Send an email with query results on a scheduled basis (Everyday morning 9AM): - azure-devops

My head of engineering, product and other departments wants a daily email sent out of Shared queries or particular Work Item query like Bug, Task, Epic to know the status of Work Items.
Is there any extensions available to send the query results on a schedule basis?

You could do it through Schedule pipeline to call APIs to get result and send mail programming.
You also could build a app (e.g. service application, powershell job) to call REST APIs to get necessary result and send mail programming.
Related REST API:
Wiql - Query By Id
Work Items - Get Work Items Batch

There is an extension for this purpose - Scheduled Work Item Query:
The Goal of this extension was to keep as much functionality as
possible inside Azure DevOps / Team Foundation Server. We have opted
to realize this by using a standard Build Pipeline in Azure DevOps /
Team Foundation Server as our "Scheduling" Engine.
The actual functionality is realized as a Build Pipeline Task called
"Scheduled Work Item Query". This task executes a query that is saved
in either the "My Queries" or "Shared Queries" folders, and sends the
results by e-mail using either SendGrid or standard SMTP.


How can I trigger a contact workflow on a specific date in Bitrix24?

I would like to trigger a workflow resetting a sum on all contacts every 1st January of the year. The workflow is implemented. It could be triggered on the specific date or even everyday, because the date is verified in the workflow before resetting.
How can i run it on every contact?
Hello and welcome to Stackoverflow, the answer to your question is as the following:
You need to create a Rest API outbound webhook in your Bitrix account with "CRM" & "Business Process" permissions.
You will write down a PHP code that will be executed on the exact date/time of you choice
The PHP script will do 2 process:
Will retrieve all the contacts that you have on your Bitrix account and store them into a string value.
It will run that Business process and pass the list of all the found contacts, and inside your Business process you're going to set it up in a way that it will run the required actions on every contact from eh contacts IDs passed by the first step.
The PHP script can be hosted in a webhosting or even on your local machine since it's once a year.
This is only the concept of the solution, I can't share the script code because I don't have it at the moments, please contact me if you faces problems.

How to send Azure Test Plan execution results in azure devops release email option

After execution of Azure Pipeline and Azure releases. I send the notification via release send mail option
I want to share the manual test execution results of Azure test plans in this release email. Please let me know the way. Or any other option to share the test execution results (azure test plans)
There currently is no way to update the notification/email template.
Besides, there is a related feature request about it, you can up vote there and monitor status of it.
As a workaround, you could try to use some 3rd-party extension such as Send Email or SendGrid Email task, and add it to the release pipeline, through this task you can customize the email.
Email Body : Contents of the email you want to send.To send HTML body add the HTML here and set the Send as HTML checkbox. (Optional)

Find Attachments in Azure DevOps REST API for deletion

When I submit an Attachment to the Azure DevOps REST service (create), is there a place I can go to visualise all of the attachments in there? Or is my best course of action to just send a GET which will give me the list?
My problem then becomes...that there is no way for me to delete unwanted attachments.
Is there a place I can go to visualise all of the attachments in
there? Or is my best course of action to just send a GET which will
give me the list?
Yes, the best course of action to view these attachments is to send a GET request.
In fact, after you upload the attachments to a work item via the API, all of them are managed by the backend. The backend does not assign any relevant info to the work item. This leads to the situation where you cannot view them from the UI, unfortunately.
Microsoft hasn't expanded the API/SDK to provide an "attachment delete" call yet.
You can also press F12, then try with uploading and deleting attachments from one workitem within the UI.
As you can see, the attachments deleted are run by the backend via sending an event call. In your scenario, you cannot remove those unwanted attachments until now.
You are not the first one who has requested this feature. See this suggestion: Unable to delete/remove attachment from work item by using VSTS api. You can vote and comment there to raise its priority. The product team can then consider adding the feature to the roadmap.

Can I take control of a user's Google Cloud Print printer?

We've written an application to replace a third party tool to download and print jobs through Google Cloud Print. For new customers this will work well. We create the printer in the cloud and download jobs. It works. Customers up and running with the third party tool are using a printer created with that tool. I thought I'd be able to access that printer's jobs by getting the user to go through oauth authentication to give our application the permission to manage the user's printers. However, having done this and all seeming to work when I fetch jobs from that printer the response is that there are no jobs. But there is a job. Is this behaviour to be expected. Is there any way around this? We'd just like to avoid our customers having to create new printers.
The question is a little unclear; feel free to edit your question and I'll edit this answer.
Being able to manage jobs is not the same as being able to download jobs. Each printer belongs to a user, and each has a robot account. Only those two accounts (I believe) can download the job ticket and payload.
After a job is marked as completed (through the /control API), the payload is deleted.
A third user account that can manage jobs is allowed to view information about the job, as well as cancel/delete the job, but can't (I believe) download the job payload.

What are some best practices for basic workflow using biztalk 2009?

I'm working on a Biztalk 2009 proof of concept project and would like to setup a basic approval workflow.
Request Vacation.
Step 1. Request Vacation.
Step 2. Route Request to Manager.
Step 3. Manager Approve / Denies Vacation.
Step 4. Update Vacation Calender / Notify Originator of Approval.
Outside of Biztalk I'll have to provide an interface for requesting vacation and approving vacation.
How do I get the list of items pending approval for my manager?
I'm confused about if the list of pending items should be maintained / queried from Biztalk, or if I need to build a separate set of tables to manage what is awaiting approval.
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
At it's core, BizTalk is a messaging bus (okay, not really, but it's a useful abstraction). It doesn't actually store data on its own. In point of fact, I'm not sure based just on this scenario that BizTalk is your best bet. If you have SharePoint, using normal WorkFlows through SharePoint might work better for you.
That said, if the BizTalk decision has been made, I'd do the following:
Interface for requesting / approving
The Approval interface would hook into a data store (probably a SQL DB) to get a list of the "waiting approval" items.
Once the status of the item is set to "Approved" or "Denied" have SQL push data to BizTalk to kick off the rest of the process.
To your specific quesiton: yes, you'll need some place outside of BizTalk to store the requests, and the list of "pending" requests would be better generated from that store.