How to Promise.allSettled with Scala futures? - scala

I have two scala futures. I want to perform an action once both are completed, regardless of whether they were completed successfully. (Additionally, I want the ability to inspect those results at that time.)
In Javascript, this is Promise.allSettled.
Does Scala offer a simple way to do this?
One last wrinkle, if it matters: I want to do this in a JRuby application.

You can use the transform method to create a Future that will always succeed and return the result or the error as a Try object.
def toTry[A](future: Future[A])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Try[A]] =
future.transform(x => Success(x))
To combine two Futures into one, you can use zip:
def settle2[A, B](fa: Future[A], fb: Future[B])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext)
: Future[(Try[A], Try[B])] =
If you want to combine an arbitrary number of Futures this way, you can use Future.traverse:
def allSettled[A](futures: List[Future[A]])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext)
: Future[List[Try[A]]] =

Normally in this case we use Future.sequence to transform a collection of a Future into one single Future so you can map on it, but Scala short circuit the failed Future and doesn't wait for anything after that (Scala considers one failure to be a failure for all), which doesn't fit your case.
In this case you need to map failed ones to successful, then do the sequence, e.g.
val settledFuture = Future.sequence(List(future1, future2, ...).map(_.recoverWith { case _ => Future.unit })) it is all settled)
Since the results need to be kept, instead of mapping to Future.unit, we map the actual result into another layer of Try:
val settledFuture = Future.sequence(
List(Future(1), Future(throw new Exception))
//Output: List(Success(1), Failure(java.lang.Exception))
It can be further simplified with transform:

Perhaps you could use a concurrent counter to keep track of the number of completed Futures and then complete the Promise once all Futures have completed
def allSettled[T](futures: List[Future[T]]): Future[List[Future[T]]] = {
val p = Promise[List[Future[T]]]()
val length = futures.length
val completedCount = new AtomicInteger(0)
futures foreach {
_.onComplete { _ =>
if (completedCount.incrementAndGet == length) p.trySuccess(futures)
val futures = List(
Future(throw new Exception("boom")),
// Success(List(Future(Success(-11)), Future(Failure(java.lang.Exception: boom)), Future(Success(42))))


