new Sphinx version attempts a non-existing connection - sphinx

I recently upgraded sphinx to version 2.2.11 on Ubuntu.
THen I started getting daily emails where a process is attempting to connect and generating this error:
ERROR: index 'test1stemmed': sql_connect: Access denied for user 'test'#'localhost'
ERROR: index 'test1': sql_connect: Access denied for user 'test'#'localhost'
The email warning has a topic which I assume is the info regarding the root of the problem
. /etc/default/sphinxsearch && if [ "$START" = "yes" ] && [ -x /usr/bin/indexer ]; then /usr/bin/indexer --quiet --rotate --all; fi
so /etc/default/sphinxsearch does have the start variable as yes.
but the /usr/bin/indexer is total gibberish.
Such a user never existed on the system AFAIK.
It would be interesting to know how this process got generated, but more importantly
How can this process be safely stopped?

I've seen that happen, it comes from the Sphinx install 'package'. Whoever setup that package, created a cron task that does that indexer --all command, that just tries to reindex every index (once a day IIRC). The package maintainer thought they being helpful :)
looks like it might be in
You could remove that cron task, if dont want it.
Presumably you already have some other process for actually updating your actual real 'live' indexes. (either dedicated cron tasks, or maybe use RT indexes or whatever)
Also it seems you still have these 'test' indexes in your sphinx.conf. Maybe left over from the initial installation. Installing a new package I dont think would overwrite sphinx.conf to add them later?
May want to clear them out of your sphinx.conf if don't use them, could simplify the file.
(although possibly still want to get of the --all cron, which just blindly reindexes everything daily!)


Upgrading postgres 9.5 to 11

So ive been tasked of upgrading our postgres server to version 11, however all the guide ive found either dont work for me or are not complete.
I have tried 2 methods and had to recall all changes:
In this method not only are the dependency checks and upgrade commands exactly the same but also none of these commands work for me, i keep getting the error of:
"You must identify the directory where the new cluster binaries reside.
Please use the -B command-line option or the PGBINNEW environment variable.
Failure, exiting"
And ive been unable to find any fix to this.
And also tried the delete old method :
but in this method he deletes the old postgres completely and also the config files, but our config files have been made by the EX sys admin and i simply dont have the time it takes to study the configs to redo them in the new version, and i cant risk simply replacing the new config file with the ole one.
If anyone has done such a assignment and is willing to help, i would much appreciate it.
I used : yum install postgresql11 postgresql11-contrib postgresql11-devel postgresql11-libs postgresql11-server
to install the new postgres 11 and :
/usr/pgsql-11/bin/initdb -D /var/lib/pgsql/11/data
to init it. with a few dependencies installing in between.
afterwards all other commands :
/usr/pgsql-11/bin/pg_upgrade --old-bindir=/usr/pgsql-9.3/bin/ --
new-bindir=/usr/pgsql-11/bin/ --old-
datadir=/var/lib/pgsql/9.3/data/ --new-
datadir=/var/lib/pgsql/11/data/ --check
gave errors as described.

Run tasks as another user

Using Capistrano v3, how can I run all remote tasks through su as another user? I cannot find anything in the official documentation (
For my use case, there is one SSH user and one user for every virtual host. User A connects to the server and should run all commands as user B.
This isn't much of an answer, but I don't think what you are trying to do is possible without code modifications. Here's why:
There are two primary cases where you would use a different user:
Deployment needs to run as a particular user because of file ownership.
Deployment needs to run with root permissions.
In the first case, you generally would simply tell Capistrano to ssh as that user.
In the second case, you would tell Capistrano to run certain commands with paswordless sudo (
I can see a situation where only one user is available via SSH, but file ownership and permissions is based on another user, so you want to make su part of the workflow. I'm sure it is possible to do, but if I had to do it, I would be reading the source code of Capistrano and overriding how shell commands are executed. This would be non-trivial.
If you have a specific command like rm which needs to run as a different user, you may be able to use the SSHKit.config.command_map[:rm] = 'sudo rm' mechanism to do it.
In a nutshell, I don't think what you are asking for is, on its face, easily done with Capistrano. If you have a specific use case, we may be able to offer suggestions as to how you may approach the problem differently which plays better to Capistrano's strengths.
Good luck!
Looking further, the capistrano-rbenv gem has a mechanism by which it has overridden the execution of all commands:
task :map_bins do
SSHKit.config.default_env.merge!({ rbenv_root: fetch(:rbenv_path), rbenv_version: fetch(:rbenv_ruby) })
rbenv_prefix = fetch(:rbenv_prefix, proc { "#{fetch(:rbenv_path)}/bin/rbenv exec" })
SSHKit.config.command_map[:rbenv] = "#{fetch(:rbenv_path)}/bin/rbenv"
fetch(:rbenv_map_bins).each do |command|
You might have success with something similar.
In order to run all remote tasks through su as another user I think you need to change Ownership for that User.
I'm Assuming that deployment folder name is /public_html/test .
sudo chown User:User /public_html/test # `chown` will change the owner ship so that `User` user can `**Read/Write**`
umask 0002
sudo chown User:User public_html/test/releases
sudo chown User:User public_html/test/shared
Hope this will solve your issue!!!

