Microsoft Access Combo Box Arrow Hidden Rectangle Reappears - forms

I have a combo box on a continuous form. I don't want the arrow on the combo box to show unless the record is being changed. I accomplished this by placing a rectangle over the combo box arrow. This works great because it hides the arrow until the record is clicked, then the arrow shows.
The problem is that if you save the form design, close the form, and then open the form, the arrow will reappear and "stick" as you mouse over it. See image below.
The strange thing is that if you open the form, go into design view, and then go back to form view, it no longer "sticks".
Has anyone else had this problem, and if so have you found a work-around?

I did more testing and it turns out there was a little "sliver" of the combobox arrow button peaking out from behind the rectangle. When I expanded the rectangle to cover the entire arrow button, I no longer experienced this problem.


How can I implement the native macOS screenshot mouse behavior?

I'm implementing a screenshotting app that captures a portion of the screen. I'm currently:
listening for a keyboard shortcut
drawing a transparent view on top of the entire screen
having the user click and drag to select an area inside of that view
screenshotting the coordinates inside of that bounding area.
Here's an example of what it looks like (the transparent view is tinted blue):
This works, but it causes the mouse to stop focusing on whatever it was previously focusing on. In other words, if I'm hovering over a tooltip and I hit the screenshot shortcut, the tooltip vanishes before I have a chance to screenshot it.
It looks like macOS's own screenshot command does not have this problem. If I hover over a date in StackOverflow in order to see the time tooltip, I can press Cmd+Shift+4 and screenshot it pretty easily:
If I try and do the same thing with my own code, the tooltip vanishes after I render my transparent view, even if I haven't moved my mouse.
Is Apple doing something specific to maintain the focus state of the mouse that I could be doing? Alternatively, should I somehow take advantage of Apple's own screenshotting flow myself inside of this app? If it helps, I'm currently using CGWindowListCreateImage to actually take the screenshot.

Button with lost focus using PerspectiveTrasnform

Well, I make a Pane based on an example of JavaFX samples (Display Shelf), I put Panes with Labels, Buttons, ComboBox, TableView where's the ImageView. It is working, when I click on Pane, it does the animation correctly, but the buttons that I put in vertical on Right of Pane, receive the focus out of where they are. When I move the mouse button, nothing happens, but if I move the mouse to down of it, I can click in the button that so reveice the focus. The local where I have to move the mouse to button to receive the focus is increasingly far (down) if the button is below the other.
I'm using the Perspective Transform of JavaEX and all is in JavaFX Samples, just changed some params of size (width and height). This effect may be interfering in focus? Or can be another problem? If anyone already had this problem please help me. Thanks.

How to use Focus on GWT?

I have strange problem..
I want to do this:
I have a focuspanel. In default I want to give him focus:
I have function onBlur which is able to save all information from focuspanel. But the focus panel doesn's have focus... I must click on him, and in other place to start function onBlur..
Second problem is a... When I have focus and I click on other widget in my focus panel I lose focus.. (Which I have from click on this panel.) It is not expect.
Only way to save information is to fill it in the focus panel, click on the blank space in focus panel and in other place out focus panel.. I don't know how to fix it..
Please, help!
A FlowPanel is a div and can't have focus by default, you need to set the tabindex:

Facebook like button pops up behind some elements

On my website the comment box that pops up when I press the Like button is placed behind some elements of the page and I really don't figure out how to fix it.
For 2 days I'm struggling with z-index property but no result and now I've found a solution by changing the overflow property of the parent div from hidden to visible/auto and it works! BUT I can't use this fix because that div has overflow set to hidden because I'm using the slimScroll plugin to customize the scrollbar...
This is the website, just click on any image and press the Like button to see what happens.
The right and left side of the popup are integrated in a table... I was thinking, if i remove the table and use just divs instead, the fix would be easier?

MS Access 2003 - Simple value input into a text box from clicking label boxes

Ok so could anyone please help me out with the VB for auto entering information into a text box, by clicking certian label boxes on a form in access 2003.
I built this thing using label boxes as "sort of links" instead of button for navigation/commands etc, and I have this power point presentation viewer on one of the forms.
The client has numerous briefings and this will be great for me to provide a little something for them to be able to get their briefings from one spot.
So if I list the choices for the month out on the form as label boxes (with little mouse move events to resemble a web link) and they click on it to select, then the only way I know how this may become functional is if I add a text box to the form, and make it not visible, that way I can name it, and add it to the file path string and it works.
But how do I create the action of clicking the "link" result in "NVOWEFDJHF" into text box?
Anyone know a better way?
Yeah I am an amateur, so I am ALWAYS willing to learn a better way.
Thanks very much!
I would recommend using a transparent button instead of a label.
The main reason is that you can set the mouse cursor to become a small hand when you hover over the button, so it gives back information to the user that this can be clicked.
With a label, the user cannot make the difference between a normal label and one that can be clicked since there is no visual cue.
To create a button that resemble a label:
Add the button to the form
In the properties for the button, set the following:
Format > Back-Style: Transparent
Other > Cursor on Hover: Hyperlink Hand
Other > Name: btAutoFill (or whatever name you want)
If you want the button to resemble a link a bit more, you can change it's caption's format, making it blue and underlined if you wish.
Now if you view the form, you will see that the mouse cursor will change when you move over the 'button label'.
To automatically fill-in other controls when you click your button, add the code to handle its OnClick event (in the button's properties, under Events > On Click, choose [Event Procedure]):
Public Sub btAutoFill_Click()
myTextBox = "NVOWEFDJHF"
End Sub
Quick air code here...
Private Sub MyLabel_OnClick()
End Sub
Don't forget your error handling.
You're making this as difficult as possible by using an approach that is not Access-native. The simplest way to make the labels "clickable" is to put a transparent command button over them. But that means the MouseMove events will go to the command button, so you'll have to have its events do the MouseOver actions.