Update DataFrame col names from a list avoiding using var - scala

I have a list of defined columns as:
case class ExcelColumn(colName: String, colType: String, colCode: String)
val cols = List(
ExcelColumn("Products Selled", "text", "products_selled"),
ExcelColumn("Total Value", "int", "total_value"),
And a file (csv with header columns Products Selled, Total Value) which is readed as dataframe.
val df = spark.read
.option("header", "true")
.option("inferSchema", "true")
// csv file have header as colNames
var finalDf = df
.withColumn("row_id", monotonically_increasing_id)
.map(col): _*)
// convert df col names as colCodes (for kudu table columns)
cols.foreach(col => finalDf = finalDf.withColumnRenamed(col.name.trim, col.colCode.trim))
In last line, I change the dataframe column name from Products Selled into products_selled. Due of this, finalDf is a var.
I want to know if is a solution to declare finalDf as val, and not var.
I tried something like below code, but withColumnRenamed return a new DataFrame, but I can not do this outside cols.foreach
cols.foreach(col => finalDf.withColumnRenamed(col.name.trim, col.colCode.trim))

Using select You can rename columns.
renaming columns inside select is faster than foldLeft, check post for comparison.
Try below code.
case class ExcelColumn(colName: String, colType: String, colCode: String)
val cols = List(
ExcelColumn("Products Selled", "string", "products_selled"),
ExcelColumn("Total Value", "int", "total_value"),
val colExpr = cols.map(c => trim(col(c.colName)).as(c.colCode.trim))
If you are storing valid column data type in ExcelColumn case class, you can use column data type like below.
val colExpr = cols.map(c => trim(col(c.colName).cast(c.colType)).as(c.colCode.trim))

The better way is to use foldLeft with withColumnRenamed
case class ExcelColumn(colName: String, colType: String, colCode: String)
val cols = List(
ExcelColumn("Products Selled", "text", "products_selled"),
ExcelColumn("Total Value", "int", "total_value"),
val resultDF = cols.foldLeft(df){(acc, name ) =>
acc.withColumnRenamed(name.colName.trim, name.colCode.trim)
Original Schema:
|-- Products Selled: integer (nullable = false)
|-- Total Value: string (nullable = true)
|-- value: integer (nullable = false)
New Schema:
|-- products_selled: integer (nullable = false)
|-- total_value: string (nullable = true)
|-- value: integer (nullable = false)


Scala explode followed by UDF on a dataframe fails

I have a scala dataframe with the following schema:
|-- time: string (nullable = true)
|-- itemId: string (nullable = true)
|-- itemFeatures: map (nullable = true)
| |-- key: string
| |-- value: string (valueContainsNull = true)
I want to explode the itemFeatures column and then send my dataframe to a UDF. But as soon as I include the explode, calling the UDF results in this error:
org.apache.spark.SparkException: Task not serializable
I can't figure out why???
Environment: Scala 2.11.12, Spark 2.4.4
Full example:
val dataList = List(
("time1", "id1", "map1"),
("time2", "id2", "map2"))
val df = dataList.toDF("time", "itemId", "itemFeatures")
val dfExploded = df.select(col("time"), col("itemId"), explode("itemFeatures"))
val doNextThingUDF: UserDefinedFunction = udf(doNextThing _)
val dfNextThing = dfExploded.withColumn("nextThing", doNextThingUDF(col("time"))
where my UDF looks like this:
val doNextThing(time: String): String = {
If I remove the explode, everything works fine, or if I don't call the UDF after the explode, everything works fine. I could imagine Spark is somehow unable to send each row to a UDF if it is dynamically executing the explode and doesn't know how many rows that are going to exist, but even when I add ex dfExploded.cache() and dfExploded.count() I still get the error. Is this a known issue? What am I missing?
I think the issue come from how you define your donextThing function. Also
there is couple of typos in your "full example".
Especially the itemFeatures column is a string in your example, I understand it should be a Map.
But here is a working example:
val dataList = List(
("time1", "id1", Map("map1" -> 1)),
("time2", "id2", Map("map2" -> 2)))
val df = dataList.toDF("time", "itemId", "itemFeatures")
val dfExploded = df.select(col("time"), col("itemId"), explode($"itemFeatures"))
val doNextThing = (time: String) => {time+"blah"}
val doNextThingUDF = udf(doNextThing)
val dfNextThing = dfExploded.withColumn("nextThing", doNextThingUDF(col("time")))