make server backup, and keep owner with rsync

I recently configured a little server for test some services, now, before an upgrade or install new software, I want to make an exact copy of my files, with owners, groups and permissions, also the symlinks.
I tried with rsync to keep the owner and group but in the machine who receives the copy I lost them.
rsync -azp -H /directorySource/ myUser#
My intention is to do it with the / folder, to keep all my configurations just in case, I have 3 services who have it's own users and maybe makes modifications in folders outside it's home.
In the destination folder appear with my destination user, whether I do the copy from the server as if I do it from the destination, it doesn't keep the users and groups!, I create the same user, tried with sudo, even a friend tried with 777 folder :)
cp theoretically serves the same but doesn't work over ssh, anyway I tried to do it in the server but have many errors. As I remembered the command tar also keep the permissions and owners but have errors because the server it's working and it isn't so fast the process to restore. I remember too the magic dd command, but I made a big partition. Rsync looked the best option to do it, and to keep synchronized the backup. I saw rsync in the new version work well with owners but I have the package upgraded.
Anybody have some idea how I do this, or how is the normal process to keep my own server well backuped, to restore just making the partition again?
The services are taiga, a project manager platform, a git repository, a code reviewer, and so on, all are working well with nginx over Ubuntu Server. I haven't looked other backup methods because I thought rsync with a cron job do the work.
Your command would be fine, but you need to run as root user on the remote end (only root has permission to set file owners):
rsync -az -H /directorySource/ root#
You also need to ensure that you use rsync's -o option to preserve owners, and -g to preserve groups, but as these are implied by -a your command is OK. I removed -p because that's also implied by -a.
You'll also need root access, on the local end, to do the reverse transfer (if you want to restore your files).
If that doesn't work for you (no root access), then you might consider doing this using tar. A proper archive is probably the correct tool for the job, and will contain all the correct user data. Again, root access will be needed to write that back to the file-system.

Error in mongodb: "getFile(): bad file number value (corrupt db?): run repair"

After my last Meteor upgrade my database became corrupted. First it started with this error message when I tried to create a new user (we're using meteor-accounts):
getFile(): bad file number value (corrupt db?): run repair
Then I saw in another question that I should run db.repairDatabase() but, although mongo shell said that the database was now ok, it didn't really work. The error message above was still showing up.
So I read something about corrupted indexes and dropped the indexes in the users collections and this obviously just made everything worse. Now I have two users with the same email address and Meteor doesn't start anymore:
MongoError: E11000 duplicate key error index: meteor.users.$emails.address_1 dup key: { : "" }
When I try to remove one of these users, the original error shows up again:
meteor:PRIMARY> db.users.remove({ _id: "cAtu2XsEXTbqL2Wvx"})
getFile(): bad file number value (corrupt db?): run repair`
Fortunately we're still on the development phase and we can just drop the whole database and start over, but this has made me really insecure about running Meteor on production environment. Is there any way to fix a database in this state?
You can run db.repairDatabase to try to repair the data files - but read the linked page first for details and warnings. Make sure you run with journaling on if you didn't have it on before and, at least for production, run a replica set. Normally, in this situation it'd be preferable to resync from another replica set member or restore a backup rather than repair. You can find more information about data recovery in this article from the MongoDB Manual.

Hard to think of a reason why MongoDB doesn't create /data/db for us automatically?

I installed MongoDB both on Win 7 and on Mac OS X, and both places, I got mongod (the server) and mongo (the client).
But at both places, running mongod will fail if I double click on the file, and the error message was gone too quickly before I can see anything. (was better on Mac because Terminal didn't exit automatically and showed the error message).
Turned out it was due to /data/db not exist and the QuickStart guide says: By default MongoDB will store data in /data/db, but it won't automatically create that directory
I just have a big question that MongoDB seems to want a lot of people using it (as do many other products), but why would it not automatically create the folder for you? If it didn't exist... creating it can do not much harm... especially you can state so in the user agreement. The question is why. I can think of one strange reason, but the reason may be too strange to list here...
One good reason would be that you do not want it in /data/db. In this case, you want it to fail with an error when you forgot to specify the correct directory on the command line. The same goes for mis-spelled directory names. If MongoDB just created a new directory and started to serve from there, that would not be very helpful. It would be quite confusing, because databases and collections are auto-created, so there would not even be errors when you try to access them.