Pyspark SelectExp() not working for first() and last() - pyspark

i have 2 statements which are to my knowledge exactly alike, but select() works fine, but selectExpr() generates following results.
|first(StockCode, false)|last(StockCode, false)|
| 85123A| 22138|
| StockCode| StockCode|
following is implementation."StockCode")), last(col("StockCode"))).show()
df.selectExpr("""first('StockCode') as first_value""", """last('StockCode') as last_value""").show()
Can any 1 explain the behaviour?

selectExpr takes everything as select clause in sql.
Hence if you write anything in single quote', it will act as string in sql. if you wanted to pass the column to selectExpr use backtique (`) as below-
df.selectExpr("""first(`StockCode`) as first_value""", """last(`StockCode`) as last_value""").show()
backtique will help you to escape space in the column.
you can use without backtique also if your column name is not starting with number like 12col or it doesn't have spaces in between like column name
df.selectExpr("""first(StockCode) as first_value""", """last(StockCode) as last_value""").show()

You should pass like below
df_b = df_b.selectExpr('first(count) as first', 'last(count) as last') = False)
|2527 |13 |


pyspark join 2 columns if condition is met, and insert string into the result

I have a pyspark dataframe like this:
|s_field|s_check| t_filter|
| MANDT| true| !=E|
| WERKS| true|0010_0020_0021_00...|
And as a first step, I split t_filter based on _ with f.split(f.col("t_filter"), "_")
filters = filters.withColumn("t_filter_1", f.split(f.col("t_filter"), "_")).show(truncate=False)
|s_field|s_check| t_filter| t_filter_1|
| MANDT| true| 070_70| [!= E]|
| WERKS| true|0010_0020_0021_00...| [0010, 0020, 0021, 00...]
What I want to achieve is to create a new column, using s_field and t_filter as the input while doing a logic check for !=.
ultimate aim
| t_filter_2|
| MANDT != 'E'|
| WERKS in ('0010', '0020', ...)|
I have tried using withColumn but I keep getting error on col must be Column.
I am also not sure what the proper approach should be in order to achieve this.
Note: there is a large amount of rows, like 10k. I understand that using a UDF would be quite expensive, so i'm interested to know if there are other ways that can be done.
You can achieve this using withColumn with conditional evaluation by using the when and otherwise function. Following your example the following logic would apply, if t_filter contains != concatenate s_field and t_filter, else first convert t_filter_1 array to a string with , as separator then concat with s_field along with literals for in and ().
from pyspark.sql import functions as f
f.when(f.col("t_filter").contains("!="), f.concat("s_field", "t_filter")).otherwise(
f.concat(f.col("s_field"), f.lit(" in ('"), f.concat_ws("','", "t_filter_1"), f.lit("')"))
|s_check|s_field|t_filter |t_filter_1 |t_filter_2 |
|true |MANDT |!='E' |[!='E'] |MANDT!='E' |
|true |WERKS |0010_0020_0021_00...|[0010, 0020, 0021, 00...]|WERKS in ('0010','0020','0021','00...')|
Complete Working Example
from pyspark.sql import functions as f
filters_data = [
{"s_field": "MANDT", "s_check": True, "t_filter": "!='E'"},
{"s_field": "WERKS", "s_check": True, "t_filter": "0010_0020_0021_00..."},
filters = spark.createDataFrame(filters_data)
filters = filters.withColumn("t_filter_1", f.split(f.col("t_filter"), "_"))
f.when(f.col("t_filter").contains("!="), f.concat("s_field", "t_filter")).otherwise(
f.concat(f.col("s_field"), f.lit(" in ('"), f.concat_ws("','", "t_filter_1"), f.lit("')"))
).show(200, False)

Pyspark, add colon to separate string

I have the following string 103400 I need to write it like 10:34:00 using pyspark. let take the following column as an example
And I want it to become like this:
you can try with regexp_replace
df.withColumn("time", regexp_replace(col("time") , "(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})" , "$1:$2:$3" ) ).show()
| time |

Spark 2.0 How to convert DF Date/timstamp column to another date format in scala?

