How and where to set the default load location for sbcl / slime / emacs on Ubuntu 18 - emacs

I have emacs / sbcl / slime working.
I'm going through a tutorial and hit the following example:
CL-USER> (load "hello.lisp")
; Loading /home/peter/my-lisp-programs/hello.lisp
The author doesn't specify how or where he set things up to default the load location to his example.
I've tried creating the EMACSLOADPATH environment variable and have tried a setq for load-path all with no positive results.
If I load a .lisp file using the entire path as in /home/bill/lisp/hello.lisp, it load and I can run it. Id like to know how and where to set the default to "~/lisp" so I can avoid an absolute path reference.

Before the answer, EMACSLOADPATH (or load-path) isn't related to common-lisp or sbcl (which is a common-lisp implementation). It is an emacs related variable. The root of the confusion is understandable, as emacs is a tool build on its own variant of lisp, elisp, and you write elisp code to extend or configure emacs. Emacs tool has its own elisp engine that runs those elips commands. And then you start using emacs as an editor to write common-lisp code, using plugins like slime to make it easier to interact with sbcl interpreter (or any other slime compatible common-lisp interpreter, for that matter).
For the default load location of common-lisp, load function of sbcl uses *default-pathname-defaults* to form the pathname from the argument, and it is generally set to the current directory (by slime at least - check swank:set-default-directory).
However, if you want an approach similar to python's import, where the function uses a list of directories to search for, I believe there are two options to start with.
Use quicklisp or asdf, as they are equivalent to python-import, but that probably means you define a 'system' (python: 'module') and use asdf:load-system. Here is an answer for this solution: example of using external libs in common-lisp
Write a load function yourself, and search for a predefined list of directories for the file name, and form an absolute path then call cl:load with the absolute path you decide.


Writing an Emacs Backend Plugin in Common Lisp

I am interested in creating an emacs extension that delegates the work to an external program.
I have my logic as a library, however, written in Common Lisp. If I can directly call the CL library from Elisp, that would be simpler for me; otherwise, I can use a client/server architecture.
I have looked into emacs LSP implementation, but I couldn't find a simple entry on how to do it.
You could build a binary of your CL app and call it from the Elisp side. It seems to suit you fine, so here are more pointers:
How to build a Common Lisp executable
short answer: see
Building a binary is done by calling sb-ext:save-lisp-and-die from the terminal (and not from a running image). Note that this function name changes on the different implementations.
ASDF has a directive that allows to do it declaratively, and portably (for all implementations). You add 3 lines in your .asd file and you mention what is your program's entry point. For example:
;; myprogram.asd
:build-operation "program-op" ;; leave this as is.
:build-pathname "myprogram"
:entry-point "myprogram::main" ;; up to you to write main.
Now, call (asdf:make :myprogram).
See a more complete example in the Cookboo.
Call it from Elisp
This returns the output as a string:
(shell-command-to-string "seq 8 12 | sort")
Full documentation:
Other approaches
Other approaches are discussed here:
For example, one could start a lisp process with Slime and execute CL code with slime-eval.

How can I tell if CEDET is using GNU Global?

I have CEDET working for the most part on emacs 24.2 with the latest from bzr
When I am searching for symbols or definitions, I see that the cedet mini-buffer
shows parses through a lot of files, some that are not there as header-files, the files
do not have any reference to the symbols I am searching.
I will leave CEDET to its job, let it search for symbols as it sees fit.
Is there any debug mechanism or verbose mode that I can turn on to see
1) What are all the files it is searching.
2) If it has found the GTAGS file at the base of my project. I understand that CEDET only
consults the GTAGS file to know about symbols.
I ask because there are some symbols that CEDET is unable to find the definition
for, but I'm able to find it from the gtags command line.
Thanks to Alex and Eric for their Numerous posts through-out the net.
This is a multi-step process.
First, make sure you've setup Global in the ways you want, such as via ede's locate feature, and through Symref.
Next, while visiting a file in a project you care about, use:
M-x cedet-gnu-global-show-root RET
to see if it can find a Global index file in that project.
Next, to see if symref found it, you need to eval this:
M-: (semantic-symref-detect-symref-tool)
and it will give you a symbol representing the tool it has chosen to use. It will say 'grep if it failed to use Global.
If you were in the middle of configuring things, you might need to reset things for you buffer. An easy way is to kill the buffer, and find it again, or:
M-x (setq semantic-symref-tool 'detect) RET
to force a detection again.

