Error Log Transformation could not be executed - sapui5

We have a transactional App of SAP Fiori Element and the app is working fine in the DEV environment.
but in Quality /n/iwfnd/error_log it is giving an error
..ERROR_INFO The transformation /1IWST/AAGTVCXNHUPOVLGMOY6T37L could not be executed
I tried debugging code but no clue what is wrong here.
Can you please let me know what went wrong.

Transformations in the /1IWST/ namespace are technical ST transformations for OData.
Go to that transformation in STRANS tcode and open it
in the comments at the top-side you can check the name of the OData service.
The errors in this transformation mean there is some inconsistency in your OData model.
Try to re-import the model and re-check the attribuites.


Wso2: cannot save parameters of DBReport or properties of the Log mediator

Please tell what am I doing wrong?
I add parameters to the sql statement in DB Report Mediator and then click on Update, so that my parameters would've been saved, but when I reopen my DBReport, there is nothing...
After reopening:
Actually I'm creating REST API for the first time, does anyone have examples?
Is it even possible to do that without Integration Studio?
Thanks in advance.
The correct expression should be get-property() [1]. Can you try that.

SAPUI5 chart not visible...when running from within the portal

I have a really bizarre one here...I have developed and deployed to my back end system a launchpad application that currently works OK. Part of this application is a report that, based on certain filters, returns a table and a chart (see snapshot below).
After finishing deployment next step is configuring the app so it runs from the launchpad within the SAP portal. Not familiar with the portal, another colleague undertook the task, application is now running from within the portal as well. With one exception - the chart above is not visible (see 2nd snapshot below).
Noticing the "No Data" message and NO exception in the Chrome debugger, thought as a good idea to debug the OData methods in the back end. To my big surprise, found out that while filters pass to the method just fine both for table and chart (two different entities but almost identical and accepting exactly the same parameters) when running outside portal, when running from within (the portal) parameters "get lost" on their way to the chart entity - no parameters for the chart method. See snapshots below and pay attention to the IT_FILTER_SELECT_OPTIONS at the bottom right.
Outside portal (parameter table filled)
Within Portal (parameter table empty)
Furthermore, the filter table passed to both OData tables is common, you can see the code underneath - just two lines: one for table and one for chart binding.
Closing with a clarification. Mentioned above that there are no errors in the debugger when calling the back end methods. There are actually a couple of them but they take place during the initialization of the app and do not seem to affect anything else in the app, which aside a set of reports has a lot of data operations (dialogs, tables etc), everything else works fine. These errors can be seen below.
Does this situation ring any bells to anyone?
Thanks in advance
Issue solved, it was a deployment issue...

How to make a systematic report in protractor

I am working on protractor for testing an angularjs application. I am also able to fetch the report but I want to mention some more points and details about the test execution. For example Its model name, Test case name, Severity, Priority, Where the test failed if it gets fails etc. Where should I add all this points so that I can be able to fetch a complete detailed report.Currently I am able to get the report I have attached here.
Please help me in getting the solution as I am new to protractor. Thanks a lot in advance.
Jasmine framework does specs reporting, not Protractor in e2e testing. You can either leverage some of the popular ones listed below or need to create your own using custom reporter.
Or you can try with allure plugin here
I also advice to use allure report. It is easy to setup and has a good documentation. Just want to mention that there is Allure 2 is ready. Take a look at Git Hub and integration for JS

Opshub migration failures

I'm migrating a large amount of projects from a on premise tfs2010 to vso, nearly all of them was able to migrate without any problems, but a few are creating errors. I am using Opshub Integration Manager Framework-OVSMU-V1.2.0.000.
OH-TFS-Connector-0054: Test Step Id cannot be empty and It must be a valid number. Please check the Mapping and add valid mapping for the Test Step Id.
The most common error. This error is also described in opshub-visual-studio-online-migration-utility-test-cases-failing, but has yet to receive an accepted answer. As mentioned in this post the cause if the problem might be Shared Steps, so I tried removing one from a test case, and that made it pass in the migration utility. Unfortunately I need those test cases and it is not feasible for me to just delete them.
OH-TFS-Connector-0051: Operation failed getCollectionMetaData. Server Error : TF201063: Adding a Test Case link to work item 18374 would result in a circular relationship. To create this link, evaluate the existing links, and remove one of the other links in the cycle.
After inspecting the Work Items that causes the error and concluding that there is no links, and no clear circular reference, not even a Shared Step linking to work item 18374. Upon further inspection I noticed that work item 18374 doesn't even exist.
Any help would be much appreciated.
OH-TFS-Connector-0054: Test Step Id cannot be empty and It must be a valid number. Please check the Mapping and add valid mapping for the Test Step Id.
This issue is addressed in latest release of OVSMU ( You can download from
OH-TFS-Connector-0051: Operation failed getCollectionMetaData. Server Error : TF201063: Adding a Test Case link to work item 18374 would result in a circular relationship.
This issue is scheduled for next release which will be out shortly. Check Visual Studio Gallery for further updates.

Samples not working for Web API Help Page when using an Entity Framework Complex Type in the model

I have an EF code first model that includes some Complex Types. Generating Web API controllers works without any problem, but when generating the Web API Help Page as described in then the samples don't get generated. The error message given is :
An exception has occurred while using the formatter 'JsonMediaTypeFormatter' to generate sample for media type 'application/json'. Exception message: One or more errors occurred.
The same thing happens for the rest of the media types. I know there was a problem some time ago with complex types and serialization but it was solved when the Json.NET formatter was included by default in Web API.
Could this be related? Anyone else having the same problem? Any ideas?
My guess is that this is most probably due to the referencing loops that your model has. For example, can you give a try in generating the help page by making the following change to the Json formatter. you should see the sample getting generated:
config.Formatters.JsonFormatter.SerializerSettings.ReferenceLoopHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.ReferenceLoopHandling.Serialize;
config.Formatters.JsonFormatter.SerializerSettings.PreserveReferencesHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.PreserveReferencesHandling.Objects;
Also, you should see similar error even during runtime actually if you do not make the above settings.
For XmlFormatter and self referencing loops, you can look here.