I expected to use a box and parameter control to show different worksheets in the dashboard. I made sure that I put the displayed chart at first, the hided charts as followed, and show parameter control, but it did not show the control. How can I solve that?
enter image description here
I see only 5 labels even that i have 6 options - how can i solve it? the Malicious Bots are not shown in the labels.
You can't see them because there no space available and so Tableau suggest you to not show it.
If you want to see it anyway, you can go to the Label mark of your worksheet, and check the flag "allow label to overlap".
Remember that selecting a specifc slice you can move the label, but I would not reccomend it if your chart may change due to filters.
I am a new Tableau user. I have a concept to create one-page dashboard as summary page which contains two main windows. First window is fixed, displaying general information by pie chart. Second window (below) is dynamic, displaying detailed information of clicked pie chart. Every pie chart has different format/ layout of detailed information. Could I visualize the concept using Tableau. Please enlighten me
Yes you can. This is Tableau's bread and butter. Click an item in the dashboard and everything else can be filtered to that item. Look at Dashboard Actions to accomplish this.
i'm very new to Tableau.
i have a bar chart and another column chart which have relative information to thebar chart.
what i would like to achieve is when user clicks bar of the chart, another chart will show with the corresponding data.
I achieved this, but I need to show the chart when the use clicks the bar's only.It should hide by default
Use filter actions and set your target sheet to "Exclude all values" in the "Clearing the Selection will:" section. For more information, check our the docs. https://onlinehelp.tableau.com/current/pro/desktop/en-us/actions.htm
Apologies in advance, I cannot share the code. I do have a screenshot.
I am using VizFrame vizType 'combination' which is a combination of columns and lines. I want to be able to hide/show just the line charts for the user to have an option. I have looked everywhere but cannot find a way. All I am able to do is hide data point labels which is not my requirement.
But please let me know if this is possible? If so, how can I can hide/show a line chart on click of a toggle button I have in my toolbar.
I'm using ui5 version 1.52
I'm afraid that if you cannot find a way to do that it means that it's not possible with the standard version of the control.
You have two options:
Extend the current VizFrame control you're using in order to
override/implement what you need
Use a third-party control to
display charts. I would recommend you to check out my implementation
of openui5-chartjs
I have a scenario where in I am using fusion chart which has a multiple line chart in one fusion chart. I want to create a clickable line chart where in clicking on label that particular attribute will be displayed in graph. So basically each line chart in graph is dynamically displayed with click of button for each line chart. I hope you get my requirement. Any help will be really appreciated.
I hope I have understood your requirement correctly.
As far as I know, FusionCharts v3.2 has something similar to what you require.
From the documentation,
Interactive legends in charts that allow for selective showing/hiding of data series (or slicing, in case of pie charts)
You can see a demo of this at FusionCharts gallery