Emacs CEDET: Jumping to symbols

I have read Alex Ott's fantastic guide to CEDET for Emacs, and I think I know how to set up my EDE projects correctly.
However, when I try to jump to a local symbol (e.g. the main() function in C++) using the command semantic-complete-jump-local (C-c , j), I get the error [no match] even though I am calling this command from within the .cpp file where the symbol is defined.
Also, when I try to jump with semantic-complete-jump-global (C-c , J) to a symbol with multiple definitions on different files (e.g. multiple main() functions), CEDET complains with [not unique] but it does not give me a way to choose which symbol I want to see. The only way to find the symbol I am interested in is to cycle through all the options with <TAB> buffer by buffer until I find the one I am interested in. Is there a way to get a list of symbols from where I can choose ? Ideally, it would be great to get an autocomplete list similar to those that Emacs helm (formerly known as Anything) provides.
This is all with Emacs 24.2.1 on Linux with CEDET 1.1.
Had you tried to use semantic-ia-fast-jump command? It uses not only Semantic, but also other data sources, to calculate where to jump. I just tried it, and it correctly jumped to variable, that was declared in the parent class, 3 levels higher in hierarchy.

Best way to customize auto-formatting/auto-indenting in vim for Common Lisp

I would like to know the best way to customize auto-formatting/auto-indenting in vim for Common Lisp.
Auto-formatting (I usually do this by typing '==' in command mode per line) works very well for the base lisp language in vim (e.g., defmacro, defun, lambda, if, with-output-to-string), but any time that new language constructs are defined (e.g., using macros), I find that the formatting for the new construct is often not what I'd like it to be.
For example, here's how vim formats 'when (standard lisp construct) and 'awhen (commonly-used anaphoric version of 'when; not part of lisp standard)
(when 'this
(process 'this))
(awhen 'this
(process it))
I would like 'awhen to auto-format like 'when. Any ideas how I can do this?
Edit: Thanks Gilligan and Tamas for the Slimv recommendation. As a test, I downloaded MacVim (will need this working with terminal vim, but that's a different problem) and slimv, rsynched the slimv download into ~/.vim, launched MacVim, and loaded a .lisp file.
I then started up the lisp server (done through a GUI with MacVim), which loaded up my default lisp executable and core file.
And* since my core file is already loaded with the language extensions that I commonly use (awhen being one of them), awhen formatted correctly right out of the box.
I really like this solution. Instead of [1] having to learn how to tell vim to indent particular functions properly, and [2] writing the code that does this explicitly for each language extension that I define, and [3] updating that code every time I add a new language construct. Instead I leverage slimv to do the formatting for me. And slimv can 'learn' new language extensions, as long as those macros are already loaded into the lisp core that the server session is using. Pretty slick!
I have found that this works well for a particular class of language extensions. Usually ones defined as a macro, using the &body keyword. This seems to 'do the right thing' most of the time, but there are macros I use that still don't properly auto-format. Although I'd say that this is more likely to be an issue with how the macro is written (non-standard language extension) than anything else.
So, this solution works well for me for most cases, and I didn't have to code (and maintain) anything. Great stuff!
This might not be a direct answer to your question but I strongly suggest that you install
the slimv plugin:
Its a great plugin which integrates SLIME functionality into vim and besides many other things it also comes with an improved indentation for clisp&clojure. It won't indent awhen the way you want though.
For those who are looking for this topic and don't want to run Slimv, because they aren't working with Common Lisp or other reasons, here is the scoop.
Vim's Lisp indentation is not like that for other languages; it has a special "Lisp mode". This mode is turned on by
:set lisp
which is done automatically for .lisp files. Lisp mode isn't a Vim invention; classic Vi implementations have a Lisp mode turned on with :set lisp. (It's not described by POSIX, unfortunately).
Vim's Lisp mode has a simple mechanism for recognizing forms that require operator-style indentation: namely, there is a parameter called lispwords which holds a comma-separated list of identifiers.
You can prove to yourself that this is the identifier list which is used, even when you're editing a Common Lisp .lisp file with syntax highlighting and all. Simply do :set listwords[TAB] and edit the list to remove something from it, such as defun. Then try to reindent a defun: you will see the function-style indentation now instead of the operator-style.
The syntax highlighting support for Common Lisp is separate from Lisp mode's lispwords parameter; it has its own list of identifiers. For example, in Vim 7.3 if you enter this:
(symbol-macrolet ((foo bar))
you get indented out to here!)
This is in spite of the fact that symbol-macrolet is recognized and colored. Why? It's because symbol-macrolet does not appear in the rather scanty lispwords list, whereas it does appear in the lisp.vim syntax highlighting definition file.
The upshot is that you can cob together some script which scans your directory of .lisp files for macros and generates a set lispwords=... command that is placed into a directory .vimrc.
Or if you are working on a custom Lisp dialect, you can just make its Vim syntax highlighting file customize lispwords when it loads.
Here is an implementation oversight: the lispwords option has no local value; you cannot use setlocal lispwords ... to give it a buffer-specific value. In other words, it appears that (at least in the Vim 7.3 I'm using under Ubuntu) you can't have two or more buffers open holding different dialects of Lisp with different identifiers for indentation. The default contents of lispwords contains a smattering of Lisp and Scheme symbols to try to be a kind of "one size almost fits all" solution.
If you filetype is 'lisp' then I think you need to add indenting rules for your special case in the 'lisp.vim' file in the '/vim7x/indent' directory. You can find a bit more info in help at :h indent-expr and :h indentexpr.
Someone may be able to tell you better, but I believe the default lisp.vim indent file basically does nothing because the built-in function lispindent() is used to get indent values. You will want to:
(1) set function used to get indent values (i.e., indentexpr) to a function in your own indent/lisp.vim file, e.g., GetLispIndent().
(2) in your your GetLispIndent() function you will use lispindent() to get indent values to return for all lines except your special case. See other languages' indent files and read the docs to get an idea for how indentexpr works, e.g, java.vim.
#Kaz's answer is completely correct, but they don't go all the way to answering the original question. Vim's lispwords config string is a comma-delimited list of words; when any of the words in lispwords is found at the beginning of an S-expression, Vim will change the way that S-expression is indented. In other words, it defines the "standard lisp constructs" to which the OP refers. If you view your current lispwords config with :set lispwords, you'll see "when" is included, but "awhen" is not, resulting in the following indentation:
(when 'this
(process 'this))
(awhen 'this
(process it))
To fix this, simply add "awhen" to the config string somewhere in your config, like so:
set lispwords+=awhen,
The trailing comma isn't strictly necessary, but the default value includes it, and is probably wise in case you or a plugin modifier elsewhere. That would turn the original formatting into this:
(when 'this
(process 'this))
(awhen 'this
(process it))
(Tested on my current installation of Vim 9.0)
Note that, as #Kaz points out, this config string is universal, so if you have different dialects of lisp their indentation will all be controlled by this setting. Vim is pretty good about auto-detecting lisps, but you may need so :set lisp if it doesn't recognize your filetype or dialect.