For my learning , i have been using below sample dataset .
| MyDate| Open| High| Low|Close| Volume|
|2006-01-03 00:00:00|983.8|493.8|481.1|492.9|1537660|
|2006-01-04 00:00:00|979.6|491.0|483.5|483.8|1871020|
|2006-01-05 00:00:00|972.2|487.8|484.0|486.2|1143160|
|2006-01-06 00:00:00|977.8|489.0|482.0|486.2|1370250|
|2006-01-09 00:00:00|973.4|487.4|483.0|483.9|1680740|
I tried to change "MyDate" column values to different format like "YYYY-MON" and written like this..
citiDataDF.withColumn("New-Mydate",to_timestamp($"MyDate", "yyyy-MON")).show(5)
After executing the code, found that new column "New-Mydate". but i couldn't see the desired output format. can you please help
You need date_format instead to_timestamp:
val citiDataDF = List("2006-01-03 00:00:00").toDF("MyDate")
citiDataDF.withColumn("New-Mydate",date_format($"New-Mydate", "yyyy-MMM")).show(5)
| MyDate|New-Mydate|
|2006-01-03 00:00:00| 2006-Jan|
Note: Three "M" mean the month as string, if you want a month as Int, you must use only two "M"

How to compare two dataframe and print columns that are different in scala

We have two data frames here:
the expected dataframe:
|emp_id| emp_city|emp_name| emp_phone|emp_sal|emp_site|
| 3| Chennai| rahman|9848022330| 45000|SanRamon|
| 1|Hyderabad| ram|9848022338| 50000| SF|
| 2|Hyderabad| robin|9848022339| 40000| LA|
| 4| sanjose| romin|9848022331| 45123|SanRamon|
and the actual data frame:
|emp_id| emp_city|emp_name| emp_phone|emp_sal|emp_site|
| 3| Chennai| rahman|9848022330| 45000|SanRamon|
| 1|Hyderabad| ram|9848022338| 50000| SF|
| 2|Hyderabad| robin|9848022339| 40000| LA|
| 4| sanjose| romino|9848022331| 45123|SanRamon|
the difference between the two dataframes now is:
|emp_id|emp_city|emp_name| emp_phone|emp_sal|emp_site|
| 4| sanjose| romino|9848022331| 45123|SanRamon|
We are using the except function df1.except(df2), however the problem with this is, it returns the entire rows that are different. What we want is to see which columns are different within that row (in this case, "romin" and "romino" from "emp_name" are different). We have been having tremendous difficulty with it and any help would be great.
From the scenario that is described in the above question, it looks like that difference has to be found between columns and not rows.
So, to do that we need to apply selective difference here, which will provide us the columns that have different values, along with the values.
Now, to apply selective difference we have to write code something like this:
First we need to find the columns in expected and actual data frames.
val columns =
Then we have to find the difference columnwise.
val selectiveDifferences = =>
At last we need to find out which columns contain different values. => {if(diff.count > 0)})
And, we will get only the columns that contain different values. Like this:
| romino|
I hope this helps!
# Prepare list of dataframes/per column
for col in cols:
# Render/persist
for l in list_col :
if l.count() > 0 :
Spark-extensions have an API for this - DIFF. I believe you can use it like this:
Or supply emp_id as an id column, like this:
left.diff(right, "emp_id").show()
This API is available for Spark 2.4.x - 3.x.

fetch more than 20 rows and display full value of column in spark-shell

I am using CassandraSQLContext from spark-shell to query data from Cassandra. So, I want to know two things one how to fetch more than 20 rows using CassandraSQLContext and second how do Id display the full value of column. As you can see below by default it append dots in the string values.
Code :
val csc = new CassandraSQLContext(sc)
val maxDF = csc.sql("SQL_QUERY" )
| id| Col2| Col3| Col4|
|8wzloRMrGpf8Q3bbk...| Value1| X| K1|
|AxRfoHDjV1Fk18OqS...| Value2| Y| K2|
|FpMVRlaHsEOcHyDgy...| Value3| Z| K3|
|HERt8eFLRtKkiZndy...| Value4| U| K4|
|nWOcbbbm8ZOjUSNfY...| Value5| V| K5|
If you want to print the whole value of a column, in scala, you just need to set the argument truncate from the show method to false :
and if you wish to show more than 20 rows :
// example showing 30 columns of
// maxDf untruncated, false)
For pyspark, you'll need to specify the argument name : = False)
You won't get in nice tabular form instead it will be converted to scala object.