SwiftUI ForEach Binding compile time error looks like not for-each - swift

I'm starting with SwiftUI and following WWDC videos I'm starting with #State and #Binding between two views. I got a display right, but don't get how to make back-forth read-write what was not include in WWDC videos.
I have model classes:
class Manufacturer {
let name: String
var models: [Model] = []
init(name: String, models: [Model]) {
self.name = name
self.models = models
class Model: Identifiable {
var name: String = ""
init(name: String) {
self.name = name
Then I have a drawing code to display that work as expected:
var body: some View {
VStack {
ForEach(manufacturer.models) { model in
and I see this:
Canvas preview picture
But now I want to modify my code to allows editing this models displayed and save it to my model #Binding so I've change view to:
var body: some View {
VStack {
ForEach(self.$manufacturer.models) { item in
But getting and error in ForEach line:
Generic parameter 'ID' could not be inferred
What ID parameter? I'm clueless here... I thought Identifiable acting as identifier here.
My question is then:
I have one view (ContentView) that "holds" my datasource as #State variable. Then I'm passing this as #Binding to my ManufacturerView want to edit this in List with ForEach fill but cannot get for each binding working - how can I do that?

First, I'm assuming you have something like:
#ObservedObject var manufacturer: Manufacturer
otherwise you wouldn't have self.$manufacturer to begin with (which also requires Manufacturer to conform to ObservableObject).
self.$manufacturer.models is a type of Binding<[Model]>, and as such it's not a RandomAccessCollection, like self.manufacturer.models, which is one of the overloads that ForEach.init accepts.
And if you use ForEach(self.manufacturer.models) { item in ... }, then item isn't going to be a binding, which is what you'd need for, say, a TextField.
A way around that is to iterate over indices, and then bind to $manufacturer.models[index].name:
ForEach(manufacturer.indices) { index in
TextField("model name", self.$manufacturer.models[index].name)
In addition to that, I'd suggest you make Model (and possibly even Manufacturer) a value-type, since it appears to be just a storage of data:
struct Model: Identifiable {
var id: UUID = .init()
var name: String = ""
This isn't going to help with this problem, but it will eliminate possible issues with values not updating, since SwiftUI wouldn't detect a change.


View does not update when changing RealmObject passed as binding

I have a view, where I have an array of RealmObjects. When I pass them into another View via #Binding and try to edit them there, the View does not get updated.
This is a simplified example. When the name changes, it dumps the correct name into the console, but the View does not update. Tried to force a reload by changing the .id() of the View, but this doesn't help either.
class Person: Object, ObjectIdentifiable {
#Persisted(primaryKey: true) var _id: ObjectId
#Persisted var name: String = ""
struct ParentView: View {
#State private var persons: [Person] = []
var body: some View {
ChildView(persons: $persons)
struct ChildView: View {
#Binding var persons: [Person]
var body: some View {
ForEach(person) { person in
.onTapGesture {
person.name = "New Name"
One issue is mixing two different technologies by assigning Realm objects to a Swift array - generally speaking, that may not be the best idea.
Realm objects are lazily-loaded and massive datasets take almost no memory. However, as soon as those objects are cast to Swift functions and constructs they are all loaded into memory and can overwhelm the device.
Best practice is to keep Realm objects within Realm stuctures e.g. Collections like Results and Lists.
To address the question:
Realm provides an object #ObservedResults which is a property wrapper that invalides a view when observed objects change. e.g. If the app has #ObservedResults of a group of People objects, if one of those changes, the associated view will also update. From the docs
You can use this property wrapper to create a view that automatically
updates itself when the observed object changes.
So change this
struct ChildView: View {
#Binding var persons: [Person]
to this
struct ChildView: View {
#ObservedResults(Person.self) var persons
I think the rest of the code is good to go as is.

How do you handle dynamic column names in a SwiftUI Table on Mac

I have a SwiftUI table that I need to layout based on some request data from a server. This data is dynamic and changes. However, once I read this data into an array, it will not allow me to do a forEach on the column data, as it companies about not conforming to "TableColumnContent". Is there another way to loop this creation, or is there a simple way to conform to this protocol? I am having trouble understanding that protocol when I look at it.
struct DataProperty : Identifiable
var id: String
var name: String
struct TableDataView : View
#EnvironmentObject var cache: ServerCache
var body: some View
ForEach(cache.activeProperties, id: \.self) {property in
TableColumn(property.name, value: \.id)
Note that activeProperties is an array of DataProperty. What am I doing wrong here?

Binding to subscript doesn't update TextField (macOS)

I have this Store struct, which is a wrapper for all my data. It has a subscript operator which takes in a UUID, and returns the associated object.
This way, I can have a List bind to a selection variable, which has type UUID, and then in another view I can access the selected object from that UUID.
However, I'm experiencing an issue where my TextField which binds to the Store doesn't update. It does update if I wrap it in another Binding, or if I instead just use Text.
Here is an minimal reproducible example:
struct Person: Identifiable, Hashable {
let id = UUID()
var name: String
struct Store {
var data: [Person]
subscript(id: Person.ID) -> Person {
get {
data.first(where: { $0.id == id })!
set {
data[data.firstIndex(where: { $0.id == id })!] = newValue
struct ContentView: View {
#State var store = Store(data: [
Person(name: "Joe"),
Person(name: "Eva"),
Person(name: "Sam"),
Person(name: "Mary")
#State var selection: Person.ID?
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
List(store.data, selection: $selection) {
if let selection = selection {
// Creating a new Binding which simply wraps $store[selection].name
// fixes this issue. Or just using Text also works.
TextField("Placeholder", text: $store[selection].name)
else {
Text("No Selection")
To reproduce this issue, just click different names on the Sidebar. For some reason the detail view's TextField doesn't update!
This issue can also be resolved if we simply move the Store to a ObservableObject class with #Published.
Also, making the Store conform to Hashable doesn't help this issue.
I feel like I'm missing something very basic with SwiftUI. Is there any way to fix this?
I've changed out Store for an [Person], and I made an extension with the same subscript operator that is in Store. However, the problem still remains!
try this:
TextField("Placeholder", text: $store[selection].name)
.id(selection) // <-- here

