Vertx EventBus blocked - vert.x

I have a small vertx application. A http verticle gets a request and sends it over eventbus with request-response pattern. So something like:
vertx.eventBus().request(queue, request, options, reply -> {
if (reply.succeeded()) {
JsonObject body = (JsonObject) reply.result().body();
} else {
JsonObject result = new JsonObject().put("errorMessage", reply.cause().getMessage());
In the DB Vertical i use the consumer to get a message to go to DB, do some changes and send back to HTTP verticle.
My problem is, i have a delete action that must do a lot of checks, so this process can take up to 10 seconds. In this moment HTTP verticle can still get some new requests, but DB consumer does not receive anything until the delete action is done. So no requests are processed. The only thing that helps is setmultithreaded to DB verticle and that is depricated. Vertx.executeBlocking or JAVA Thread pool around DB execution also does not help, as consumer just does not get anything until it replies.
Do i miss something?
Thank you

I take from your question that the DB verticle is deployed with one instance. The DB verticle needs to be deployed as a worker. You can also deploy multiple instances of this verticle so that you always have one DB verticle that can take the next request.
Suggestion for optimization: If only the delete action is taking up so much time, separate this action in a special DB verticle. In this way your system is more responsive and you are able to control how many of the DB-"delecte-action"-Verticles are deployed and thus how many connections to the database are at may blocked for a longer time.


Spring Batch partitioned job JMS acknowledgement

Let's say I have a Spring Batch remote partitioned job, i.e. I have a manager application instance which starts the job and partitions the work and I have multiple workers who are executing individual partitions.
The message channel where the partitions are sent to the workers is an ActiveMQ queue and the Spring Integration configuration is based on JMS.
Assume that I wanna make sure that in case of a worker crashing in the middle of the partition execution, I want to make sure that another worker will pick up the same partition.
I think here's where acknowledging JMS messages would come in handy to only acknowledge a message in case a worker has fully completed its work on a particular partition but it seems as soon as the message is received by a worker, the message is acknowledged right away and in case of failures in the worker Spring Batch steps, the message won't reappear (obviously).
Is this even possible with Spring Batch? I've tried transacted sessions too but it doesn't really work either.
I know how to achieve this with JMS API. The difficulty comes from the fact that there is a lot of abstraction with Spring Batch in terms of messaging, and I'm unable to figure it out.
I know how to achieve this with JMS API. The difficulty comes from the fact that there is a lot of abstraction with Spring Batch in terms of messaging, and I'm unable to figure it out.
In this case, I think the best way to answer this question is to remove all these abstractions coming from Spring Batch (as well as Spring Integration), and try to see where the acknowledgment can be configured.
In a remote partitioning setup, workers are listeners on a queue in which messages coming from the manager are of type StepExecutionRequest. The most basic code form of a worker in this setup is something like the following (simplified version of StepExecutionRequestHandler, which is configured as a Spring Integration service activator when using the RemotePartitioningWorkerStepBuilder):
public class BatchWorkerStep {
private JobRepository jobRepository;
private StepLocator stepLocator;
#JmsListener(destination = "requests")
public void receiveMessage(final Message<StepExecutionRequest> message) throws JMSException {
StepExecutionRequest request = message.getObject();
Long jobExecutionId = request.getJobExecutionId();
Long stepExecutionId = request.getStepExecutionId();
String stepName = request.getStepName();
StepExecution stepExecution = jobRepository.getStepExecution(jobExecutionId, stepExecutionId);
Step step = stepLocator.getStep(stepName);
try {
} catch (Throwable e) {
} finally {
jobRepository.update(stepExecution); // this is needed in a setup where the manager polls the job repository
As you can see, the JMS message acknowledgment cannot be configured on the worker side (there is no way to do it with attributes of JmsListener, so it has to be done somewhere else. And this is actually at the message listener container level with DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory#setSessionAcknowledgeMode.
Now if you are using Spring Integration to configure the messaging middleware, you can configure the acknowledgment mode in Spring Integration .

How to test a verticle that does not wait for acks to its messages?

