Celery: dynamically allocate concurrency based on worker memory - celery

My celery use case: spin up a cluster of celery workers and send many tasks to that cluster, and then terminate the cluster when all of the tasks have completed (usually ~2 hrs).
I currently have it setup to use the default concurrency, which is not optimal for my use case. I see it is possible to specify a --concurrency argument in celery, which specifies the number of tasks that a worker will run in parallel. This is also not ideal for my use case, because, for example:
cluster A might have very memory intensive tasks and --concurrency=1 makes sense, but
cluster B might be memory light, and --concurrency=50 would optimize my workers.
Because I use these clusters very often for very different types of tasks, I don't want to have to manually profile the task beforehand and manually set the concurrency each time.
My desired behaviour is have memory thresholds. So for example, I can set in a config file:
min_worker_memory = .6
max_worker_memory = .8
Meaning that the worker will increment concurrency by 1 until the worker crosses over the threshold of using more than 80% memory. Then, it will decrement concurrency by 1. It will keep that concurrency for the lifetime of the cluster unless the worker memory falls below 60%, at which point it will increment concurrency by 1 again.
Are there any existing celery settings that I can leverage to do this, or will I have to implement this logic on my own? max memory per child seems somewhat close to what I want, but this ends in killed processes which is not what I want.

Unfortunately Celery does not provide an Autoscaler that scales up/down depending on the memory usage. However, being a well-designed piece of software, it gives you an interface that you may implement up to however you like. I am sure with the help of the psutil package you can easily create your own autoscaler. Documentation reference.


Kuberenetes Scheduling: How would one achieve depth first scheduling behavior?

// I'm almost certain this must be a dup or at least a solved problem, but I could not find what I was after through searching the many k8 communities.
We have jobs that run for between a minute and many hours. Given that we assign them resource values that afford them QOS Guaranteed status, how could we minimize resource waste across the nodes?
The problem is that downscaling rarely happens, because each node eventually gets assigned one of the long running jobs. They are not common, but the keep all of the nodes running, even when we do not have need for them.
The dumb strategy that seems to avoid this would be a depth first scheduling algorithm, wherein among nodes that have capacity, the one most filled already will be assigned. In other words, if we have two total nodes running at 90% cpu/memory usage and 10% cpu/memory assigned, the 90% would always be assigned first provided it has sufficient capacity.
Open to any input here and/or ideas. Thanks kindly.
As of now there seems to be this kube-sheduler profile plugin:
NodeResourcesMostAllocated: Favors nodes that have a high allocation of resources.
But it is in alpha stage since k8s v1.18+, so probably not safe to use it for produciton.
There is also this parameter you can set for kube-scheduler that I have found here:
MostRequestedPriority: Favors nodes with most requested resources. This policy will fit the scheduled Pods onto the smallest number of Nodes needed to run your overall set of workloads.
and here is an example on how to configure it.
One last thing that comes to my mind is using node affinity.
Using nodeAffinity on long running pods, (more specificaly with preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution), will prefer to schedule these pods on the nodes that run all the time, and prefer to not schedule them on nodes that are being autoscaled. This approach requires excluding some nodes from autoscaling and labeling approprietly so that scheduler can make use of node-affinity.

How to structure an elastic Azure Batch application?

I am evaluating Batch for a project and, while it seems like it will do what I'm looking for, I'm not sure if what I am assuming is really correct.
I have what is basically a job runner from a queue. The current solution works but when the pool of nodes scales down, it just blindly kills off machines. I am looking for something that, when scaling down, will allow currently-running jobs to complete and then remove the node(s) from the pool. I also want to preemptively increase the pool size if a spike is likely to occur (and not have those nodes shut down). I can adjust the pool size externally if that makes sense (seems like the best option so far).
My current idea is to have one pool with one job & task per node, and that task listens to a queue in a loop for messages and processes them. After an iteration count and/or time limit, it shuts down, removing that node from the pool. If the pool size didn't change, I would like to replace that node with a new one. If the pool was shrunk, it should just go away. If the pool size increases, new nodes should run and start up the task.
I'm not planning on running something that continually add pools, or nodes to the pool, or tasks to a job, though I will probably have something that sets the pool size periodically based on queue length or something similar. What I would rather not do is something like "there are 10 things in the queue, add a pool with x nodes, then delete it".
Is this possible or are my expectations incorrect? So far, from reading the docs, it seems like it should be doable, and I have a simple task working, but I'm not sure about the scaling mechanics or exactly how to structure the tasks/jobs/pools.
Here's one possible way to lean into the strengths of Azure Batch and achieve what you've described.
Create your job with a JobManagerTask that monitors your queue for incoming work and adds a new Batch Task for each item of your workload. Each task will process a single piece of work, then exit.
The Batch Scheduler will then take care of allocating tasks to compute nodes. It can also take care of retrying tasks that fail, and so on.
Configure your pool with an AutoScale formula to dynamically resize your pool to meet your load. Your formula can specify taskcompletion to ensure tasks get to complete before any one compute node is removed.
If your workload peaks are predictable (say, 9am every day) your AutoScale expression could scale up your pool in anticipation. If those spikes are not predicable, your external monitoring (or your JobManager) can change the AutoScale expression at any time to suit.
If appropriate, your job manager can terminate once all the required tasks have been added; set onAllTasksComplete to terminatejob, ensuring your job is completed after all your tasks have finished.
A single pool can process tasks from multiple jobs, so if you have multiple concurrent workloads, they could share the same pool. You can give jobs different values for priority if you want certain jobs to be processed first.

