Does using a library like cats make upgrading to dotty more or less difficult? [closed] - scala

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Closed 2 years ago.
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If I use cats in my scala project, would it make migrating to dotty easier or difficult?
I'm not too sure of the ramifications of using a library like this and how hard it will be to eventually migrate over to dotty.

Using any library at all will force you to wait until it is released for Dotty.
For many libraries it will be a smooth migration if they don't use type system intensively, some will have to make some adjustments to provide support for new types, and all macros will need a total rewrite.
AFAIR Cats are making preparations for Dotty (you can see that they even have tests for it). But there is also the rest of TL ecosystem and each part of it will have to prepare for migration individually (while depending on its upstreams).
Personally, I wouldn't expect to migrate to Dotty in production for the first half a year. I would give some time to library author to migrate and test their changes. For now some attempts are being made, but since, not everything is set in stone yet, some libraries prefer to wait till right-before-the-release before they start migration.


Recommended way to interact with MySQL in Play framework (scala)? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I'm a newbie, just started using Play framework (2.8.x). Is there any recommended way to interact with MySQL in Play framework using ORM framework (slick or something else ?? after I searched around)? As I usually interact with MySQL in Flask using SQLAlchemy under Python, I'd wish to do something likewise under scala.
There is no one recommended way of doing database calls on Scala.
When it comes to Play Framework, then quite often it was used together with Slick because of who developed them. But Slick is Functional-Relational-Mapping, not Object-Relational-Mapping.
If you want to use ORM, you would have to use Hibernate as many people came to conclusion that ORMs do more harm than good in a long run, so nobody develops any ORM solution. (Not intending to argue about it here, just explaining why you won't find native ORM Scala solution that is maintained today).
When it comes to where community leans, you should consider some "safe SQL builder" like Doobie, Quill or jOOQ.
But as I said, nobody will ever tell you that there is some one solution that everybody would pick no matter what.

Scala beginner has some questions [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm going to learn Scala, I already have experience in programming. But I have some questions.
When I create a Project in IntelliJ there I must choose between sbt, Lightbend Project start and IDEA. What should I choose and what's the difference between them?
After I have created a Project, I have to create a Scala Class, right? Then I have to choose between Class, Object and Trait.
What is the difference between them?
3.Are there any other things they are good to know?
Best regards Lockna
The simplest thing to choose would be IDEA. IntelliJ will compile the project for you and you shouldn't have to do much to get it working. If you want to learn Scala and a popular build system at the same time, use SBT. It's going to be too much information to ingest at once though, so I wouldn't recommend it if you're an absolute beginner in Scala/functional programming.
Well, perhaps you should read about Scala. That's a Scala 101 question. It's already well documented on the internet, probably a thousand times, and it's not valuable to add another one here.

Which one is best to consume Restful WebServices for Xamarin.Forms? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I want to go with Xamarin.Forms project. Now, I am bit confuse for consuming Rest API for this project. Performance matters.
There are many available but can any body please suggest me which should be best for Xamarin.Forms(.Net Standard)?
Microsoft Http Libraries or third party libraries like Refit, RESTSharp, PortableRest, etc.
Please suggest
All of these options are viable. I think the performance differences between these libraries will be marginal. So, it mostly comes down to what you feel comfortable with.
I like to use Refit because it will take a lot of redundant code out of your hands and you just have to focus on the contract. All the code for the actual calls is generated at compile-time (and thus won't impact your performance at runtime).
Also have a look at how well the library is maintained and if it's active. If you choose one that is already inactive for a while, chances are that you will start relying on older software versions which might not be what you want.

Dependency Injection (DI) in Scala with Play [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I know a few ways to use DI in Scala:
Cake pattern
What approach is the most suitable for multi layer application with Play?
I incline to using of macwire in my app.
Solution which fitted for me:
solution of this problem was leveraging of Macwire lib, but you can combine it with another approaches like pure functional style with monads (like Reader monad)
at my job we use macwire for DI with play and it works smoothly. we used to use cake pattern, but we found that it had more boilerplate than the macwire approach, the compiler errors were harder to interpret, the concept was harder to teach, and cake often triggered full recompiles (whereas we experience much better incremental recompilation with macwire. don't quote me on this one, our switch occurred between 2.10 => 2.11, and i believe there were some improvements from that).
it's hard to answer your question fully though without more details about what you're looking for exactly. care to elaborate?

Using Scala in the real world [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Question Context: Where there is an exiting Java application or a new project development that is to be written in mostly Java.
We know that we can use Scala from Java and vice versa.
What specific system features are more suited for functional programming. I mean I wouldn't use Scala just because it has a nice feature of executing a passed-in function implementation over the items of a collection nor would I use Scala just for its object orientation capabilities I would just use Java for that.
So going beyond the nice and interesting features of Scala what set of system features make a compelling case to use Scala on a Java project?
where to start, and where to end?
pattern matching
case classes
functions (and higher order ones)
great collections
more object oriented than java, avoid common anti-patterns
type inference -> much less noise
many great options in concurrency. Futures in Java are just so useless compared to Scala ones
traits for composing services
Testing with ScalaTest+ScalaCheck is much much better than JUnit/TestNG/
Akka !
The list is just too long.