ExtJS 6.2 add components dynamically using drag and drop - select

I need to implement drag and drop form in ExtJS 6.2 that adds components dynamically to a from.
I have a (grid)list on left side that contains type of components as texts, for example that list contains:
doctors (will be combobox)
units (will be combobox) "
check some constraints" in my case (will be checkbox) as texts.
I want to add that component (a combobox or checkbox) to right side of my panel when I click or drag one of them.
Each component can be added more than one. Can anyone show me the way or give me an example?
I come across to grid to grid or div drag and drop examples.


Add a cell renderer using Glade

I'm using Glade to build a GTK user interface for my Rust program.
The issue is that items that are added to the ListStore are not showing up. I have horizontal lines set up that show up, but the text of the items is not showing up. I Googled and I suspect it's because of the cell renderers. I have tried to add a cell renderer in Glade, however I didn't see anywhere where could I do that. I right click on the treeview, click Edit, right click on the row/column but nothing about cell renderers is displayed.
How can I add a cell renderer using Glade?
$ glade --version
glade 3.22.1
It's very hard to find. I search lots of tutorial but many of them are very old, so the interface was quite different.
Right click GtkTreeView and choose "Edit"
On top left sub area, click blue "+" sign to add a new column.
right click newly created column, choose add child text
You will see Cell Render area showing up to the right.
In "Properties and Attributes", set "Text" properties to the column you wish to present.

How to build an AEM parsys that by default places new components at the top instead of bottom?

Is there a way to build/configure a parsys in AEM 6.0 such that when users drag new components from the sidekick, that the parsys will show a slot to add a new component at the top instead of the bottom (Referring to the box labeled "Drag components or assets here")? For example, I have a parsys with a list of articles and the articles are by default shown in descending order. When a user goes to add a new article I'd like them to by default add a new one at the top of the list in the parsys and not have to add to the bottom then re-order all the way from the bottom up. Is this possible in AEM 6.0?
Not sure if i understand your question correctly, but to explain how parsys work:
Parsys is a placeholder which allow authors/editors to drag and drop
Editors can drop a new component before/below an existing component, which means parsys is already flexible enough to add new component anywhere.
Considering Your article list example, by forcing new component always on top, you will loose feature#2. I would recommend following options:
Use OOB parsys and handle this by governance.
or Create a component which render list of articles in descending order.

Windows Phone Dev. Adding items to Pan-Page doesn't work

I have
<!--Panorama item one-->
<controls:PanoramaItem Header="Search">
and what I simply want to do, is dropping some TextBoxes etc. into it.
But when I drop a Textbox (while the panorama item one-grid is selected), visual studio adds these form items outside the panorama pages, somewhere at the bottom of the XAML.
How can I add forms into the panorama item I decided them for?
A grid. I needed to add a grid, to store all my elements inside.

How to make expandable composite, while dragging our custom new Wizard

Thanks in advance.
I am creating one GUI on new wizard, that is available in eclipse by default, in wizard page i m creating GUI in createControl method , now for that i am creating one composite that is child of parent in that i have to create two composite from left to right in which left one should only expand horizantally and right one should expand in both directions horizantally and vertically
Now in left composite i have to display images located in c drive location and when user clicks on images displayed in left composite , in right composite specific images will load .
Now functionality i have completed using rcp , used fill layout for both composite and scrolled composite and row layout for inner composites that displays images with label , now the same logic i am implementing in wizard page but GUI is nonexpandable ......it sucks.......i tried every layout but i don't know where i m lagging ....as i m newbee in GUI ...:(
My problem is how to display two composite in wizard page , where first is only vertically expandable , and other one is expandable in both directions, and display images in these composites , that are located in my c drive ........
The parent composite layout shoud be grid layout. For the left child composite, set it layoutdata to be vertical expand. As for the right composite, set it to fill both.
Hope this help.

Adding the appropriate elements in SectionStackSections

I'm trying to build a similar menu like in http://www.gwt-ext.com/demo/#menuButton. But i am using the SmartGWT instead of GWT-Ext and GWT Designer in Eclipse. I have built the SectionStack and add to it 3 sections. My problem is that i do not know what components to add in each section to get the selected items as in the example 'Showcase Explorer' menu of the link. Like the example i want to fill each section with several text lines but if i add just Label components then there are not selectable like in the example (when you view the menu in accordion mode).
Why dont you use http://www.smartclient.com/smartgwt/showcase/#menus_category_treebinding this menu instead?