Chaining context through akka streams

I'm converting some C# code to scala and akka streams.
My c# code looks something like this:
Task<Result1> GetPartialResult1Async(Request request) ...
Task<Result2> GetPartialResult2Async(Request request) ...
async Task<Result> GetResultAsync(Request request)
var result1 = await GetPartialResult1Async(request);
var result2 = await GetPartialResult2Async(request);
return new Result(request, result1, result2);
Now for the akka streams. Instead of having a function from Request to a Task of a result, I have flows from a Request to a Result.
So I already have the following two flows:
val partialResult1Flow: Flow[Request, Result1, NotUsed] = ...
val partialResult2Flow: Flow[Request, Result2, NotUsed] = ...
However I can't see how to combine them into a complete flow, since by calling via on the first flow we lose the original request, and by calling via on the second flow we lose the result of the first flow.
So I've created a WithState monad which looks something like this:
case class WithState[+TState, +TValue](value: TValue, state: TState) {
def map[TResult](func: TValue => TResult): WithState[TState, TResult] = {
WithState(func(value), state)
... bunch more helper functions go here
Then I'm rewriting my original flows to look like this:
def partialResult1Flow[TState]: Flow[WithState[TState, Request], WithState[TState, Result1]] = ...
def partialResult2Flow: Flow[WithState[TState, Request], WithState[TState, Result2]] = ...
and using them like this:
val flow = Flow[Request]
.map(x => WithState(x, x))
.map(x => WithState(x.state, (x.state, x.value))
.map(x => Result(x.state._1, x.state._2, x.value))
Now this works, but of course I can't guarantee how flow will be used. So I really ought to make it take a State parameter:
def flow[TState] = Flow[WithState[TState, Request]]
.map(x => WithState(x.value, (x.state, x.value)))
.map(x => WithState(x.state._2, (x.state, x.value))
.map(x => WithState(Result(x.state._1._2, x.state._2, x.value), x.state._1._1))
Now at this stage my code is getting extremely hard to read. I could clean it up by naming the functions, and using case classes instead of tuples etc. but fundamentally there's a lot of incidental complexity here, which is hard to avoid.
Am I missing something? Is this not a good use case for Akka streams? Is there some inbuilt way of doing this?
I don't have any fundamentally different way to do this than I described in the question.
However the current flow can be significantly improved:
Stage 1: FlowWithContext
Instead of using a custom WithState monad, it's possible to use the built in FlowWithContext.
The advantage of this is that you can use the standard operators on the flow, without needing to worry about transforming the WithState monad. Akka takes care of this for you.
So instead of
def partialResult1Flow[TState]: Flow[WithState[TState, Request], WithState[TState, Result1]] =
Flow[WithState[TState, Request]].mapAsync(_ mapAsync {doRequest(_)})
We can write:
def partialResult1Flow[TState]: FlowWithContext[Request, TState, Result1, TState, NotUsed] =
FlowWithContext[Request, TState].mapAsync(doRequest(_))
Unfortunately though, whilst FlowWithContext is quite easy to write when you don't need to change the context, it's a little fiddly to use when you need to go via a stream which requires you to move some of your current data into the context (as ours does). In order to do that you need to convert to a Flow (using asFlow), and then back to a FlowWithContext using asFlowWithContext.
I found it easiest to just write the whole thing as a Flow in such cases, and convert to a FlowWithContext at the end.
For example:
def flow[TState]: FlowWithContext[Request, TState, Result, TState, NotUsed] =
Flow[(Request, TState)]
.map(x => (x._1, (x._1, x._2)))
.map(x => (x._2._1, (x._2._1, x._1, x._2._2))
.map(x => (Result(x._2._1, x._2._2, x._1), x._2._2))
.asFlowWithContext((a: Request, b: TState) => (a,b))(_._2)
Is this any better?
In this particular case it's probably worse. In other cases, where you rarely need to change the context it would be better. However either way I would recommend using it as it's built in, rather than relying on a custom monad.
Stage 2: viaUsing
In order to make this a bit more user friendly I created a viaUsing extension method for Flow and FlowWithContext:
import{FlowShape, Graph}
import{Flow, FlowWithContext}
object FlowExtensions {
implicit class FlowViaUsingOps[In, Out, Mat](val f: Flow[In, Out, Mat]) extends AnyVal {
def viaUsing[Out2, Using, Mat2](func: Out => Using)(flow: Graph[FlowShape[(Using, Out), (Out2, Out)], Mat2]) : Flow[In, (Out2, Out), Mat] = => (func(x), x)).via(flow)
