how to replace distinct() with reducebykey - scala

I have a scenario where the below code overall take more than 10 hours for >2 Billion records. even i tried with 35 instance of the i3 cluster but still the performance was bad. I am looking for an option to replace distinct() with reduceByKey() and to get suggestion to improve the performance...
val df =
val df1 = df.
select($"ID", $"col2", $"suffix",
$"date", $"year", $"codes")
val df2 = df1.
List(col("ID"), col("col2"), col("suffix"), col("date"),
col("year"), col("codes")): _*
val df3 = df2.withColumn("codes", expr("transform(codes, (c,s) -> (d,s) )"))
val df4 = spark.sql(
ID, col2, suffix
d.s as seq,
d.c as code,
LATERAL VIEW explode(codes) exploded_table as d
List(col("year"), col("date")): _*).
partitionBy("year", "date").

I think distinct() is implemented with reduceByKey(reduce), but if you want to implement it by yourself, you could do something
val array=List((1,2),(1,3),(1,5),(1,2),(2,2),(2,2),(3,2),(3,2),(4,1),(1,3))
val pairRDD=session.sparkContext.parallelize(array)
val => (x, null)).reduceByKey((x, _) => x)


how to increase performance on Spark distinct() on multiple columns

Could you please suggest alternative way of implementing distinct in spark data frame.
I tried both SQL and spark distinct but since the dataset size (>2 Billion) it fails on the shuffle .
If I increase the node and memory to >250GB, process run for a longe time (more than 7 hours).
val df =
val df1 = df.
select($"ID", $"col2", $"suffix",
$"date", $"year", $"codes").distinct()
val df2 = df1.withColumn("codes", expr("transform(codes, (c,s) -> (d,s) )"))
val df3 = spark.sql(
ID, col2, suffix
d.s as seq,
d.c as code,
LATERAL VIEW explode(codes) exploded_table as d
List(col("year"), col("date")): _*).
partitionBy("year", "date").

Spark Join of 2 dataframes which have 2 different column names in list

Is there a way to join two Spark Dataframes with different column names via 2 lists?
I know that if they had the same names in a list I could do the following:
val joindf = df1.join(df2, Seq("col_a", "col_b"), "left")
or if I knew the different column names I could do this:
df1("col_a") <=> df2("col_x")
&& df1("col_b") <=> df2("col_y"),
Since my method is expecting inputs of 2 lists which specify which columns are to be used for the join for each DF, I was wondering if Scala Spark had a way of doing this?
I'm looking for something like a python pandas merge:
joindf = pd.merge(df1, df2, left_on = list1, right_on = list2, how = 'left')
You can easely define such a method yourself:
def merge(left: DataFrame, right: DataFrame, left_on: Seq[String], right_on: Seq[String], how: String) = {
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.lit
val joinExpr = { case (acc, (lkey, rkey)) => acc and (left(lkey) === right(rkey)) }
left.join(right, joinExpr, how)
val df1 = Seq((1, "a")).toDF("id1", "n1")
val df2 = Seq((1, "a")).toDF("id2", "n2")
val joindf = merge(df1, df2, left_on = Seq("id1", "n1"), right_on = Seq("id2", "n2"), how = "left")
If you expect two lists of strings:
val leftOn = Seq("col_a", "col_b")
val rightOn = Seq("col_x", "coly")
Just zip and reduce:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.col
val on =
.map { case (x, y) => df1(x) <=> df2(y) }
.reduce(_ and _)
df1.join(df2, on, "left")

Better way to join in spark scala [duplicate]

I would like to join two spark-scala dataframes on multiple columns dynamically. I would to avoid hard coding column name comparison as shown in the following statments;
val joinRes = df1.join(df2, df1("col1") == df2("col1") and df1("col2") == df2("col2"))
The solution for this query already exists in pyspark version --provided in the following link
PySpark DataFrame - Join on multiple columns dynamically
I would like to code the same code using spark-scala
In scala you do it in similar way like in python but you need to use map and reduce functions:
val sparkSession = SparkSession.builder().getOrCreate()
import sparkSession.implicits._
val df1 = List("a,b", "b,c", "c,d").toDF("col1","col2")
val df2 = List("1,2", "2,c", "3,4").toDF("col1","col2")
val columnsdf1 = df1.columns
val columnsdf2 = df2.columns
val joinExprs = columnsdf1
.map{case (c1, c2) => df1(c1) === df2(c2)}
.reduce(_ && _)
val dfJoinRes = df1.join(df2,joinExprs)

