PostgreSQL use of Linux hugepages - postgresql

I am having some trouble understanding linux hugepages within PostgreSQL. From what I have googled:
Configured huge pages will be allocated and not swapped out of RAM.
Huge pages may improve performance due to a lower number of pages to be managed by the kernel.
Individual huge pages are contiguous blocks of memory.
My Postgres cluster conf:
shared_buffers set to 4GB
max_connections 30
all other conf is set as default
Huge pages is set but when starting defaulted to not using them. After setting huge pages on in PostgreSQL and in Linux to 4096/2 with vm.nr_hugepages and sysctl -p PostgreSQL would't start because it couldn't allocate memory enough. After trying several vm.nr_hugepages values the lowest it seamed to work was 3500.
My questions are:
How does PostgreSQL calculate the amount of memory it will need in advance?
Read that a memlimit should be set to PostgreSQL after setting hugepages ¿If it is only going to use huge pages wouldn't this be a limit already? Assuming no other process uses them.
Related to previous question: what would happen if it ran out of hugepages?
Will hugepages be used by all PostgreSQL processes, a sort operation for instance. The fact of having to allocate 3500 pages in order to have PostgreSQL starting ok is a bit confusing because I thought they would be mainly used by shared_buffers.
Thanks in advance!
The system I am testing on is an Intel 8 cores with 32GB RAM. The main purpose of the setup is ETLs, receive files which will be loaded with COPY (several GBs per file), transform with some more or less complex SQL, persist results in several tables with a design similar to a DWH (star schemas), 40TB of total storage for PostgreSQL (4x10TB drives) and 512GB SSD for Ubuntu server 18.04. Some of the transformations that will be done will require tablescans or scans of a big part of the tables, in DB2 I have the option of using a block-based buffer pool ( I thought I could achieve something "similar" with hugepages in PostgreSQL ¿Would this be possible?


Increase data insert speed of PostgreSQL

I am stuck in a problem that PostgreSQL data writes are very slow.
I developed my application in Java (using JDBC) to insert data into a PostgreSQL DB. It works well on our remote development server. However, after I deploy it to the production server, it causes a problem.
The insert speed of PostgreSQL on the production server is only ~150 records/s for 200000K records, while it is ~1000 records/s for the same data set on the development server.
Firstly, I tried to change the configuration in postgresql.conf as follows:
effective_cache_size = 4GB
max_wal_size = 2GB
work_mem = 128MB
shared buffers = 512MB
After I changed the configuration and restarted, it only affects the query speed, while the insert speed does not change (~150 records/s).
I have checked my server memory info, there is a lot of free memory ~4GB. The inserter only uses 0.5% of 8GB (~40MB).
So my questions are:
Is this a problem of a storage disk, such as SSD and HDD or virtual
and physical etc.? Why is the insert speed still very slow, although I have changed the configuration? Is there any way
for increasing the insert speed?
Note: the problem does not relate to the insert query structure.
I have used the same query in the same condition elsewhere (I set up an
environment in 2 servers in the same way). I do not know why the
DEVELOPMENT server (4GB) works better than the PRODUCTION server
The only one of your parameters that has an influence on INSERT performance is max_wal_size. High values prevent frequent checkpoints.
Use iostat -x 1 on the database server to see how busy your disks are. If they are quite busy, you are probably I/O bottlenecked. Maybe the I/O subsystem on your test server is better?
If you are running the INSERTs in many small transactions, you may be bottlenecked by fsync to the WAL. The symptom is a busy disk with not much I/O being performed.
In that case batch the INSERTs in larger transactions. The difference you observe could then be due to different configuration: Maybe you set synchronous_commit or (horribile dictu!) fsync to off on the test server.

Postgres load balance with limited hardware resources

I've got a task to do and some limited hardware resources, as always.
I need to setup postgres server with single database, with a table of largeobjects (3TB+) and a few small, heavily accessed tables (<10 GB).
I've got old physical server with ~5 TB of harddisk space, with limited CPU and RAM, I can also use much faster (in CPU and RAM) virtual server - but limited in storage.
I won't have much DELETE statements, most SELECT statements will be to recent data. There will be one simultanous connection doing all the job, client on one host only.
I see a few scenarios:
Postgres on virtual machine with remote storage (single instance)
Postgres on old hardware with local storage (single instance)
Postgres on both, with some kind of replication (high speed virtual machine for new data, low speed for older data on the old hardware)
Any other ideas?
Is it even possible to replicate just the most recent part of the postgres database?
90% of SELECT queries will be to the most recent ~5-10 gigabytes of data, but I need seamless access to the rest 2,990 TB.
What should I do? (except buying appropriate hardware;)
It doesn't really matter as long as you have enough RAM to buffer the 10GB of heavily accessed data.
You'll need some additional RAM to read large objects without pushing the 10GB out of the cache, but that shouldn't be a problem on today's machines.
If all your work is done on one connection, that sounds like there will be no high load on the database.
So I wouldn't really worry about scaling with requirements like that.
Your biggest worry should probably be how to backup 3TB of data in a reasonable time.
Edit: If you have much less memory, you should take the machine with the faster storage.
Finally I've checked several different scenarios and decided not to keep files/largeobjects in database.
Postgres with database location mounted over NFS (v4) had some lags - It was faster but it was choking for a few seconds periodically, i decided to store plain files over NFS which is significantly slower but more stable.
I'm sure there was a way to tune it, but this solution is fine too.
Postgres is used for file index and keeps their files on local harddisk.

