How to get URL for current service health check? -

I need some help with this item. The problem is as follows, I need to add a healthcheck to my service:
// Add the health checks.
.AddCheck("Offices Health Check", new OfficeHealthCheck(), HealthStatus.Unhealthy)
For this I have the class "OfficeHealthCheck.cs" which implements IHealthCheck and defines the following function:
private async Task<bool> GetOffices()
bool isHealthy = false;
Uri apiUri = new Uri("http://localhost:58355/api/offices");
using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient())
var result = await client.GetAsync(apiUri);
if (result.IsSuccessStatusCode)
isHealthy = true;
return isHealthy;
The problem I'm trying to solve is how to change the "localhost:58355" to the current server where I am running the service (both the healthcheck and the enpoint i'm calling are part of the same service), for example or and so on...
I read some articles that mentioned adding a singleton with , but I have failed to implement IHttpContextAccessor correctly. I have added the singleton and added the part in the object as follows:
public class OfficeHealthCheck : IHealthCheck
private readonly IHttpContextAccessor _httpContextAccesor;
public RegionHealthCheck(IHttpContextAccessor httpContextAccessor) {
_httpContextAccesor = httpContextAccessor
But now its asking me to pass an instance of IHttpContextAccessor to the constructor in this line which I don't know how to do:
// Add the health checks.
.AddCheck("Offices Health Check", new OfficeHealthCheck()
Any help would be appreciated

Change this:
// Add the health checks.
.AddCheck("Offices Health Check", new OfficeHealthCheck()
To this:
// Add the health checks.
.AddCheck<OfficeHealthCheck>("Offices Health Check")


Large http payloads aren't getting sent to the Serilog Http Sink endpoint in .NET Core 3.1

I'm having trouble posting from Serilog (Http Sink) to my custom .NET Core 3.1 WebAPI endpoint when the logging data is large. If I remove some log data when I do the logging, then Serilog sinks properly with my WebAPI endpoint.
My Configuration
new LoggerConfiguration()
.WriteTo.Http(httpPath, httpClient: new CustomHttpClient(), batchPostingLimit: int.MaxValue, queueLimit: int.MaxValue)
My Custom Http Client
public class CustomHttpClient : IHttpClient
private readonly HttpClient c_httpClient;
public CustomHttpClient()
c_httpClient = new HttpClient
MaxResponseContentBufferSize = 2147483647L
public void Configure(IConfiguration configuration)
public Task<HttpResponseMessage> PostAsync(string requestUri, HttpContent content) => c_httpClient.PostAsync(requestUri, content);
public void Dispose() => c_httpClient?.Dispose();
What actually does the logging
var exceptionModel = new AppMonModel
Application = "SerilogMvc Sample Application",
Message = ex.Message,
Source = "SerilogMvc.HomeController.Index",
StackTrace = ex.StackTrace,
InnerException = ex.InnerException?.StackTrace,
Details = "Sample details here",
InsertDate = DateTime.Now,
Severity = 100,
UserDescription = "Keyvan User",
ScreenshotBase64String = Convert.ToBase64String(System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes("C:/SamplePath/Untitled.png"))
c_logger.LogError(ex, "{exceptionModel}", exceptionModel);
My Endpoint
public void Log([FromBody] object logEvents) { ... }
Serilog Error
Event JSON representation exceeds the byte size limit of 262144 set for this sink and will be dropped;
When I remove ScreenshotBase64String = Convert.ToBase64String(System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes("C:/SamplePath/Untitled.png")) from my exceptionModel object, I see the error in my WebAPI endpoint. As soon as I add it back in, it doesn't even hit the endpoint.
Please let me know if you need additional details. I'd be more than glad to provide them.
The answer was quite simple after turning on Self logging. This is the change I needed to make to increase the batch formatter size:
var defaultBatchFormatter = new DefaultBatchFormatter(batchFormatterSize);
Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
.WriteTo.Http(httpPath, batchFormatter: defaultBatchFormatter)
The batch formatter size needed to be increased.
Need to add eventBodyLimitBytes
enter image description here
.WriteTo.Seq(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(seqServerUrl) ? "http://seq" : seqServerUrl, eventBodyLimitBytes: 1048576)