Dynamically select multiple columns while joining different Dataframe in Scala Spark

I have two spark data frame df1 and df2. Is there a way for selecting output columns dynamically while joining these two dataframes? The below definition outputs all column from df1 and df2 in case of inner join.
def joinDF (df1: DataFrame, df2: DataFrame , joinExprs: Column, joinType: String): DataFrame = {
val dfJoinResult = df1.join(df2, joinExprs, joinType)
Input data:
val df1 = List(("1","new","current"), ("2","closed","saving"), ("3","blocked","credit")).toDF("id","type","account")
val df2 = List(("1","7"), ("2","5"), ("5","8")).toDF("id","value")
Expected result:
val dfJoinResult = df1
.join(df2, df1("id") === df2("id"), "inner")
.select(df1("type"), df1("account"), df2("value"))
I have looked at options like, cols.tail: _*) but it does not allow to select columns from both DF's.
Is there a way to pass selectExpr columns dynamically along with dataframe details that we want to select it from in my def? I'm using Spark 2.2.0.
It is possible to pass the select expression as a Seq[Column] to the method:
def joinDF(df1: DataFrame, df2: DataFrame , joinExpr: Column, joinType: String, selectExpr: Seq[Column]): DataFrame = {
val dfJoinResult = df1.join(df2, joinExpr, joinType)*)
To call the method use:
val joinExpr = df1.col("id") === df2.col("id")
val selectExpr = Seq(df1.col("type"), df1.col("account"), df2.col("value"))
val testDf = joinDF(df1, df2, joinExpr, "inner", selectExpr)
This will give the desired result:
| type|account|value|
| new|current| 7|
|closed| saving| 5|
In the selectExpr above, it is necessary to specify which dataframe the columns are coming from. However, this can be further simplified if the following assumptions are true:
The columns to join on have the same name in both dataframes
The columns to be selected have unique names (the other dataframe do not have a column with the same name)
In this case, the joinExpr: Column can be changed to joinExpr: Seq[String] and selectExpr: Seq[Column] to selectExpr: Seq[String]:
def joinDF(df1: DataFrame, df2: DataFrame , joinExpr: Seq[String], joinType: String, selectExpr: Seq[String]): DataFrame = {
val dfJoinResult = df1.join(df2, joinExpr, joinType), selectExpr.tail:_*)
Calling the method now looks cleaner:
val joinExpr = Seq("id")
val selectExpr = Seq("type", "account", "value")
val testDf = joinDF(df1, df2, joinExpr, "inner", selectExpr)
Note: When the join is performed using a Seq[String] the column names of the resulting dataframe will be different as compared to using an expression. When there are columns with the same name present, there will be no way to separately select these afterwards.
A slightly modified solution from the one given above is before performing join, select the required columns from the DataFrames beforehand as it will have a little less overhead as there will be lesser no of columns to perform JOIN operation.
val dfJoinResult ="column1","column2").join("col1"),joinExpr,joinType)
But remember to select the columns on which you will be performing the join operations as it will first select the columns and then from the available data will from join operation.

Dropping constant columns in a csv file

i would like to drop columns which are constant in a dataframe , here what i did , but i see that it tooks some much time to do it , special while writing the dataframe into the csv file , please any help to optimize the code to take less time
val spark = SparkSession.builder.master("local").appName("my-spark-app").getOrCreate()
val df ="inferSchema", "true").option("header", "false").csv("D:\\ProcessDataSet\\anis_data\\Set _1Mud Pumps_Merged.csv")
val aggregations = df.drop("DateTime") => stddev("c").as(c))
val df2 = df.agg(aggregations.head, aggregations.tail: _*)
val columnsToKeep: Seq[String] = (df2.first match {
case r : Row =>[Double])
.filter(_._1 != 0) // your special condition is in the filter
.map(_._2) // keep just the name of the column
// select columns with stddev != 0
val finalResult =, columnsToKeep.tail : _*)
finalResult.write.option("header",true).csv("D:\\ProcessDataSet\\dataWithoutConstant\\Set _1Mud Pumps_MergedCleaned.csv")
I think there is no much room left for optimization. You are doing the right thing.
Maybe what you can try is to cache() your dataframe df.
df is used in two separate Spark actions so it is loaded twice.
Try :
val df ="inferSchema", "true").option("header", "false").csv("D:\\ProcessDataSet\\anis_data\\Set _1Mud Pumps_Merged.csv")
val aggregations = df.drop("DateTime") => stddev("c").as(c))