Get elements by class name with Elm.Browser.Dom - dom

I know I can get an Element by id with Browser.Dom.getElement.
But how can I get a List Element by classname?

As of Elm 0.19, the browser package doesn't expose any other helper functions to query the DOM. The getElement function itself is directly calling a kernel function:
getElement : String -> Task Error Element
getElement =
Depending on what you want to do specifically, you might want to write a JavaScript function that queries the elements, reads the interesting bits, and makes the result accessible to your Elm application through the ports system.
For instance, take a look at the elm-dom-ports package for inspiration. It exposes document.querySelectorAll() function as a port and you can catch its result by subscribing to querySelectorAllResponse.


Call a kdb function passing another function as argument using sendSync method of qpython(kdb)

In the KDB server, we have two functions defined as
q)t:{0N!x[`min]; 0N!x[`max];}
q){[keyList; valueList] keyList!valueList}
The KDB server, does not allow to pass dict()!() as an argument directly to a function, rather one has to use
Calling t function from kdb would be like
q)t[[`min`max;10 20]]
I want to call the t function from qpython sendSync() method passing another function[`min`max;10 20] as an argument to t.
Unfortunately, I cannot find a solution in the qptyhon doc -
Error -
When I tried sendSync() method, below error is raised -
qpython.qtype.QException: b'['
The KDB server, does not allow to pass dict()!() as an argument directly to a function, rather one has to use
May I know why this is so? It's not a bad idea to challenge the original design before looking for workarounds. If dictionary were allowed as its parameter, it could have been as simple as
params = QDictionary(qlist(numpy.array(["min", "max"], dtype=numpy.string_), qtype=QSYMBOL_LIST),
qlist(numpy.array([10, 20], dtype=numpy.int64), qtype=QLONG_LIST))
with qconnection.QConnection(host='localhost', port=5000) as q:
q.sendSync("t", params)
If you want to do what you can do in q console via qpython, it's actually also simple: you pass the same string over. Effectively it's the same mechanism as a q client passing a string via IPC to the server, where the string is parsed and evaluated. Here you need to convert the input to the given string format in your Python code, thus not as clean as the above (although it looks more verbose).
with qconnection.QConnection(host='localhost', port=5000) as q:
q.sendSync("t[[`min`max;10 20]]")
Maybe you can use a lambda for this. That way it's just the arguments that need be serialized:
q.sendSync("{t[[x;y]]}", qlist(["min", "max"], qtype=QSYMBOL_LIST), [10, 20])
If that's not permitted, you could create it as a named wrapper function on the kdb side, which could be.
Alternatively, you could format your call with arguments as a string. A bit hacky; but workable for simple input.
q.sendSync(f"t[[`{'`'.join(['min', 'max'])};{' '.join(['10', '20'])}]]")

Pass information from one compiler component to another without mutation

I am building a compiler plugin that has two components
Permission Accumulator: Load the function definitions and some extra meta data about them into a structure like a Map[String, (...)] where String keys represents the function name and the tuple contains the meta information + the definition in scope.
Function Transformer: Recursively traverse the function bodies to check if the metadata of the caller aligns with the callee. More specifically caller.metadata ⊆ callee.metada
This kind of preloading is a rather common thing in compilers (Zinc, Unison etc. all have similar tricks they pull). The first component needs to pass this information it has accumulated to the second component.
Unfortunately the current implementation uses a mutable.Map in the Plugin class and initiates the phases with a reference to this mutable Map. While given the fact that this code won't be surfaced to the end user and some amount of mutation could be tolerated, if someone (including myself) were to add another component/phase that touched this Map in the future, things can go very wrong, resulting in a situation that is painful to debug.
Question: I am wondering if there is a way to instantiate one component, extract some information from it, use that info to init the second component and run it.
Current Implementation:
import scala.collection.mutable.{ Map => MMap }
class Contentable(override val global: Global) extends Plugin {
val functions: MMap[String, (String, List[String])] = MMap()
val components = new PermissionAccumulator(global, functions) :: new FunctionRewriter(global, functions) :: Nil
The first component mutates the Map as such:
functions += ( -> ((md5HashString(dd.rhs.toString()), roles)))
What I have tried:
Original plan was to encapsulate the mutation inside the first component and do something like secondComponent(global, firstComponent.functions) but because Scala class create a copy of their arguments when an instance is created, the changes to this Map is not reflected in the second component
Note: I have no problem turning these component to phases if that makes a difference.

I am getting an error while trying to pass the data from scoreboard to sequence, how to get rid of it?