Apache Spark Auto Scaling properties - Add Worker on the Fly

During the execution of a Spark Program, let's say,
reading 10GB of data into memory, and just doing a filtering, a map, and then saving in another storage.
Can I auto-scale the cluster based on the load, and for instance add more Worker Nodes to the Program, if this program eventually needs to hangle 1TB instead of 10GB ?
If this is possible, how can it be done?
It is possible to some extent, using dynamic allocation, but behavior is dependent on the job latency, not direct usage of particular resource.
You have to remember that in general, Spark can handle data larger than memory just fine, and memory problems are usually caused by user mistakes, or vicious garbage collecting cycles. None of these could be easily solved, by "adding more resources".
If you are using any of the cloud platforms for creating the cluster you can use auto-scaling functionality. that will scale cluster horizontally(number of nodes with change)
Agree with #user8889543 - You can read much more data then your memory.
And as for adding more resources on the fly. It is depended on your cluster type.
I use standalone mode, and I have a code that add on the fly machines that attached to the master automatically, then my cluster has more cores and memory.
If you only have on job/program in the cluster then it is pretty simple. Just set
to a very high number and the job will take all the cores of the cluster always. see
If you have several jobs in the cluster it becomes complicate. as mentioned in #user8889543 answer.

Celery: limit memory usage (large number of django installations)

we're having a setup with a large number of separate django installations on a single box. each of these have their own code base & linux user.
we're using celery for some asynchronous tasks.
each of the installations has its own setup for celery, i.e. its own celeryd & worker.
the amount of asynchronous tasks per installation is limited, and not time-critical.
when a worker starts it takes about 30mb of memory. when it has run for a while this amount may grow (presumably due to fragmentation).
the last bulletpoint has already been (somewhat) solved by settings --maxtasksperchild to a low number (say 10). This ensures a restart after 10 tasks, after which the memory at least goes back to 30MB.
However, each celeryd is still taking up a lot of memory, since the minimum amount of workers appears to be 1 as opposed to 0. I also imagine running python manage.py celery worker does not lead to the smallest-possible footprint for the celeryd, since the full stack is loaded even if the only thing that happens is checking for tasks.
In an ideal setup, I'd like to see the following: a process that has a very small memory footprint (100k or so) is looking at the queue for new tasks. when such a task arises, it spins up the (heavy) full django stack in a separate process. and when the worker is done, the heavy process is spun down.
Is such a setup configurable using (somewhat) standard celery? If not, what points of extension are there?
we're (currently) using celery 3.0.17 and the associated django-celery.
Just to make sure I understand - you have a lot of different django codebases, each with their own celery, and they take up too much memory when running on a single box simultaneously, all waiting for a celery job to come down the pipe? How many celery instances are we talking about here?
In my experience, you're using django celery in a very different way than it was designed for - all of your different django projects should be condensed to a few (or a single) project(s), composed of multiple applications. Then you set up a small number of queues to field celery tasks from the different apps - this way, you only have as many dormant celery threads taking up 30mb as you have queues, and a single queue can handle multiple tasks (from multiple apps if you want). The memory issue should go away.
To reiterate - you only need one celeryd, driving multiple workers. This way your bottleneck is job concurrency, not dormant memory needs.
Why do you need so many django installations? Please let me know if I'm missing something, or if you need clarification.

Celery: per task concurrency limits (# of workers per task)?

Is it possible to set the concurrency (the number of simultaneous workers) on a per-task level in Celery? I'm looking for something more fine-grained that CELERYD_CONCURRENCY (that sets the concurrency for the whole daemon).
The usage scenario is: I have a single celerlyd running different types of tasks with very different performance characteristics - some are fast, some very slow. For some I'd like to do as many as I can as quickly as I can, for others I'd like to ensure only one instance is running at any time (ie. concurrency of 1).
You can use automatic routing to route tasks to different queues which will be processed by celery workers with different concurrency levels.
celeryd-multi start fast slow -c:slow 3 -c:fast 5
This command launches 2 celery workers listening fast and slow queues with 3 and 5 concurrency levels respectively.
CELERY_ROUTES = {"tasks.a": {"queue": "slow"}, "tasks.b": {"queue":
The tasks with type tasks.a will be processed by slow queue and tasks.b tasks by fast queue respectively.