Exposing service to the internet from a bare metal kubernetes cluster - kubernetes

I'm running a Kuberenets with 1 master and 2 slaves. I have a deployment and service pointing to it with type of NodePort. I'm able to access the service from the workers themselves, but I want to expose the service in a way it will load balance between the workers and without specifying a port. I'm running on bare-metal, so I can't expose the service as a LoadBalancer and use google/amazon load balancing.
How can I do that?

You can use metalLB which hooks into your Kubernetes cluster, and provides a network load-balancer implementation. In short, it allows you to create Kubernetes services of type LoadBalancer in clusters that don’t run on a cloud provider, and thus cannot simply hook into paid products to provide load-balancers.
It has two features that work together to provide this service: address allocation, and external announcemen
MetalLB requires the following to function:
A Kubernetes cluster, running Kubernetes 1.13.0 or later, that does not already have network load-balancing functionality.
A cluster network configuration that can coexist with MetalLB.
Some IPv4 addresses for MetalLB to hand out.
Depending on the operating mode, you may need one or more routers capable of speaking BGP.


How to forward traffic to an on-premise Kubernetes cluster

I'm trying to understand how traffic can be forwarded to an on-premise Kubernetes cluster.
It's clear to me that in a public Cloud provider, the underlying infrastructure of the Cloud can automatically manage and forward traffic to a Kubernetes distribution, such as EKS, GKE, AKS, by assining a LoadBalancer IP to a Kubernetes Service. Then, after a few seconds, this service will receive an external IP and will be reachable from the outside world.
On the other hand, in an on-premise Kubernetes cluster, by assigning a LoadBalancer IP to a service, it stays on pending forever, unless you assign a node IP, but what if you want to assign a different IP from a private IP range? In order to tackle this, in my homelab, I've deployed metallb inside my K3s cluster. The metallb is configured to use a private IP range of my network, let's say Now, services of type LoadBalancer can consume an address of this range, e.g. my Ingress Controller can receive as its external IP.
I can't understand what's metallb doing under the hood. How metallb "listens" to an address of the range and forwards traffic to my cluster. Can this be achieved without a metallb? I've tried setting an ExternalIP directly to a service of type LoadBalancer, but it never managed to claim that specific IP without it.
In addition, I'm aware that this can also be achieved with a "physical" load-balancer solution, such as NGINX and HAProxy, that sits in front of the cluster. To my understanding, technically this does the same thing as metallb. With such a solution configured, an address can be listened and be forwarded to the cluster. But my question here is, can this be achieved without those technologies? Can a Kubernetes Cluster listen to an external address and accept traffic without an intermediate solution? Maybe through Firewall rules and port-forwarding?
Your time is highly appreciated!
This involves some of the core networking concepts like NATing, you can have two networks one local and one external CIDR. For exposing the services you can NAT the local CIDR with external CIDR and configure required firewall rules for making your cluster serve the public.

Kubernetes service discovery, CNIs and Istio differences

I was making some research about how K8s resolves the services using the clusterIP services and how CNIs like WeaveNet or how service meshes like Istio provide additional features to this functionality. However, I'm new on the topic and I'd like to share here what I've found to see if somebody can expand and correct my points:
Istiod has a service registry. This service registry is filled with the entries coming from K8s services clusterIPs (which in turn is the service registry of K8s) and other possible external services defined with Kind: ServiceEntry
(see seciton 5.5 of book istio in action)
This service registry is then mixed with more information about virtualservices and destination rules. These new/added K8s kinds are CRDs from Istio. They are what give the features of L7 load balancing that allow to distribute traffic by HTTP headers or URI path.
Without Istio, K8s has different (3) ways to implement the clusterIPs services concept. This services provide load balancing at L4.
The most extended one nowadays is the iptables proxy mode. The iptables of the Linux machine are populated in bases of what theh kube-proxy provides. Kube-proxy gets those data from the kube-apiserver and (problably the core-dns). The kube-apisever will in turn consult the etcd database to know about the k8s clusterIP services. The entry of the iptables is populated with a the clusterIP->pod IP with only one pod IP out of the many pod that a deployment behind the clusterIP could be.
Any piece of code/application inside of the container could make calls directy to the kube-apiserver if using the correct authentication and get the pod address but that would be not practic
K8s can use CNIs (container network interfaces). One example of this would be Weavenet.
Wevenet creates a new layer 2 network using Linux kernel features. One daemon sets up this L2 network and manages the routing between machines and there are various ways to attach machines to the network.
In this network the containers can be exposed to the outside world.
Weavenet implements a micro DNS server at each node. You simply name containers and the routing just can work without the use of services, including the load balancing across multiple continers with the same name.