implicit class FlowWithContextViaUsingOps[In, CtxIn, Out, CtxOut, Mat](val f: FlowWithContext[In, CtxIn, Out, CtxOut, Mat]) extends AnyVal {
def viaUsing[Out2, Using, Mat2](func: Out => Using)(flow: Graph[FlowShape[(Using, (Out, CtxOut)), (Out2, (Out, CtxOut))], Mat2]):
FlowWithContext[In, CtxIn, (Out2, Out), CtxOut, Mat] =
.map(x => (func(x._1), (x._1, x._2)))
.asFlowWithContext((a: In, b: CtxIn) => (a,b))(_._2._2)
.map(x => (x._1, x._2._1))
The purpose of viaUsing, is to create the input for a FlowWithContext from the current output, whilst preserving your current output by passing it through the context. It result in a Flow whose output is the a tuple of the output from the nested flow, and the original flow.
With viaUsing our example simplifies to:
def flow[TState]: FlowWithContext[Request, TState, Result, TState, NotUsed] =
FlowWithContext[Request, TState]
.viaUsing(x => x)(partialResult1Flow)
.viaUsing(x => x._2)(partialResult2Flow)
.map(x => Result(x._2._2, x._2._1, x._1))
I think this is a significant improvement. I've made a request to add viaUsing to Akka instead of relying on extension methods here.
I agree using Akka Streams for backpressure is useful. However, I'm not convinced that modelling the calculation of the partialResults as streams is useful here. having the 'inner' logic based on Futures and wrapping those in the mapAsync of your flow to apply backpressure to the whole operation as one unit seems simpler, and perhaps even better.
This is basically a boiled-down refactoring of Levi Ramsey's earlier excellent answer:
import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future }
import akka.NotUsed
case class Request()
case class Result1()
case class Result2()
case class Response(r: Request, r1: Result1, r2: Result2)
def partialResult1(req: Request): Future[Result1] = ???
def partialResult2(req: Request): Future[Result2] = ???
val system =
implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = system.dispatcher
val flow: Flow[Request, Response, NotUsed] =
.mapAsync(parallelism = 12) { req =>
for {
res1 <- partialResult1(req)
res2 <- partialResult2(req)
} yield (Response(req, res1, res2))
I would start with this, and only if you know you have reason to split partialResult1 and partialResult2 into separate stages introduce an intermediate step in the Flow. Depending on your requirements mapAsyncUnordered might be more suitable.
Disclaimer, I'm not totally familiar with C#'s async/await.
From what I've been able to glean from a quick perusal of the C# docs, Task<T> is a strictly (i.e. eager, not lazy) evaluated computation which will if successful eventually contain a T. The Scala equivalent of this is Future[T], where the equivalent of the C# code would be:
import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future }
def getPartialResult1Async(req: Request): Future[Result1] = ???
def getPartialResult2Async(req: Request): Future[Result2] = ???
def getResultAsync(req: Request)(implicit ectx: ExecutionContext): Future[Result] = {
val result1 = getPartialResult1Async(req)
val result2 = getPartialResult2Async(req)
result1.zipWith(result2) { tup => val (r1, r2) = tup
new Result(req, r1, r2)
/* Could also:
* for {
* r1 <- result1
* r2 <- result2
* } yield { new Result(req, r1, r2) }
* Note that both the `result1.zipWith(result2)` and the above `for`
* construction may compute the two partial results simultaneously. If you
* want to ensure that the second partial result is computed after the first
* partial result is successfully computed:
* for {
* r1 <- getPartialResult1Async(req)
* r2 <- getPartialResult2Async(req)
* } yield new Result(req, r1, r2)
No Akka Streams required for this particular case, but if you have some other need to use Akka Streams, You could express this as
val actorSystem = ??? // In Akka Streams 2.6, you'd probably have this as an implicit val
val parallelism = ??? // Controls requests in flight
val flow = Flow[Request]
.mapAsync(parallelism) { req =>
import actorSystem.dispatcher
getPartialResult1Async(req).map { r1 => (req, r1) }
.mapAsync(parallelism) { tup =>
import actorSystem.dispatcher
getPartialResult2Async(tup._2).map { r2 =>
new Result(tup._1, tup._2, r2)
/* Given the `getResultAsync` function in the previous snippet, you could also:
* val flow = Flow[Request].mapAsync(parallelism) { req =>
* getResultAsync(req)(actorSystem.dispatcher)
* }
One advantage of the Future-based implementation is that it's pretty easy to integrate with whatever Scala abstraction of concurrency/parallelism you want to use in a given context (e.g. cats, akka stream, akka). My general instinct to an Akka Streams integration would be in the direction of the three-liner in my comment in the second code block.

