VSCode debugger pane missing Variables panel - visual-studio-code

Somehow the Variables panel in my VSCode debugger is missing as shown in the picture:
Is there any way how to turn it on again?

Right Click on any of the views in the Debug Container and select/enable the Variable view.
If you have moved it by accident to a Panel or other View Container, Right Click on the header and choose Reset Location


VSCode "Open Editors" panel not showing

I don't know what I have done but I cannot see the "Open Editors" panel in the Explorer view
I note also that clicking on the three dots (Views and More Actions...) to the right of the word Explorer at the top of the explorer panel the word Folders is greyed out
Can anyone point me to the setting I need to change in order to rectify this situation?
Just in case anyone else has the same problem here is how I resolved my issue. I won't bore you with how I discovered the solution.
Right-click in the activity bar, this will bring up a context menu with the entry for Open Editors listed but not marked with a tick
Activity bar context menu.
Clicking on "Open Editors" in this context menu brings up a new icon in the activity bar that looks like an open book
Open Editor icon
Right-clicking on this new icon reveals another context menu that includes the option to reset the location of the Open Editors panel.
Open Editor context menu
Selecting this option resolves the problem.
How I got into the problem in the first place is still difficult to ascertain. With the activity bar in its default configuration I must have dragged the "Open Editors" header to somewhere on the activity bar, that clearly removes it from the Explorer side bar but how I inadvertently right clicked this new icon and selected "Hide 'Open Editors'" without realising remains a mystery.
Go to view and click on Open View and the on Open Editors.
3 dots on extreme right hand side has an option - keep editors open --> set it to default view. Once done the open editor will be be visible on the left.
This is considering you have default vs code layout...
I am currently using version: 1.68.1
In VS Code, go to Settings and in the search box, type explorer.openEditors.visible. Set the value in the dialogue box to any number greater than 0 and you are good to go. Refer to the image below.

How to Fix Missing Breakpoints View in Visual Studio Code

For a couple weeks now, the Breakpoints View pane has gone missing and I cannot find a way to bring it back. Even the views menu in the left pane doesn't list it.
Any ideas how to restore this panel?
Language being debugged: TypeScript
VS Code Version: 1.48.0-insider
No Breakpoints options available when right-clicking top pop-up, or any sub panel pop-up:
The Breakpoints View was moved to its own Sidebar Icon which was not visible until a debugging session started. A bug has been filed: GitHub Microsoft/vscode Issue #102799.
CMD+SHIFT+P to bring up the Show Command Palette
Enter and run "Focus on Breakpoints View"
Right-Click Breakpoints header, and choose "Reset Location"
Thanks to #rioV8, #Arun205, and other forums/resources for the help working through this!!
Right click on 'Watch' tab and click on Breakpoints
Try Right Click on any View Header and see if the Breakpoint View is Hidden
If it is moved, find it in any Panel or other sidebar and Right Click View Header and choose Reset Location

