How to switch perspective in eclipse via command line? - eclipse

Can anyone help me with the command line option to switch perspective in eclipse, while the workspace is open. I already tried the command “eclipse.exe -perspective com.prqa.ui.perspective”, but it opens a new instance, I would want to shift to a new perspective in the same instance of eclipse.
Here, PRQA perspective is a perspective created due to external eclipse plugin "Helix QAC".
Otherwise, is there any key and value pair which i can use in, eclipse launch configurations, which can open my required perspective, when i run the launch file?


How to run system shell/terminal inside Eclipse?

I am using Eclipse Neon, and I would like to execute system commands on a shell/terminal, inside Eclipse.
In particular, I will need to open the system shell using the path of the current project folder on which I'm working in Eclipse.
In some Eclipse packages, like STS or Eclipse for JEE Developers, the Terminal is already installed in your IDE. If not, you can install the TM Terminal from the Eclipse */release update site, as you can see in the image below.
To open the command prompt (shell or terminal) using the path of a project directory inside Eclipse, you just need to select the folder, and press Ctrl+Alt+T, or right-click and select Show In Local Terminal > Terminal.
Then, the terminal will open in a new view inside Eclipse.
The Eclipse IDE which I am working there is no Terminal is there. So I needed to add the plug in like this and it works fine when you try clicking Alt+Ctrl+T
Click on Help in Eclipse-->Eclipse Marketplace--> in Find box (Search terminal and Enter)--> You will see TM Terminal 4.0 Version and just install it.
You may need to restart afterwards
And finally you will be able to get the Terminal when you will type
Alt+Ctrl+T on Console.
If you don't have the TM Terminal plugin installed, you could use external run configurations.
Click on the arrow near run button with the toolbox and add a new external run configuration.
Here, you can enter the path of your program(if you want to run commands, it will be C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe (or the path to PowerShell on windows and /bin/bash (or similar if you use another shell) on linux.
In this dialog, you can also specify running directory of the application(the current project in your case)
After that, you can save this configuration and start it using the external run configuration menu(run button with toolbox)
Click on Run Cofiguration--> arguments --> Program Arguments (write any number of String) -->click on run
Go to Window > show view > Other.
A dialog will show up, type Terminal in the search field, select Terminal and click open.
A new empty view will show up in Eclipse.
On the top right corner of the view there is a button Labeled "open a Terminal".
Click on it, a dialog will show up
click OK and there you go, you got a Terminal.

Is it possible to set which file to run by default in eclipse?

I'm writing a python project in Eclipse with the PyDev plug-in, which contains multiple files.
However I'm used to using visual studio, where it'll automatically find the main function of a project and run the program from there.
Eclipse will always run the file I am currently editing (which usually is a file containing function that are called from the main function).
Is it possible to set which file should be run then clicking run? I've looked at the launch options under Project->Properties->PyDev, but didn't find what I was looking for.
When you press the Debug or Run button (Debug on the left) Eclipse tries to intelligently determine what to launch based on your current editor.
You can change the behaviour by editing Window -> Preferences -> Run/Debug -> Launching -> Launch Operation as pictured below.
The default of launching the current editor works well for some languages, but not as well for Python when every single file is itself a valid program to run. In your case I recommend changing to Always launch the previously launched application.
You can create a custom run configuration.
Right click on your project > run as > run configurations
From here is just a matter of choosing your project type on the left hand side and filling in the required information. You can click 'Run' to use your new configuration.
To get to this configuration again, you can click the 'Run' drop down button in the eclipse tool bar and see all of your run configurations.
Hope this helps!

Everytime i run eclipse IDE, its asks me to choose a new workspace.

Every-time i run Eclipse IDE for Java EE, its asks me to choose a new workspace. If i choose the same workspace, it prompts "Workspace at 'E:/Projects' in use or cannot be created. Choose a different one". How can I avoid this and run on the same workspace? Also, when i try to save the project, it prompts me with "The User Operation is waiting" and some set of operations go on for sometime and then eclipse hangs. When i restart the eclipse, i will have to change the workspace. Please let me know how can i handle this?
Thanks in advance!
In Eclipse, you can open a secondary window by dragging a tab out to a blank region of the screen. You can't open another instance of the program, as the workspace gets locked by the first process. (There might be a Window->New Window option, but I don't have Eclipse installed so I can't check)

Use same workspace for multiple eclipse instances at same time

I have two eclipse installed in my system. I want to run the two eclipse at same time and that should use the same workspace. But when I open the second eclipse instance it will prompt something like the workspace is in use. try different one . How can i achieve this?
Yes you can't open multiple instances of eclipse on a single workspace. But you can open multiple windows on a single workspace.
After first instance opened then click on Window > New Window option to open other eclipse window on the same workspace.

open eclipse perspective in eclipse from command line

I want to open eclipse application and pass perspective ID in it through command line.
so that eclipse opens and show the perspective
How can I do that ?
I believe you can just add a command line switch of -perspective {name}.
You can look at a command line switch reference here.