Kafka SSL Not streaming data to SSL Druid - apache-kafka

I am new to druid and trying to do kafka(SSL) ingestion to SSL enabled druid. Druid is running on https.
Kafka Version : 2.2.2
Druid Version : 0.18.1
Kafka SSL works and I can assure it using the producer and consumer scripts :
bin/kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list kafka01:9093 --topic testssl --producer.config config/client.properties
bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server kafka01:9093 --topic testssl config/client.properties --from-beginning
The above thing works. So I can assure that kafka SSL is setup.
Druid SSL Configuration :
Kafka SSL configuration :
ssl.truststore.location=<location>.jks --- The same is used for druid also
ssl.keystore.location=<location>.jks --- The same is used for druid also
My consumerProperties spec looks like this :
"consumerProperties": {
"bootstrap.servers" : "kafka01:9093",
"security.protocol": "SSL",
"ssl.enabled.protocols" : "TLSv1.2",
"ssl.endpoint.identification.algorithm": "",
"group.id" : "<grouop_name>",
"ssl.keystore.type": "JKS",
"ssl.keystore.location" : "/datadrive/<location>.jks",
"ssl.keystore.password" : "<password>",
"ssl.key.password" : "<password>",
"ssl.truststore.location" : "/datadrive/<location>.jks",
"ssl.truststore.password" : "<password>",
"ssl.truststore.type": "JKS"
After ingestion, the datasource gets created and the segments also get created but with 0 rows.
And after sometime I am continuously getting in the druid logs:
[task-runner-0-priority-0] org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.Fetcher - [Consumer clientId=consumer-1, groupId=kafka-supervisor-llhigfpg] Sending READ_COMMITTED IncrementalFetchRequest(toSend=(), toForget=(), implied=(testssl-0)) to broker kafka01:9093 (id: 0 rack: null)
And after sometimes in coordinator-overlord.log I am getting :
2020-08-03T16:51:42,881 DEBUG [JettyScheduler] org.eclipse.jetty.io.WriteFlusher - ignored: WriteFlusher#278a176a{IDLE}->null
java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Idle timeout expired: 300001/300000 ms
I am not sure what has gone wrong. I could not find much on the net for this issue. Need help on this.
NOTE : When druid is non-https and kafka is not ssl enabled, everything works fine.


Kafka in Talend 8.0.1

I started the Zookeeper and Kafka service which are on ubuntu2004. I also connect myself to my broker in Talend and create topics.
The problem is, using this same KafkaConnection, I am not able to send a message in bytes.
Here the flow in question :
With this job, Like I said, I succeed to connect to the broker to create a topics but not to send a message in bytes to my topic.
Here is the flow after I click on run :
And the error message :
[INFO ] 17:11:41 org.apache.kafka.common.utils.AppInfoParser- Kafka version : 1.1.0
[INFO ] 17:11:41 org.apache.kafka.common.utils.AppInfoParser- Kafka commitId : fdcf75ea326b8e07
[INFO ] 17:11:41 sandbox.kafkatopic_0_1.KafkaTopic- tFileInputDelimited_1 - Retrieving records from the datasource.
[INFO ] 17:11:41 sandbox.kafkatopic_0_1.KafkaTopic- tLogRow_2 - Content of row 1: test d'envois de message dans kafka
[INFO ] 17:11:41 sandbox.kafkatopic_0_1.KafkaTopic- tLogRow_1 - Content of row 1: test d'envois de message dans kafka
[WARN ] 17:11:43 org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient- [Producer clientId=producer-1] Connection to node -1 could not be established. Broker may not be available.
I use this Kafka version : kafka_2.13-3-2-1
For the records, in the KafkaConnection, I select the version 1.1.0 because with the newest version of kafka in this comp, I didn't even succeed to create a topic :
On a second time I tried to implement a SSL/TLS security. I am having issues with this too.