I want to test a worker verticle that receives requests over EventBus and sends the results also over EventBus. A single request may result in 0,1,2,... responses - in general cases we don't know how many responses we'll get.
The business logic is that requests are acked once the processing is complete, however the responses are sent in "fire and forget" manner - therefore we only know the responses were sent, not necessarily that they were delivered already.
I am writing a test for this verticle.
The test code is planned to be like this:
1. set up consumer for responses
2. send a request
3. wait until request is acked by the worker verticle
4. wait until consumer finishes validating the responses
The problem here is step 4 - in general case we don't know if there are still some responses in flight or not.
A brute force solution is obviously to wait some reasonable time - a few milliseconds is usually enough. However. I'd prefer something more conceptual.
A solution that comes to my mind is this:
send some request for which we know for sure that there would be a single response;
wait until the consumer receives the corresponding response.
That should work, but I dislike the fact that I pump two messages through the SUT instead of just a single one.
A different solution would be to send one extra response from test code, once we have a confirmation that the request was processed - but would it be considered to be the same sender? The EventBus only guarantees delivery order from the same sender, not from different ones. The test doesn't run in cluster mode, all operations are performed on the same machine, though not necessarily in the same thread.
Yet another solution would be to somehow check that EventBus is now empty, but as I understand, this is not possible.
Is there any other (better) solution?
The solution I would choose now (after half a year more experience with vertx/EventBus) is to send two messages.
The second message would get acked only after the processing of the first one is complete.
This would only work if you have a single consumer so that your two messages can't be processed in parallel.

How application server handle multiple requests to save data into table

I have created a web application in jsf and it has a button.
If the button is clicked then it will go to the server side and execute the below function to save the data in a table and I am using mybatis for this.
public void save(A a)
SqlSession session = null;
session = SqlConnection.getInstance().openSession();
TestMapper testmap= session.getMapper(TestMapper.class);
session .commit();
catch(Exception e){
Now i have deployed this application in an application server JBoss(wildfly).
As per my understanding, when multiple users try to access the application
by hitting the URL, the application server creates thread for each of the user request.
For example if 4 clients make request then 4 threads will be generated that is t1,t2,t3 and t4.
If all the 4 users hit the save button at the same time, how save method will be executed, like if t1 access the method and execute insert statement
to insert data into table, then t2,t3 and t4 or simultaneously all the 4 threads will execute the insert method and insert data?
To bring some context I would describe first two possible approaches to handling requests. In this case HTTP but these approaches do not depend on the protocol used and the main important thing is that requests come from the network and for their execution some IO is needed (either access to filesystem or database or network calls to other systems). Note that the following description has some simplifications.
These two approaches are:
In general to process the typical HTTP request that involves DB access at least four IO operations are needed:
request handler needs to read the request data from the client socket
request handler needs to write request to the socket connected to the DB
request handler needs to read response from the DB socket
request handler needs to write the response to the client socket
Let's see how this is done for both cases.
In this approach the server has a pool (think a collection) of threads that are ready to serve a request.
When the request comes in the server borrows a thread from the pool and executes a request handler in that thread.
When the request handler needs to do the IO operation it initiates the IO operation and then waits for its completion. By wait I mean that thread execution is blocked until the IO operation completes and the data (for example response with the results of the SQL query) is available.
In this case concurrency that is requests processing for multiple clients simultaneously is achieved by having some number of threads in the pool. IO operations are much slower if compared to CPU so most of the time the thread processing some request is blocked on IO operation and CPU cores can execute stages of the request processing for other clients.
Note that because of the slowness of the IO operations thread pool used for handling HTTP requests is usually large enough. Documentation for sync requests processing subsystem used in wildfly says about 10 threads per CPU core as a reasonable value.
In this case the IO is handled differently. There is a small number of threads handling IO. They all work the same way and I'll describe one of them.
Such thread runs a loop which basically waits for events and every time an event happen it calls a handler for an event.
The first such event is new request. When a request processing is started the request handler is invoked from the loop that is run by one of the IO threads. The first thing the request handler is doing it tries to read request from the client socket. So the handler initiates the IO operation on the client socket and returns control to the caller. That means that the thread is released and it can process another event.
Another event happens when the IO operations that reads from client socket got some data available. In this case the loop invokes the handler at the point where the handler returned the control to the loop after the IO initiate namely it is resumed on the next step that processes the input data (like parses HTTP parameters) and initiates new IO operation (in this case request to the DB socket). And again the handler releases the thread so it can handler other events (like completion of IO operations that are part of other clients' requests processing).
Given that IO operations are slow compared to the speed of CPU itself one thread handling IO can process a lot of requests concurrently.
Note: that it is important that the requests handler code never uses any blocking operation (like blocking IO) because that would steal the IO thread and will not allow other requests to proceed.
JSF and Mybatis
In case of JSF and mybatis the synchronous approach is used. JSF uses a servlet to handle requests from the UI and servlets are handled by the synchronous processors in WildFly. JDBC which is used by mybatis to communicate to a DB is also using synchronous IO so threads are used to execute requests concurrently.
All of the above is written with the assumption that there is no other sources of the congestion. By congestion here I mean a limitation on the ability of the certain component of the system to execute things in parallel.
For example imagine a situation that a database is configured to only allow one client connection at a time (this is not a reasonable configuration and I'm using this only to demonstrate the idea). In this case even if multiple threads can execute the code of the save method in parallel all but one will be blocked at the moment when they try to open the connection to the database.
Another similar example is if you are using sqlite database. It only allows one client to write to the DB at a time. So at the point when thread A tries to execute insert it will be blocked if the is another thread B that is already executing the insert. And only after the commit executed by the thread B the thread A would be able to proceed with the insert. The time A depends on the time it take for B to execute its request and the number of other threads waiting to do a write operation to the same DB.
In practice if you are using a RDBMS that scales better (like postgresql, mysql or oracle) you will not hit this problem when using the small number of connection. But it may become a problem when there is a big number of concurrent requests and there is a limitation in the DB on the number of client connections or the connection pool is used to limit the number of connections on the application side. In this case if there are already many connections to the database the new clients will wait until existing requests are finished and connections are closed.

