Empty lines when generate a jasper reports 6.11 - jasper-reports

I am trying to generate a PDF with JasperReports 6.11; But i have got so empty lines . I have try this option : isRemoveLineWhenBlank="true" but it does not help , it removes the empty fields
have you any idea about it please ?


How can I generate Jasper Report into XLS Format in Adempiere precisely?

I have set up Jasper Report to be generated into XLS format.
When I click print button, it will show like this :
Then, when I choose "Excel", download pop up will appear and my .xls format will be downloaded.
Unfortunately, when I open the file, it doesn't generated precisely, there are columns that doesn't fit correctly, like this :
How can I generate JasperReports's report into XLS with correct format and got all my data shown correctly?
I have experienced the same issue while creating Jasper Reports and exporting to Excel. The main reason for this is the column overlapping while creating report. If you take a closer look you will notice that any column of Jasper Report which gets overlapped turns into green from blue. If you completely remove overlapping in columns, then Excel format will come out without any issues.
P.S ..Coming from Personal Experience!!!
This just happened to me.
How I solved it was selecting every field in the Jasper Report and setting the following properties:
Hope it works

Excel files generated from iReport

Is there something that i have to add to iReport so my file will be able to use all the columns of the excel file ?
Example :
When i download a big excel file(a report made with iReport) from the application it uses all the excel columns from A to Z then it returns to the next line. I want to make it use the AA , AB , AC , AD ect columns that still available in excel because i don't want line returns.
Is it even possible ?
In case somebody else needed the answer , i made the band's width bigger (20000) to reach all the excel columns .
Problem resolved .

How to remove blank spaces when report element is not printed?

PDF generated using jasper, is having blank spaced when report element is not printed(Used printWhenExpression).
I tried to set removeBlankSpace property but This also didn’t work resolve issue at all places.
Please help me if there is any solution. I will try.

Using a semicolon in an Excel formula

I'm trying to generate an excel report with formulas in it.
The problem is that when the formula contains a semicolon ";" Jasper reports just ignores the complete formula.
So using the following works:
<propertyExpression name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.formula"><![CDATA["SUM(J4:J"+($V{REPORT_COUNT}.intValue()+3)+")"]]></propertyExpression>
But the following doesn't:
<propertyExpression name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.formula"><![CDATA["TIME(8;30;12)"]]></propertyExpression>
Is there a way to tell Jasper to stop doing whatever it's doing with those semicolons?

Compile a jasper file from jrxml in a jrxml file? Is it possible?

I have a jrxml file and want to add a subreport expression. But I have only myFile.jrxml and cannot pass a jasper file. Is it possible to compile my jrxml file to a jasper file not with java code, but in the current jrxml file? And if possible, how to do this?
<subreportExpression class="java.lang.String"><![CDATA[$P{SUBREPORT_DIR}+"/myFile.jasper"]]></subreportExpression>
I tried:
<subreport isUsingCache="true">
<subreportExpression class="net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperReport"><![CDATA[net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperCompileManager.compileReport(net.sf.jasperreports.engine.xml.JRXmlLoader.load($P{SUBREPORT_DIR} + "myFile.jrxml"))]]></subreportExpression>
but an error occured:
SEVERE: Error evaluating expression :
Source text : net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperCompileManager.compileReport(net.sf.jasperreports.engine.xml.JRXmlLoader.load($P{SUBREPORT_DIR} + "myFile.jrxml"))
From what I've read in the Ultimate Guide the answer is no, it is not possible. Why are you unable to compile the subreport to a jasper file?
Yes, it is possible, I am unaware of the codes used here, just open iReport 5.0. Open the .jrxml file it will show the conversion option readily on the screen. Give a path for saving .jasper file. Now you have .jrxml and it's editable jasper.