Use Spark Scala to transform flat data into nested object

I need help converting a flat dataset into a nested format using Apache Spark / Scala.
Is it possible to automatically create a nested structure derived from input column namespaces
[level 1].[level 2]? In my example, the nesting level is determined by the period symbol '.' within the column headers.
I assuming this is possible to achieve using a map function. I am open to alternative solutions, particularly if there is a more elegant way of achieving the same outcome.
package org.acme.au
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructField
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StringType
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext
import scala.collection.Seq
object testNestedObject extends App {
// Configure spark
val spark = SparkSession.builder()
.appName("Spark batch demo")
.config("spark.driver.host", "localhost")
// Start spark
val sc = spark.sparkContext
val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc)
// Define schema for input data
val flatSchema = new StructType()
.add(StructField("id", StringType, false))
.add(StructField("name", StringType, false))
.add(StructField("custom_fields.fav_colour", StringType, true))
.add(StructField("custom_fields.star_sign", StringType, true))
// Create a row with dummy data
val row1 = Row("123456", "John Citizen", "Blue", "Scorpio")
val row2 = Row("990087", "Jane Simth", "Green", "Taurus")
val flatData = Seq(row1, row2)
// Convert into dataframe
val dfIn = spark.createDataFrame(spark.sparkContext.parallelize(flatData), flatSchema)
// Print to console
// Convert flat data into nested structure as either Parquet or JSON format
val dfOut = dfIn.rdd
row => ( /* TODO: Need help with mapping flat data to nested structure derived from input column namespaces
* For example:
* <id>12345<id>
* <name>John Citizen</name>
* <custom_fields>
* <fav_colour>Blue</fav_colour>
* <star_sign>Scorpio</star_sign>
* </custom_fields>
*/ ))
// Stop spark
This solution is for the revised requirement that the JSON output would consist of an array of {K:valueK, V:valueV} rather than {valueK1: valueV1, valueK2: valueV2, ...}. For example:
// FROM:
"custom_fields":{"fav_colour":"Blue", "star_sign":"Scorpio"}
// TO:
"custom_fields":[{"key":"fav_colour", "value":"Blue"}, {"key":"star_sign", "value":"Scorpio"}]
Sample code below:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val dfIn = Seq(
(123456, "John Citizen", "Blue", "Scorpio"),
(990087, "Jane Simth", "Green", "Taurus")
).toDF("id", "name", "custom_fields.fav_colour", "custom_fields.star_sign")
val structCols = dfIn.columns.filter(_.contains("."))
// structCols: Array[String] =
// Array(custom_fields.fav_colour, custom_fields.star_sign)
val structColsMap = structCols.map(_.split("\\.")).
// structColsMap: scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,Array[String]] =
// Map(custom_fields -> Array(fav_colour, star_sign))
val dfExpanded = structColsMap.foldLeft(dfIn){ (accDF, kv) =>
val cols = kv._2.map( v =>
struct(lit(v).as("key"), col("`" + kv._1 + "." + v + "`").as("value"))
accDF.withColumn(kv._1, array(cols: _*))
val dfResult = structCols.foldLeft(dfExpanded)(_ drop _)
// +------+------------+----------------------------------------+
// |id |name |custom_fields |
// +------+------------+----------------------------------------+
// |123456|John Citizen|[[fav_colour,Blue], [star_sign,Scorpio]]|
// |990087|Jane Simth |[[fav_colour,Green], [star_sign,Taurus]]|
// +------+------------+----------------------------------------+
// root
// |-- id: integer (nullable = false)
// |-- name: string (nullable = true)
// |-- custom_fields: array (nullable = false)
// | |-- element: struct (containsNull = false)
// | | |-- key: string (nullable = false)
// | | |-- value: string (nullable = true)
