Setting SMBIOSAssetTag in a WMIObject via Powershell without a utility - powershell

I'm working with a Lenovo Thinkpad and I'm trying to set the asset tag in Powershell without using Lenovo's WinAIA.exe utility due to restrictions at work (wouldn't be able to access Windows. We would be running everything before we got into Windows Setup via Powershell), and I'm not sure how to go about this. Essentially, the property "SMBIOSAssetTag" (from the WMI class win32_SystemEnclosure) is ReadOnly, and I cannot get around this. I did triple check to make sure that Lenovo does not have its own namespace, and while using the Powershell Module "LenovoBIOS" I didn't see anything that could help me achieve this goal (unless I'm blind and totally missed it). Is there any way to go about this? I've also tried modifying the ReadOnly property of the SMBIOSAssetTag property, but I couldn't get that to work. I'd love any and all feedback. If there is any extra information needed, I'd be happy to help as well.

You don't. The property is defined as read-only in the MOF spec by design.
You're talking about writing to the SMBIOS information, which is an operation specific to your motherboard's OEM. It's up to your OEM to determine the data structure and storage method of the SMBIOS information, and the SMBIOS standard does not provide a standard write method the same way that there is a standard read method.


Creating a custom powershell module without exposing code

I want to create a custom powershell module that I can distribute without exposing the code. The script includes API calls with app specific private keys that I don't want to compromise. I've seen a lot of discussions about this over the years, but nothing that really solves my problem.
Is there a good way to create a custom powershell module without exposing the underlying code? I want to be able to distribute the powershell module, for others to import or install.
this may be what you are looking for :
but be careful, the API key will still be in the compiled file at someplace. You can try and cipher it, but if it's needed for your script, it will be in your file no matter how you try to hide it. the question is why do you need to ship it inside your script in the first place ? I mean that any of your script's user will be using your private key which is likely not what you want to do

Ansible CallbackBase result object content

Our dev team provides us an Ansible package to work with. I noticed thy develop a custom stdout_callback and I'm trying to understand it.
I'm looking at the code of the class CallbackBase available here and I noticed the result variable but I can't find a description of it's content.
Is there a place I can find such information?
Next question, how does Ansible call such callback? CallbackBase contains several methods but I'd like to know where those methods are called.
Thanks for your feedbacks

Clone rep:policy on AEM

I am currently working on with a solution that would be able to clone/copy/backup my existing rep:policy. 'Cause when we do some jobs it accidentally removed. I am trying to apply this kind of fix, but am failing to. It says it is an invalid path. OakAccessControl0006: Isolated policy node. Parent is not of type [rep:AccessControllable]
final Workspace ws = session.getWorkspace();
Are there other ways that I can be able to take the rep:policy thru code?
You need to make sure that your job does not touch the permissions or the rep:policy, this is the best way forward for you.
The exception could be because of /etc/commerce/products/abccompany/TvPackChannelMap/rep:policy does not exist or the user whose session you are using does not have read access to the node.
Make sure the path is correct, copy paste it to your CRX/DE to make sure it exists.
I have tried to use your code to copy a rep:policy from one node to another, works fine. But I would not* recommend copying permissions that way. The best practice is to use the Access Control Management API for all things permissions.
You can check, install and use the access control tool from netcentric. It offers a jmx interface for exporting AC entries and maybe also some APIs you could use to implement your custom solution.
The Other approach is to retrieve the ACL permissions through the query language.
For example, SELECT * FROM [rep:ACL] or SELECT * FROM [rep:ACE] where [rep:principalName] is not null should give you the results.
For more information, I would recommend you to check the ACS commons ACL Packager Implementation which is available on GitHub.
Reference Link -

Get object instances for a class

I have an instance file register for a custom MultiDataObject in System FileSystem entry: Loaders/text/custom-mime-type/Factories.
My application creates this objects when I open a project and my LogicalView creates the nodes for files in that project.
I need to get a list of instances for those MultiDataObject type, but I've not found way to achieve this.
I try to get this using Lookups.forPath, but anything returned.
¿Any clue for this issue?
With some reflection magic you can get them from a DataObjectPool - package private class in Data Loaders module (see openide.loaders/src/org/openide/loaders/ in NetBeans sources). There is no official API of this kind. Intentionally.
I'd say there is something wrong if you need this information. Perhaps you would get better advice if you had explained better what you want to achieve. Asking at NetBeans forum / mailing list will increase your chances even higher.

How to set vcpupin in guest xml

I am working with openstack and I want to pin vcpus to pcpus in guest xml. Now, the pinning operation can be done using
virsh vcpupin guestname vcpu pcpu
But I want to do it using python API. I investigated the openstack code and found out that get_guest_config function in libvirt/ is responsible for generation of guest XML file. Now, I tried to put vcpupin attribute here by guest.vcpupin or guest.cputune_vcpupin but none of them is working. Any idea what am I doing wrong? Or is this functionality not available with openstack?
Okay, I figured it out. You need to define the attributes in the nova.virt.config before using them. After defining the attribute, it's working fine.