My DAX code to calculate a moving average is not giving the correct result - average

I'm hoping that someone can help me. I'm wracking my brain on this and just cannot get my moving average to give me the correct results. I first created a daily average to group together a series of dates. I've named this Booking Average and the results that I am getting are correct. The problem is that now I need another average which looks at Booking Average and gives me another average of the last 4 weeks. I created a unique number to group the data but when I try to create the new average it gives me the same average again as the Booking Average. The measure is called CAY average and below is the code I'm using.
=if(countrows(VALUES('Range'[Number])) = 1,
AVERAGEX(VALUES('Range'[Number]) ,
'Range'[Booking Average])
,'Range'[Number]<= VALUES('Range'[Number])
&& 'Range'[Number] > VALUES ('Range'[Number])-4)
Is there a way to attach the file so someone can look at it?


Tableau Summing up aggregated data with FIXED

Data granularity is per customer, per invoice date, per product type.
Generally the idea is simple:
We have a moving average calculation of the volume per week. MA based on last 12 weeks (MA Volume):
window_sum(sum([Volume]),-11,0)/window_count(count([Volume]), -11,0)
We need to see the deviation of the current week vs the MA for that week (Vol DIFF):
SUM([Volume])-[MA Calc]
We need to sum up the deviations for a fixed period of time (Year/Month)
Basically this should show us whether on average, for a given period of time, we deviate positively or negatively vs the base.
enter image description here
Unfortunately I get errors like:
"Argument to SUM (an aggregate function) is already an aggregation, and cannot be further aggregated."
"Level of detail expressions cannot contain table calculations or the ATTR function"
Any ideas how I can go around this one?
Managed to solve this one. Needed to add months to the view and then just WINDOW_SUM(Vol_DIFF).
Simple as that!

Sum of calculated averages PowerBI

I'm fairly new to PowerBI, I want to calculate sum of averages as measure.
So average is perfectly fine but I couldn't manage to sum them.
average = AVERAGEX(SUMMARIZE(ProductionVolumeData,
this formula calculates aggregates volume group by production order id and machine id and find mean.
I checked in table, it works for one ProductionOrderID but whenever I add another ProductionOrderID to table it also calculates average. What I want is to sum up averages.
How can I do that?
Thanks in advance

Qliksense: Compute median of grouped data

I'm facing an issue in QlikSense, trying to compute some statistical indicators (Percentiles, Quartiles, StdDev, Median etc.) on a dataset which is already grouped by the source.
I mean that my dataset is something similar to the following, in which I have for each combination of Week and Customer Age the total number of purchases:
I want to show the median of Customer Age, and due to the structure of the dataset I can't use fractile or median built-in functions, since they would come out with something different.
Let's suppose I want to calculate the median age of people for all the 3 weeks, so that I want to know what's the age of people who have done the 50% of my purchases.
To let you better understand the question, I show you the histogram:
In this case, the median I want to get is 24-26 years, since the 50% of the total population falls under that range.
I found a useful reference here, but I am having troubles in writing this formula in QlikSense
Thanks a lot in advance.
[EDIT]: This is my Data Model View:
[EDIT 2]: Here is my qvf with a dataset more similar to the original one I'm using. As you can see, I can't get the correct result using your formula. In addition, I would like to use it in order to plot the trend of the median through weeks, but it doesn't seem to be possible (Even if I use the modified version of the formula I pointed out in the comments).
If you want to calculate median in such a scenario you need to weighted median and basically check which dimension value is in the middle:
Above([# Purchases],0,RowNo())
/Sum(TOTAL [# Purchases]))>=0.5
Above([# Purchases],1,RowNo()-1))
/Sum(TOTAL [# Purchases]))<0.5
,[Customer Age])
,[Customer Age])

DAX Calculate Monthly Average

I am trying to create a measure to calculate a monthly average from a set of data that was collected every 15 minutes. I am newer to DAX and am just unsure how to intelligently filter by month without hard setting in the month ID #. The formula I am trying is:
Average Monthly Use:=AVERAGEX(VALUES('Lincoln Data'[Month]),[kWh])
Where kWh is a measure of the total usage in a column
Thanks in advance
To get the monthly average usage, You need to sum up the total usage per user and divide by the total number of months for that user.
Without knowing what your tables look like, it's hard to give a very good formula, but your measure might look something like this:
= DIVIDE(SUMX(DataTable, [kWh]), DISTINCTCOUNT(DataTable[Year-Month]))

Matlab average number of customers during a single day

I'm having problems creating a graph of the average number of people inside a 24h shopping complex. I have two columns of data on a spreadsheet of the times a customer comes in (intime) and when he leaves (outtime). The data spans a couple of years and is in datetime format (dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm:ss).
I want to make a graph of the data with time of day as x-axis, and average number of people as y-axis. So the graph would display the average number of people inside during the day.
Problems arise because the place is open 24h and the timespan of data is years. Also customer intime & outtime might be on different days.
intime 2.1.2017 21:50
outtime 3.1.2017 8:31
Any idea how to display the data easily using Matlab?
Been on this for multiple hours without any progress...
Seems like you need to decide what defines a customer being in the shop during the day, is 1 min enough? is there a minimum time length under which you don't want to count it as a visit?
In the former case you shouldn't be concerned with the hours at all, and just count it as 1 entry if the entry and exit are in the same day or as 2 different entries if not.
It's been a couple of years since I coded actively in matlab and I don't have a handy IDE but if you add the code you got so far, I can fix it for you.
I think you need to start by just plotting the raw count of people in the complex at the given times. Once that is visualized it may help you determine how you want to define "average people per day" and how to go about calculating it. Does that mean average at a given time or total "ins" per day? Ex. 100 people enter the complex in a day ... but on average there are only 5 in the complex at a given time. Which stat is more important? Maybe you want both.
Here is an example of how to get the raw plot of # of people at any given time. I simulated your in & out time with random numbers.
inTime = cumsum(rand(100,1)); %They show up randomly
outTime = inTime + rand(100,1) + 0.25; % Stay for 0.25 to 1.25 hrs
inCount = ones(size(inTime)); %Add one for each entry
outCount = ones(size(outTime))*-1; %Subtract one for each exit.
allTime = [inTime; outTime]; %Stick them together.
allCount = [inCount; outCount];
[allTime, idx] = sort(allTime);%Sort the timestamps
allCount = allCount(idx); %Sort counts by the timestamps
allCount = cumsum(allCount); %total at any given time.
plot(allTime,allCount);%total at any given time.
Note that the x-values are not uniformly spaced.
IF you decide are more interested in total customers per day then you could just find the intTimes with in a given time range (each day) & probably just ignore the outTimes all together.