// +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// |value |
// +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// |{"id":123456,"name":"John Citizen","custom_fields":[{"key":"fav_colour","value":"Blue"},{"key":"star_sign","value":"Scorpio"}]}|
// |{"id":990087,"name":"Jane Simth","custom_fields":[{"key":"fav_colour","value":"Green"},{"key":"star_sign","value":"Taurus"}]} |
// +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
Note that we cannot make value type Any to accommodate a mix of different types, as Spark DataFrame API doesn't support type Any. As a consequence, the value in the array must be of a given type (e.g. String). Like the previous solution, this also handles only up to one nested level.
This can be solved with a dedicated case class and a UDF that converts the input data into case class instances. For example:
Define the case class
case class NestedFields(fav_colour: String, star_sign: String)
Define the UDF that takes the original column values as input and returns an instance of NestedFields:
private val asNestedFields = udf((fc: String, ss: String) => NestedFields(fc, ss))
Transform the original DataFrame and drop the flat columns:
val res = dfIn.withColumn("custom_fields", asNestedFields($"`custom_fields.fav_colour`", $"`custom_fields.star_sign`"))
It produces
|-- id: string (nullable = false)
|-- name: string (nullable = false)
|-- custom_fields: struct (nullable = true)
| |-- fav_colour: string (nullable = true)
| |-- star_sign: string (nullable = true)
| id| name| custom_fields|
|123456|John Citizen|[Blue, Scorpio]|
|990087| Jane Simth|[Green, Taurus]|
Here's a generalized solution that first assembles a Map of column names that contain the ., traverses the Map to add converted struct columns to the DataFrame, and finally drop the original columns with the .. A slightly more generalized dfIn is used as the sample data.
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val dfIn = Seq(
(123456, "John Citizen", "Blue", "Scorpio", "a", 1),
(990087, "Jane Simth", "Green", "Taurus", "b", 2)
toDF("id", "name", "custom_fields.fav_colour", "custom_fields.star_sign", "s.c1", "s.c2")
val structCols = dfIn.columns.filter(_.contains("."))
// structCols: Array[String] =
// Array(custom_fields.fav_colour, custom_fields.star_sign, s.c1, s.c2)
val structColsMap = structCols.map(_.split("\\.")).
// structColsMap: scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,Array[String]] =
// Map(s -> Array(c1, c2), custom_fields -> Array(fav_colour, star_sign))
val dfExpanded = structColsMap.foldLeft(dfIn){ (accDF, kv) =>
val cols = kv._2.map(v => col("`" + kv._1 + "." + v + "`").as(v))
accDF.withColumn(kv._1, struct(cols: _*))
val dfResult = structCols.foldLeft(dfExpanded)(_ drop _)
// +------+------------+-----+--------------+
// |id |name |s |custom_fields |
// +------+------------+-----+--------------+
// |123456|John Citizen|[a,1]|[Blue,Scorpio]|
// |990087|Jane Simth |[b,2]|[Green,Taurus]|
// +------+------------+-----+--------------+
// root
// |-- id: integer (nullable = false)
// |-- name: string (nullable = true)
// |-- s: struct (nullable = false)
// | |-- c1: string (nullable = true)
// | |-- c2: integer (nullable = false)
// |-- custom_fields: struct (nullable = false)
// | |-- fav_colour: string (nullable = true)
// | |-- star_sign: string (nullable = true)
Note that this solution handles only up to one nested level.
To convert each row to JSON format, consider using toJSON as follows:
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// |value |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// |{"id":123456,"name":"John Citizen","s":{"c1":"a","c2":1},"custom_fields":{"fav_colour":"Blue","star_sign":"Scorpio"}}|
// |{"id":990087,"name":"Jane Simth","s":{"c1":"b","c2":2},"custom_fields":{"fav_colour":"Green","star_sign":"Taurus"}} |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