Cannot execute parallel computation with functional API

I am trying to implement the countWords function from the red book on the parallelism chapter. When I pass a thread pool to the function and I modify the function to print the thread counting the words, I can only see the main thread printed. This indicates me that I am not able to make this function execute in parallel.
What I currently have:
type Par[A] = ExecutorService => Future[A]
def asyncF[A, B](f: A => B): A => Par[B] = a => lazyUnit(f(a))
def lazyUnit[A](a: => A): Par[A] = fork(unit(a))
def unit[A](a: A): Par[A] = (_: ExecutorService) => UnitFuture(a)
def fork[A](a: => Par[A]): Par[A] =
es => es.submit(new Callable[A] {
def call = a(es).get
def countWords(l: List[String]): Par[Int] = map(sequence( {
s => s.split(" ").length
When I run:
val listPar = List("ab cd", "hg ks", "lh ks", "lh hs")
val es = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(4)
val counts = countWords(listPar)(es)
println(counts.get(100, SECONDS))
I get:
I would expect to see a thread printed per each element of the list (as there are four elements and a thread pool of size 4) however I can only see the main thread printed.
Any suggestions?
I want to start with one piece of advice when asking questions - you should always provide a MCVE. Your code doesn't compile; for example, I have no idea where UnitFuture comes from, I have no idea what's the implementation of sequence that you're using etc.
Here is a snippet that works with standard Scala. First, the explanation:
Method countWords takes a list of strings to count, and also two services - one for handling Java Futures on different threads, and one for handling Scala Futures on different threads. Scala one is derived from Java one via ExecutionContext.fromExecutor method.
Why both Java and Scala? Well, I wanted to preserve Java because that's how you initially wrote your code, but I don't know how to sequence a Java Future. So what I did was:
for each substring:
fork a Java Future task
turn it into a Scala Future
sequence the obtained list of Scala Futures
In case you're not familiar with implicits, you will (if you intend to work with Scala). Here I used the execution context implicitly because it removes a lot of boilerplate - this way I don't have to explicitly pass it when converting to Scala future, when mapping / sequencing etc.
And now the code itself:
import java.util.concurrent.{Callable, ExecutorService, Executors}
import java.util.concurrent.{Future => JFuture}
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
def scalaFromJavaFuture[A](
javaFuture: JFuture[A]
)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[A] =
Future { javaFuture.get }(ec)
def fork(s: String)(es: ExecutorService): java.util.concurrent.Future[Int] =
es.submit(new Callable[Int] {
def call = {
println(s"Thread: ${Thread.currentThread()}, processing string: $s")
s.split(" ").size
def countWords(l: List[String])(es: ExecutorService)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Int] = {
val listOfFutures = => scalaFromJavaFuture(fork(elem)(es)))
val listPar = List("ab cd", "hg ks", "lh ks", "lh hs")
val es = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(4)
implicit val ec = ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(es)
val counts = countWords(listPar)(es)
Example output:
Thread: Thread[pool-1-thread-1,5,main], processing string: ab cd
Thread: Thread[pool-1-thread-3,5,main], processing string: hg ks
Thread: Thread[pool-1-thread-2,5,main], processing string: lh ks
Thread: Thread[pool-1-thread-4,5,main], processing string: lh hs
Note that it's up to execution context to determine the threads. Run it a couple of times and you will see for yourself - you might end up with e.g. only two threads being used:
Thread: Thread[pool-1-thread-1,5,main], processing string: ab cd
Thread: Thread[pool-1-thread-3,5,main], processing string: hg ks
Thread: Thread[pool-1-thread-1,5,main], processing string: lh ks
Thread: Thread[pool-1-thread-1,5,main], processing string: lh hs

Multiple futures that may fail - returning both successes and failures?

