Which algorithm does tally use to verify if the entered GST number is right or wrong? - tally

I wanted to use the similar logic or algorithm tally uses to verify if the GST number entered by the user is right or wrong? Do they have a backend or database or anything like that? How do they verify the gst number entered by the user?
In Tally ERP9.
I found a link but not much is mentioned. Is it there owned algorithm that's confidential?

There is no algorithm. To ensure that the GSTIN exists and corresponds to a company/proprietor you need to get access to the NIC servers, which isn't possible if you are not a GSP (GST Suvidha Provider).
What you can do is use Regex & other logic to verify the structure is correct. Have a look at this - https://blogs.tallysolutions.com/structure-of-your-gstin/
Further I would google 'PAN' structure. Then Combine the regex & some logic to get a clever pattern
Note: Verifying structure does not mean such a GSTIN actually exists.


REST Protocol for searching and filtering

The standard REST verb for returning a value GET can take different parameters to select what to "get". Often there is one that takes an id to get a single value, and often some sort of search criteria to get a list.
Is there a standard way to specify the filtering and sorting of the data that is being searched for? For example, if I have an invoice record I'd like to write a GET query that says "give me all invoices for customer 123, with total > $345 and return in descending order of date".
If I were writing this myself I'd have something like:
GET http://example.com/mydata?query="customer=123&&total>345.00"&order="date"
(Note I didn't urlencode the url for clarity, though obviously that is required in practice, but I hope you get what I mean.)
I can certainly write something for this, but I am wondering if there is a standardized way to do this?
Is there a standard way to specify the filtering and sorting of the data that is being searched for?
Not that I'm aware of.
Note that HTTP doesn't really have queries (yet); HTTP has resource identifiers.
We've got a standard for resource identifiers (RFC 3986) and a standard for URI templates (RFC 6570) that describes how to produce a range of identifiers via variable expansion.
But as far as I can tell there is no published "standard" that automatically transforms a URI into a SQL query.
It's possible that one of the "convention over configuration" frameworks (ex: Rails) might have something useful here, but I haven't found it.

Rest: url endpoint for extract similar data

I have a REST syntaxe question:
what url do you give to an endpoint to extract data similar to the record which from the id passed?
By exemple : I have a class Record:
Record {id:12, phoneNumber:"+336746563"}
I want a endpoint who will return all the records who share the same phoneNumber than the record with the id 12
which url respect the most the REST protocol ?
EDIT IMPORTANT : the client DON't know the phone number when he call the url. only the 12 id.
what url do you give to an endpoint to extract data similar to the record which from the id passed?
Anything you want -- the machines don't care what spelling you use for your resource identifiers.
I want a endpoint who will return all the records who share the same phoneNumber than the record with the id 12
All of these examples are fine. They have different trade offs -- the first one is really easy to generate using an HTML form. The last once allows you do interesting things with relative references and dot-segments.
similar to the above, we've just juggled the order of the path segments a little bit. Might be useful if we want to have relative references to other resources under the same /record/12 stem.
If you are expecting to need to paginate, then you might want to think about how the paging parameters fit with everything else. Again, the machines don't care, but some spellings are easier to work with than others.
I am not sure if I understand the question but let me try.
You can do this in various ways which is best suited for you w.r.t. your programming language. For example, domain.com/api/records/123456 can be the end-point. 123456 is a parameter and your code will return all the records having phoneNumber=123456.
Alternatively, the end-point can be domain.com/api/records?phoneNumber=12345.
Or Even, domain.com/api/records/123456/phonenumber.
The other option is to have the request data in the body and the domain would just look like domain.com/api/records with request as {"PhoneNumber":"123456"}
AFAIK, all these URLs respect REST protocol.
I would use something like
where the service would define similarity. It depends on the usecases for when Record becomes more complex and the client should able to specify fields.
This would sooner or later result in queries that would not be based on an existing record and my look like
I could also think of
because you are really interested in records with the same phoneNumber, not similarity?
But again, as things get more complex you will be better off with a query I think.

What's the most efficient way to get all emails with a specific type of attachment over IMAP?

From what I can tell, IMAP SEARCH doesn't support searching by if an email has attachments (except Gmail's variation, which I'm not interested in...I need a general IMAP solution). Is that correct?
Assuming that's the case, my understanding is that I have to issue a FETCH and filter on the client side.
If this is correct, what's the FETCH that will yield the smallest amount of information that will allow me to filter by attachment type? I believe it's FETCH BODYSTRUCTURE, but I'd like confirmation.
I looked at FETCH BODY[MIME], but it appears that needs a section number (or numbers) and MIME can't be used by itself. I believe that there can be any number of sections and subsections, and theres no way to specify to search all sections. Is that correct?
I'm looking for a protocol level answer. I don't need an answer using any specific language or library.
Generally, to get all attachment, you look for their number and names first in imap_fetchstructure->parts, it's an array of file names.
Then to get file content you need to get imap_fetchbody and add 1 to it.
For example, attachment number one is found on section number 2.
I created my Imap solution and it's working well.
based to that you can add you search section

What is a good strategy for adding additional information in a GET query over REST?