Spark DataFrame change datatype based on column condition

I have one Spark DataFrame df1 of around 1000 columns all of String type columns. Now I want to convert df1's columns' type from string to other types like double, int etc based on conditions of column names. For e.g. let's assume df1 has only three columns of string type
col1_term1: String
col2_term2: String
col3_term3: String
Condition to change column type is if col name contains term1 then change it to int and if col name contains term2 then change it to double and so on. I am new to Spark.
You can simply map over columns, and cast the column to proper data type based on the column names:
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
val df = Seq(("1", "2", "3"), ("2", "3", "4")).toDF("col1_term1", "col2_term2", "col3_term3")
val cols = df.columns.map(x => {
if (x.contains("term1")) col(x).cast(IntegerType)
else if (x.contains("term2")) col(x).cast(DoubleType)
else col(x)
df.select(cols: _*).printSchema
|-- col1_term1: integer (nullable = true)
|-- col2_term2: double (nullable = true)
|-- col3_term3: string (nullable = true)
While it wouldn't produce any different results than the solution proposed by #Psidom, you can also use a bit of Scala's syntactic-sugar like this
val modifiedDf: DataFrame = originalDf.columns.foldLeft[DataFrame](originalDf) { (tmpDf: DataFrame, colName: String) =>
if (colName.contains("term1")) tmpDf.withColumn(colName, tmpDf(colName).cast(IntegerType))
else if (colName.contains("term2")) tmpDf.withColumn(colName, tmpDf(colName).cast(DoubleType))
else tmpDf

How to extract values from json string?

I have a file which has bunch of columns and one column called jsonstring is of string type which has json strings in it… let's say the format is the following:
"key1": "value1",
"key2": {
"level2key1": "level2value1",
"level2key2": "level2value2"
I want to parse this column something like this: jsonstring.key1,jsonstring.key2.level2key1 to return value1, level2value1
How can I do that in scala or spark sql.
With Spark 2.2 you could use the function from_json which does the JSON parsing for you.
from_json(e: Column, schema: String, options: Map[String, String]): Column parses a column containing a JSON string into a StructType or ArrayType of StructTypes with the specified schema.
With the support for flattening nested columns by using * (star) that seems the best solution.
// the input dataset (just a single JSON blob)
val jsonstrings = Seq("""{
"key1": "value1",
"key2": {
"level2key1": "level2value1",
"level2key2": "level2value2"
// define the schema of JSON messages
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
val key2schema = new StructType()
val schema = new StructType()
.add("key2", key2schema)
scala> schema.printTreeString
|-- key1: string (nullable = true)
|-- key2: struct (nullable = true)
| |-- level2key1: string (nullable = true)
| |-- level2key2: string (nullable = true)
val messages = jsonstrings
.select(from_json($"jsonstring", schema) as "json")
.select("json.*") // <-- flattening nested fields
scala> messages.show(truncate = false)
|key1 |key2 |
scala> messages.select("key1", "key2.*").show(truncate = false)
|key1 |level2key1 |level2key2 |
You can use withColumn + udf + json4s:
import org.json4s.{DefaultFormats, MappingException}
import org.json4s.jackson.JsonMethods._
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
def getJsonContent(jsonstring: String): (String, String) = {
implicit val formats = DefaultFormats
val parsedJson = parse(jsonstring)
val value1 = (parsedJson \ "key1").extract[String]
val level2value1 = (parsedJson \ "key2" \ "level2key1").extract[String]
(value1, level2value1)
val getJsonContentUDF = udf((jsonstring: String) => getJsonContent(jsonstring))
df.withColumn("parsedJson", getJsonContentUDF(df("jsonstring")))

How can I change column types in Spark SQL's DataFrame?

