How to start jbpm as system's service in ubuntu? - redhat

I just downloaded jbpm server from JBPM.
it starts by running "jbpm-server/bin/" this. But i want to start jbpm as ubuntu's service like---> systemctl start jbpm.
can anyone provide me details to create startup script for this.

You should create a file in your systemd directory, for example /etc/systemd/system/change_me.service and fill it with a basic setup like:
Description=Your service's description
Then you should reload your systemd configuration in order to update it with the new service via
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
And then start it
sudo systemctl start change_me
If you want a more granular control over your systemd's service file you should read the man page via:
man systemd.service


Creating a service to launch and restart a Python script

On a Virtual Maching running on Centos7, using root privileges, I want to create a service to launch a Python (Python 3.9) webservice and restart it every hour.
Here's what i did:
creating a directory /etc/systemd/system/dlweb_doc_webservice.service.d
creating a file dlweb_db_generate_report.service like this
Description=dlweb_db_generate_report_webservice systemd-networkd-wait-online.service
Type = simple
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/python3.9 /opt/scripts/dlweb_db_generate_report_webservice/
running systemctl daemon-reload
running systemctl --type=service --all doesn't display my service
running systemctl enable dlweb_db_generate_report_webservice returned a Failed to execute operation: No such file or directory
What did i miss or do wrong?

Can't see my dbus object when program run from systemctl service

I have a cpp application which broadcasts an object and its methods on the dbus. I try to run this program at startup with the following service file:
Description=Running dbus program
After reloading:
systemctl daemon-reload
and running it:
sudo systemctl start my_service.service
I got no error in the journal, but I cant see anything on the dbus (running d-feet, and browsing for my object, I cant find anything)
Running the exact same ExecStart:
in the console works fine.
What am I missing? Thanks!
As you want your service to run on the session bus you will need to use:
sudo systemctl --user start my_service.service
Putting the file into /etc/systemd/user/ location will make it available to all users still.

systemd service fails to activate

I am working to create a service that triggers a script upon boot. The script then installs and activates a piece software. I only want this service to run once so that it installs the software on initial boot. This is being built into an AMI for standard deployment in an enterprise.
I currently have the following:
/etc/systemd/system/startup.service (executable using chmod +x; enabled using "systemctl enable startup.service")
The service contains:
When I test the service by using systemctl start startup.service it runs successfully, but when I leave it enabled and reboot the system, it fails to activate:
Screenshot of failure log
Any help would be great. I have a thought that it could be my After= setting may not be far enough into the computer spinning up to be successful.

Best way to run a pyramid pserve server as daemon

I used to run my pyramid server as a daemon with the pserve --daemon command.
Given that it's deprecated, I'm looking for the best replacement. This link recommends to run it with screen or tmux, but it seems too heavy to just run a web server. Another idea would be to launch it with setsid.
What would be a good way to run it ?
Create a service file in /etc/systemd/system. Here a example (pyramid.service):
# your Working dir
# your pserve path with ini
ExecStart=/srv/www/app/env/bin/pserve /srv/www/app/development.ini
Enable the service:
systemctl enable pyramid.service
Start/Stop/Restart the service with:
systemctl start pyramid.service
systemctl restart pyramid.service
systemctl stop pyramid.service
The simplest option is to install supervisord and setup a conf file for the service. The program would just be env/bin/pserve production.ini. There are countless examples online of how to do this.
The best option is to integrate with your system's process manager (systemd usually, but maybe also upstart or sysvinit or openrc). It is very easy to write a systemd unit file for starting pserve and then it will be started/stopped along with the rest of your system. Log files are even handled automatically in these cases.

systemctl enable works but systemctl --user enable does not

I have a DO droplet running Ubuntu 16.04.1x64 and I'm trying to run IPFS as a systemd service. I've gone ahead and created a user "connor" and installed IPFS following the instructions here. I'm storing the service as "ipfs.service" in ~/.config/systemd/user/ipfs.service which looks like this:
Description=IPFS Daemon
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/ipfs daemon
ExecStop=/usr/bin/pkill ipfs
What's odd is that if I run systemctl --user start ipfs it starts up just fine. However, running systemctl --user daemon-reload and then
systemctl --user enable ipfs I get the error:
Failed to execute operation: No such file or directory
However, if I run systemctl enable /home/connor/.config/systemd/user/ipfs.service -f it runs just fine. I can reboot and run IPFS commands just fine. I'd like to run it as a user though, and would also like to understand what I'm doing wrong.
Please, check that you are executing the commands with connor user, you may run whoami to see the user executing the command. (running the command with sudo changes the user to root)
In addition, I see that the user in the service file is capitalized (Connor instead of connor), this could bring other problems, and it is not needed, as a simple configuration like the one proposed by Arch Linux wiki works for user daemons.
Please find bellow the configuration I used for my ipfs daemon, (without User= and with a different Restart=, since Restart=always gave me problems while starting the daemon):
Description=IPFS daemon
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/ipfs daemon