How to link MATLAB to Webots lib? - matlab

I created a MATLAB script for controller through wizards and uncommented
desktop; keyboard;
to interact with the MATLAB interface. Works are done on Win10.
My code works, but I have to start the MATLAB program from Webots to grant MATLAB access to Webots library. I tried opening MATLAB alone and had no clue about linking the program to Webots lib and project.
Another drawback is that every time I modify the codes and reset the simulation in Webots, MATLAB is restarted, which is annoying since it takes quite a time.
Q: Is there any way to link MATLAB to Webots lib so that I can develop the controller in MATLAB alone without starting Webots?

Maybe below solve your problem.
In the launcher.m file (..\Webots\lib\controller\matlab):
Change each line containing 'lib/matlab' to 'lib/controller/matlab'
Lines are 15, 23, 132
In allincludes.h (..\Webots\lib\controller\matlab):
Change each include path so that it goes back a further directory
eg: #include "../../../include/controller/c/webots/accelerometer.h"


Matlab openGL Warning

I'm tasked with upgrading a lot of legacy models and scripts made in an older version of Matlab/Simulink and have it running smoothly in R2018b. Among other requirements I'm not allowed to have any warnings issued upon execution of .m scripts or Simulink models. This is generally tedious but straightforward to comply.
However, there is a specific warning that Matlab does not give me hints on possible sources:
Warning: MATLAB has disabled some advanced graphics rendering features by switching to software OpenGL. For more information click here.
The link opens the Matlab Help page titled Resolving Low-Level Graphics Issues, which describes issues I'm not finding (or at least not noticing)
I do note that many scripts I run create and close figures, but this is done procedurally. I haven't been able to associate this warning with some specific function or feature. I'm working on a Windows Server machine.
Does anyone have an idea of how to narrow down which kind of function os Simulink block could cause this warning?
As datenwolf and Ander point out, the first thing to try is to update your drivers. If this doesn't work, and your only problem is that you're getting the warning but your graphics still render fine, then you have two other options to try.
First, you can simply modify your OpenGL rendering preferences using opengl. The following will set your preference to 'software' and save that setting for future sessions:
opengl('save', 'software');
Alternatively, you can just try to suppress that particular warning message. After you get the warning, issue this call to the warning function:
w = warning('query', 'last');
The w.identifier field will give you the ID for the warning message, which I believe will be 'MATLAB:hg:AutoSoftwareOpenGL' in this case. You can then add the following line to your startup.m file so that this warning is suppressed every time MATLAB is opened:
warning('off', 'MATLAB:hg:AutoSoftwareOpenGL');
Install the original vendor drivers for your GPU. The drivers that are installed by Windows by default lack full OpenGL support. Download the driver package directly from the website of Intel, AMD or NVidia, depending on what GPU you have.
If you don't have GPU, for example when running in a Virtual Machine, then you can not avoid that warning, because then Matlab has no other choice than falling back on the software OpenGL implementation that it ships with.
There's nothing you can do about that, other than making sure, that the system you're running Matlab on, does have proper OpenGL support!
It took me a long time to get it, so I'll put you here in case it helps how I managed to activate openGL in Linux:
If you haven't already (it's common for other problems), rename libstdc++ library from MATLAB:
mv _YOUR_MATLAB_ROOT_FOLDER_/sys/os/glnxa64/ _YOUR_MATLAB_ROOT_FOLDER_/sys/os/glnxa64/
Create this link: sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/ /usr/lib/
Run export MESA_LOADER_DRIVER_OVERRIDE=YOUR_DRI_DRIVER;matlab -desktop -nosoftwareopeng
Your DRI Driver will be a file from /usr/lib/dri, removing "_dri" (in my case was the "radeons" driver for an AMD Vega graphic card.
Run MATLAB from a terminal using: export MESA_LOADER_DRIVER_OVERRIDE=_YOUR_DRIVER_HERE_;matlab -desktop -nosoftwareopengl. YOUR_DRIVER_HERE should be your driver, radeonsi in my case.
Check openGL with info = rendererinfo
If something went wrong, you will be able to see in the terminal which library was responsible. Executing 4) and 5) I was discovering what I had to correct, you can do the same if you have another problem that has not appeared to me.
So that it always runs correctly I put export MESA_LOADER_DRIVER_OVERRIDE=YOUR_DRI_DRIVER at the beginning of the script that runs matlab (_YOUR_MATLAB_FOLDER/bin/matlab), although I suppose it can also be set as an environment variable.
I hope this has been useful to you.

