Is there a verification callback when the sms code is not auto-retrieved? - flutter

Future<void> verifyPhoneNumber({String phoneNumber,
Duration timeout,
int forceResendingToken,
void Function(AuthCredential) verificationCompleted,
void Function(AuthException) verificationFailed,
void Function(String,[int]) codeSent,
void Function(String) codeAutoRetrievalTimeout})
... some stuff ...
[verificationCompleted] This callback must be implemented.
It will trigger when an SMS is auto-retrieved or the phone
number has been instantly verified. The callback will receive an
[AuthCredential] that can be passed to
[signInWithCredential] or [linkWithCredential].
... some other stuff ...
Reading this, my conclusion is that verificationCompleted is NOT called when the sms code is NOT auto-retrieved. Please correct me if I am wrong. I need a to implement a verification completed callback when the user has to manually enter the OTP. How do I achieve that? Am I missing something here?

I think codeAutoRetrievalTimeout is what you are looking for. This function is called when firebase fails to retrieve the code automatically.
What I suggest you to do is,
Implement the codeAutoRetrievalTimeout method like this.
When the function is called:
Ask the user to manually input the otp.
use phoneAuthProvider to
verify the OTP and get the credentials:
AuthCredential _credential = PhoneAuthProvider.getCredential(
verificationId: widget.verificationId,
smsCode: otp);
_auth.signInWithCredential(_credential).then((value) {
resolveUser(context, value.user);
}).catchError((e) {


Flutter Firebase OTP verification fails even though both sent and entered OTP are the same

I am trying to implement OTP verification in my Flutter app using Firebase, but I am facing an issue where the verification fails even though both the sent and entered OTP are the same.
I am using the following function to verify the OTP:
void verifyOtp({
required BuildContext context,
required String verificationId,
required String userOtp,
required Function onSuccess,
}) async {
_isLoading = true;
try {
PhoneAuthCredential creds = PhoneAuthProvider.credential(
verificationId: verificationId, smsCode: userOtp);
User? user = (await _firebaseAuth.signInWithCredential(creds)).user!;
print('signwithcredential passed');
if (user != null) {
_uid = user.uid;
} on FirebaseAuthException catch (e) {
print('failed Userotp: $userOtp');
showSnackBar(context, e.message.toString());
_isLoading = false;
The error I am getting is "FirebaseAuthException: sms code has expired please resend the verification code to verify again."
I am new to Flutter and Firebase, so any help in fixing this problem would be greatly appreciated.
Here are couple of things I have found maybe they will work:
Check the Firebase Console to ensure that the phone number being verified is correctly set up and that the SMS code is being sent to the right number.
Make sure that the phone number is being passed in the correct format.
FirebaseAuthException is being caught correctly. Make sure the message inside the catch block is being logged or displayed to the user.
Ensure that the dependencies and packages are correctly installed and imported.
The solution is itself an error you are getting. You have to enter the code before it expire. Try to verify the otp as soon as you get the code as it's saying "I/flutter ( 9598): error on firebaseAuthexception: [firebase_auth/session-expired] The sms code has expired. Please re-send the verification code to try again. ".

Why am I not getting a password reset email from the Firebase service?

I am trying to implement a password reset function that incorporates a SnackBar to display either success or error messages. The code shown below produces both the success message and the various error messages, as appropriate - but I never receive the password reset email from the Firebase service. I'm not sure if it's a Firebase setup issue or an issue with the code.
Future resetPassword() async {
try {
await FirebaseAuth.instance
.sendPasswordResetEmail(email: _emailController.text.trim());
_showSnackBar('Password reset link sent');
} on FirebaseAuthException catch (e) {
Future<void> _showSnackBar(String msg) async {
final snackBar = SnackBar(
content: Text(msg),
Disregard. Code seems to work fine - problem was either with Firebase Auth service or my internet service provider last night. All good now.
Make sure to check your spam, because if did not add authorize rules in firebase then the reset link goes in spam mail.