I have a situation where I need to run a bunch of operations in parallel.
All operations have the same return value (say a Seq[String]).
Its possible that some of the operations may fail, and others successfully return results.
I want to return both the successful results, and any exceptions that happened, so I can log them for debugging.
Is there a built-in way, or easy way through any library (cats/scalaz) to do this, before I go and write my own class for doing this?
I was thinking of doing each operation in its own future, then checking each future, and returning a tuple of Seq[String] -> Seq[Throwable] where left value is the successful results (flattened / combined) and right is a list of any exceptions that occurred.
Is there a better way?
Using Await.ready, which you mention in a comment, generally loses most benefits from using futures. Instead you can do this just using the normal Future combinators. And let's do the more generic version, which works for any return type; flattening the Seq[String]s can be added easily.
def successesAndFailures[T](futures: Seq[Future[T]]): Future[(Seq[T], Seq[Throwable])] = {
// first, promote all futures to Either without failures
val eitherFutures: Seq[Future[Either[Throwable, T]]] = => Success(x.toEither)))
// then sequence to flip Future and Seq
val futureEithers: Future[Seq[Either[Throwable, T]]] =
// finally, Seq of Eithers can be separated into Seqs of Lefts and Rights { seqOfEithers =>
val (lefts, rights) = seqOfEithers.partition(_.isLeft)
val failures =
val successes =
(successes, failures)
Scalaz and Cats have separate to simplify the last step.
The types can be inferred by the compiler, they are shown just to help you see the logic.
Calling value on your Future returns an Option[Try[T]]. If the Future has not completed then the Option is None. If it has completed then it's easy to unwrap and process.
if (myFutr.isCompleted) err: Throwable => //log the error
, ss: Seq[String] => //process results
// do something else, come back later
Sounds like a good use-case for the Try idiom (it's basically similar to the Either monad).
Example of usage from the doc:
import scala.util.{Success, Failure}
val f: Future[List[String]] = Future {
f onComplete {
case Success(posts) => for (post <- posts) println(post)
case Failure(t) => println("An error has occurred: " + t.getMessage)
It actually does a little bit more than what you asked because it is fully asynchronous. Does it fit your use-case?
I'd do it this way:
import scala.concurrent.{Future, ExecutionContext}
import scala.util.Success
def eitherify[A](f: Future[A])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Either[Throwable, A]] = f.transform(tryResult => Success(tryResult.toEither))
def eitherifyF[A, B](f: A => Future[B])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): A => Future[Either[Throwable, B]] = { a => eitherify(f(a)) }
// here we need some "cats" magic for `traverse` and `separate`
// instead of `traverse` you can use standard `Future.sequence`
// there is no analogue for `separate` in the standard library
import cats.implicits._
def myProgram[A, B](values: List[A], asyncF: A => Future[B])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[(List[Throwable], List[B])] = {
val appliedTransformations: Future[List[Either[Throwable, B]]] = values.traverse(eitherifyF(asyncF))

Scala Futures with multiple dependencies

I have to compute asynchronously a set of features that can have multiple dependencies between each other (no loops). For example
class FeatureEncoderMock(val n:String, val deps: List[String] = List.empty) {
def compute = {
println(s"starting computation feature $n")
println(s"end computation feature $n")
val registry = Map(
"feat1" -> new FeatureEncoderMock("feat1", List("factLogA", "factLogB")),
"factLogA" -> new FeatureEncoderMock("factLogA"),
"factLogB" -> new FeatureEncoderMock("factLogB"),
"feat1" -> new FeatureEncoderMock("feat1", List("factLogA", "factLogB")),
"feat2" -> new FeatureEncoderMock("feat2", List("factLogA")),
"feat3" -> new FeatureEncoderMock("feat3", List("feat1")),
"feat4" -> new FeatureEncoderMock("feat4", List("feat3", "factLogB"))
What I want to achieve is call a single function on feat4 that will trigger the computation of all dependent features and will take care of dependencies among them. I tried with this
def run(): Unit = {
val requested = "feat4"
val allFeatures = getChainOfDependencies(requested)
val promises =[Unit])).toMap
def computeWithDependencies(f: String) = Future {
println(s"computing $f")
val encoder = registry(f)
if(encoder.deps.isEmpty) {
else {
val depTasks = promises.filterKeys(encoder.deps.contains)
val depTasksFuture = Future.sequence(
case _ =>
println(s"all deps for $f has been computed")
println(s"done for $f")
But I cannot understand why the order of execution is not as expected. I am not sure what is the proper way to feed the future inside a promise. I am quite sure that this piece of code is wrong on that part.
I think you're overthinking it with the promises; Future composition is probably all that you need. Something like this:
import scala.collection.mutable
def computeWithDependencies(s: String, cache: mutable.Map[String, Future[Unit]] = mutable.Map.empty)
(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Unit] = {
cache.get(s) match {
case Some(f) => f
case None => {
val encoder = registry(s)
val depsFutures = => computeWithDependencies(d, cache))
val result = Future.sequence(depsFutures).flatMap(_ => Future { encoder.compute })
cache += s -> result
The call to flatMap ensures that all of the dependency futures complete before the "current" future executes, even if the result (a List[Unit]) is ignored. The business with the cache is just to prevent recomputation if the dependency graph has a "diamond" in it, but could be left out if it won't or if you're ok with recomputing. Anyway, when running this:
val futureResult = computeWithDependencies("feat4")
Await.result(futureResult, 30 seconds)
I see this output:
starting computation feature factLogB
starting computation feature factLogA
end computation feature factLogB
end computation feature factLogA
starting computation feature feat1
end computation feature feat1
starting computation feature feat3
end computation feature feat3
starting computation feature feat4
end computation feature feat4
Which seems correct to me.

