Recovering Kubernetes cluster without certs - kubernetes

I have the following scenario in the lab and would like to see if its possible to recover. The cluster is broken but very expected since I was testing how far I could go with breaking the cluster and still be able to recover.
Kubernetes 1.16.3
I was experimenting a bit and don't have any data on this cluster but I am still very curious if it's possible to recover. I have a healthy 3 node etcd cluster with the original configuration (all namespaces, workloads, configmaps etc). I don't have the original SSL certs for the control plane.
I removed all nodes from the cluster (kubeadm reset). I have original manifests and kubelet config and try to re-init master nodes. It is quite more successful than I thought it would be but not where I want it to be.
After successful kubeadm init, the kubelet and control plane containers start successfully but the corresponding pods are not created. I am able to use the kube API with kubectl and see the nodes, namespaces, deployments, etc.
In the kube-system namespace all daemonsets still exist but the pods won't start with the following message:
49m Warning FailedCreate daemonset/kube-proxy Error creating: Timeout: request did not complete within requested timeout
The kubelet logs the following re control plane pods
Jul 21 22:30:02 k8s-master-4 kubelet[13791]: E0721 22:30:02.088787 13791 kubelet.go:1664] Failed creating a mirror pod for "kube-scheduler-k8s-master-4_kube-system(3e128801ef687b022f6c8ae175c9c56d)": Timeout: request did not complete within requested timeout
Jul 21 22:30:53 k8s-master-4 kubelet[13791]: E0721 22:30:53.089517 13791 kubelet.go:1664] Failed creating a mirror pod for "kube-controller-manager-k8s-master-4_kube-system(da5cfae13814fa171a320ce0605de98f)": Timeout: request did not complete within requested timeout
During kubeadm reset/init process I already have some steps so I can get to where I am now (delete serviceaccounts to reset the tokens, delete some configmaps (kuebadm etc))
My question is - is it possible to recover the control plane without the certs. And if its complicated but still possible process I would still like to know.
All help appreciated

is it possible to recover the control plane without the certs.
Yes, should be able to. The certs 🔏 are required but they don't have to be the very same ones that you created the cluster initially with. All the certificates including the CA can be rotated across the board. The kubelet even supports certificate auto-rotation. The configurations need to match everywhere though. Meaning the CA needs to be the same that created the CSRs and cert keys/certs need to be created from the same CSRs. 🔑
Also, all the components need to use the same CA and be able to authenticate with the API server (kube-controller-manager, kube-scheduler, etc) 🔐. I'm not entirely sure about the logs that you are seeing but it looks like the kube-controller-manager and kube-scheduler are not able to authenticate and join the cluster. So I would take a look at their cert configurations:
Also, you would find every PKI component that you need to verify under /etc/kubernetes/pki


No pods started after "kubeadm alpha certs renew"

I did a
kubeadm alpha certs renew
but after that, no pods get started. When starting from a Deployment, kubectl get pod doesn't even list the pod, when explicitly starting a pod, it is stuck on Pending.
What am I missing?
Normally I would follow a pattern to debug such issues starting with:
Check all the certificate files are rotated by kubeadm using sudo cat /etc/kubernetes/ssl/apiserver.crt | openssl x509 -text.
Make sure all the control plane services (api-server, controller, scheduler etc) have been restarted to use the new certificates.
If [1] and [2] are okay you should be able to do kubectl get pods
Now you should check the certificates for kubelet and make sure you are not hitting
Make sure kubelet is restarted to use the new certificate.
I think of control plane (not being able to do kubectl) and kubelet (node status not ready, should see certificates attempts in api-server logs from the node) certificates expiry separately so I can quickly tell which might be broken.

Terraform dial tcp 192.xx.xx.xx:443: i/o timeout error

I am trying to implement CI / CD using GitLab + Terraform to K8S Cluster and K8S Control Plane (Master node) was setup on CentOS
However, Pipeline job fails with the following error
Error: Failed to get existing workspaces: Get "https://192.xx.xx.xx/api/v1/namespaces/default/secrets?labelSelector=tfstate%3Dtrue": dial tcp 192.xx.xx.xx:443: i/o timeout
From the error mentioned above (default/secrets?labelSelector=tfstate%3Dtrue), I assume the error is related to missing 'terraform secret' on default namespace
Example (Terraform secret taken from my Windows)
PS C:\> kubectl get secret
default-token-7mzv6 3 27d
tfstate-default-state Opaque 1 15h
However, I am not sure which process would create 'tfsecret' or should we create it manually ?
Kindly let me know if I my understanding is wrong and had I missed anything else
The issue mentioned above occurred because existing Gitlab-runner was on a different subnet (eg 172.xx.xx.xx instead of 192.xx.xx.xx)
I was asked to use a different Gitlab-runner which runs on the same subnet and now it throws the following error
Error: Failed to get existing workspaces: Get "https://192.xx.xx.xx:6443/api/v1/namespaces/default/secrets?labelSelector=tfstate%3Dtrue": x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
Now, I am bit confused whether the certificate-issue is between GitLab-Runner and Gitlab-Server or Gitlab-Server and K8S Cluster or something else
You have configured Kubernetes as the remote state backend for your Terraform configuration. The error is, that the backend is trying to query existing secrets to determine what workspaces are configured. The x509: certificate signed by unknown authority indicates, that the KUBECONFIG the remote state backend uses does not match the CA of the API server you're connecting to.
If the runners are K8s pods themselves, make sure you provide a KUBECONFIG that matches your target cluster and that the remote state does not configure itself as in-cluster by reading the service account token every K8s pod has - which in most cases will only work for the cluster the pod is running on.
You don't provide enough information to be more specific. But big picture, you have to configure the state backend, and any provider that connect to K8s. Theoretically, the state backend secrets and the K8s resources do not have to be on the same cluster. Meaning, you may have to have different configuration for state backend and K8s providers.