How to implement a microservice Event Driven architecture with Spring Cloud Stream Kafka and Database per service

I am trying to implement an event driven architecture to handle distributed transactions. Each service has its own database and uses Kafka to send messages to inform other microservices about the operations.
An example:
Order service -------> | Kafka |------->Payment Service
| |
Orders MariaDB DB Payment MariaDB Database
Order receives an order request. It has to store the new Order in its DB and publish a message so that Payment Service realizes it has to charge for the item:
private OrderBusiness orderBusiness;
public Order createOrder(#RequestBody Order order){
//a.- Save the order in the DB
//b. Publish in the topic so that Payment Service charges for the item.
}catch(Exception e){
logger.error("{}", e);
return order;
These are my doubts:
Steps a.- (save in Order DB) and b.- (publish the message) should be performed in a transaction, atomically. How can I achieve that?
This is related to the previous one: I send the message with: orderSource.output().send(MessageBuilder.withPayload(order).build()); This operations is asynchronous and ALWAYS returns true, no matter if the Kafka broker is down. How can I know that the message has reached the Kafka broker?
Steps a.- (save in Order DB) and b.- (publish the message) should be
performed in a transaction, atomically. How can I achieve that?
Kafka currently does not support transactions (and thus also no rollback or commit), which you'd need to synchronize something like this. So in short: you can't do what you want to do. This will change in the near-ish future, when KIP-98 is merged, but that might take some time yet. Also, even with transactions in Kafka, an atomic transaction across two systems is a very hard thing to do, everything that follows will only be improved upon by transactional support in Kafka, it will still not entirely solve your issue. For that you would need to look into implementing some form of two phase commit across your systems.
You can get somewhat close by configuring producer properties, but in the end you will have to chose between at least once or at most once for one of your systems (MariaDB or Kafka).
Let's start with what you can do in Kafka do ensure delivery of a message and further down we'll dive into your options for the overall process flow and what the consequences are.
Guaranteed delivery
You can configure how many brokers have to confirm receipt of your messages, before the request is returned to you with the parameter acks: by setting this to all you tell the broker to wait until all replicas have acknowledged your message before returning an answer to you. This is still no 100% guarantee that your message will not be lost, since it has only been written to the page cache yet and there are theoretical scenarios with a broker failing before it is persisted to disc, where the message might still be lost. But this is as good a guarantee as you are going to get.
You can further reduce the risk of data loss by lowering the intervall at which brokers force an fsync to disc (emphasized text and/or but please be aware, that these values can bring with them heavy performance penalties.
In addition to these settings you will need to wait for your Kafka producer to return the response for your request to you and check whether an exception occurred. This sort of ties into the second part of your question, so I will go into that further down.
If the response is clean, you can be as sure as possible that your data got to Kafka and start worrying about MariaDB.
Everything we have covered so far only addresses how to ensure that Kafka got your messages, but you also need to write data into MariaDB, and this can fail as well, which would make it necessary to recall a message you potentially already sent to Kafka - and this you can't do.
So basically you need to choose one system in which you are better able to deal with duplicates/missing values (depending on whether or not you resend partial failures) and that will influence the order you do things in.
