Not getting the package and current focus information when using dumpsys adb shell command - appium-android

Not getting the package and current focus information when using: 1|m21:/ $ dumpsys window windows | grep -E 'mCurrentFocus', no information is getting displayed.

Those who are going through same issue can try following command:
--> adb shell "dumpsys window windows | grep -E 'mTopActivityComponent'"
It is working and giving the details of the information needed


How to log the output along with error messages to a file while running a script on psql command line on Freebsd OS?

On RHEL, the below command works:
psql -h hostname -U username -p port_no -d database -f /tmp/myfile.sql &> logfile01.txt
On FreeBSD, this throws error:
"Invalid null command"
Please suggest.
If you use this only on the command line then there is no need to change the shell.
To redirect stdout and stderr to a file in C-Shell synthax simply use ">& filename".
Different story is, if you want to write shell scripts. Bourne Shell and it's clones (like i.e. Bash) are better suited for writing script. See this Unix FAQ "Csh Programming Considered Harmful":
This redirection works in bash
&> logfile01.txt
, but it does not work in csh which is the default shell in FreeBSD.
# set | grep shell
shell /bin/csh
# ls -la &> logfile01.txt
Invalid null command.
Bash is not installed by default. You can install it
pkg install bash
and configure it as the default shell.

$ in zf not recognized in command

I have installed composer
When I want to test it by running $ composer serve from
I get error saying $ is not recotgnized
$ is not part of command. $ usage mean you are using user terminal.
Same with #, it mean you are using root terminal.
So, just type composer serve in your terminal.

PostgreSQL command psql not found, trouble adding to $PATH

I am trying to add PostgreSQL to my $PATH variable. I tried this to see where psql is
whereis psql
To which I got a null response. I do have the installed so I clicked on "Open psql" from the GUI and it prompted the Terminal to open and display:
/Applications/; exit;
So I tried to add the above to the $PATH variable in my ~/.bash_profile (which may have its own problems since I don't know if you can add paths with .app extensions to the $PATH) but when I restart my Terminal and do echo $PATH | grep I get nothin'.
Here's an approach to take help isolate problems you may have.
Step 1: See if you can add PostgreSQL to your PATH without using Bash dot files.
$ export PATH=/Applications/$PATH;
$ which psql
If this works...
Step 2: Verify that ~\.bash_profile is being sourced when a new user session is started.
Add the following to the end of your ~/.bash_profile:
echo "From bash_profile.";
Now restart or iTerm and see if that message appears about your prompt.
If this works...
Step 3: Add PATH to ~/.bash_profile.
In ~/.bash_profile:
export PATH=/Applications/$PATH;
Restart your terminal and run:
$ which psql
If you're not seeing:
Then it might be time to scrap trying to install PostgreSQL as a Mac package and use Homebrew.
NOTE: It's psql and NOT pgsql.
From the Postgres documentation page:
sudo mkdir -p /etc/paths.d && echo /Applications/ | sudo tee /etc/paths.d/postgresapp
restart your terminal and you will have it in your path.

How can I find the device uuid's of all connected devices through a command line script?

I am running automated tests on iOS devices. I want to not have to always have all devices connected. So I want to find all device id's and then only start the process of building, deploying, and running tests if that device is connected.
So my question is, how can I find the device uuid's of all connected devices through a shell script?
instruments command is now deprecated, you should run instead
xcrun xctrace list devices
Previous answer:
If you have Xcode installed, you can use Instruments to get all known devices also. With
instruments -s devices
The answer from #KKendall set me on the right path. Here's a version with a single sed expression:
system_profiler SPUSBDataType | sed -n -E -e '/(iPhone|iPad)/,/Serial/s/ *Serial Number: *(.+)/\1/p'
install ideviceinstaller on Mac OS X via brew command:
brew install ideviceinstaller
then idevice_id -l will work from terminal
I found a similar question about using multiple devices here is my form of the answer that helped me:
for line in $(system_profiler SPUSBDataType | sed -n -e '/iPad/,/Serial/p' -e '/iPhone/,/Serial/p' | grep "Serial Number:" | awk -F ": " '{print $2}'); do
echo $UDID
for ((i=0;i<cnt;i++)); do
echo ${udid_array[i]}
Also ios-deploy can be used:
ios-deploy -c | grep -oE 'Found ([0-9A-Za-z\-]+)' | sed 's/Found //g'
If you have XCode go to Window > Devices & Simulators. On that page, any connected device will display along with other IDs and stats on your device. This will also connect to devices over WIFI.

Cant access Coda application from command-line

I am having trouble accessing Coda from command-line. I installed the "command-line coda" plug-in, verified that my installation is in the correct location, yet I still can seem to access Coda. Coda sits in my "Applications" folder which is the default location for the plug-in.
Anyone have have this problem? Any tips? On the their site it is recommended that you change the path.
export CODEPATH=/Applications/
So I included the above line in my .bash_profile which did not help.
$ Coda -v
-bash: Coda: command not found
Thanks for any direction you can provide.
The default way to open an application on a Mac is to use open -a AppName so you should be able to change your bash profile to use that:
$ open -a Coda
I've created a bash script (as opposed to using the plugin) that Gregory Tomlinson originally posted about (it looks like he's since taken it down but it looks like the following).
Create a new file in /bin called coda:
$ cd /bin
$ sudo touch coda
$ vim coda
Hit an i to enter insert mode. Then include the following code:
#! /bin/bash
if [ "$1" = "" ]; then
echo "Please specify a file to open or create"
exit 0
for ARG in $*
touch -a $ARG && open -a Coda $ARG
exit 0
Save and quit (hit the esc to exit insert mode then type :w !sudo tee % >/dev/null followed by the return key, press L for load when prompted, then type :q to quit). Then give that file execute permissions:
$ chmod u+x coda
Start a new Terminal window and you should be able to use:
$ coda
Or just:
$ coda
For some strange reason, my paid registered Coda 2 app just wouldn't open for me this morning. I found this terminal command that worked for me:
open -a Coda\ 2
You can also put the following in your ~/.bash_profile file:
alias coda='open -a "Coda 2"'
I had a similar problem. After installing the plug-in, I still couldn't launch coda from the command line. I took a closer look at /user/local/bin and somehow the permissions had gotten reset so I didn't have execute permissions for /user/local/bin.
I updated my permissions with:
sudo chmod o=rx,g=rx /usr/local/bin
This solved my problem. However, Coda won't launch if the specified file does not exist, which makes it hard to create a file from the command line.