How to reconfigure the IP of a k8s node

I created a k8s installed by k0s on the aws ec2 instance. In order to make delivery new cluster faster, I try to make an AMI for it.
However, I started a new ec2 instance, the internal IP changed and the node become NotReady
ubuntu#ip-172-31-26-46:~$ k get node
ip-172-31-18-145 NotReady <none> 95m v1.21.1-k0s1
Would it be possible to reconfigure it ?
Work around
I found a work around to make the AWS AMI working
Short answer
install node with kubelet's --extra-args
update the kube-api to the new IP and restart the kubelet
Details :: 1
In the kubernete cluster, the kubelet plays the node agent node. It will tell kube-api "Hey, I am here and my name is XXX".
The name of a node is its hostname and could not be changed after created. It could be set by --hostname-override.
If you don't change the node name, the kube-api will try to use the hostname then got errors caused by old-node-name not found.
Details :: 2
To k0s, it put kubelet' KUBECONFIG in the /var/lib/k0s/kubelet.conf, there was a kubelet api server location
In order to connect a new kube-api location, please update it
Did you check the kubelet logs? Most likely it's a problem with certificates. You cannot just make an existing node into ami and hope it will work since certificates are signed for specific IP.
Check out the awslabs/amazon-eks-ami repo on github. You can check out how aws does its k8s ami.
There is a files/ file in repo that is run to bootstrap an instance. It does all sort of things that are instance specific which includes getting certificates.
If you want to "make delivery new cluster faster", I'd recommend to create an ami with all dependencies but without an actual k8s boostraping. Install the k8s (or k0s in your case) after you start the instance from ami, not before. (Or figure out how to regenerate certs and configs that are node specific.)

How can I safely NFS mount /var/lib/kubelet in a kubernetes cluster with diskless worker nodes?

I have a bare metal Kubernetes cluster. The master node is diskful, however all of the worker nodes are diskless, and PXE boot off of a machine which provides their OS image and non-volatile NFS mount points.
We found early on that we needed some kind of non-volatile storage so that the diskless nodes could store their configurations, kubernetes secrets, SSL keys, etc... Without the non-volatile storage, the nodes would have to be deleted and rejoined to the cluster every time they rebooted, which is obviously a pain.
So we created NFS mount partitions for /etc/kubernetes and /var/lib/kubelet so that the nodes could remember who they were and rejoin the cluster after a reboot.
The Problem:
However, we have run into a problem with kubeadm: It unmounts/remounts /var/lib/kubelet whenever you run kubeadm join. This leads to kubelet puking and dying because it can't find the appropriate device. The specific error is:
node6 kubelet: F0113 18:08:55.196706 210949 kubelet.go:1347] Failed to start ContainerManager failed to get rootfs info: failed to get device for dir "/var/lib/kubelet": could not find dev
ice with major: 0, minor: 46 in cached partitions map
If we unmount the NFS mount for /var/lib/kubelet before running kubeadm join, it works just fine, but gets us back to our original problem: the diskless node will not survive a reboot and automatically rejoin the cluster.
We tried to get around this by changing kubelet's k8s root, but it still leads to the same crash where kubelet gets confused about the device.
So my question is this:
How can I properly set up an NFS mount point for /var/lib/kubelet, or otherwise configure kubelet, on my diskless worker nodes so that even when kubeadm mounts/unmounts that point I don't get a crash, and kubeadm's setup files are non-volatile?
This is a known issue but fortunately this is fixed just couple of days back -
This hasn't been cut into a release yet. While this might make into 1.20.x, not really sure about previous versions. Might want to request for a backport on the issue at if required.

Replacing dead master in Kubernetes 1.15 cluster with stacked control plane

I have a Kubernetes cluster with 3-master stacked control plane - so each master also has its own etcd instance running locally. The problem I am trying solve is this:
"If one master dies such that it cannot be restarted, how do I replace it?"
Currently, when I try to add the replacement master into the cluster, I get the following error while running kubeadm join:
[check-etcd] Checking that the etcd cluster is healthy
I0302 22:43:41.968068 9158 local.go:66] [etcd] Checking etcd cluster health
I0302 22:43:41.968089 9158 local.go:69] creating etcd client that connects to etcd pods
I0302 22:43:41.986715 9158 etcd.go:106] etcd endpoints read from pods:,,
error execution phase check-etcd: error syncing endpoints with etc: dial tcp connect: no route to host
The node is the one that died. These nodes are all running in an AWS AutoScaling group, so I don't have control over the addresses.
I have drained and deleted the dead master node using kubectl drain and kubectl delete; and I have used etcdctl to make sure the dead node was not in the member list.
Why is it still trying to connect to that node's etcd?
It is still trying to connect to the member because etcd maintains a list of members in its store -- that's how it knows to vote on quorum decisions. I don't believe etcd is unique in that way -- most distributed key-value stores know their member list
The fine manual shows how to remove a dead member, but it also warns to add a new member before removing unhealthy ones.
There is also a project etcdadm that is designed to smooth over some of the rough edges about etcd cluster management, but I haven't used it to say what it is good at versus not
The problem turned out to be that the failed node was still listed in the ConfigMap. Further investigation led me to the following thread, which discusses the same problem:
The solution that worked for me was to edit the ConfigMap manually.
kubectl -n kube-system get cm kubeadm-config -o yaml > tmp-kubeadm-config.yaml
manually edit tmp-kubeadm-config.yaml to remove the old server
kubectl -n kube-system apply -f tmp-kubeadm-config.yaml
I believe updating the etcd member list is still necessary to ensure cluster stability, but it wasn't the full solution.