Runnable.Run / StartCoroutine calles to Watson services from Unity

In my ExampleStreaming.cs script, once the user utterance is recognized as final, I send it to both the Watson Assistant service and the Tone Analyzer. Because I am keeping the scripts for each service separate as they are, I have to make calls within each script to access the other service. You can see the call I make to the Tone Analyzer below (the .SendToneAnalysis method):
private void OnRecognize(SpeechRecognitionEvent result, Dictionary<string, object> customData)
blah blah blah . . .
/// Only send the recognized speech utterance to the
/// Assistant once we know the user has stopped talking.
if (
string _conversationString = alt.transcript;
Runnable.Run( StopRecording(1f) ); // Stop the microphone from listening.
/// Message.
Dictionary<string, object> input = new Dictionary<string, object>
["text"] = _conversationString
MessageRequest messageRequest = new MessageRequest()
Input = input,
Context = _Context
. . .
In my ExampleToneAnalyzer.cs script, I make a simple call to the event-handling methods that are meant to contact the service and also handle success & failure:
public void SendToneAnalysis(string conversationString)
_service.GetToneAnalyze(OnGetToneAnalyze, OnFail, conversationString);
These calls are typically made using StartCoroutines, particularly in the Watson Unity SDK that there is a specialized Runnable.Run which is essentially a helper class for running co-routines without having to inherit from MonoBehavior.
My question is whether my simple method call to the service might be problematic in certain situations or perhaps just wrong or bad programming, or whether it is perfectly OK to go for that method instead of something like the following:
public void SendToneAnalysis(string conversationString)
Runnable.Run( SendAssistantToneAnalysis(conversationString) );
private IEnumerator SendAssistantToneAnalysis(string conversationString)
if ( !_service.GetToneAnalyze(OnGetToneAnalyze, OnFail, conversationString) )
Log.Debug("ExampleToneAnalyzer.SendAssistantToneAnalysis()", "Failed to analyze!");
while (!_UserUtteranceToneTested)
yield return null;
You don't need to make any of the service calls from within a coroutine. Only authentication using iamApikey should be done using a coroutine
IEnumerator TokenExample()
// Create IAM token options and supply the apikey. IamUrl is the URL used to get the
// authorization token using the IamApiKey. It defaults to
TokenOptions iamTokenOptions = new TokenOptions()
IamApiKey = "<iam-api-key>",
IamUrl = "<iam-url>"
// Create credentials using the IAM token options
_credentials = new Credentials(iamTokenOptions, "<service-url>");
while (!_credentials.HasIamTokenData())
yield return null;
_assistant = new Assistant(_credentials);
_assistant.VersionDate = "2018-02-16";
_assistant.ListWorkspaces(OnListWorkspaces, OnFail);
The examples are only meant to show how to invoke the service call. The only reason the code is invoked from a coroutine is so we can wait for the response of one service call before running another service call (i.e. so we don't try to update or delete a workspace before the workspace is created).
It's no problem.
Runnable.Run() eventually calls StartCoroutine() as the follow.
public Routine(IEnumerator a_enumerator)
_enumerator = a_enumerator;
Stop = false;
ID = Runnable.Instance._nextRoutineId++;
Runnable.Instance._routines[ID] = this;
Log.Debug("Runnable.Routine()", "Coroutine {0} started.", ID );
Please refer to
And the coroutine can be called from any gameobject, if it is active.