Kafka Transaction API - Multi cluster

My consumer is going to get data from Cluster A - which is non secure and does PLAINTEXT based communication.
Once consumer received that message from cluster A , application split the message into 3 parts based on business logic and send ( Producer) the message to the cluster B ( SASL_SSL) to 3 topics.
-> Cluster A (PLAINTEXT )
-> Topic : raw-item
Split message into three parts
-> Cluster B (SASL_SSL)
-> Topics : item, price, inventory
If any thing goes wrong with any of the 3 destination topics ( item, price, inventory) - then entire Transaction will roll backed.
Does Multi cluster Transaction supported by spring - Kafka configuration?
I get below exception -
2022-04-18 12:28:55.827 INFO 26312 --- [ntainer#0-0-C-1] o.a.k.clients.producer.KafkaProducer : [Producer clientId=multi-topic-tx-producer-1, transactionalId=tx-432eeb17-7af0-43a9-bfe9-d757234faca4raw-item-consumer-grp.OSMI_C02_CATALOG_MKPDOMAIN.0] Aborting incomplete transaction
2022-04-18 12:28:55.835 ERROR 26312 --- [ntainer#0-0-C-1] o.s.k.l.KafkaMessageListenerContainer : Authentication/Authorization Exception and no authExceptionRetryInterval set
org.apache.kafka.common.errors.GroupAuthorizationException: Not authorized to access group: raw-item-consumer-grp
raw-item-consumer-grp ( consumer ) getting data from cluster A where No ACL added then why it ask Group permission
Is this due to Non supported Multi cluster Transaction for by spring - Kafka configuration?
below configuration clearly shows my consumer is getting data from cluster A and Producer will send data to SASL_SSL enabled cluster B
profiles : local
bootstrap-servers: localhost:9192,localhost:9193,localhost:9194
groupId: raw-item-consumer-grp
client-id: raw-item-consumer-client
key-deserializer: org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer
value-deserializer: org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer
enable-auto-commit: false
auto-offset-reset: earliest
isolation-level: read-committed
client-id: multi-topic-tx-producer
bootstrap-servers: localhost:9092,localhost:9093,localhost:9094
key-serializer: org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer
value-serializer: org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer
trust-store-location: kafka.producer.truststore.jks
trust-store-password: password
transaction-id-prefix: tx-${random.uuid}
config: org.apache.kafka.common.security.scram.ScramLoginModule required username="rawitem-multitopic-sasl-producer" password="Dem12345";
mechanism: SCRAM-SHA-512
protocol: SASL_SSL
enable.idempotence: true
acks: all
retries: 10

Kafka Remote Producer - advertised.listeners

I am running Kafka 0.10.0 on CDH 5.9, cluster is kerborized.
What I am trying to do is to write messages from a remote machine to my Kafka broker.
The cluster (where Kafka is installed) has internal as well as external IP addresses.
The machines' hostnames within the cluster get resolved to the private IPs, the remote machine resolves the same hostnames to the public IP addreses.
I opened the necessary port 9092 (I am using SASL_PLAINTEXT protocol) from remote machine to Kafka Broker, verified that using telnet.
First Step - in addition to the standard properties for the Kafka Broker, I configured the following:
I am able to start the console consumer with
kafka-console-consumer --new consumer --topic <topicname> --from-beginning --bootstrap-server <hostname>:9092 --consumer.config consumer.properties
I am able to use my custom producer from another machine within the cluster.
Relevant excerpt of producer properties:
I am not able to use my custom producer from the remote machine:
Exception org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TimeoutException: Batch containing 1 record(s) expired due to timeout while requesting metadata from brokers for <topicname>-<partition>
using the same producer properties. I am able to telnet the Kafka Broker from the machine and /etc/hosts includes hostnames and public IPs.
Second Step - I modified server.properties:
consumer & producer within the same cluster still run fine (bootstrap
servers are now the internal IP with port 9092)
as expected remote producer fails (but that is obvious given that it
is not aware of the internal IP addresses)
Third Step - where it gets hairy :(
starting my consumer with
kafka-console-consumer --new-consumer --topic <topicname> --from-beginning --bootstrap-server <hostname>:9092 --consumer.config consumer.properties
gives me a warning, but I don't think this is right...
WARN clients.NetworkClient: Error while fetching metadata with correlation id 1 : {<topicname>=LEADER_NOT_AVAILABLE}
starting my consumer with
kafka-console-consumer --new-consumer --topic <topicname> --from-beginning --bootstrap-server <KafkaBrokerPublicIP>:9092 --consumer.config consumer.properties
just hangs after those log messages:
INFO utils.AppInfoParser: Kafka version : 0.10.0-kafka-2.1.0
INFO utils.AppInfoParser: Kafka commitId : unknown
seems like it cannot find a coordinator as in the normal flow this would be the next log:
INFO internals.AbstractCoordinator: Discovered coordinator <hostname>:9092 (id: <someNumber> rack: null) for group console-consumer-<someNumber>.
starting the producer on a cluster node with bootstrap.servers=:9092
I observe the same as with the producer:
WARN NetworkClient:600 - Error while fetching metadata with correlation id 0 : {<topicname>=LEADER_NOT_AVAILABLE}
starting the producer on a cluster node with bootstrap.servers=:9092 I get
org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TimeoutException: Failed to update metadata after 60000 ms.
starting the producer on my remote machine with either bootstrap.servers=:9092 or bootstrap.servers=:9092 I get
NetworkClient:600 - Error while fetching metadata with correlation id 0 : {<topicname>=LEADER_NOT_AVAILABLE}
I have been struggling for the past three days to get this to work, however I am out of ideas :/ My understanding is that advertised.hostnames serves for exactly this purpose, however either I am doing something wrong, or there is something wrong in the machine setup.
Any hints are very much appreciated!
I met this issue recently.
In my case , I enabled Kafka ACL, and after disable it by comment this 2 configuration, the problem worked around.
And an thread may help you I think:
What mentioned in it at the end:
If you only use a SASL_PLAINTEXT listener on the Kafka Broker, you
have to make sure that you have set the
security.inter.broker.protocol=SASL_PLAINTEXT too, otherwise you will
get a LEADER_NOT_AVAILABLE error in the client.

