Not able to run script - postgresql

I am installing Cloudera Manager and CDH 6.3.x and I'm using PostgreSQL for the Cloudera Manager Server and other services that use databases. I'm using a RHEL 7.4 Azure VM and following the official documentation-
I have completed step 4(Install Databases). In Step 5 : Set up the Cloudera Manager Database, on executing the script I'm getting the following error-
[root#machine1 ~]# sudo /opt/cloudera/cm/schema/ postgresql scm scm
Enter SCM password:
Verifying that we can write to /etc/cloudera-scm-server
Creating SCM configuration file in /etc/cloudera-scm-server
Executing: /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_181-cloudera/bin/java -cp /usr/share/java/mysql-connector-java.jar:/usr/share/java/oracle-connector-java.jar:/usr/share/java/postgresql-connector-java.jar:/opt/cloudera/cm/schema/../lib/* com.cloudera.enterprise.dbutil.DbCommandExecutor /etc/cloudera-scm-server/ com.cloudera.cmf.db.
Jul 17, 2020 1:59:50 PM org.postgresql.Driver connect
SEVERE: Connection error:
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FATAL: Ident authentication failed for user "scm"
at org.postgresql.core.v3.ConnectionFactoryImpl.doAuthentication(
at org.postgresql.core.v3.ConnectionFactoryImpl.openConnectionImpl(
at org.postgresql.core.ConnectionFactory.openConnection(
at org.postgresql.jdbc.PgConnection.<init>(
at org.postgresql.Driver.makeConnection(
at org.postgresql.Driver.connect(
at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(
at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(
at com.cloudera.enterprise.dbutil.DbCommandExecutor.testDbConnection(
at com.cloudera.enterprise.dbutil.DbCommandExecutor.main(
[ main] DbCommandExecutor INFO Unable to login using supplied username/password.
[ main] DbCommandExecutor ERROR Error when connecting to database.
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FATAL: Ident authentication failed for user "scm"
at org.postgresql.core.v3.ConnectionFactoryImpl.doAuthentication([postgresql-42.1.4.jre7.89c9f79016bab67349a92c00c55907dd.jar:42.1.4.jre7]
at org.postgresql.core.v3.ConnectionFactoryImpl.openConnectionImpl([postgresql-42.1.4.jre7.89c9f79016bab67349a92c00c55907dd.jar:42.1.4.jre7]
at org.postgresql.core.ConnectionFactory.openConnection([postgresql-42.1.4.jre7.89c9f79016bab67349a92c00c55907dd.jar:42.1.4.jre7]
at org.postgresql.jdbc.PgConnection.<init>([postgresql-42.1.4.jre7.89c9f79016bab67349a92c00c55907dd.jar:42.1.4.jre7]
at org.postgresql.Driver.makeConnection([postgresql-42.1.4.jre7.89c9f79016bab67349a92c00c55907dd.jar:42.1.4.jre7]
at org.postgresql.Driver.connect([postgresql-42.1.4.jre7.89c9f79016bab67349a92c00c55907dd.jar:42.1.4.jre7]
at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection([:1.8.0_181]
at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection([:1.8.0_181]
at com.cloudera.enterprise.dbutil.DbCommandExecutor.testDbConnection([db-common-]
at com.cloudera.enterprise.dbutil.DbCommandExecutor.main([db-common-]
[ main] DbCommandExecutor ERROR Exiting with exit code 8
--> Error 8, giving up (use --force if you wish to ignore the error)
I had logged into postgres using # sudo -u postgres psql.
PostgreSQL version - PostgreSQL 9.2.23 on x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (GCC) 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-16), 64-bit
Please help. Thanks in advance.