What is a Kubernetes LoadBalancer On-Prem

I understand that, in Cloud scenarios, a LoadBalancer resource refers to and provisions an external layer 4 load balancer. There is some proprietary integration by which the cluster configures this load balancing. OK.
On-prem we have no such integration so we create our own load balancer outside of the cluster which distributes traffic to all nodes - effectively, in our case to the ingress.
I see no need for the cluster to know anything about this external load balancer.
What is a LoadBalancer* then in an on-prem scenario? Why do I have them? Why do I need one? What does it do? What happens when I create one? What role does the LoadBalancer resource play in ingress traffic. What effect does the LoadBalancer have outside the cluster? Is a LoadBalancer just a way to get a new IP address? How/why/ where does the IP point to and where does the IP come from?
All questions refer to the Service of type “LoadBalancer” inside cluster and not my load balancer outside the cluster of which the cluster has no knowledge.
As pointed out in the comments a kubernetes service of type LoadBalancer can not be used by default with on-prem setups. You can use metallb to setup a service of that type in an on prem environment.
Kubernetes does not offer an implementation of network load balancers (Services of type LoadBalancer) for bare-metal clusters. [...] If you’re not running on a supported IaaS platform (GCP, AWS, Azure…), LoadBalancers will remain in the “pending” state indefinitely when created. [...] MetalLB aims to redress this imbalance by offering a network load balancer implementation that integrates with standard network equipment, so that external services on bare-metal clusters also “just work” as much as possible.
You can for example use the BGP mode to advertise the service's IP to your router, read more on that in the docs.
The project is still in beta but is promoted as production ready and used by several bigger companies.
Regarding your question in the comments:
Can I just broadcast the MAC address of my node and manually add the IP I am broadcasting to the LoadBalancer service via kubectl edit?
Yes that would work too. That's basically what metallb does, announcing the IP and updating the service.
Why need a software then? Imaging having 500 hosts that come and go with thousends of services of type LoadBalancer that come and go. You need an automation here.
Why does Kubernetes need to know this IP?
It doesn't. If you don't use an external ip, the service is still usable via it's NodePort, see for example the istio docs (with a little more details added by me):
$ kubectl get svc istio-ingressgateway -n istio-system
istio-ingressgateway LoadBalancer <Pending> [...],80:32123/TCP,443:30994/TCP,[...]
Here the external IP is not set and stays in <Pending>. You can still use the service by pointing your traffic to <Node-IP>:32123 for plain http and to <Node-IP>:30994 for https. As you can see above those ports are mapped to 80 and 443.
If the external ip is set you can direct traffic directly to port 80 and 443 on the external load balancer. Kube-Proxy will create an iptables chain with the destination of you external ip, that basically leads from the external IP over the service ip with a load balancer configuration to a pod ip.
To investigate that set up a service of type LoadBalancer, make sure it has an external ip, connect to the host and run the iptables-save command (e.g. iptables-save | less). Search for the external ip and follow the chain until you end up at the pod.

Service external IP pending on kubernetes hosted on jelastic

I have installed my kubernetes cluster on Jelastic. Now, I tried to define a service of LoadBalancer type and would like it to be provided with an external IP. The external IP is currently marked as pending. What should I do to make it non-pending? Do I have to provide the worker nodes with an external IPv4?
In my current setup, my worker nodes have no IPv4 because I put an nginx load-balancer in front of the cluster:
The IPv4 is set on the nginx node. Is that a problem? If I want to access my loadbalancer service inside of my kubernetes cluster, what should I do?
For LoadBalancer service type to work, the cloud provider must implemenet the relevant APIs to get it to work.
With regard to Jelastic, as per their docs, they don't support it https://docs.jelastic.com/kubernetes-exposing-services/:
Jelastic PaaS does not support the LocaBalancer service type currently.
In Jelastic Public IP addresses have to be attached to worker nodes.
Every worker node has ingress controller instance running (based oт nginx/haproxy/traefik) with http/https listeners that can forward traffic to the required service.
You have just to bind your domain as CNAME to Environment FQDN and every your worker node can accept requests in RR-DNS mode.
Does this scenario works for you or you have a specific requirement to use external load balancer?
By default, when Public IPs are not attached to worker instances the traffic is going through the Shared Load Balancer.
P.S. If you install Certification Manager Addon to your K8s cluster - you can also issue free Let's Encrypt certificates.