Installing add-ons without display

There are more and more packages on Matlab Central that are shared in the form of add-ons or custom toolboxes (extension .mltbx).
I'm using such toolboxes and when on my desktop I can simply install them by clicking on them. However my code is eventually deployed on a cluster, where none of the nodes has these toolboxes installed and none of the Matlab instance is run with display.
How can I install add-ons programmatically?
Poking around MATLAB's subroutines I couldn't figure out an obvious way to handle this programmatically without at least some user input.
That being said, the *.mltbx package is really just a *.zip file, which we can access directly inside MATLAB. To illustrate this, I've created a quick toolbox using my code prototyping folder, testcode-matlab.mltbx.
If you extract the contents of this file using unzip: unzip('testcode-matlab.mltbx', 'temp'); you should be left with something like the following:
If we examine the contents of fsroot, we see that it's the folder of data packaged into the toolbox:
So we can take this folder, move it to where we want using something like copyfile, and then add it to the MATLAB path using addpath:
copyfile('.\temp\fsroot', '.\mytoolboxes\testtoolbox');
As of R2016a, there is a MATLAB API to install them:

Manually Adding Toolbox to Matlab R2013b

I am working with OS X version 10.9.4 and using Matlab R2013b. I have recently downloaded a toolbox file and it saved as a folder on my desktop. It contains a bunch of .m files, which I'm not really sure how to add into my Matlab. I've read online and watched a few tutorials that all mention that I need to set the path to Matlab, but I can't seem to get it to work for me. I'm very new to Matlab and have been trying to figure this out for a couple of days, so my apologies if this is a very simple question to be asking.
There are a couple of ways of doing this. When a function is called in Matlab, it will look in all the directories contained within the path to find it. You can bring up the path by typing in the command "path".
Presumably, you want to add a new location for Matlab to look. This can be done via the addpath command. Addpath accepts both relative and absolute addresses. For example the command
will enable you to access functions & files within the folder My_Matlab_Functions.
Relative directories are taken relative to the file which calls addpath. For example if I am running a function within C:\users\user_name\My_Documents\Matlab, calling
will enable you to access all of the files within C:\users\user_name\My_Documents\Matlab\Tools. You can also go up directories via '..'. For example, if I am running a function within C:\users\user_name\My_Documents\Matlab\Project1, the command
Accesses the same tools folder as before.
I have tried these examples on Windows, but I presume they work the same on a Mac. Hope this helps.
Alternatively, you may be able to add your file(s) directly into Matlab's built in toolbox. I don't know whether Matlab automatically searches for new folders here, but it may be worth a shot.

How to debug Matlab/Simulink?

I have a Simulink model that uses an s_function, which is a mexw32 file. The s_function block uses a .lib module as well. Now, when I'm trying to run the model Matlab crash before the simulation end and without any errors in the command window. What are my options for debugging if Matlab crash?
This is typical behaviour of a badly written S-function that is causing a seg-fault. Debug it using the steps outlined at:
I dont know about Simulink or S-functions (never used them), but usually when a MEX-file segfaults, MATLAB will recover from it most of the times, showing a stack trace and placing you in the "you need to restart MATLAB" command prompt mode. You'll find a crash dump and error log files in the system %TMP% folder.
As other have said, if you have access to the source code of the MEX-function, recompile it with debugging symbols, attach a debugger to MATLAB, place breakpoints in the debugger, and initiate the MEX-function by calling it from MATLAB. Once inside the C code, debug it code step by step until you find the problem.
Here is the relevant doc page describing this process in more details.
You mentioned that your MEX-executable is linked against an external library. So you might also want to check that for the source of the problem.

Matlab deployment with financial toolbox?

I am compiling a matlab code to exe and it has the uicalendar function in it. I did put the main app as my main .m file and in the setting I checked the financial toolbox.
The file compiled successfully and I can run the GUI but when I press the button that calls the uicalendar, the calendar will not show up.
Any idea ?
Thank you
According to this page, all GUI tools provided by the Financial toolbox (including uicalendar) are not supported by the MATLAB compiler for deployment.
Maybe you should search the File Exchange for an alternative...