Given that we provide a restful api that serves book entities listening at
And a client can get a book at the usual
GET /books/{id}
Suppose that we want to begin offering discounts on books to only our most vigilant buyers. These buyers would be given a discount code, and that code will reduce the price of the book.
Thus, a generic response may be
GET /books/4
{"id":4, "price":"24.95"}
Where a response to a query with a discount code may be
GET /books/4
{"id":4, "price":"24.95", "yourPrice":"19.95"}
The back-end processing we can get figured out, but what is the best practice for a client submitting a discount code over a restful api?
Certain books will be eligible for discounts while others will not. Discounts will not be broad (20% off everything), but instead will map to a specific price for that particular code (or client/code combo).
We've considered:
kludging the url
GET /codes/{someCode}/books/{id}
Adding the code in a header value
Using a query string
GET /books?code=myCode
anything else?
EDIT: Our goal is not to implement single-use codes. Instead, these discount codes could be used some fixed number of times for some fixed set of books.
I like using query variables. I just looked at the RESTful Web Services book, my main reference in this area, and they say:
Use query variables only to suggest
arguments being plugged into an
algorithm... If two URIs differ only
in their query variables, it implies
they're the different sets of inputs
into the same underlying algorithm.
It seems to me your discount codes are inputs to a discounting algorithm.
If you're going to be submitting anything that's not idempotent, I would suggest using POST instead of GET. You wouldn't want a client to be able to use their code more than once.
Anything you add in the URL or header values are open to be intercepted, and possibly allowing other users to 'fake' their discount ID. 1 approach would be to introduce a new POST call, that will allow the ID to be encrypted with simple HTTPS. The POSTed data could be as simple as the discountID or customerID.
Added - Sorry Michael, you already said that :)
You can register the code in a table so when the user retrieves that book automatically returns that book with the proper discount, for example:
The user can add some code
POST /register/{code}
This will add an entry to a table {user} - {code} so when the user retrieves by
GET /books/{id}
will use that entry to apply the discount. I'm guessing that you already have some relation between {code}-{book} so wont get into that.

How to generate one-time-use links? Any CMS or framework solutions?

I'm making a site for a writers management company. They get tons of script submissions every day from prospective and often unsolicited writers. The new site will allow a prospective writer to submit a short logline / sample of his or her idea. This idea gets sent to an email account at the management group. If the management group likes what they see, they want to be able to approve that submission from within the email and have a unique link dispatched to the submitter to upload their full script. This link would either only work once, or only for a certain amount of time so that only the intended recipient could use it.
So, can anyone point me in the direction of some sort of (I'm assumine PHP + mySQL) CMS or framework that could accomplish this? I've searched a lot, but I can't seem to figure out the right way to phrase this query to a search engine.
I have moderate programming experience, but not much with PHP outside of some simple Wordpress hacks.
I will just give you general guidelines on a simple way to construct such a system.
I assume that the Writer is somehow Registered into the system, and his/her profile contains a valid mail address.
So, when he submits the sample, you would create an entry on the "Sample" table. Then you would mail a Manager with the sample and a link. This link would point to a script giving the database "id" of the sample as a parameter (this script should verify that the manager is logged on -- if not, show the login screen and after successful login redirect him back).
This script would then be aware of the Manager's intention to allow the Writer to submit his work. Now the fun begins.
There are many possibilities:
You can create an entry in an appropriate "SubmitAuthorizations" DB table containing the id of the Writer and the date this authorization was given (ie, the date when the row was added to your DB). Then you simply send a mail to the Writer with a link like "upload.php?id=42", where the id is the authorization id. This script would check if the logged user is the correct Writer, and if he is within the allowed timeframe (by comparing the stored "authorization date" and the current date).
The next is the one I prefer: without a special table just for handling something trivial (let's say you will never want to "edit" an authorization, nor "cancel" it, but it may still "expire"). You simply simply give the Writer a link with 2 parameters: the date the authorization was given and an authorization key, like: "upload.php?authDate=20091030&key=87a62d726ef7..."
Let me explain how it works.
The script would first verify if the Writer is logged on (if not, show the login page with a redirection after successful login).
So, now it's time to validate the request: that is, check if this is not a "forged" link. How to do this? It's just a "smart" way of construction this authorization key.
You can do something like:
key = hash(concat(userId, ";", authDate, ";", seed));
Well, here hash() is what we call a "one-way function", like MD5, SHA1, etc. Then concat() is simply a string concatenation function. Finally seed is something like a "master password", completely random and that will not change (for if you change it all the issued links would stop working) just to increase security -- let's say a hacker correctly guesses you are using MD5 (which is easy) and the he tries to hack your system by hashing some combinations of the username and the date.
Also, for a request to be valid, it must be in the correct time frame.
So, if both the key is valid, and the date is within the time frame, you are able to accept an upload.
Some points to note:
This is a very simple system, but might be exactly what you need.
You should avoid MD5 for the hashing function, take something like SHA1 instead.
For the link sent to the Writer, you could "obfuscate" the parameter names, ie, call them "k" for the "key" and "d" for the "authDate".
For the date, you could chose another format, more "cryptic", like the unix epoch.
Finally, you can encode the parameters with something like "base64" (or simply apply some character replacing function like rot13 for instance, but that take digits into account aswell) just in order to make them more difficult to guessing
Just for completeness, in the validation script you can also check if the Writer has already sent a file on the time frame, thus making it impossible to him to send many files within the time frame.
I have recently implemented something like this twice on the company I work for, for two completely different uses. Once you get the idea, it is extremelly simple to implement it -- maybe less than 10 lines of code for the whole key-generation and validation process.
On one of them, the agent equivalent to your Writer had no account into the system (actually it would be his first contact with the system) -- there was only his "profile" on the system, managed by someone else. In this case, you would have to include the "Writer"'s id on the parameters to the "Upload" script aswell.
I hope this helps, and that it was clear enough. If I find the time, I will blog about it with an working example on some language.