Akka streams: dealing with futures within graph stage

Within an akka stream stage FlowShape[A, B] , part of the processing I need to do on the A's is to save/query a datastore with a query built with A data. But that datastore driver query gives me a future, and I am not sure how best to deal with it (my main question here).
case class Obj(a: String, b: Int, c: String)
case class Foo(myobject: Obj, name: String)
case class Bar(st: String)
class SaveAndGetId extends GraphStage[FlowShape[Foo, Bar]] {
val dao = new DbDao // some dao with an async driver
override def createLogic(inheritedAttributes: Attributes) = new GraphStageLogic(shape) {
setHandlers(in, out, new InHandler with Outhandler {
override def onPush() = {
val foo = grab(in)
val add = foo.record.value()
val result: Future[String] = dao.saveAndGetRecord(add.myobject)//saves and returns id as string
//the naive approach
val record = Await(result, Duration.inf)
push(out, Bar(record))// ***tests pass every time
//mapping the future approach { x=>
push(out, Bar(x))
} //***tests fail every time
The next stage depends on the id of the db record returned from query, but I want to avoid Await. I am not sure why mapping approach fails:
"it should work" in {
val source = Source.single(Foo(Obj("hello", 1, "world")))
val probe = source
.via(new SaveAndGetId))
.expectBarwithId("one")//say we know this will be
private implicit class RichTestProbe(probe: Probe[Bar]) {
def expectBarwithId(expected: String): Probe[Bar] =
case r # Bar(str) if str == expected => r
When run with mapping future, I get failure:
should work ***FAILED***
java.lang.AssertionError: assertion failed: expected: message matching partial function but got unexpected message OnComplete
at scala.Predef$.assert(Predef.scala:170)
at akka.testkit.TestKitBase$class.expectMsgPF(TestKit.scala:406)
at akka.testkit.TestKit.expectMsgPF(TestKit.scala:814)
The async side channels example in the docs has the future in the constructor of the stage, as opposed to building the future within the stage, so doesn't seem to apply to my case.
I agree with Ramon. Constructing a new FlowShapeis not necessary in this case and it is too complicated. It is very much convenient to use mapAsync method here:
Here is a code snippet to utilize mapAsync:
import{Sink, Source}
import scala.concurrent.Future
object MapAsyncExample {
val numOfParallelism: Int = 10
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
.mapAsync(parallelism)(x => asyncSquare(x))
.runWith(Sink.foreach(println)) previous stage
//This method returns a Future
//You can replace this part with your database operations
def asyncSquare(value: Int): Future[Int] = Future {
value * value
In the snippet above, Source.repeat(5) is a dummy source to emit 5 indefinitely. There is a sample function asyncSquare which takes an integer and calculates its square in a Future. .mapAsync(parallelism)(x => asyncSquare(x)) line uses that function and emits the output of Future to the next stage. In this snipet, the next stage is a sink which prints every item.
parallelism is the maximum number of asyncSquare calls that can run concurrently.
I think your GraphStage is unnecessarily overcomplicated. The below Flow performs the same actions without the need to write a custom stage:
val dao = new DbDao
val parallelism = 10 //number of parallel db queries
val SaveAndGetId : Flow[Foo, Bar, _] =
.map(foo => foo.record.value().myobject)
.mapAsync(parallelism)(rec => dao.saveAndGetRecord(rec))
I generally try to treat GraphStage as a last resort, there is almost always an idiomatic way of getting the same Flow by using the methods provided by the akka-stream library.