How to build a grafana panel plugin? - plugins

I am beginner in plugin development. i didn't get enough idea about plugin development from grafana tutorials,can u please give me a simple explanation about plugin development? from where we want to start ? how can pass live values ?

There's a documentation in grafana on how to build panels. You will need to have a knowledge in Typescript/React.
You may have to sign your custom plugin in the grafana configuration file. Refer here and register also where are your plugins located.
You can try checking sample projects here


How to create own plugin for Grafana

I just started with grafana and would like to try to develop my own plugin to use it beside Graph, Singlestat, Dashlist, and Text panels. I found only these links about that :,
Is anybody have ideas which environment could be used for developing grafana plugin and from where possible to start?
Thank you
There is a detailed walkthrough of the creation of the Clock panel plugin available on the grafana blog: Part 1 & Part 2
That's definitely a good place to start. As far an an environment, you'll obviously need a grafana instance, and you'll also need node & npm to be able to run the grunt-based build process.
Part 1 of the walkthrough should have enough detail to get you started, there is also a pretty active community on the grafana irc and slack channels who can help with specific questions.

How to identify if a plugin uses Scribd?

I am installing new plugins for Social Engine since the current plugin running on Scribd which is shutting down in the near future.
Is there anyway I can identify if my plugin using Scribd.
These are two option I am considering:
Thank you!
The best way to find out if the plugins are using Scribd, is to contact the vendor of the plugins and they'll help you with your question.

Ionic + IBM MobileFirst

I've found a few post on this topic but have not been able to find the best solution.
Attempted to integrate Ionic into IBM MobileFirst (Worklight).
At the moment - I have built a normal Ionic project and moved the WWW folder in the 'common' folder. Also added in the initOptions, main.js and messages.js.
MobileFirst has an awful build process - I hate having to deploy to a mobilefirst development server + preview app for any code changes. I am hoping to get some type of auto reload working within mobileFirst, or at least develop with ionic normally and hav ea job to bring my changes into my worklight project... something that is better than me current situation.
Does anyone have a sample project that actually auto-builds or picks up code changes automatically?
Any and all help is greatly appreciated.
Not sure what do you mean by "auto-reloading"; if you make any changes to the web resources to your project inside the Studio plug-in (in Eclipse) and reload the preview in the browser, it will show the changes.
You are not required to Run As > Run on MobileFirst Development Server for each change. As long as you work on the resources in your workspace, the "auto-reloading" as you call it, should work (make sure you are using the latest available MobileFirst Studio version from the Eclipse Marketplace).
There is also a rudimentary Starter Application that is based on Ionic.
You can download it from here.
There are also several results on the subject matter when searching in Google.
The need to rebuild in order to see changes in your Web components (CSS, JavaScript, HTML) did used to be an annoyance in early versions of what was then Worklight and is now MobileFirst. I forget when the need for a rebuild was removed but certainly in Worklight 6.2 and beyond you now simply need to refresh in your browser.
UPDATE: If using MobileFirst 6.3 you need to ensure that you are on a
suitable patch level. I find that simple refresh does not work in, but if I update (Help->Check for Updates) to then edit/save/refresh works as
My personal practice is always to have Mobile Web environment in my project and then choose that from the Console. This loads the application in the browser-based Mobile Simulator that you can tailor to fit your target form-factor. This has a "Go/Refresh" button that immediately reflects your edits.
Alternatively, some folks these days do not use Studio, instead they use the Command Line Interfacer. Possibly this may be more to your taste. You can download it here.
there is a solution with using staff like ionic-cli serve command + symbolic links that will replace common folder.
check here an example
(you just can disable sound, cause i've recorded it in russian) 7-15 minutes of this video
Other option is to organize live-preview yourself using IDE features and/or nodejs
This will work as long as you are working on front-end (mostly non-worklight api) part.
You need to include this lines in the index.html
<!-- ionic bundle & css -->
<link href="www/ionic/css/ionic.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="www/ionic/js/ionic.bundle.js"></script>

Unable to select the golang sdk in Intellij IDE

I am following the following blog to configure my golang environment (OS-X machine):
But, whenever I try to add go sdk (installed at /usr/local/go), it appear blank selection for the SDK.
Please suggest me, if I am missing something.
This page lists the SDKs which have already been configured in IntelliJ IDEA. You need to press the "Configure..." button and point the plugin to your SDK installation. Once you do this, it will become available in the SDK list for new project creation.
I would suggest to use the following for writing golang application:!msg/golang-nuts/tuGS99f-kqk/Tl5KqNG0js0J
If you want to use IDEA with golang, we've made a lot of progress in the past months. Please install the latest release from github releases and give it a try.
As the name suggests, there are a few issues here and there but it should work much better that the current release of the plugin.
You'll find it a class over the other offerings for writing go apps ;) (disclaimer I'm one of the contributors to the plugin, I'm very biased)

How to create a custom metric using Sonar API

I am creating a plugin for Sonar and I need to create a custom metric since there are no core metrics within Sonar API that fulfill my needs.
I need to be able to display this metric on the dashboard.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
You can find examples in the Community plugins for SonarQube project.
For instance, the Sonar Artifact Size Plugin defines some additional metrics. You can see the code in