Kafka consumer with new API not working

I found something very weird with Kafka.
I have a producer with 3 brokers :
bin/kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list localhost:9093, localhost:9094, localhost:9095 --topic topic
Then I try to run a consumer with the new API :
bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9093,localhost:9094,localhost:9095 --topic topic --from-beginning
I got nothing ! BUT if I use the old API :
bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --zookeeper localhost:2181 --from-beginning --topic topic
I got my messages !
What is wrong with me ?
PS : I am using Kafka 10
I eventually resolved my problem thanks to this similar post : Kafka bootstrap-servers vs zookeeper in kafka-console-consumer
I believe it is a bug / wrong configuration of mine leading to a problem with zookeeper and kafka.
First be sure to have enable topic deleting in server.properties files of your brokers :
# Switch to enable topic deletion or not, default value is false
Then delete the topic :
bin/kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper localhost:2181 --delete --topic myTopic
Remove all the /tmp/log.dir directories of your brokers.
EDIT : I faced again the problem and I had to remove also the log files of zookeeper in /tmp/zookeeper/version-2/.
Finally delete the topic in /brokers/topics in zookeeper as follow :
$ kafka/bin/zookeeper-shell.sh localhost:2181
Connecting to localhost:2181
Welcome to ZooKeeper!
JLine support is disabled
rmr /broker/topics/mytopic
And restart your brokers and create your topic again.
After fighting a while with same problem. Specify --partition and console consumer new API works (but hangs..). I have CDH 5.12 + Kafka 0.11 (from parcel).
Also find out that Kafka 0.11 (versioned as 3.0.0 in CDH parclel) does not work correctly with consuming messages. After downgrading to Kafka 0.10 it become OK. --partition does not need any more.
I had the same problem, but I was using a single broker instance for my "cluster", and I was getting this error:
[2018-04-04 22:29:39,854] ERROR [KafkaApi-20] Number of alive brokers '1' does not meet the required replication factor '3' for the offsets topic (configured via 'offsets.topic.replication.factor'). This error can be ignored if the cluster is starting up and not all brokers are up yet. (kafka.server.KafkaApis)
I just added in my server configuration file the setting offsets.topic.replication.factor=1 and restarted. It started to work fine.

Kafka Multi Node setup "Unreasonable length" in Zookeeper logs

I have setup a multi node setup for kafka, everything seems to work well and show no error logs unless i try to push message to one producer. I get a message:
Bootstrap broker host2:2181 disconnected (org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient)
and on the zookeeper logs i am getting:
"WARN Exception causing close of session 0x0 due to java.io.IOException:
Unreasonable length = 1701969920 (org.apache.zookeeper.server.NIOServerCnxn)"
i cleaned up my data directory which is "/var/zookeeper/data" still no luck.
Any help on the the would be much appriciated
Vaibhav looking at this line (Bootstrap broker host2:2181) looks like you are trying to connect to zookeeper instance rather than broker instance. By Default Kafka broker runs on 9092 port. So producer and consumer should be created as per below command
Producer :
bin/kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list host1:9092,host2:9092 \
--topic "topic_name"
bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server <host_ip_of_producer>:9092 \
--topic "topic_name" --from-beginning