Moodle does not recognize math equations? - moodle

I imported the tstat exercise given in Zeileis et al. (2014) to Moodle using exams2moodle from R/exams with default settings. But Moodle does not fully recognize the math equations written in both LaTeX and Rmd formats. Is there any way to fix this issue? The function exams2pdf works fine with equations but exams2html not.

Since R/exams 2.3-3 the default in exams2moodle() is converter = "pandoc-mathjax" which means that the text (in either Markdown or LaTeX) is converted to HTML but the mathematic equations are preserved in LaTeX. The rendering of the math equations is then intended to be done by the MathJax plugin - a Javascript plugin that has to be embedded in Moodle and can then run in any modern browser. In your Moodle installation this seems to be switched off and you have to enable it, see:
As an alternative you can use converter = "pandoc-mathml". Then the exercises are converted to HTML plus MathML for the mathematic equations. In that case no plugin/filter is needed but a browser that can render MathML. Firefox and Safari can do this - but Chrome/Chromium has no support for MathML.
For more details see the discussion at

Many thanks for the suggestions. The following worked for me. As Achim has suggested, I left converter with default argument pandoc-mathjax and imported the same example to Moodle. Then opened Moodle's filter and set Mathjax to on and Tex to off. Everything is fine now.


Confluence blueprint substitution does not work in macros with plain-text body

I've created a Confluence blueprint plugin as per the basic/intermediate/advanced tutorials available from Atlassian. I now want to update the page template to include a {HTML} macro with embedded CDATA, where a URL in that CDATA contains a portion to be substituted with user-entered data.
What I'd ideally like to do, with the <at:var...> being substituted with locationid:
<ac:structured-macro ac:name="html">
<![CDATA[<iframe src="http://...?locationid=<at:var at:name="locationid"/>"></iframe>]]>
Unfortunately this does not work; the <at:var at:name="..."> inside CDATA can't be substituted.
I've tried various formats of this, for example substituting in the entire CDATA string itself, even going as far as substituting in the entire <ac:structured-macro> block in a single string. None work.
A Google search brought up two very similar questions on the Atlassian community wiki, this and this. Furthermore I found a Confluence Server JIRA to fix this problem, but it's been rejected and closed.
Despite the evidence against a solution I'm hoping that someone creative has an idea of how I can achieve this?
Atlassian SDK: 6.2.14
I'm not exactly sure what you're asking ;) but could it be the same as this discussion in our doc space?
Confluence 4.3-RC1 Release Notes

Change color of specific characters in MATLAB Edit Text

I used two MATLAB Edit Texts to display data side by side.
I would like to highlight the differences between the two Edit Texts. The characters which are different should appear in red. Is there any method to achieve this?
An example of the intended output is shown:
It's not officially supported, as far as I know, but you can do this with HTML and bunch of hacking around with undocumented functions and Java. This post on the Undocumented Matlab site goes through the gory details. In particular, you'll need the findjobj utility from the MathWorks File Exchange.

How to write code documentation in Typo3 6.x?

We need to write a complex documentation of the API use in Typo3 6.x, but entering the code samples through RTE is very error-prone, and using just HTML element defeats the purpose of CMS.
Is there any way for nice (for editors) entering of text wrapped around code samples in various programming languages, for Typo3?
Another alternative is to use the extensions restdoc (for display) and sphinx (for generation) to make use of restructured text to write the documentation the same way the documentation of TYPO3 is created.
You could try to use Markdown content elements. I've never tried it, but there is an extension for it (markdown_content_reloaded).

Translate ASP pages on the fly

Recently i came into a software solution which is developed in ASP and it works only in Internet Explorer. The software is English language and therefore i need to translate it in another language in order to present it to the audience more efficiently.
The problem is that the software was developed with out using resources, and so all the words, sentences etc. that has to be translated are in the code and we have to go line by line to do the translation.
Do you know if there is an IE plugin which can translate the ASP files according to our input in any language?
Thank you in advance!!!
You may want to take a look at Google Translater It runs on the client side and seems to translate pages well enough.

Email Editor Similar to Campaign Monitor or Mailchimp's editor?

I looking for either an open source (or otherwise) php script/library/code that will provide me with a similar email composer that Mailchimp and Campaign Monitor have.
I've played around with lots of wysiwyg editors (eg: tinymce, ckeditor) but, they don't work very well for allowing users to compose emails.
Mosaico Editor is the first open source email template builder of this kind (AFAIK).
You can find a free to use deployment (working also as live demo) at and you can get sources at
I choose blocks from a set defined by the "master template", then you fill you contents and change their styles in a WYSIWYG style. If you're on a large window you can also have live preview for the mobile version.
The master template defines what are the blocks, what you can edit and what you can style and it contains any html trick to make it compatible with most clients: this means you can change the editor behaviour a lot by simply writing a new master template.
It is 99% javascript (IE10+, and any other modern browser) and depends on server-side functions only to do "final inlining" and "image upload/resizing"
Next generation tool for building templates without coding
Grapejs official site
GrapesJS is an open-source, multi-purpose, Web Builder Framework which combines different tools and features with the goal to help you (or users of your application) to build HTML templates without any knowledge of coding. It's a perfect solution to replace the common WYSIWYG editors, which are good for content editing but inappropriate for creating HTML structures. You can see it in action with the official demos, but using its API you're able to build your own editors.
I'm in the process of building one but as a designer it is a work in progress! I'd suggest looking at PHP template engines. They have a similar functionality. Most however will use php variables inside the html page instead of tags.
Another oprion is to check out Perch it is officially a CMS, but is really lightweight and might get the job done for you.
Hope that helps even though it is a year after you posted the question...
EDIT: Actually just stumbled across this thread which links to the new CKEditor - looks pretty cool.