Routing traffic to kubernetes cluster

I have a question related to Kubernetes networking.
I have a microservice (say numcruncherpod) running in a pod which is serving requests via port 9000, and I have created a corresponding Service of type NodePort (numcrunchersvc) and node port which this service is exposed is 30900.
My cluster has 3 nodes with following IPs:,
I will be routing the traffic to my cluster via reverse proxy (nginx). As I understand in nginx I need to specify IPs of all these cluster nodes to route the traffic to the cluster, is my understanding correct ?
My worry is since nginx won't have knowledge of cluster it might not be a good judge to decide the cluster node to which the traffic should be sent to. So is there a better way to route the traffic to my kubernetes cluster ?
PS: I am not running the cluster on any cloud platform.
This answer is a little late, and a little long, so I ask for forgiveness before I begin. :)
For people not running kubernetes clusters on Cloud Providers there are 4 distinct options for exposing services running inside the cluster to the world outside.
Service of type: NodePort. This is the simplest and default. Kubernetes assigns a random port to your service. Every node in the cluster listens for traffic to this particular port and then forwards that traffic to any one of the pods backing that service. This is usually handled by kube-proxy, which leverages iptables and load balances using a round-robin strategy. Typically since the UX for this setup is not pretty, people often add an external "proxy" server, such as HAProxy, Nginx or httpd to listen to traffic on a single IP and forward it to one of these backends. This is the setup you, OP, described.
A step up from this would be using a Service of type: ExternalIP. This is identical to the NodePort service, except it also gets kubernetes to add an additional rule on all kubernetes nodes that says "All traffic that arrives for destination IP == must also be forwarded to the pods". This basically allows you to specify any arbitrary IP as the "external IP" for the service. As long as traffic destined for that IP reaches one of the nodes in the cluster, it will be routed to the correct pod. Getting that traffic to any of the nodes however, is your responsibility as the cluster administrator. The advantage here is that you no longer have to run an haproxy/nginx setup, if you specify the IP of one of the physical interfaces of one of your nodes (for example one of your master nodes). Additionally you cut down the number of hops by one.
Service of type: LoadBalancer. This service type brings baremetal clusters at parity with cloud providers. A fully functioning loadbalancer provider is able to select IP from a pre-defined pool, automatically assign it to your service and advertise it to the network, assuming it is configured correctly. This is the most "seamless" experience you'll have when it comes to kubernetes networking on baremetal. Most of LoadBalancer provider implementations use BGP to talk and advertise to an upstream L3 router. Metallb and kube-router are the two FOSS projects that fit this niche.
Kubernetes Ingress. If your requirement is limited to L7 applications, such as REST APIs, HTTP microservices etc. You can setup a single Ingress provider (nginx is one such provider) and then configure ingress resources for all your microservices, instead of service resources. You deploy your ingress provider and make sure it has an externally available and routable IP (you can pin it to a master node, and use the physical interface IP for that node for example). The advantage of using ingress over services is that ingress objects understand HTTP mircoservices natively and you can do smarter health checking, routing and management.
Often people combine one of (1), (2), (3) with (4), since the first 3 are L4 (TCP/UDP) and (4) is L7. So things like URL path/Domain based routing, SSL Termination etc is handled by the ingress provider and the IP lifecycle management and routing is taken care of by the service layer.
For your use case, the ideal setup would involve:
A deployment for your microservice, with health endpoints on your pod
An Ingress provider, so that you can tweak/customize your routing/load-balancing as well as use for SSL termination, domain matching etc.
(optional): Use a LoadBalancer provider to front your Ingress provider, so that you don't have to manually configure your Ingress's networking.
Correct. You can route traffic to any or all of the K8 minions. The K8 network layer will forward to the appropriate minion if necessary.
If you are running only a single pod for example, nginx will most likely round-robin the requests. When the requests hit a minion which does not have the pod running on it, the request will be forwarded to the minion that does have the pod running.
If you run 3 pods, one on each minion, the request will be handled by whatever minion gets the request from nginx.
If you run more than one pod on each minion, the requests will be round-robin to each minion, and then round-robin to each pod on that minion.