How to keep 32 bit mongodb memory usage down on changing dataset

I'm using MongoDB on a 32 bit production system, which sucks but it's out of my control right now. The challenge is to keep the memory usage under ~2.5GB since going over this will cause 32 bit systems to crash.
According to the mongoDB team, the best way to track the memory usage is to use your operating system's process tracking system (i.e. ps or htop on Unix systems; Process Explorer on Windows.) for virtual memory size.
The DB mainly consists of one table which is continually cycling data, i.e. receiving data at regular intervals from sensors, and every day a cron job wipes all data from before the last 3 days. Over a period of time, the memory usage slowly increases. I took some notes over time using db.serverStats(), db.lectura.totalSize() and ps, shown in the chart below. Note that the size of the table in question has reduced in the last month but the memory usage increased nonetheless.
Now, there is some scope for adjustment in how many days of data I store. Today I deleted basically half of the data, and then restarted mongodb, and yet the mem virtual / mem mapped and most importantly memory usage according to ps have hardly changed! Why do these not reduce when I wipe data (and restart)? I read some other questions where people said that mongo isn't really using all the memory that it might appear to be using, and that you can't clear the cache or limit memory use. But then how can I ensure I stay under the 2.5GB limit?
Unless there is a way to stem this dataset-size-irrespective gradual increase in memory usage, it seems to me that the 32-bit version of Mongo is unuseable. Note: I don't mind losing a bit of performance if it solves the problem.
To answer regarding why the mapped and virtual memory usage does not decrease with the deletes, the mapped number is actually what you get when you mmap() the entire set of data files. This does not shrink when you delete records, because although the space is freed up inside the data files, they are not themselves reduced in size - the files are just more empty afterwards.
Virtual will include journal files, and connections, and other non-data related memory usage also, but the same principle applies there. This, and more, is described here:
So, the 2GB storage size limitation on 32-bit will actually apply to the data files whether or not there is data in them. To reclaim deleted space, you will have to run a repair. This is a blocking operation and will require the database to be offline/unavailable while it was run. It will also need up to 2x the original size in terms of free disk space to be able to run the repair, since it essentially represents writing out the files again from scratch.
This limitation, and the problems it causes, is why the 32-bit version should not be run in production, it is just not suitable. I would recommend getting onto a 64-bit version as soon as possible.
By the way, neither of these figures (mapped or virtual) actually represents your resident memory usage, which is what you really want to look at. The best way to do this over time is via MMS, which is the free monitoring service provided by 10gen - it will graph virtual, mapped and resident memory for you over time as well as plenty of other stats.
If you want an immediate view, run mongostat and check out the corresponding memory columns (res, mapped, virtual).
In general, when using 64-bit builds with essentially unlimited storage, the data will usually greatly exceed the available memory. Therefore, mongod will use all of the available memory it can in terms of resident memory (which is why you should always have swap configured to the OOM Killer does not come into play).
Once that is used, the OS does not stop allocating memory, it will just have the oldest items paged out to make room for the new data (LRU). In other words, the recycling of memory will be done for you, and the resident memory level will remain fairly constant.
Your options for stretching 32-bit are limited, but you can try some things. The thing that you run out of is address space, and the increases in the sizes of additional database files mean that you would like to avoid crossing over the boundary from "n" files to "n+1". It may be worth structuring your data into more or fewer databases so that you can get the maximum amount of actual data into memory and as little as possible "dead space".
For example, if your database named "mydatabase" consists of the files mydatabase.ns (the namespace file) at 16 MB, mydatabase.0 at 64 MB, mydatabase.1 at 128 MB and mydatabase.2 at 256 MB, then the next file created for this database will be mydatabase.3 at 512 MB. If instead of adding to mydatabase you instead created an additional database "mynewdatabase" it would start life with mynewdatabase.ns at 16 MB and mynewdatabase.0 at 64 MB ... quite a bit smaller than the 512 MB that adding to the original database would be. In fact, you could create 4 new databases for less space than would be consumed by adding a new file to the original database, and because the files are smaller they would be easier to fit into contiguous blocks of memory.
It is a well-known message that 32-bit should not be used for production.
Use 64-bit systems.