Suppose I'm doing something like:
val df = sqlContext.load("com.databricks.spark.csv", Map("path" -> "cars.csv", "header" -> "true"))
|-- year: string (nullable = true)
|-- make: string (nullable = true)
|-- model: string (nullable = true)
|-- comment: string (nullable = true)
|-- blank: string (nullable = true)
year make model comment blank
2012 Tesla S No comment
1997 Ford E350 Go get one now th...
But I really wanted the year as Int (and perhaps transform some other columns).
The best I could come up with was
df.withColumn("year2", 'year.cast("Int")).select('year2 as 'year, 'make, 'model, 'comment, 'blank)
org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [year: int, make: string, model: string, comment: string, blank: string]
which is a bit convoluted.
I'm coming from R, and I'm used to being able to write, e.g.
df2 <- df %>%
mutate(year = year %>% as.integer,
make = make %>% toupper)
I'm likely missing something, since there should be a better way to do this in Spark/Scala...
Edit: Newest newest version
Since spark 2.x you should use dataset api instead when using Scala [1]. Check docs here:
If working with python, even though easier, I leave the link here as it's a very highly voted question:
>>> df.withColumn('age2', df.age + 2).collect()
[Row(age=2, name='Alice', age2=4), Row(age=5, name='Bob', age2=7)]
[1] https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/sql-programming-guide.html:
In the Scala API, DataFrame is simply a type alias of Dataset[Row].
While, in Java API, users need to use Dataset to represent a
Edit: Newest version
Since spark 2.x you can use .withColumn. Check the docs here:
Oldest answer
Since Spark version 1.4 you can apply the cast method with DataType on the column:
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.IntegerType
val df2 = df.withColumn("yearTmp", df.year.cast(IntegerType))
.withColumnRenamed("yearTmp", "year")
If you are using sql expressions you can also do:
val df2 = df.selectExpr("cast(year as int) year",
For more info check the docs:
[EDIT: March 2016: thanks for the votes! Though really, this is not the best answer, I think the solutions based on withColumn, withColumnRenamed and cast put forward by msemelman, Martin Senne and others are simpler and cleaner].
I think your approach is ok, recall that a Spark DataFrame is an (immutable) RDD of Rows, so we're never really replacing a column, just creating new DataFrame each time with a new schema.
Assuming you have an original df with the following schema:
scala> df.printSchema
|-- Year: string (nullable = true)
|-- Month: string (nullable = true)
|-- DayofMonth: string (nullable = true)
|-- DayOfWeek: string (nullable = true)
|-- DepDelay: string (nullable = true)
|-- Distance: string (nullable = true)
|-- CRSDepTime: string (nullable = true)
And some UDF's defined on one or several columns:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val toInt = udf[Int, String]( _.toInt)
val toDouble = udf[Double, String]( _.toDouble)
val toHour = udf((t: String) => "%04d".format(t.toInt).take(2).toInt )
val days_since_nearest_holidays = udf(
(year:String, month:String, dayOfMonth:String) => year.toInt + 27 + month.toInt-12
Changing column types or even building a new DataFrame from another can be written like this:
val featureDf = df
.withColumn("departureDelay", toDouble(df("DepDelay")))
.withColumn("departureHour", toHour(df("CRSDepTime")))
.withColumn("dayOfWeek", toInt(df("DayOfWeek")))
.withColumn("dayOfMonth", toInt(df("DayofMonth")))
.withColumn("month", toInt(df("Month")))
.withColumn("distance", toDouble(df("Distance")))
.withColumn("nearestHoliday", days_since_nearest_holidays(
df("Year"), df("Month"), df("DayofMonth"))
.select("departureDelay", "departureHour", "dayOfWeek", "dayOfMonth",
"month", "distance", "nearestHoliday")
which yields:
scala> df.printSchema
|-- departureDelay: double (nullable = true)
|-- departureHour: integer (nullable = true)
|-- dayOfWeek: integer (nullable = true)
|-- dayOfMonth: integer (nullable = true)
|-- month: integer (nullable = true)
|-- distance: double (nullable = true)
|-- nearestHoliday: integer (nullable = true)
This is pretty close to your own solution. Simply, keeping the type changes and other transformations as separate udf vals make the code more readable and re-usable.
As the cast operation is available for Spark Column's (and as I personally do not favour udf's as proposed by #Svend at this point), how about:
df.select( df("year").cast(IntegerType).as("year"), ... )
to cast to the requested type? As a neat side effect, values not castable / "convertable" in that sense, will become null.
In case you need this as a helper method, use:
object DFHelper{
def castColumnTo( df: DataFrame, cn: String, tpe: DataType ) : DataFrame = {
df.withColumn( cn, df(cn).cast(tpe) )
which is used like:
import DFHelper._
val df2 = castColumnTo( df, "year", IntegerType )
First, if you wanna cast type, then this:
import org.apache.spark.sql
df.withColumn("year", $"year".cast(sql.types.IntegerType))
With same column name, the column will be replaced with new one. You don't need to do add and delete steps.
Second, about Scala vs R.
This is the code that most similar to R I can come up with:
val df2 = df.select(
df.columns.map {
case year # "year" => df(year).cast(IntegerType).as(year)
case make # "make" => functions.upper(df(make)).as(make)
case other => df(other)
}: _*
Though the code length is a little longer than R's. That is nothing to do with the verbosity of the language. In R the mutate is a special function for R dataframe, while in Scala you can easily ad-hoc one thanks to its expressive power.
In word, it avoid specific solutions, because the language design is good enough for you to quickly and easy build your own domain language.
side note: df.columns is surprisingly a Array[String] instead of Array[Column], maybe they want it look like Python pandas's dataframe.
You can use selectExpr to make it a little cleaner:
df.selectExpr("cast(year as int) as year", "upper(make) as make",
"model", "comment", "blank")
Java code for modifying the datatype of the DataFrame from String to Integer
df.withColumn("col_name", df.col("col_name").cast(DataTypes.IntegerType))
It will simply cast the existing(String datatype) to Integer.
I think this is lot more readable for me.
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
df.withColumn("year", df("year").cast(IntegerType))
This will convert your year column to IntegerType with creating any temporary columns and dropping those columns.
If you want to convert to any other datatype, you can check the types inside org.apache.spark.sql.types package.
To convert the year from string to int, you can add the following option to the csv reader: "inferSchema" -> "true", see DataBricks documentation
Generate a simple dataset containing five values and convert int to string type:
val df = spark.range(5).select( col("id").cast("string") )
So this only really works if your having issues saving to a jdbc driver like sqlserver, but it's really helpful for errors you will run into with syntax and types.
import org.apache.spark.sql.jdbc.{JdbcDialects, JdbcType, JdbcDialect}
import org.apache.spark.sql.jdbc.JdbcType
val SQLServerDialect = new JdbcDialect {
override def canHandle(url: String): Boolean = url.startsWith("jdbc:jtds:sqlserver") || url.contains("sqlserver")
override def getJDBCType(dt: DataType): Option[JdbcType] = dt match {
case StringType => Some(JdbcType("VARCHAR(5000)", java.sql.Types.VARCHAR))
case BooleanType => Some(JdbcType("BIT(1)", java.sql.Types.BIT))
case IntegerType => Some(JdbcType("INTEGER", java.sql.Types.INTEGER))
case LongType => Some(JdbcType("BIGINT", java.sql.Types.BIGINT))
case DoubleType => Some(JdbcType("DOUBLE PRECISION", java.sql.Types.DOUBLE))
case FloatType => Some(JdbcType("REAL", java.sql.Types.REAL))
case ShortType => Some(JdbcType("INTEGER", java.sql.Types.INTEGER))
case ByteType => Some(JdbcType("INTEGER", java.sql.Types.INTEGER))
case BinaryType => Some(JdbcType("BINARY", java.sql.Types.BINARY))
case TimestampType => Some(JdbcType("DATE", java.sql.Types.DATE))
case DateType => Some(JdbcType("DATE", java.sql.Types.DATE))
// case DecimalType.Fixed(precision, scale) => Some(JdbcType("NUMBER(" + precision + "," + scale + ")", java.sql.Types.NUMERIC))
case t: DecimalType => Some(JdbcType(s"DECIMAL(${t.precision},${t.scale})", java.sql.Types.DECIMAL))
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Don't know how to save ${dt.json} to JDBC")
the answers suggesting to use cast, FYI, the cast method in spark 1.4.1 is broken.
for example, a dataframe with a string column having value "8182175552014127960" when casted to bigint has value "8182175552014128100"
| a|
df.selectExpr("cast(a as bigint) a").show
| a|
