Post Build event that works on both Azure DevOps and Local PC - azure-devops

I have a VS2017 solution that Builds both locally and also on Azure DevOps.
I now need to run a Post Build script to run an EXE. I have this working on my local machine, but I guess there will be an issue with the Path to the EXE which has been added to the DevOps Library.
Note. The EXE is all installed on DevOps and runs fine from a Command Line Task - I just need it to run as a post build on one of the projects so that this project is ready to be packaged in the Installer SetUp project. (During a full Solution build).
This represents the Local Post Build script - How do I handle this on Azure, where the path will be different?
"C:\Program Files (x86)\{dir}\{app}.exe" -file "$(ProjectDir){file.txt}"
Any help appreciated. Thanks!

This represents the Local Post Build script - How do I handle this on
Azure, where the path will be different?
$(ProjectDir) is msbuild property, so it works on both Azure DevOps and Local PC. You only need to pay attention to the {dir} of the xx.exe.
My suggestion is to put the exe in solution folder (where the xx.sln file exists), then you can use script like "$(SolutionDir)\{app}.exe" -file "$(ProjectDir){file.txt}". The $(SolutionDir) and $(ProjectDir) can be recognized by msbuild. (It works for both local pc and online devops.)
Or you can put the xx.exe under root directory of your git repo, then use $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) as the path of your xx.exe, but it only works for online devops, it can't work on local PC. (Not recommended)


How can i publish a solution to a local folder using Jenkins?

I have a Jenkins job that runs and builds a .net app.
Is there a way i can publish to a local folder on the c:\ drive using Powershell?

Execute SQL scripts on VM Machine using release azure devops pipeline

I am using IIS Deployment template in Release pipeline to deploy MVC application to VM and it is working fine. But after deploying application, we want to run any ad-hoc sql changes using script files in SQL server using custom task Run SQLCMD Scripts from VSTS market place.
Relese pipeline, scripts are in zip file, Can anyone suggest what we should key-in in "Path to folder containing SQLCMD script files"?
You can try referencing the variable
In Release Pipeline, the artifacts will be downloaded to the path : $(System.ArtifactsDirectory).
According to your screenshot, I noticed that you are using the "Extract files" task. This task will find the zip files in the $(System.ArtifactsDirectory) and extract it.
The unzipped folder name is set in the "Extract files" task (Destination folder).
So you could try to use the following path:
$(System.ArtifactsDirectory)/Destination folder name
You can also expand this path according to the actual location of the file.
Hope this helps.

Azure DevOps - During the build pipeline run, what is the path where the Agent downloads the files locally?

We are using a Microsoft Hosted Agent to run a build pipeline for an automated test scenario for our application. What we would like to achieve is, having our automation procedure, to download a file (from a headless chrome browser), then navigate to the path where it is downloaded and open it.
How could I find the path where the files are being downloaded inside the Agent?
Quick compilation of list of pre-defined variables related to paths for the build on linux and windows self hosted agents from official doc link.
The one you are looking is Agent.BuildDirectory or Pipeline.Workspace.
List of predefined variables:
Variable type
The local path on the agent where all folders for a given build pipeline are created
The directory the agent is installed into
A temporary folder that is cleaned after each pipeline job
The directory used by tasks such as Node Tool Installer and Use Python Version to switch between multiple versions of a tool
The working directory for agent
The local path on the agent where your source code files are downloaded.
The local path on the agent where any artifacts are copied to before being pushed to their destination. A typical way to use this folder is to publish your build artifacts with the Copy files and Publish build artifacts tasks
The local path on the agent where any artifacts are copied to before being pushed to their destination.
The local path on the agent you can use as an output folder for compiled binaries
The local path on the agent where your source code files are downloaded.
The local path on the agent where the test results are created.
The Workspace directory for a particular pipeline
The local path on the agent where your source code files are downloaded.
When you install the agent, you specify the work directory. In pipeline tasks, you can find out exactly where within that directory files are staged with variables like $(Agent.BuildDirectory). This might not be the exact location you need, but I think it is in the right direction.
For a complete list of predefined variables, see here:
You can check this document:
So for Linux its default location /home/<username>/Downloads.
I do the test in Microsoft hosted agent-window2019 with test C# code(Hint from Daniel!) like:
static void Main(string[] args)
string FILEURI = "";
System.Diagnostics.Process prozess = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
prozess.StartInfo.FileName = #"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe";
prozess.StartInfo.Arguments = "--download " + FILEURI;
Console.WriteLine("Test starts.");
And then I use command like dir c:\users\VssAdministrator\cauldron.newton.2.0.0.nupkg /s /b to find the location of downloaded file: cauldron.newton.2.0.0.nupkg.
Then i confirmed the default download location of Chrome is still C:/Users/{user}/Downloads, same as using self-agent or downloading locally. (VssAdministrator is user when run windows hosted agent)
So I think Linux hosted agent should have similar behavior. You can try to find your file from /home/<username>/Downloads folder. Hope it helps.

Install or use software on Azure Devops Hosted Agent

I am new to Azure Devops and hoping this is a simple fix. I have a powershell script that uses Tabular Editor to deploy .bim file to Azure Analyses Services. This works great on my local machine. I have tried to get this working in the devops pipelines with no luck. I haven't found away to install the software on the hosted agent - Question 1) can I install software on a Hosted Agent e.g. on Hosted VS2017.
Failing being able to install software on Microsoft's hosted agent. I checked in the TabularEditor.exe file into the source code (I know this ins't best practise). The executable file gets put into the build artifact and publishes. Then in the release when my powershell script is called it just hangs, the script gets stuck here. The powershell script reads from a config file and also uses the path to the tabulareditor executable.
The script I am using works fine if you use a self hosted machine assuming the agent has the correct permissions.
I have another Analyses Services script that is ready and works provided Someone creates an XMLA of the model first, then we provide that as an input instead of a .bim file. But this is not quite the automated route I am looking for.
Also I am aware that there is a third party task that does azure analyses services deployment but I want to avoid using that.
In summary I am looking to find out
1) if I can indeed install software on Microsofts Hosted Agent
2) Should I be able to use the executable in my build artifact instead
3) Is there a better way to deploy Analyses services with a .bim file
I appreciate this is long winded and slightly unique but any insight or information would be appreciated.

VSTS custom Task release run powershell on agent machine

I created a custom vsts task that merge web.config files and I want to used it in my release pipeline, my task is a powershell and i want to run this powershell on agent machine but it runs in different directory when I give it the source folder it can't find it.
How to change powershell directory to make this task run on agent machine.
By default, the build pipeline will be used the hosted agent, which provided by AzureDevOps.In your case, you need to change this behavior since you need to run your PowerShell script in your machine directory.
For that first, you need to install your self-own agent. Then you can point the directory to your PowerShell script which you'd like to run