort direction option from vertical first and Horizontal second to Horizontal First and Vertical Second.
Make sure your report has multiple records.

Ag-grid enterprise: possibility to deselect cells in rangeselection via user interaction

I am currently using the Ag-grid enterprise angular version 20.2.0 in a project and we cannot find an option to deselect already selected cells during the range selection. In addition to that, I cannot find any information about that option in the given doc.
Is there any possibility to deselect cells with ctrl and another key or do I have to create a feature request, so that they may implement that?
Just as further information, we use the api.getRangeSelections() to process and visualize the given values in a custom status bar component. We expect that customers demand to exclude unexpected data instead of deselecting everything and restart from scratch.
Thank you in advance for your assistance :)
Very good question. After a quick research on the doc, I can recommend you to enable advance range selection, and prompt users that they can exclude their selection only if they go around the cells they want not to select.
For example:
Here above, I selected cells with 'advance range select' ( CTRL + selection ) and remained a cell none-selected. Before I start to select with range, I figure it out which one I am not going to select, so it becomes easier to manage cells to be none-selected.
Go and experience yourself with this link:

Tableau Multiple Value Filter delay update

I have a large tableau dashboard including a number of charts and Summary views and attached to these I have a number of multiple value text filters all non calculated fields.
I am trying to improve the update speed and wonder if there is a method of setting these specific filters so that the views update after the full selection is made and the user has toggled off the filter option. Currently the views update each time a option is selected from the tickbox list.
Does anyone know a method of doing this?
Thanks in advance.
Simply click the drop down arrow on the filter menu > go to “customize”, then click “show apply button”.
Abhishek Boorugu answer should work for you Dan. If you want data to be filtered before the dashboard is loaded, try Context Filters. More explanation on the same can be found here

Mark Labels Not Displaying In Tableau 2018

Others have asked this question before, but no one has provided an actual answer to it. I can't get all of the marks/labels to display in my Tableau visualizations.
Selecting "allow labels to overlap" does not fix the problem. That displays several hidden labels for the smallest of the areas, and it places those labels at the top of the bars, ignoring the formatting that sets the labels to the bottom. However, whether or not that option is checked, the empty areas in the screen shot stay empty. And those areas are clearly large enough to display the missing labels without encroaching on any other label.
I'm guessing this is a bug in Tableau because there's no reasonable explanation as to why this is happening, but I'm new to Tableau and unsure how to address this.
While I can offer no explanation, this has been a reported problem for several years. Tableau's own documentation states to check the Allow marks to overlap checkbox, yet that doesn't always work.
I don't know if it's a bug so much as it is a complicated calculation for the rendering engine to determine what will and won't fit into a space. To the human eye it will fit but it's possible the underlying calculations inside Tableau don't see it that way. I find that particularly on dual-axis charts (like yours) this happens more frequently. I've done two things to get around it when it comes up:
Change font family or font size
Put more info into the tooltips so the end user sees the data when they hover.
If you wish to pursue this as a bug, you will need to contact Tableau Support and file a case. They will ask you to submit a twbx file to reproduce the issue.
I hope that helps.
Label -> Font -> Automatic solved the problem for me
You can select individual marks, right click to pop up a menu, and specify whether to always hide or always show the labels for the selected marks (overriding the default behavior)

When using a browser in my progress application the scroll bars never work correctly

When using a browser in my progress application the scroll bars never work correctly. It will show that I can only scroll down a little but then keeping going. Is this a bug in progress or is there something I can do to fix this problem?
define query browse-4 for customer.
custNum name
/* ENABLE name */
open query browse-4 preselect each customer no-lock.
enable browse-4.
wait-for window-close of current-window.
You can adjust the MAX-DATA-GUESS property for the browse. You can get the value from NUM-RESULTS after the preselect query has been opened. Or you can set it to a suitable guesstimate without using preselect.
Keep in mind that using preselect causes every record to be read instead of just enough to fill the first browse window. That is potentially a lot of extra DB reads and network traffic just to get the scrollbars correct.
You may be confusing the scrollbar on the containing frame with the scrolling of the browse.
Do you see two boxes outlining the browse? If you add "with no-box" to your "enable" does the scrollbar that is bothering you go away?
If it does then the problem is that your containing frame (which is the default un-named frame because you have not specified a frame phrase with the ENABLE) is smaller than the browse viewport. So you are seeing a scrollbar on the FRAME, not on the BROWSE, that is trying to tell you that you can scroll the frame up and down to see the complete viewport of the browse. The browse may also scroll within that containing frame depending on how much data there is.
If you are running this code in a character (Unix) environment you should also be aware that many GUI features of the BROWSE are not available. Especially anything related to appearance. Like scrollbars.
This is a known "feature" of Openedge GUI, unfortunately.
The position of the slider on the right of the browse is not directly related to the number of records in the query, but to the "Max Data Guess" property of the browse.
You can set this value yourself in the property dialogue for the browse widget (it's just below the "query" editor, in v10 at least).
Just set it to a really big number (say 10,000) and the browse will behave as it should.
the main problem for my question is mainly ,i am deleting temptable before completing the excecution,that is the main reason for the vertical-scrollbar is not working,after eleminating this temp-table deletion statements .automatically vertical-scrollbar is working.
for each ttdummy:
delete ttdummy.