JWT: correct way to verify AUD claim - jwt

I'm in context of managing an openId jws, and I'm not sure about how to verify the aud claim.
In details, suppose that I've an application id myapp.site.com and I receive an aud which value is myapp.site.com|*|ANY. I've not found specifications about this format, but reading the aud specification into https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#IDToken I've supposed to explode the string myapp.site.com|*|ANY using the "pipe" as separator, and then verify if this array contains the aspected client id (ie myapp.site.com).
My question is: whatabout the * and ANY? there's some specifications about this format? where can I retrieve informations?
Thanks in advance,

That looks like a custom thing that is not a standard that I have seen anywhere else, so I guess its up to you to parse it as it is. At the same time the purpose of the audience is for the receiver of a token to be sure the token is aimed for it and not someone else. So its a security risk to accept any token even if the signature is valid.


Why header and payload in the JWT token always starts with eyJ

I am using JWT token to authorize my APIs, during implementation I found header and payload in token always start with eyJ. What does this indicate?
JWTs consist of base64url encoded JSON, and a JSON structure just starts with {"..., which becomes ey...when encoded with a base64 encoder.
The JWT header starts with {"alg":..., which then becomes eyJ...
You can try on this online encoder and enter {"alg" and click on encode. The result will be eyJhbGciPSA=
I'm afraid the question, and answer above is a little too extensive/certain.
The best you can check for is (only) 'ey', as the first JSON member could be something else such as "typ" (rather than "alg"); I wouldn't recommend assuming the order of JSON members (even if they are supposed to follow a prescribed order - i.e. allowing for the possibility of real-world anomalies/a small amount of flex).
Also, as much as it is probably unlikely - as far as what is been produced by a particular implementation, there could be a (/some) whitespace following the opening (JSON object) brace character (and maybe even before it!) - I'm not sure if the standard/RFCs forbid this, but even if it's only a temporal instance of a bug (within the JWT generation process) this could in-theory occur; so you're better in only checking for 'ey' - as a quick smoke-test, before then proceeding on to a fuller/complete validation of the JWT.
(F.Y.I. I believe it may have been Microsoft 'Identity Platform' whereby "typ" preceded "alg" - if memory serves me correctly (?), but I can't swear to it / as to where I've seen this being the case - at least at one point in time.)

Invalid signature returned when previewing 7digital track

I am attempting to preview a track via the 7digital api. I have utilised the reference app to test the endpoint here:-
I have specified what I consider to be the correct format query, as in:-
and yet, regardless of what parameters I enter I always get an invalid signature as a response. I have also incorporated this into my javascript code using the same oauth signature library as the reference page and yet still get the same invalid signature returned.
Could someone please shed some light on what I may be doing incorrectly?
I was able to sign it using:
url = http://previews.7digital.com/clip/8514023
valid consumer key & consumer secret
field 'country' = 'GB'
Your query strings parameters look a bit out of order. For OAuth the base string, used to sign, is meant to be in alphabetical order, so country would be first in this case. Once generated it doesn't matter the order in the final request, but the above tool applies them back in the same order (so country is first).
Can you make sure there aren't any spaces around your key/secret? It doesn't appear to strip white space.
If you have more specific problems it may be best to get in touch with 7digital directly - https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/7digital-api

Including email in restful URIs

In my application I have URIs that include the userid to identify user private resources. And userids are emails, for example:
It's a good practice to put email in the URI, including characters like . and #?
Or should I use some other type of userid? Like an hash for example?
If the email can function as fixed identifier it would be ok.
The thing is that most of the time applications will allow users to change emails; in this case it would be more bullet proof to control the ID-space yourself, e.g. by using a surrogate key. (Because the email (if users can change them) is not the identity but merely a property of the resource).
Another argument against emails is - as #Rob points out - a potential security issue.
There's no problem with that... just make sure you URL-encode the appropriate characters.
(Email's kind of sensitive information, though, you might want to pass a hash or surrogate key instead just to protect your users' email addresses if the URLs get passed around.)
though having '-' in uri is absolutely fine.
use of '#' , '#' are discouraged
however, as long as email id is an id e.g. http://example.org/user/mail/{email}/1234
guess thats fine.