SwiftUI bind array of objects and show changes

I'm trying to build a little app in SwiftUI. It is supposed to show a list of items an maybe change those. However, I am not able to figure out, how the data flow works correctly, so that changes will be reflected in my list.
Let's say I have a class of Item like this:
class Item: Identifiable {
let id = UUID()
var name: String
var dateCreated: Date
And this class has an initializer, that assigns each member a useful random value.
Now let's say I want to store a list of items in another class like this:
class ItemStore {
var items = [Item]()
This item store is part of my SceneDelegate and is handed to the ContextView.
Now what I want to do is hand one element to another view (from the stack of a NavigationView), where it will be changed, but I don't know how to save the changes made so that they will be reflected in the list, that is shown in the ContextView.
My idea is to make the item store an environment object. But what do I have to do within the item class and how do I have to pass the item to the other view, so that this works?
I already tried something with the videos from Apple's WWDC, but the wrappers there are deprecated, so that didn't work.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks a lot!
The possible approach is to use ObservableObject (from Combine) for storage
class ItemStore: ObservableObject {
#Published var items = [Item]()
// ... other code
class Item: ObservableObject, Identifiable {
let id = UUID()
#Published var name: String
#Published var dateCreated: Date
// ... other code
and in dependent views
struct ItemStoreView: View {
#ObservedObject var store: ItemStore
// ... other code
struct ItemView: View {
#ObservedObject var item: Item
// ... other code

SwiftUI Picker with selection as struct

Iam trying to use Picker as selection of struct. Let say I have a struct "Pet" like below
struct Pet: Identifiable, Codable, Hashable {
let id = UUID()
let name: String
let age: Int
I am getting all Pet's from some class, where Pets are defined as #Published var pets = Pet
static let pets = Class().pets
I would like to be able to write a selection from picker to below variable:
#State private var petSelection: Pet?
Picker is:
Picker("Pet", selection: $petSelection){
ForEach(Self.pets) { item in
Picker shows properly all avaliavble pets but when I chose one petSelection has been not changed (nil). How should I mange it?
Of course I know that I can use tag like below:
Picker("Pet", selection: $petSelection) {
ForEach(0 ..< Self.pet.count) { index in
But wonder is it possible to use struct as selection. Thanks
Short answer: The type associated with the tag of the entries in your Picker (the Texts) must be identical to the type used for storing the selection.
In your example: You have an optional selection (probably to allow "empty selection") of Pet?, but the array passed to ForEach is of type [Pet]. You have to add therefore a .tag(item as Pet?) to your entries to ensure the selection works.
ForEach(Self.pets) { item in
Text(item.name).tag(item as Pet?)
Here follows my initial, alternate answer (getting rid of the optionality):
You have defined your selection as an Optional of your struct: Pet?. It seems that the Picker cannot handle Optional structs properly as its selection type.
As soon as you get rid of the optional for example by introducing a "dummy/none-selected Pet", Picker starts working again:
extension Pet {
static let emptySelection = Pet(name: "", age: -1)
in your view initialise the selection:
#State private var petSelection: Pet = .emptySelection
I hope this helps you too.
You use the following way:
#Published var pets: [Pet?] = [ nil, Pet(name: "123", age: 23), Pet(name: "123dd", age: 243),]
Text(petSelection?.name ?? "name")
Picker("Pet", selection: $petSelection){
ForEach(Self.pets, id: \.self) { item in
Text(item?.name ?? "name").tag(item)
the type of $petSelection in Picker(selection:[...] has to be the same type of id within your struct.
So in your case you would have to change $petSelection to type if UUID since your items within the collection have UUID as identifier.
Anyway since this is not what you're after, but your intention is to receive the Pet as a whole when selected. For that you will need a wrapper containing Pet as the id. Since Pet is already Identifiable, there're only a few adjustments to do:
Create a wrapper having Pet as an id
struct PetPickerItem {
let pet: Pet?
Now wrap all collection items within the picker item
Picker("Pet", selection: $petSelection) {
ForEach(Self.pets.map(PetPickerItem.init), id: \.pet) {
Text("\($0.pet?.name ?? "None")")
You can now do minor adjustments like making PetPickerItem identifiable to remove the parameter id: from ForEach.
That's the best solution I came up with.
This is how I do it:
struct Language: Identifiable, Hashable {
var title: String
var id: String
struct PickerView: View {
var languages: [Language] = [Language(title: "English", id: "en-US"), Language(title: "German", id: "de-DE"), Language(title: "Korean", id: "ko-KR")]
#State private var selectedLanguage = Language(title: "German", id: "de-DE")
var body: some View {
Picker(selection: $selectedLanguage, label: Text("Front Description")) {
ForEach(self.languages, id: \.self) {language in