Error when run bitnami postgres container

it's my first time with docker. I have created a docker container from a bitnami image with this Dockerfile:
FROM bitnami/postgresql:14.1.0
MAINTAINER <whatever>
ADD --chown=1001:1001 main /bitnami/postgresql/data
where main is a copy of my postgresql database /var/lib/postgresql/data
When I try to run the container in this way:
docker run -d --name database -p 5432:5432 -e ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=yes mypostgres
I get the following error, does anyone know what it is and how to fix it.
postgresql 15:39:28.09
postgresql 15:39:28.09 Welcome to the Bitnami postgresql container
postgresql 15:39:28.09 Subscribe to project updates by watching
postgresql 15:39:28.09 Submit issues and feature requests at
postgresql 15:39:28.09
postgresql 15:39:28.12 INFO ==> ** Starting PostgreSQL setup **
postgresql 15:39:28.16 INFO ==> Validating settings in POSTGRESQL_* env vars..
postgresql 15:39:28.17 WARN ==> You set the environment variable ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=yes. For safety reasons, do not use this flag in a production environment.
postgresql 15:39:28.18 INFO ==> Loading custom pre-init scripts...
postgresql 15:39:28.18 INFO ==> Initializing PostgreSQL database...
postgresql 15:39:28.21 INFO ==> pg_hba.conf file not detected. Generating it...
postgresql 15:39:28.22 INFO ==> Generating local authentication configuration
postgresql 15:39:28.23 INFO ==> Deploying PostgreSQL with persisted data...
postgresql 15:39:28.25 INFO ==> Configuring replication parameters
postgresql 15:39:28.30 INFO ==> Configuring fsync
postgresql 15:39:28.34 INFO ==> Loading custom scripts...
postgresql 15:39:28.34 INFO ==> Enabling remote connections
postgresql 15:39:28.37 INFO ==> ** PostgreSQL setup finished! **
postgresql 15:39:28.41 INFO ==> ** Starting PostgreSQL **
2021-12-14 15:39:28.454 GMT [1] LOG: pgaudit extension initialized
2021-12-14 15:39:28.462 GMT [1] FATAL: could not open directory "pg_notify": No such file or directory
2021-12-14 15:39:28.463 GMT [1] LOG: database system is shut down

meteor-up deploy on Amazon EC not working, wait-for-mongo: failed to connect to []

I have the following in my mup.json
// Install MongoDB in the server, does not destroy local MongoDB on future setup
"setupMongo": true,
// WARNING: Node.js is required! Only skip if you already have Node.js installed on server.
"setupNode": true,
// WARNING: If nodeVersion omitted will setup 0.10.36 by default. Do not use v, only version number.
"nodeVersion": "0.10.43",
// Install PhantomJS in the server
"setupPhantom": false,
// Show a progress bar during the upload of the bundle to the server.
// Might cause an error in some rare cases if set to true, for instance in Shippable CI
"enableUploadProgressBar": true,
// Application name (No spaces)
"appName": "myapp",
// Location of app (local directory)
"app": "/path/to/myapp",
// Configure environment
"env": {
"PORT": 5555,
"ROOT_URL": ""
I got this in the deploy log
Started TaskList: Deploy app 'myapp' (linux)
[] - Uploading bundle
[] - Uploading bundle: SUCCESS