MongoDB Sharding On One Machine

Does it make sense to implement mongodb sharding with say 100 shards on one beefier machine just to achieve higher concurrenct write into the database as I am told, there is a global lock for each monogod.exe process? Assuming that is possible, will that aproach give me higher write concurrency?
Running multiple mongods on a machine is not a good idea. Every one of the mongod processes will try to use all the available memory, forcing other mongod's memory mapped pages out of memory. This will create an enormous amount of swapping in most cases.
The global database lock is generally not a problem as is demonstrated in:
Only use one mongod per machine (but it's fine to add a mongos or config server as well), unless it's for some simple testing.
I totally disagree. We run 8 shards per box in our setup. It consists of two head nodes each with two other machines for replication. 6 boxes total. These are beefy boxes with about 120GB of RAM, 32 Cores and 2TB each. By having 8 shards per box (we could go higher by the way this is set at 8 for historic purposes) we make sure we utilize the CPU efficiently. The RAM sorts itself out. You do have to watch the metrics and make sure you aren't paging too much but with SSD drives (which we have) if you do spill onto the disk drives it isn't too bad.
The only use case where I found running several mongod on the same server was to increase replication speed on high latency connection.
As highlighted by Derick, the write lock is not really your issue when running mongodb.
To answer your question : yes you can demonstrate mongo scaling with several instance per machine (4 instances per server sems to be enough) if your test does not involve too much data (otherwise page out will dramatically decrase your performance, I have already tested it)
However, instances will still compete for resources. All you will manage to do is to shift the database lock issue to a resource lock issue.
Yes, you can and in fact that's what we do for 50+ mil write-heavy database. Just make sure all your indexes per mongod fit into the RAM and there's room for growth and maintenance.
However, there's a small trade-off: Depending on what your target QPS is, this kind of sharing requires machines with more horsepower, whereas sharding on a single machine will not and in most cases you can do away with commodity, cheaper hardware.
Whatever the case is, do the series of performance tests (ageinst IO, Network, PQS etc) and establish your baseline carefully and consider SSD drives for storage and this may sound biased, but Linux XFS storage is also something to consider.

Postgres causing swapping on CentOS

I am running CentOS 6.0 with Postgresql 8.4 and can't seem to figure out how to prevent so much disc swap from occurring. I have 12 gigs of RAM and 4 processors and I am doing some simple updates (1 table at a time). I thought for a minute that the inserts happening in parallel from a script I wrong was causing the large memory usage but when I saw the simple update causing it too I basically threw in the towel and decided to ask for help.
I pasted the conf file here.
You can see that I set the buffers relatively low and the connection amounts high. The DB service will not start if I set the shared buffers any higher than 64 megs. Anyone have an idea what may be causing this for me?
If you're going into swap, increasing shared_buffers will make the problem worse; you'll be taking RAM away from the part that's running out and swapping, instead dedicating memory to the database caching. It's worth fixing SHMMAX etc. just on general principle and for later tuning work, but that's not going to help with this problem.
Guessing at the identify of your memory gobbling source is a crapshoot. Far better to look at data from "top -c" and ps to find which processes are using a lot of it. It's possible for a really bad query to consume way more memory than it should. If you see memory use spike up for a PostgreSQL process running something, check the process ID against the information in pg_stat_tables to see what it's doing.
There are a couple of things that can cause this sort of issue that often surprise people. If you are doing a large number of row updates in a single transaction, and there are foreign key checks or triggers involved, that can run out of memory. The queue of things to check in each of those cases is kept in RAM, and can be surprisingly big.
There are two problems with your PostgreSQL settings that might be related. Databases don't actually work very well if you have a lot more active connections than cores in the server; best performance is normally 2 to 3 active clients per core. And all sorts of things go wrong once you've got more than a few hundred connection. There is some connections^2 behavior that gets ugly there performance wise, and there are some memory issues too. If you really need 1250 connections, you should be using a connection pooler such as pgBouncer or pgpool-II.
And effective_io_concurrency = 1000 is way too high for any hardware on the planet. Useful values for that in a small multiple of how many disks you have in the server. I have no idea what happens as far as memory usage goes when you set it that high, but it's not been tested very well at that range. Normal settings more like 1 to 25. The parameters outlined at Tuning Your PostgreSQL Server are much more important than it is; the concurrency value only impacts one particular type of table scan.
Centos 6 seems to have a very conservative shmmax as a default
Set your shared buffers to that recommended by postgres tuning resources
see for explanation and how to set.
To experiment you can (as root) use sysctl -w kernel.shmmax = n
where n is the value that the startup error message that postgres is trying to allocate on startup. When you identify the value you wish to use permanently then set that in /etc/sysctl.conf