Problem with OAuth, POST with parameters

I'm using Jon Crosby's open source Objective-C OAuth library http://code.google.com/p/oauthconsumer/ for some basic http authentication that does not deal with tokens, only consumer key and consumer secret. My code works great for GET, GET with parameters in the URL, and POST. When I issue a POST request that has parameters in the URL, though, the request fails authorization. I'm trying to figure out why.
The server is using Apache Commons OAuth, so I'd like to compare my base string with that library. Here's a contrived example and the base string and signature produced by my library. Can anyone see what the problem is?
consumer key: abcdef
consumer secret: ghijkl
POST request: http://emptyrandomhost.com/a/uriwith/params?interesting=foo&prolific=bar
my base string: POST&http%3A%2F%2Femptyrandomhost.com%2Fa%2Furiwith%2Fparams&interesting%3Dfoo%26oauth_consumer_key%3Dabcdef%26oauth_nonce%3D1%26oauth_signature_method%3DHMAC-SHA1%26oauth_timestamp%3D2%26oauth_version%3D1.0%26prolific%3Dbar
This data produces the following OAuth header authorization:
Authorization: OAuth oauth_consumer_key="abcdef",
And apparently my signature is wrong. The problem has to either be in the construction of the base string, in the way that the HMAC-SHA1 function is implemented (using Apple's CCHmac from CommonHMAC.h, so hopefully this isn't it), or with my Base64Transcoder, which is open source c. 2003 by Jonathan Wight/Toxic Software. I primarily suspect the base string, since the requests work for GET and POST and only fail with POST with URL parameters as above.
Can someone with lots of OAuth experience spot the problem above? Something else that would be very useful is the base string that is produced by Apache Commons OAuth in their authentication. Thanks.
As per RFC 5849 section, the OAuth base string URI does not include the query string or fragment. If either the client or the server does not remove the query parameters from the base string URI and add them to the normalized OAuth parameter list, the signatures won't match. Unfortunately, it's hard to tell which side is making this mistake. But it's easy to determine this is the problem: If it always works without query parameters but always fails with query parameters, you can be pretty sure that one side or the other is generating the wrong base string. (Be sure that it always happens though... intermittent errors would be something else. Similarly, if it never works with or without a query string, that would also be something else.) The other possibility is that normalization was done incorrectly — the parameter list must be sorted and percent encoded sequences must be upper-cased. If it's not normalized correctly on both sides, that will also cause a base string mismatch, and thus a signature mismatch.
you can build and check visually your request at this URL:
Open the boxes denoted by [+] signs and fill in your values, that way you may be able to see if the problem is at your code, or at the provider side.

What is the length of the access_token in Facebook OAuth2?

I searched on Google and StackOverflow to find a answer to my question but I can't find one.
I'd like to store the access_token to my database for offline access and I'd like to be sure to specify the correct length of my column.
I can't even find if it's just a number or a mix between number and strings.
I work at Facebook and I can give a definitive answer about this.
Please don't put a maximum size on the storage for an access token. We expect that they will both grow and shrink over time as we add and remove data and change how they are encoded.
We did give guidance in one place about it being 255 characters. I've updated the blog post that had that information and updated our new access token docs to include a note about sizes:
Sorry for the confusion.
With Facebook's recent move to encrypted access tokens, the length of the access token can be up to 255 characters. If you're storing the access token in your database, the column should be able to accommodate at least varchar(255). Here's an excerpt from Facebook's Developer blog from October 4, 2011:
"With the Encrypted Access Token migration enabled, the format of the access token has changed. The new access token format is completely opaque and you should not take any dependency on the format in your code. A varchar(255) field will be sufficient to store the new tokens."
Full blog post here: https://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/572
This answer is no longer correct, and I can't find a corrected value in FB's docs. We have been receiving access tokens that are longer than 255 characters. We're moving from VARCHAR to a SMALLTEXT instead to try to future-proof things.
From section 1.4 of The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Protocol (draft-ietf-oauth-v2-22)
Access tokens can have different formats, structures, and methods
of utilization (e.g. cryptographic properties) based on the
resource server security requirements. Access token attributes and
the methods used to access protected resources are beyond the scope
of this specification and are defined by companion specifications.
I looked for the "companion specifications" but didn't find anything relevant and in section 11.2.2 it states
o Parameter name: access_token
o Parameter usage location: authorization response, token response
o Change controller: IETF
o Specification document(s): [[ this document ]]
Which seems to indicate that the access_token parameter is defined within this spec. Which I guess the parameter is but the actual access token isn't fully fleshed out.
The latest version of this writing of the specification (draft-ietf-oauth-v2-31) includes an appendix that defines better what to expect from the access_token parameter
A.12. "access_token" Syntax
The "access_token" element is defined in Section 4.2.2 and
Section 5.1:
access-token = 1*VSCHAR
So essentially what this means is that the access_token should be at least 1 character long but there is no limit on how long defined in this specification.
Note they define VSCHAR = %x20-7E
Facebook access token can be longer than 255 characters. I had a lot of errors like ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PG::StringDataRightTruncation: ERROR: value too long for type character varying(255) where the value was facebook access token. Do not use string type column because its length is limited. You can use text type column to store tokens.
Recently, our app has been seeing them longer than 100 characters. I'm still looking for documentation so I can figure out a 'safe' field size for them.
I'll update the answer from the time spend.
From the OAuth2 documentation,
The access token string size is left undefined by this specification. The client should avoid making assumptions about value sizes. The authorization server should document the size of any value it issues.
(Section 4.2.2 of this document)
Note: Facebook is using OAuth2, as mentionned on this page.
So now, no informations seems to be available on the developers portail of Facebook about the length of the OAuth token. Yahoo seems to use a 400 bit long token, so it's best to assume that a TEXT column in MySQL is safer than a varchar.