VSCode SCM tab suddenly disappeared

I must have pressed a wrong combination of keys with my crooked fingers which caused the version control tab to disappear from the sidebar.
Then I found source control tab somewhere in VSCode, dragged it into the sidebar, it shows the changes, however, the icon is completely different and also it doesn't show the number of current changes.
What happened?
In the below screenshot the yellow icon is what I have for SCM now.
Thanks 🤞
I had to use the View: Reset View Locations command to solve this problem in Visual Studio Code version 1.47 (macOS - Catalina).
To do this, just press Cmd+Shift+P (macOS) or Ctrl+Shift+P (Linux/Windows), type workbench.action.resetViewLocations, then press Enter.
Release notes - May 2020 (version 1.46)
As #rioV8 commented - what solved it for me was to right click on the icon and click "Reset Location"
I am not sure what you actually dragged to the activity bar vscode is really modular in this way; hard to say without being there, but you can re-enable SCM button.
Even if you use the short cut to open the source control view (CTRL + SHIFT + G, it will disappear again after you focus out of it (when it's not enabled).
To re-enable it, right-click anywhere on the Activity Bar and select 'Source Control'
From version 1.46 it is now possible to drag and drop panels and views
If a panel/view is not in a spot you want and you want it back in its original place you can Right Click on the panel/view header and choose Reset Location.
Try right clicking on the bar and you should see a menu like the one below
recheck the source control and the icon should appear.
For people who applied the methods above but still could not see the source control panel where you could jump to editted files quickly but only the side bar, here is the way you can fix it:
After you have got the source control panel appeared, right click any available tabs you have inside the panel, such as commits, file history, branches etc. Then make sure you chose the Source Control.
If the "Source Control" panel is not on the side/activity bar or dissapeared for some reason, you check it on the "Explorer" panel. If you don't see it on the Explorer list, you can find it on the top right menu of the explorer panel. You can just check it and then it appears on the Explorer panel list.
Then you can just drag the Source Control panel and drop it on the side/activity bar. It gets back to its original place.
As of vscode v1.75 you can reset all the view locations from the Layout Control button near the upper right:

How to move Output or Terminal back into the panel in the window layout?

Recently in VS Code, somewhere around v1.42 or v1.43, we gained the ability to move around the following windows/panels that used to be stuck in the panel:
Debug Console
They could be split into multiple items in the panel itself (side-by-side or top/bottom, depending on whether the panel was at the bottom or left/right), and even dragged into the side-bar.
This was great, but after moving all of these windows to the side-bar while experimenting, I can't find any way to move them back into the panel. The panel is now empty, except for 3 dots (an ellipsis) in the upper left corner. You can still hide/show the panel, and move it left, bottom, or right, but there is nothing in it, and you can't drag anything to it. Dragging the terminal into the panel shows an icon that looks like it will successfully move (it's not the icon with the circle/cross-out you get other places it won't drop), but when releasing the click-drag, nothing happens.
I had just upgraded to v1.45.0 when this happened. It appears to be a defect, unless I'm missing something. Does anyone have a way to put the terminal or one of these other windows back in the panel, or reset their position? I combed the settings, and tried to find default setting's files (system or user) that might hold info on what is in the panel vs. the sidebar, etc., but couldn't find anything via search or on my PC. Any ideas?
Note: This is NOT about moving the panel between the left/right/bottom positions, or selecting the terminal/output/etc. in the panel itself. That's "old news", this is a recent feature.
Here is a view with the Terminal, Output, Debug Console, and Problems put at the top of the sidebar toolbar, and Terminal focused. The Panel is just to the right of the sidebar window, set to the "left" position, completely blank and useless. The "welcome" window on the far right side:
And here are my current settings:
See this issue https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/96117 (Empty panel behaves weird)
Suggested fix:
Run the command View: Reset View Locations in the command palette.
Please see: https://www.technipages.com/visual-studio-reset-window-layout
Menu Window / Reset Window Layout worked for me in VS 2019

Netbean 8 Variables Window, Watches Window, Breakpoints Window, Call Stack Window, Output Window don't auto hide after debug

Netbean 8: Variables Window, Watches Window, Breakpoints Window, Call Stack Window, Output Window don't auto hide after debug. How i can fix this problem. Thanks.
Click Window and choose Reset Windows from the menu.
After doing this, the debug windows should auto-hide. I recommend taking a screenshot before doing the reset in case other customizations you made are inadvertently lost.
Click on Minimize Window Group which is on top right corner of variable window or other windows. If you have maximized it then after debug you need to click on Minimize Window Group after debug.
I figured this out for the Output window.. if you open that view, you'll see an icon on the left-hand side which says "Ant Settings" when hovered over. Click that, and it will open the 'Options --> Java' dialog.
In that dialog, select the 'Always Show Output' option. Now anytime you build your project (etc) that Output view will pop up, and when you click back in the Editor it will auto-hide.