Eclipse 2 Error Log Windows open and they can not close problem - eclipse

There is problem in my Eclipse. There are two twin Error Log windows and I can not close either of them.
It completely makes trolling on my development windows. When I want to open a class the codes go under the windows.


MobaXterm not sshing into server/VM, instead linking with my PC and can't close terminal window without shutting down PC

This is a strange one, I've had it occur a few too many times and it's difficult to give a title to, but recently on a number of occasions when I try to open one of my existing sessions (VM or Server doesn't matter) the session doesn't open, it's just a black terminal screen with nothing on it, but my Windows task bar disappears, sometimes it ends up in the MobaXterm terminal window sometimes it doesn't. But if I then try to close the MobaXterm window I get a pop up on my PC for a shutdown, and the only way to close this window is to shut down my PC.
I am running a windows 11 PC, with MobaXterm Home Edition 22.2, and have seen this in 22.1 also. Not sure which earlier versions I was running before I encountered this problem or which version it started with.
Is this a known bug, another of my colleagues has encountered this also? Is there some setup I'm missing that could prevent this?

MobaXterm stuck at a "progress information" window

I am using MobaXterm Personal Edition v21.2 Build 4642 to access a remote workbench for educational purposes. The workbench has a Linux machine, and I run STM32CubeIDE to program a development board connected to the remote machine. When I create a new project, the wizard works OK, until it tries to open the ".ioc" file. A "progress information" (thi sis the window bar title) shows up, saying "Initializing Device Configuration Tool...". The progress bar keeps moving back and forth, but then the program looks like if it is stuck at this point.
If I kill the process and restart the IDE, I can see that the ".ioc" file is created. It means that the wizard is working. Then, if I try to open this file, I get stuck in the same way.
When I logged in locally at the workbench machine and used the IDE, it worked without problems. I also connected remotely to the workbench using another linux machine and "pure" (command prompt) ssh. The IDE also worked nicely, which gives me a hint that the problem happens when MobaXterm has to close that "progress information" window and open the "Device configuration tool" window.
Any hints on how to fix this problem?
Thanks in advance.
EDIT: I forgot to mention, the remote machine runs Linux Ubuntu 20.04 with Gnome GUI.

Netbeans: how to undo clicking "Always run without asking"?

When running a file despite having a compiler error, I accidently marked the checkbox "Always run without asking". I regret this and would like NetBeans to ask me again before running a Java file that has compiler errors.
How can I do this? This should be simple but I cannot find any way...
As I can see from NetBeans bugzilla, this defect was left without reply: For example, on my Windows 10 operating system I can manipulate this property using the C:\Users\<userName>\AppData\Roaming\NetBeans\8.0.1\config\Preferences\org\netbeans\modules\java\source\ file, having now in it askBeforeRunWithErrors=true.

eclipse - swt - using windowbuilder in xfce env

I have some problems with eclipse indigo x64 Linux; The problem is using windowbuilder (the SWT); I tried using gwt or swing but they both cause either windowbuilder freeze or even eclipse crash...
The alike issue it seems I found related info in official eclipse indigo offline Help which says :
How can I prevent the preview window from flashing under Linux using Metacity
In order to create the graphics that you see in the design view,
WindowBuilder Pro creates an off screen window containing the various
widgets and they takes a screen snapshot of them. This works very well
under Windows, OSX and some versions of Linux. Recent versions of the
Metacity window manager (more recent than 2.1.4), however, have been
modified/"fixed" to disallow windows to be opened off screen. This
forces the preview window to appear on screen leading to an annoying
flashing effect any time you make a change. The solution is to disable
the Metacity "fully_onscreen" constraint by patching the Metacity
source code and rebuilding and installing the patched version into
your system.
Here are the steps to follow:
Download the Metacity source code from
Unpack the source code tarball into any temporary directory.
Chdir into this directory (with the unpacked code).
Find window.c file and open it with your favourite texteditor.
Find a line with "window->require_fully_onscreen = TRUE;"
Replace it with "window->require_fully_onscreen = FALSE;"
Save the changes and close the editor.
Open a terminal and chdir into the directory with the source code (nice if you have already done this)
Run "./configure".
Run "make all".
Make sure that steps 9 & 10 completed without errors.
Become root (or execute the next command via "sudo" depending on the Linux you are running)
Run "make install" (or "sudo make install").
Save your work and close any application you are working with.
End your session (or press Ctrl-Alt-Delete to restart the x-server) and log in again.
You are done!
well seems like I have the snapshot really but, as I can get it, the snapshot doesn't want to dispose or similar so I have either resize the whole eclipse or press F5 to refresh (which works not at once);
I am not sure how to fix the issue in case I have xfce+adwaita installed? I don't have metacity installed; Seems like xfce works with gtk instead of metacity (correct me if I am wrong);
So my question is... how to fix the "window flashing or freezing" if I have :
adwaita-dark theme
linux arch x64ce
Try to install install libswt-gtk-3-jni and libswt-gtk-3-java.

Eclipse IDE; Open in current window / instance?

I've been using Eclipse for about a week now and I'm loving it.. great software for the 'price'. :P However, I'm having a few issues getting started.
The most annoying, so far, has been opening files from outside of Eclipse, and having them set to open w/ Eclipse. When I open a file from the file-explorer or an external application (WinSCP for instance), Eclipse seemingly attempts to open an entirely new instance itself rather than opening the file within a currently running instance. Of course, because this is the case, Eclipse errors out w/ 'The workspace is currently in use. Please select another' (or whatever it says).
Is there a configuration option, or an argument that I can use when opening a file externally that will simply use the currently open instance of Eclipse?
Thx in advance! :)
The easiest way to open external file in the current Eclipse is to drag-n-drop it to the tabbed area where your files are displayed. You should consider that Eclipse is seriously geared towards using files as part of a project and opening random file with Eclipse is certainly possible but not encouraged.
To your question - since Eclipse runs in Java if you attempt to use eclipse.exe to open a file then script will always try to open a new instance, I don't know if what you want is actually doable
To add to's answer, here are a few eclipse bugs related to the question:
bug 4922 (from 2001!): "Need ability to open a file in eclipse from the command line", with sockent-monitoring kind of solutions, like the IBM proposition of opening an RCP from an URL, which leads to plugins like EclipseCalls.
EclipseCall is a plugin that accepts file-open requests on a defined socket port. A specialized client can be used to open a file in Eclipse by command from outside Eclipse, e.g. by double clicking a source file in Windows Explorer.
bug 178927 (2007): "way to pass arguments from launcher to a running application instance", based on a modifier launcher (more Windows-oriented, although bug 201154 is mac-oriented). An OSGi-based solution is also investigated.
(On Linux, see also steb)
In a Mac terminal, you can use open, though I needed to point to the executable explicitly, since I have more than one Eclipse installed:
open -a ~/eclipse/java-oxygen/ --args --launcher.openFile filename
You may or may not need --launcher.openFile, depending if you have --launcher.defaultAction set to openFile in your eclipse.ini file. (This config-file edit is also what you need for double-clicking or "open-with" to use the running Eclipse.)
For instance, I could do this (with gnu parallel) to open all of my failing tests after I'd copied to the clipboard (pbpaste is mac-specific):
pbpaste | parallel find . -name {}\\\* -print \
| parallel open -a ~/eclipse/java-oxygen/
The Eclipse file-opening documentation for all OSes is here.