BlueSnap - How to make a transaction with product(pass data in custom field) using Hosted Payment Fields api? is jason format is okay? - bluesnap

I have created a product in the BlueSnap product catalog. Now I want to make a transaction under that specif product. I have also created a custom field in the product. Now how to pass the value in the custom field using hosted payment field API?
$transactionData = array(
"pfToken" => $pfToken,
"product" => array(
"product-name" => "Product-name",
"product-id" => 566291,
"catalog-sku" => array(
"contract-name" => "contract-name",
"contract-id" => 2617873,
"sku-custom-parameters" => array(
"custom1" => "Custom value",
"amount" => "08",
"cardTransactionType"=> "AUTH_CAPTURE",
"cardHolderInfo" => array (
"firstName" => "first-name",
"lastName" => "last-name",
"zip" => "02451"

You cannot use a product id with the payment API. Maybe this feature can be useful to you instead? Otherwise, BlueSnap has a legacy API that allows you to use product-id and skus, contact their support to get the documentation for that.


Add Entity Reference to Drupal 8 Form Field?

How can users add products to a simple plugin config using an autocomplete field?
I tried to use Config Entity but it looks the same as Form API (and I can't use entity fields there).
I was able to do this in Drupal 8 using the form API and the entity_autocomplete type.
$form['stories'] = [
'#type' => 'entity_autocomplete',
'#target_type' => 'node',
'#title' => $this->t('Stories'),
'#description' => $this->t('Select some stories.'),
'#default_value' => $default_entities,
'#tags' => TRUE,
'#selection_settings' => array(
'target_bundles' => array('page', 'article'),
'#weight' => '0',
Use webform - there is an entity reference field.
This won't be useable for your purpose .. but you can check the source for sake.

How to set up Omnipay with Laravel?

I am using this packet:
In my controller I added:
$params = [
'amount' => '10',
'issuer' => 22,
'description' => 'desc',
'returnUrl' => URL::action('PurchaseController#returnApi', [43]),
$response = Omnipay::purchase($params)->send();
if ($response->isSuccessful()) {
// payment was successful: update database
} elseif ($response->isRedirect()) {
// redirect to offsite payment gateway
return $response->getRedirectResponse();
} else {
// payment failed: display message to customer
echo $response->getMessage();
Here is my omnipay.php conf file:
return array(
/** The default gateway name */
'gateway' => 'PayPal_Express',
/** The default settings, applied to all gateways */
'defaults' => array(
'testMode' => true,
/** Gateway specific parameters */
'gateways' => array(
'PayPal_Express' => array(
'username' => '',
'landingPage' => array('billing', 'login'),
But get this error:
call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback,
class 'Omnipay\Common\GatewayFactory' does not have a method
Anyone can help me set this?
I created app on paypal and have details about it but don't know how to set it with this API...
I recommend that you switch from PayPal Express to PayPal REST. It is newer and has better documentation.
I have looked through the laravel-omnipay package and I can't see a use case for it. I would just code to the omnipay package directly.
I recommend that you create a unique transaction ID for each transaction and provide that as part of the URLs for returnUrl and cancelUrl so that you can identify which transaction you are dealing with in the return and cancel handlers.
I think that you are taking the examples in the laravel-omnipay package too literally. You don't need or want those echo statements there. You should be capturing the response from purchase() even if it is a redirectResponse and doing a getTransactionReference() check on it, because you will need that transaction reference later, e.g. for transaction lookup. You should store it in the transaction record that you created before calling purchase().
You may use
use Omnipay\Omnipay;
in your controller, change it to
use Omnipay;

PayPal address_override integration to PayPal Express Checkout

I'm trying to set up PayPal address_override at my shop checkout as my customers have already filled in their delivery details.
I'm using express checkout, and following on from reading the documentation here:
I've got the following basic set up added into my working express checkout code (perl file):
# -- build the request for Paypal
my $response = $useragent->post($api_endpoint,
'METHOD' => 'SetExpressCheckout',
'VERSION' => '3.0',
'Amt' => $amount,
'ReturnUrl' => $returnurl,
'CANCELURL' => $cancelurl,
'address_override' => '1',
'address1' => $d_address1,
'address2' => $d_address2,
'city' => $d_city,
'country' => $country,
'zip' => $d_post_code
However this isn't overriding the address when I get through to my PayPal account, it's still just showing my stored addresses.
I've read this post:
Paypal | Website Payment Standard | Adddress Override
And this one:
Paypal Address Override not working
Hopefully someone can show me where I'm going wrong, or if I've missed a step! Any help appreciated.
I may be wrong here but that API link you've pasted doesn't look like it's the same API that the rest of your code sample is using?
Searching for SetExpressCheckout leads to this page:
I think you need to use the ADDROVERRIDE parameter instead of address_override and whatever else you need from that page.

