Menu options doesn't display in xconfig - buildroot

I'm using Buildroot 2020.02 to compile an embedded OS.
When I try to change the toolchain configuration by make xconfig or make O=outputX xconfig, the xconfig window open but when I click on an option (for example Toolchain), nothing appear on the right section so I can't configure buildroot.
Anyone know how to fix this problem?
How can I do to reinstall xconfig?


VSCode plugin VSCode-PHP-Format not working

I start using vscode less than a month. Please forgive me if this is a dump question.
OS: OS X 10.11.3
VSCode: 0.10.6
Plugin: VSCode-PHP-Format (download via git clone)
Extension path: ~/.vscode/extensions/VSCode-PHP-Format
I restarted VSCode, open php files, but do not see "Format Code" on the right click menu.
Any idea how to debug this? Right now I don't even know if the plugin load correctly.
With tips from Tobiah Zarlez, I found the "Toggle Developer Tools" in VSCode.
It is shown in the console the plugin cannot find js-beautify.
Inside ~/.vscode/extensions/VSCode-PHP-Format, run
npm install
It will pull in js-beautify. Then restart VSCode.
I am on my phone and not able to double check to see if it is there, but I'd recommend installing from the visual studio marketplace to insure the plug in is installed correctly. You can do so by hitting CTRL+SHIFT+P and typing "install extension"
Beyond that, a quick glance at the code the plug in should be activated when you open a php file... but since this is a third party plugin, I can't speak to if it actually works or not.
(Again, on phone so can't test)
What you could do is modify the extension.js file to add a "console.log ("hello world")" to the activate function. Them check the log to see if the plug in is installed correctly.
I saw you weren't the only person to complain about the plug in not working though. If I were you, I would continue to try and contact the creator

Can't find GDB option in Eclipse on mac

I'm new to Macs but I don't think this is a problem that comes from that. I've been attempting to set up GDB as a debugger for programming in golang on Eclipse. I know how to do it for the most part, but at some point one of the steps is to open up your debug preferences in the C/C++ configuration and fill in the path of where the debugger is located. Unfortunately, the option doesn't even show up for me:
Why doesn't the "GDB" option show up under Preferences >> C/C++ >> Debug? If i'm not mistaken, it should be a part of the CDT package correct? Am I just using the wrong version? It should be giving me this option:
At least it does for Neil Craft, the author of this tutorial
For anyone coming here looking for an answer:
If there is no GDB section in the C/C++Debug subtree, close the preferences window, and try to first start a debugging session for any project that you can already run without problems. You can do it by either clicking the Debug button on the toolbar, or selecting RunDebug from the main menu. This attempt will, of course, fail with an error message about the gdb command, but it will force the said C/C++DebugGDB settings to appear in the preferences.

How to remove LibreOffice's File Explorer context menu options in Windows?

I have LibreOffice installed but it put a whole bunch of options in my 'New' context menu in File Explorer (Windows 10). I want it gone but I can't find the option in LibreOffice's preferences. I found some answers on the web saying "open regedit and modify the registry" but that's ridiculous - I'm looking for the option provided by LibreOffice settings - I mean it MUST exist somewhere, right?
If the option doesn't exist I'd also like to know, I'll then create a feature request. And uninstall LO until they fix it because it's driving me nuts :P
So I haven't found the option yet but you can disable it during installation. When asked, choose Custom and disable the Windows Explorer integration.
Still curious where the option is to disable it after installation though..

eclipse - swt - using windowbuilder in xfce env

I have some problems with eclipse indigo x64 Linux; The problem is using windowbuilder (the SWT); I tried using gwt or swing but they both cause either windowbuilder freeze or even eclipse crash...
The alike issue it seems I found related info in official eclipse indigo offline Help which says :
How can I prevent the preview window from flashing under Linux using Metacity
In order to create the graphics that you see in the design view,
WindowBuilder Pro creates an off screen window containing the various
widgets and they takes a screen snapshot of them. This works very well
under Windows, OSX and some versions of Linux. Recent versions of the
Metacity window manager (more recent than 2.1.4), however, have been
modified/"fixed" to disallow windows to be opened off screen. This
forces the preview window to appear on screen leading to an annoying
flashing effect any time you make a change. The solution is to disable
the Metacity "fully_onscreen" constraint by patching the Metacity
source code and rebuilding and installing the patched version into
your system.
Here are the steps to follow:
Download the Metacity source code from
Unpack the source code tarball into any temporary directory.
Chdir into this directory (with the unpacked code).
Find window.c file and open it with your favourite texteditor.
Find a line with "window->require_fully_onscreen = TRUE;"
Replace it with "window->require_fully_onscreen = FALSE;"
Save the changes and close the editor.
Open a terminal and chdir into the directory with the source code (nice if you have already done this)
Run "./configure".
Run "make all".
Make sure that steps 9 & 10 completed without errors.
Become root (or execute the next command via "sudo" depending on the Linux you are running)
Run "make install" (or "sudo make install").
Save your work and close any application you are working with.
End your session (or press Ctrl-Alt-Delete to restart the x-server) and log in again.
You are done!
well seems like I have the snapshot really but, as I can get it, the snapshot doesn't want to dispose or similar so I have either resize the whole eclipse or press F5 to refresh (which works not at once);
I am not sure how to fix the issue in case I have xfce+adwaita installed? I don't have metacity installed; Seems like xfce works with gtk instead of metacity (correct me if I am wrong);
So my question is... how to fix the "window flashing or freezing" if I have :
adwaita-dark theme
linux arch x64ce
Try to install install libswt-gtk-3-jni and libswt-gtk-3-java.

netbeans 7.3.1 no options under code formatting

I have just installed Netbeans 7.3.1 under GNU/Linux, Archlinux kernel version: arch-pc 3.10.10-1-ARCH x86_64
I have activated the PHP plugin and i want to setup the formatting options, for this I'm going to Tools->Options->Editor->Formatting, but the problem is that in here I have no code to select and setup the formatting, can this be a bug or I am doing something wrong?
This is how it looks when i get there:
The list under Language: has options Item 1 to Item 4 and the same for Category: Item 1 to Item 4.
The only way I was able to bring the option back up was to go to a deactivated language (PHP in my case) and click the button to activate it to get the available options.
After doing this, I clicked back on the "Formatting" tab and the options were all there again.
I have found a solution:
Go to:
Download the zip under: NetBeans Sample Code Library
Import project: File>Import Project>From zip...
Go to Tools>Options>Editor>Formatting and you have the settings back
I do not know why it worked but it worked. Hope that this will help you.
Just enable Java SE plugin (tools - options - java - enable). You can then set formatting options for all languages (not only Java).
I had the same problem on arch linux 64bit. My solution is to install netbeans-cpp from AUR -- this version works, but hasn't other languages.
I was having the same issue with C++. This fixed it: Tools > Plugins > Installed > Click check box: "C/C++" > Activate. Now recheck editor formatting options.