[] - Setting up Environment Variables
[] - Setting up Environment Variables: SUCCESS
[] - Invoking deployment process
[] x Invoking deployment process: FAILED
eding commands with `sudo`, or if
npm WARN deprecated on Windows, run them from an Administrator prompt.)
npm WARN deprecated
npm WARN deprecated If you're running the version of npm bundled with
npm WARN deprecated Node.js 0.10 LTS, be aware that the next version of 0.10 LTS
npm WARN deprecated will be bundled with a version of npm#2, which has some small
npm WARN deprecated backwards-incompatible changes made to `npm run-script` and
npm WARN deprecated semver behavior.
npm WARN package.json meteor-dev-bundle#0.0.0 No description
npm WARN package.json meteor-dev-bundle#0.0.0 No repository field.
npm WARN package.json meteor-dev-bundle#0.0.0 No README data
js-bson: Failed to load c++ bson extension, using pure JS version
throw err;
at null._onTimeout (/usr/lib/node_modules/wait-for-mongo/lib/waitForMongo.js:20:14)
at Timer.listOnTimeout [as ontimeout] (timers.js:121:15)
wait-for-mongo: failed to connect to []
wait-for-mongo: failed to connect to []
wait-for-mongo: failed to connect to []
wait-for-mongo: failed to connect to []
when I ssh to the ec2 server and it looks like mongod is not started?
/opt/myapp$ ps -aux | grep mongod
ubuntu 9566 0.7 2.1 661524 22144 ? Sl 22:32 0:00 node /usr/bin/wait-for-mongo mongodb:// 300000
ubuntu 9569 0.0 0.0 10464 916 pts/0 S+ 22:33 0:00 grep --color=auto mongod
/opt/myapp$ mongo myapp
MongoDB shell version: 2.6.12
connecting to: myapp
2016-04-05T22:44:07.802+0000 warning: Failed to connect to, reason: errno:111 Connection refused
2016-04-05T22:44:07.803+0000 Error: couldn't connect to server (, connection attempt failed at src/mongo/shell/mongo.js:146
exception: connect failed
I'm not sure how to gain access to mongo on the server, given that I "handed over" responsibility to meteor-up with "setup-mongo":true.
Any ideas would be appreciated.
switched to mupx, and set "deployCheckWaitTime": 300 mongo is now loading correctly. But now I am getting this error:
MongoError: driver is incompatible with this server version
at Object.Future.wait (/bundle/bundle/programs/server/node_modules/fibers/future.js:398:15)
at [object Object].MongoConnection._ensureIndex (packages/mongo/mongo_driver.js:790:1)
at [object Object].Mongo.Collection._ensureIndex (packages/mongo/collection.js:635:1)
It seems to be related to these issues:
I must had incompatible versions on my system from using mup and also meteor create; meteor mongo earlier on the ec2 server. I linked /opt to an empty folder in a different partition (had space problems) and ran mupx setup/deploy again from scratch. This time it worked fine (with Meteor 1.3).
Strangely, I noticed there was no /opt/nodejs folder, which was probably a leftover from my first attempt with mup.
also, the docker daemon doesn't seem to be running, but I can connect to my mongoDB from an ssh session the mup way
$ mongo myapp // works fine
$ docker exec -it mongodb mongo myapp
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is the docker daemon running on this host?