I am new to UVM and I am trying to verify a memory design where I am trying to run a write sequence multiple times followed by read sequence same number of times so that I could read the same addresses I am writing to, and compare. For this I tried to create a new class extended from uvm_object with a queue to store the addresses I am writing to, so that I could use them in read seq and I am instantiating this class in the scoreboard and then sending the handle of class to the read sequence via uvm_config_db, now the issue is I am able to store addresses in queue but unable to get the class handle in read sequence ......Is this the right way of checking or is there some better way to check the write and read back from memory, please help me !
entire code link (yet to complete):
Relevant code snippets:
This is the class I created to store the addresses
class address_list extends uvm_object;
function new(string name);;
In my scoreboard, I am passing the handle of class with address queue to the read sequence, here is the snippet from scoreboard
virtual function void write(mem_seq_item pkt);
`uvm_info(get_type_name(),$sformatf("Adder list is
endfunction : write
In my read sequence, I am trying to get the handle
virtual task body();
if(!uvm_config_db#(address_list)::get(this, " ", "address", addr_))
`uvm_fatal("NO_VIF",{"virtual interface must be set for:",get_full_name(),".addr_"});
`uvm_info(get_type_name(),$sformatf("ADDR IS %p",addr_),UVM_LOW)
Error-[ICTTFC] Incompatible complex type usage, 137 {line where i try to get from uvm_config_db}
Incompatible complex type usage in task or function call.
The following expression is incompatible with the formal parameter of the
function. The type of the actual is 'class $unit::wr_rd_sequence', while
type of the formal is 'class uvm_pkg::uvm_component'. Expression: this
Source info: uvm_config_db#
" ", "address", this.addr_)
There are two problems with this line:
if(!uvm_config_db#(address_list)::get(this, " ", "address", addr_))
One is causing your error. One might lead to you not being able to find what you're looking for in the database.
This (literally this) is causing your error. You are calling get from a class derived from uvm_sequence. The first argument to get is expecting a class derived from uvm_component. Your problem is that a sequence is not part of the testbench hierarchy, so you cannot use a sequence as the first argument to a call to get (or set) in a uvm_config_db. Instead the convention is to use the sequencer that the sequence is running on, which is returned by a call to the sequence's get_sequencer() method. This solves your problem:
if(!uvm_config_db#(address_list)::get(get_sequencer(), "", "address", addr_))
This works because you used a wildcard when you called set.
Notice that I also removed the space from between the quotes. That might not give you a problem, because you used the wildcard when you called set, but in general this string should either be empty or should be a real hierarchical path. (The hierarchy input to the set and get calls is split between the first argument - a SystemVerilog hierarchical path - and the second - a string representing a hierarchical path).
uvm_config_db is basically for passing configuration between components.
For purpose of passing data from scoreboard to sequence, you can use uvm_event.
Trigger event in scoreboard using event.trigger(address_list)
sequence wait for event using event.wait_for_trigger_data(address_list)

Spread syntax in function call in Reason

In Javascript you can use the spread syntax in a function call like this:
Is there an equivalent in Reason? I tried the following:
let bound = (number, lower, upper) => {
max(lower, min(upper, number));
let parameters = (1,0,20);
bound(...parameters) |> Js.log;
But this gives an unknown syntax error:
Try reason snippet
There's not. Reason is a statically typed language, and lists are dynamically-sized and homogenous. It would be of very limited use, and not at all obvious how it would deal with too few or too many arguments. If you want to pass a list, you should just accept a list and deal with it appropriately, as a separate function if desired.
You could of course use a tuple instead, which is fixed-size and heterogenous, but I don't see a use-case for that either, since you might as well just call the function directly then.
For JavaScript FFI there is however the bs.splice attribute, which will allow you to apply a variable number of arguments to a js function using an array. But it needs to be called with an array literal, not just any array.

How do I access List template of C++ program from Perl using SWIG?

I want to access a template List of C++ program from a Perl script and use those values.
Example code:
typedef list < Struct1 * > sturct1_list;
struct Struct2
int i;
struct1_list List1;
struct Struct1
int j;
I used one swig generated api and did the following:
$myList = Struct2_struct1List_get
print "Reference type: " . ref($myList) ;
now this prints as:
Reference type: \_p\_std\_\_listTutils\_\_Struct1\_p\_t
how to get the values from the structure using this?
Update from duplicate question:
in interface file i put
%template(ListStruct1) std::list< Struct1 * >;
after i generate the ".pm" file. I checked the APIs available this list.
I found
I was able to use those elements. But i dont know how to access individual elements of the list using these API? or am I missing something in interface file?
Is typemap possible to return the list as array here??
First of all, general info
This tutorial shows how to do the wrapper for templates.
The same tutorial shows how to use the module from Perl, but the perl example doesn't touch templates.
This SO article shows how to do that with a Vector
Here's a general SWIG STL documentation that seems to mention std_list.i interface.
Second, regarding lists
You can not "access" C++ list like a Perl array, by a subscript. If you wanted that, you must use a Vector as underlying type.
As an alternate, create a class extending List, give it a new method which returns an element by an index, and expose that method in an interface.
If you wish to access the list by finding an element, like in C++, you need to write a List interface that exposes find() method - the default one does not from reading the source code.
In your interface, try:
%include "std_list.i"
%template(ListStruct1) std::list< Struct1 * >;
The std library is kinda funny, there's no actual binary object called list that swig can just wrap, it's all templates - so swig needs some extra help to figure out what's going on.
That should add insert, remove, and a bunch of other list specific functions to the wrapper.
If the above doesn't work, try adding:
UPDATE: Of course, I neglected to mention (or even realize) that this works great for python, java, and a few others, but is totally broken in perl...