not getting email for custom field woocommerce

I am using woocommerce (free plugin).. I am trying to add one custom field to the billing fields..
here it is:
add_filter( 'woocommerce_checkout_fields' , 'About_Our_Service' );
// Our hooked in function - $fields is passed via the filter!
function About_Our_Service( $fields ) {
$fields['billing']['billing_meat'] = array(
'label' => __('How you Got to Know About Our Service?', 'woocommerce'),
'placeholder' => _x('', 'placeholder', 'woocommerce'),
'required' => false,
'clear' => false,
'type' => 'select',
'options' => array(
'google-ads' => __('Google', 'woocommerce' ),
'google-search' => __('Yahoo', 'woocommerce' ),
'warrior-forum' => __('Bing', 'woocommerce' ),
'facebook' => __('Facebook', 'woocommerce' ),
'other' => __('Other', 'woocommerce' ),
return $fields;
The problem is: I am not getting the value in my mail for the custom field which was added to the billing fields.. Anyone who already used woocommerce can help me on this... ?
I already created some more custom fields which was added to the checkout (BUT these're not added along with the core fields), for these fields i'm able to get values in my mail..
By the ay, i checked this thread: but didn't much info related to mail..
please kindly someone look into this..
For future readers, custom billing/shipping fields are saved as post meta for the order post. So in general, you can retrieve them with the typical WordPress get_post_meta() function.
But in WooCommerce 2.2, you don't need to as you can pass the field name directly to an array of fields that WC will show as a list in the email:
// pre-WooCommerce 2.3
function kia_email_order_meta_keys( $keys ) {
$keys['Some field'] = '_some_field';
return $keys;
add_filter('woocommerce_email_order_meta_keys', 'kia_email_order_meta_keys');
This method has been deprecated in version 2.3, probably so translation can be better. As of 2.3 you will need to target a different filter and send slightly different data.
// WooCommerce 2.3+
function kia_email_order_meta_fields( $fields, $sent_to_admin, $order ) {
$fields['some_field'] = array(
'label' => __( 'Some field', 'my-plugin-textdomain' ),
'value' => get_post_meta( $order->id, '_some_field', true );
return $fields;
add_filter('woocommerce_email_order_meta_fields', 'kia_email_order_meta_keys', 10, 3 );
I wrote a tutorial on Customizing WooCommerce Checkout Fields
I believe this answer, in the codex is specifically meant for this purpose:
I haven't implemented this myself but it's probably your best shot.

Add multiple Email address to contact via SOAP - Sugar CRM

I want to add multiple email address to a contact via SOAP api,
suppose i register a user from my php app. via registration page with for ex., so this will create a new contact in sugarcrm via set entry and "email1" parameter in soap set_entry call, in name_to_value_list array.
Now suppose i update the account information in my php web app. and updates email address to , so now, this should add this new email address to the current contact as primary email address and opt out the old email address (as we can add multiple email address to sing contact record).
see the sample code here :
$result = $mySoap->call('set_entry', array($session_id, 'module_name'=>'Contacts', array(
array("name" => 'first_name',"value" => $_POST['first_name']),
array("name" => 'last_name',"value" => $_POST['last_name']),
array("name" => 'email1',"value" => $_POST['email_address']), //Emails is suppose for first time
array("name" => 'primary_phone_c',"value" => $primary_phone),
array("name" => 'prefered_contact_c',"value" => $_POST['prefered_contact']),
array("name" => 'primary_address_street',"value" => $_POST['address']),
array("name" => 'primary_address_street_2_c',"value" => $_POST['address_2']),
array("name" => 'primary_address_city',"value" => $_POST['address_city']),
array("name" => 'primary_address_state',"value" => $_POST['address_state']),
array("name" => 'primary_address_postalcode',"value" => $_POST['address_postalcode']),
array("name" => 'address_country_c',"value" => $_POST['address_country']),
So any sample Soap call or any idea like i use email2 field instead email1 in set_entry or else?
Dhaval Darji