We had to face a lot of issue before finding this bug because we had bigint columns in production.
You can use below code.
df.withColumn("year", df("year").cast(IntegerType))
Which will convert year column to IntegerType column.
Using Spark Sql 2.4.0 you can do that:
spark.sql("SELECT STRING(NULLIF(column,'')) as column_string")
This method will drop the old column and create new columns with same values and new datatype. My original datatypes when the DataFrame was created were:-
|-- id: integer (nullable = true)
|-- flag1: string (nullable = true)
|-- flag2: string (nullable = true)
|-- name: string (nullable = true)
|-- flag3: string (nullable = true)
After this I ran following code to change the datatype:-
df=df.withColumnRenamed(<old column name>,<dummy column>) // This was done for both flag1 and flag3
df=df.withColumn(<old column name>,df.col(<dummy column>).cast(<datatype>)).drop(<dummy column>)
After this my result came out to be:-
|-- id: integer (nullable = true)
|-- flag2: string (nullable = true)
|-- name: string (nullable = true)
|-- flag1: boolean (nullable = true)
|-- flag3: boolean (nullable = true)
So many answers and not much thorough explanations
The following syntax works Using Databricks Notebook with Spark 2.4
from pyspark.sql.functions import *
df = df.withColumn("COL_NAME", to_date(BLDFm["LOAD_DATE"], "MM-dd-yyyy"))
Note that you have to specify the entry format you have (in my case "MM-dd-yyyy") and the import is mandatory as the to_date is a spark sql function
Also Tried this syntax but got nulls instead of a proper cast :
df = df.withColumn("COL_NAME", df["COL_NAME"].cast("Date"))
(Note I had to use brackets and quotes for it to be syntaxically correct though)
PS : I have to admit this is like a syntax jungle, there are many possible ways entry points, and the official API references lack proper examples.
Another solution is as follows:
1) Keep "inferSchema" as False
2) While running 'Map' functions on the row, you can read 'asString' (row.getString...)
//Read CSV and create dataset
Dataset<Row> enginesDataSet = sparkSession
.option("header", "true")
JavaRDD<Box> vertices = enginesDataSet
.map(new Function<Row, Box>() {
public Box call(Row row) throws Exception {
return new Box((String)row.getString(0),(String)row.get(1));
Why not just do as described under http://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/api/python/pyspark.sql.html#pyspark.sql.Column.cast
One can change data type of a column by using cast in spark sql.
table name is table and it has two columns only column1 and column2 and column1 data type is to be changed.
ex-spark.sql("select cast(column1 as Double) column1NewName,column2 from table")
In the place of double write your data type.
Another way:
// Generate a simple dataset containing five values and convert int to string type
val df = spark.range(5).select( col("id").cast("string")).withColumnRenamed("id","value")
In case you have to rename dozens of columns given by their name, the following example takes the approach of #dnlbrky and applies it to several columns at once:
df.selectExpr(df.columns.map(cn => {
if (Set("speed", "weight", "height").contains(cn)) s"cast($cn as double) as $cn"
else if (Set("isActive", "hasDevice").contains(cn)) s"cast($cn as boolean) as $cn"
else cn
Uncasted columns are kept unchanged. All columns stay in their original order.
val fact_df = df.select($"data"(30) as "TopicTypeId", $"data"(31) as "TopicId",$"data"(21).cast(FloatType).as( "Data_Value_Std_Err")).rdd
//Schema to be applied to the table
val fact_schema = (new StructType).add("TopicTypeId", StringType).add("TopicId", StringType).add("Data_Value_Std_Err", FloatType)
val fact_table = sqlContext.createDataFrame(fact_df, fact_schema).dropDuplicates()
In case if you want to change multiple columns of a specific type to another without specifying individual column names
/* Get names of all columns that you want to change type.
In this example I want to change all columns of type Array to String*/
val arrColsNames = originalDataFrame.schema.fields.filter(f => f.dataType.isInstanceOf[ArrayType]).map(_.name)
//iterate columns you want to change type and cast to the required type
val updatedDataFrame = arrColsNames.foldLeft(originalDataFrame){(tempDF, colName) => tempDF.withColumn(colName, tempDF.col(colName).cast(DataTypes.StringType))}
updatedDataFrame.show(truncate = false)