postgresql server failed to start after system upgrade

I upgrade debian server then I got this error:
[....] Starting PostgreSQL 9.1 database server: main[....] The PostgreSQL server
[FAILed to start. Please check the log output. ... failed!
But the log file is empty.
Can anyone help me to start PostgreSQL?
To solve the problem I changed the owner of the log file to postgres:
chown postgres:posgres logfile_path

postgresql: errors install and run postgresql-9.5

I installed two postgresql(s), 9.5 should use port 5433, 9.3.4 should use port 5432:
me#camb:/usr/lib/postgresql/9.5/bin$ ls -al psql
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 564464 Jan 7 14:54 psql
me#camb:/opt/pkgs/postgresql-9.3.4/bin$ ls -al psql
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 405960 Aug 5 18:52 psql
me#camb:/opt/pkgs/postgresql-9.3.4/bin$ cat /etc/group
me#camb:/opt/pkgs/postgresql-9.3.4/bin$ groups postgres
postgres : postgres ssl-cert
I wrote a script to install postgresql-9.5 and migrate from 9.3.4 to 9.5
Problem 0: postgresql-9.5 can not start sucessfully and why status is online
Output during install:
* Starting PostgreSQL 9.5 database server
* The PostgreSQL server failed to start. Please check the log output:
2016-01-19 19:41:49 UTC [16523-1] LOG: database system was shut down at 2016-01-19 19:41:48 UTC
2016-01-19 19:41:49 UTC [16523-2] LOG: MultiXact member wraparound protections are now enabled
2016-01-19 19:41:49 UTC [16522-1] LOG: database system is ready to accept connections
2016-01-19 19:41:49 UTC [16527-1] LOG: autovacuum launcher started
2016-01-19 19:41:49 UTC [16529-1] [unknown]#[unknown] LOG: incomplete startup packet!
invoke-rc.d: initscript postgresql, action "start" failed.
dpkg: error processing postgresql-9.5 (--configure):
subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of postgresql:
postgresql depends on postgresql-9.5; however:
Package postgresql-9.5 is not configured yet.
dpkg: error processing postgresql (--configure):
dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
Processing triggers for libc-bin ...
No apport report written because the error message indicates its a followup error from a previous failure.
ldconfig deferred processing now taking place
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
Error while installing Postgresql-9.5:1
Then I did some tests:
me#camb:/usr/lib/postgresql/9.5/bin$ sudo service postgresql start
* Starting PostgreSQL 9.5 database server [ OK ]
me#camb:/usr/lib/postgresql/9.5/bin$ sudo service postgresql status
9.5/main (port 5433): online
What do the above errors?
By the way, another error is:
ERROR: role "postgres" already exists
Problem 1: Why I cannot use /usr/lib/postgresql/9.5/bin/psql to loginto the database, but I can do this by /opt/pkgs/postgresql-9.3.4/bin/psql
me#camb:/usr/lib/postgresql/9.5/bin$ sudo -u postgres /opt/pkgs/postgresql-9.3.4/bin/psql -p 5433 reporting_central postgres
psql (9.3.4, server 9.5.0)
WARNING: psql major version 9.3, server major version 9.5.
Some psql features might not work.
Type "help" for help.
reporting_central=# \q
me#camb:/usr/lib/postgresql/9.5/bin$ sudo -u postgres /opt/pkgs/postgresql-9.3.4/bin/psql -p 5432 reporting_central postgres
psql (9.3.4)
Type "help" for help.
reporting_central=# \q
me#camb:/usr/lib/postgresql/9.5/bin$ sudo -u postgres /usr/lib/postgresql/9.5/bin/psql -p 5433 reporting_central postgres
/usr/lib/postgresql/9.5/bin/psql: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/postgresql/9.5/bin/psql: undefined symbol: PQsslInUse
me#camb:/usr/lib/postgresql/9.5/bin$ sudo -u postgres /usr/lib/postgresql/9.5/bin/psql -p 5432 reporting_central postgres
/usr/lib/postgresql/9.5/bin/psql: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/postgresql/9.5/bin/psql: undefined symbol: PQsslInUse
The error is "undefined symbol: PQsslInUse". what does this mean? Why I cannot use /usr/lib/postgresql/9.5/bin/psql to loginto the database, but I can do this by /opt/pkgs/postgresql-9.3.4/bin/psql?
By the way, I run the following to do migration:
sudo -u postgres /opt/pkgs/postgresql-9.3.4/bin/pg_dumpall -p 5432 | sudo -u postgres /opt/pkgs/postgresql-9.3.4/bin/psql -p 5433
You have to use the same libpq library as the one used in psql 9.5.
You should do the following:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/postgresql/9.5/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
sudo /sbin/ldconfig /usr/lib/postgresql/9.5/lib
You mess up with different versions of postgresql.
To start/use 9.5, you must use the appropriate binaries: initdb, pg_ctl and psql (for example):
mkdir /usr/lib/postgresql/9.5/data
/usr/lib/postgresql/9.5/bin/initdb -D ../data/
/usr/lib/postgresql/9.5/bin/pg_ctl -D ../data/ -l logfile start
/usr/lib/postgresql/9.5/bin/psql -p 5432 -d template1
More info:
and PQsslInUse issue:
The error is "undefined symbol: PQsslInUse"
I just ran into this problem myself. I discovered that the reason was because I compiled Postgres 9.5 from scratch into a particular directory and then decided that I wanted it elsewhere and moved the install to a new directory. Down the line when I went to restore my database with psql, I got the above error. I corrected the problem by deleting my installation directory, changing the PREFIX to the correct location, recompiling and reinstalling Postgres. psql worked fine after this.
I had the same problem
psql: symbol lookup error: psql: undefined symbol: PQsetErrorContextVisibility
And the solution is :
I had a similar issue and finally found a solution:
My user did not have permission for the postgres installation.
What worked for me was to switch to the postgres user:
sudo su - postgres
and then it worked no issues.

Error running PostgreSQL on Docker-io

When attempting to initialise the PostgreSQL database after installing on a Docker-io Fedora 19 container I get the following error:
bash-4.2# postgresql-setup initdb
Failed to get D-Bus connection: No connection to service manager.
failed to find PGDATA setting in postgresql.service
Looks like an environmental issue but any help would be appreciated.