How do I use autoload to correctly load custom configuration?

I use the following structure in my emacs config: For each programming mode I use, I maintain configuration in a file called programming-mode-config.el. (So python configuration will go into python-mode-config.el etc).
Earlier, I used to require each of these files in my init.el. The drawback of this approach was that my start-up time was huge. So this weekend, I sat down and converted all the requires into autoloads. Now my init file looks like this:
(autoload 'python-mode "python-mode-config" "Load python config" t)
Thus python config will not be loaded until I open a python file. This helped bring down my start-up time to about 1 second, but it doesn't work properly in all cases. For example,
(autoload 'erc "erc-mode-config" "Load configuration for ERC" t)
does not load my erc tweaks at all. Looking at the autoload documentation, it states that:
Define FUNCTION to autoload from FILE.
If FUNCTION is already defined other than as an autoload,
this does nothing and returns nil.
So I'm guessing that the erc config is not loaded because ERC comes 'in-built' with emacs whereas python-mode is a plugin I use. Is there any way I can get my erc configuration to load only when I actually use erc? The only other alternative I see is using eval-after-load, but it would be rather painful to put every tiny bit of my customization into an eval-after-load.
I'm afraid it might also be that I haven't grokked autoloads properly. Any help would be appreciated.
autoload is intended to be used to load functions from a certain file, not to load additional functionality - which is what it looks like you're trying to do.
Use eval-after-load instead:
(eval-after-load "erc" '(load "erc-mode-config"))
That tells Emacs to load the erc-mode-config library after the "erc" file has been loaded - which is what you want. You could also use '(require 'erc-mode-config) if you have a provide statement inside of it.
The correct use of autoload is to load the actual file that contains the symbol. So, by having
(autoload 'erc "erc-mode-config" "Load configuration for ERC" t)
You were telling Emacs to find the function erc by loading the "erc-mode-config" library, which isn't where the erc function is defined. Also, the docstring is for the function in question, so the autoload statement above makes the help string for erc be "Load configuration for ERC" - which is also incorrect.
I'm guessing your first autoload example works because you have a (require 'python) statement in your config file... but that's just a guess.