AWS Pinpoint events delayed and don't trigger journeys

I want to create user journey's using AWS Pinpoint. My mobile app is made with Flutter and using Amplify package to create events)
amplify_flutter: ^0.2.4
amplify_analytics_pinpoint: ^0.2.4
I am calling this method to add the event
Future<void> logLogin(String userId) async {
await addEvent('_app.login', {PinPointAnalyticsKeys.userIdProperty: userId});
Future<void> addEvent(String eventName, Map<String, String> properties) async {
AnalyticsEvent event = AnalyticsEvent(eventName);
properties.forEach((key, value) {, value);
Amplify.Analytics.recordEvent(event: event);
await Amplify.Analytics.flushEvents();
Method handling the login:
Future<bool> performLogin(String username, String password) async {
//Code that handle login using email/password => userId
await _pinPoint.logLogin(userId);
My test journey: a user from a specific segment who does login should get an email right away.
I am having 2 issues:
Events get added to Pinpoint but after a delay (between 10 and 20min approximatively). Shouldn't it get added right away?
When event gets added (after the delay) no journey does get triggered, so no email sent, and the Pinpoint Journey Metrics doesn't change. What could be the reason?
Thank you all for your assistance, if I missed some details please let me know.

misleading concept of future and async programming in flutter

I found it a bit confused with the concept of Future and async programming.
By definition, Future is a type that async function will return in Future.
The purpose is that we want the program to keep running while it is still waiting for the result of the async function.
What I dont understand is that, every often/always, I saw people using async with await which stop proceeding the program until it gets the result from async function called.
Arent we come to full circle? At first, async comes in for the situation that we dont want to wait for program taking time. But now, we use async with await in which we wait until the result is there
It is not always necessary to use await with a future. await can be used if you want to do further processing with the data.
Future<int> _getInt()async{
Future.delay(Duration(seconds:3)); //simulating network delay
return 7;
void _add() async{
int res = await _getInt() + 10; //need to await because we are going to use a future variable
_putInt(res); //not nesscary to await if you don't want to handle the response
/* Ex: var result = await _putInt(); // if you want to handel the response
if (result.statusCode==200){
// handle success
// handle error
Future _putInt(int number)async{
var res = await'url',body:{'data':number});
return res;
Well, your institution is right, we use Future and async as it is nonblocking and follows an event loop approach, meaning there is a callback to the Future when it is ready to execute.
Coming to your point, I have done this myself a lot of time. And neither approach is wrong.
But when it comes to Flutter, it is in your best interest that you don't do anything else when running an async function because dart is single-threaded.
This can be blocking sometimes depending on the work of the function.
This can also be simply for UX as some data would be critical to your application and you shouldn't allow the user to do anything else until it is loaded.

Flutter send local notification by API in background

I have an API that I'm checking, and when the response changes I need to send a notification to the user. I would like to know how to do this without FCM Push Notifications.
I'm using flutter-local-notifications and background fetch ( to do it. On the background fetch docs it says that background fetch will do your function once every 15 minutes, which is good enough for me.
This is my initPlatformState():
Future<void> initPlatformState() async {
// Load persisted fetch events from SharedPreferences
SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
String json = prefs.getString(EVENTS_KEY);
if (json != null) {
setState(() {
_events = jsonDecode(json).cast<String>();
// Configure BackgroundFetch.
minimumFetchInterval: 15,
stopOnTerminate: false,
enableHeadless: true,
forceReload: true,
startOnBoot: true,
.then((int status) {
print('[BackgroundFetch] SUCCESS: $status');
setState(() {
_status = status;
}).catchError((e) {
print('[BackgroundFetch] ERROR: $e');
setState(() {
_status = e;
// Optionally query the current BackgroundFetch status.
int status = await BackgroundFetch.status;
setState(() {
_status = status;
// If the widget was removed from the tree while the asynchronous platform
// message was in flight, we want to discard the reply rather than calling
// setState to update our non-existent appearance.
if (!mounted) return;
I'm assuming that what's in the function that gets called in the fetch isn't needed for the question.
I tried this on my phone and simulator, and I used Xcode -> Simulate Background Fetch and it ran properly. It also ran properly when I opened the app. Unfortunately, it didn't run after 15 minutes. Is there something I'm missing?
How would I change my code to make the background fetch to happen every 15 minutes?
Yes, I spent lot of time trying to solve this but was not successful so I switched, I guessed what you are trying to do is to handle your own notification without Firebase or from an API like me, well this is it, after my search I was able to do this with the help of work manager package. So easy to use and implement, try it.