Option 1
In this option you initialize a transaction in MariaDB, then send the message to Kafka, wait for a response and if the send was successful you commit the transaction in MariaDB. Should sending to Kafka fail, you can rollback your transaction in MariaDB and everything is dandy.
If however, sending to Kafka is successful and your commit to MariaDB fails for some reason, then there is no way of getting back the message from Kafka. So you will either be missing a message in MariaDB or have a duplicate message in Kafka, if you resend everything later on.
Option 2
This is pretty much just the other way around, but you are probably better able to delete a message that was written in MariaDB, depending on your data model.
Of course you can mitigate both approaches by keeping track of failed sends and retrying just these later on, but all of that is more of a bandaid on the bigger issue.
Personally I'd go with approach 1, since the chance of a commit failing should be somewhat smaller than the send itself and implement some sort of dupe check on the other side of Kafka.
This is related to the previous one: I send the message with:
This operations is asynchronous and ALWAYS returns true, no matter if
the Kafka broker is down. How can I know that the message has reached
the Kafka broker?
Now first of, I'll admit I am unfamiliar with Spring, so this may not be of use to you, but the following code snippet illustrates one way of checking produce responses for exceptions.
By calling flush you block until all sends have finished (and either failed or succeeded) and then check the results.
Producer<String, String> producer = new KafkaProducer<>(myConfig);
final ArrayList<Exception> exceptionList = new ArrayList<>();
for(MessageType message : messages){
producer.send(new ProducerRecord<String, String>("myTopic", message.getKey(), message.getValue()), new Callback() {
public void onCompletion(RecordMetadata metadata, Exception exception) {
if (exception != null) {
if (!exceptionList.isEmpty()) {
// do stuff
I think the proper way for implementing Event Sourcing is by having Kafka be filled directly from events pushed by a plugin that reads from the RDBMS binlog e.g using Confluent BottledWater ( or more active Debezium ( Then consuming Microservices can listen to those events, consume them and act on their respective databases being eventually consistent with the RDBMS database.
Have a look here to my full answer for a guideline:

Netty 4.0 SO_Keeplive one connection send many request to server How to process request concurrently

one connection send many request to server
How to process request concurrently.
Please use a simple example like timeserver or echoserver in
to illustrate the operation.
One way I could find out is to create a separate threaded handler that will be called as in a producer/consumer way.
The producer will be your "network" handler, giving message to the consumers, therefore not waiting for any wanswear and being able then to proceed with the next request.
The consumer will be your "business" handler, one per connection but possibly multi-threaded, consuming with multiple instances the messages and being able to answer using the Netty's context from the connection from which it is attached.
Another option for the consumer would be to have only one handler, still multi-threaded, but then message will come in with the original Netty's Context such that it can answear to the client, whatever the connection attached.
But the difficulties will come soon:
How to deal with an answear among several requests on client side: let say the client sends 3 requests A, B and C and the answears will come back, due to speed of the Business handler, as C, A, B... You have to deal with it, and knowing for which request the answer is.
You have to ensure all the ways the context given in parameter is still valid (channel active), if you don't want to have too many errors.
Perhaps the best way would be to however handle your request in order (as Netty does), and keep the answear's action as quick as possible.