Sending an async email without await from a .Net core web service

I have a webservice .Net core2 that has certain methods that send an email. I have it working fine using smtpclient.sendemailasync.
public async Task<bool> SendEmailAsync(MailMessage email)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(emailFrom)) email.From = new MailAddress(emailFrom);
using (SmtpClient client = getSMTPClientInstance())
await client.SendMailAsync(email);
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
Log.Error(ex, "Error sending email in EmailService.SendEmailAsync");
return false;
The only issue is that some SMTP servers take a little too long to respond. I want to set up the email, queue it and return without waiting for the result.
Just using an unawaited async is out for 2 reasons;
It is not reliable to continue a method outside a request context in asp
I need access to the database context of my entity framework to write a log
I have to allow for external or internal SMTP (my client specifies), so a collection folder is not a possibility - at least not without a service that manages it.
How could I achieve this? Do I need to write a service that manages this? If so, how would I do that inside my .Net Core App, keeping in mind that the service also needs to access the EF context to write a log
There is plumbing available in .NetCore DI especially for this. Refer to my additional answer below. Use IServiceScopeFactory
You can call the RegisterAsyncTask method on the Page object. That will signal the ASP.NET runtime you want to make sure these are finished before terminating the request context:
public void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
RegisterAsyncTask(new PageAsyncTask(LoadSomeData));
public async Task LoadSomeData()
var clientcontacts = Client.DownloadStringTaskAsync("api/contacts");
var clienttemperature = Client.DownloadStringTaskAsync("api/temperature");
var clientlocation = Client.DownloadStringTaskAsync("api/location");
await Task.WhenAll(clientcontacts, clienttemperature, clientlocation);
var contacts = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<Contact>>(await clientcontacts);
var location = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<string>(await clientlocation);
var temperature = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<string>(await clienttemperature);
listcontacts.DataSource = contacts;
Temparature.Text = temperature;
Location.Text = location;
So, while I have marked an answer, there are a couple of options that are better solutions for my specific example. First is the option to use a library like hangfire to schedule tasks - although that is not technically an answer to the question.
The better solution in .net core is to use IServiceScopeFactory
With IServiceScopeFactory you can rescope a task so it doesnt go out of scope when the request is complete. I did the following directly in a controller (I later moved to using the hangfire approach, but this works). As you can see, the async task is fired off in a new unawaited thread while the controller code continues.
var task = Task.Run(async () =>
using (var scope = _serviceScopeFactory.CreateScope())
var service = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<ApprovalService>();
await service.sendResponseEmailAsync(approvalInfo.ApprovalId, userID, approvalInfo.emailTo, approvalInfo.ccTo);

ServiceStack: How to deal with user registration

I'm trying to understand how to create a SignIn/SignUp service with ServiceStack and my database of choice is MongoDB:
public class AppHost : AppHostBase
public AppHost() : base("My Web Services", typeof(WelcomeService).Assembly) {}
public override void Configure(Container container)
Plugins.Add(new AuthFeature(() => new AuthUserSession(), new IAuthProvider[] {
new BasicAuthProvider()
Plugins.Add(new RegistrationFeature());
var connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["mongodb"].ConnectionString;
var mongoClient = new MongoClient(connectionString);
var server = mongoClient.GetServer();
var db = server.GetDatabase("auth");
container.Register<ICacheClient>(new MemoryCacheClient());
container.Register<IUserAuthRepository>(new MongoDBAuthRepository(db, true));
The code above works correctly... it connects to the MongoDB server and creates the user table in the auth database. So far so good... What I'm trying to understand is how the built-in registration service works. If you look at my code, I enabled the RegistrationFeature but when I try to invoke it with http://localhost/register I always get a NotImplementedException. Does this mean I have to implement it from scratch? Is there any additional package to install? How do I actually invoke the default registration feature?

Possible to force the C# Facebook SDK to use HTTP instead of HTTPS?

I need to do some connectivity simulations to see that my code handles various connectivity errors to Facebook. I want to be able to simulate 500s, timeouts etc.
The easiest way to do that is to use Fiddler, but it seems to not be working with HTTPS (I get 403s when I try).
Is ther a way to force the SDK to work with HTTP instead of HTTPS for debugging purposes?
Facebook C# SDK supports your scenario for mocking the entire HttpWebRequest and HttpWebResponse. In fact we actually use that internally in our unit tests so that every single line of the code in Facebook C# SDK actually gets executed and the result is always the same. For now you will need to check these tests in v5 branch as we haven't yet migrated those tests to v6.
For v5, you will need to override the protected CreateHttpWebRequest method in FacebookClient.
Here is an example for v5 when there is no internet connection. There are three hidden classes HttpWebRequestWrapper, HttpWebResponseWrapper and WebExceptionWrapper that you will need to make use of.
public static void NoInternetConnection(this Mock<Facebook.FacebookClient> facebookClient, out Mock<HttpWebRequestWrapper> mockRequest, out Mock<WebExceptionWrapper> mockWebException)
mockRequest = new Mock<HttpWebRequestWrapper>();
mockWebException = new Mock<WebExceptionWrapper>();
var mockAsyncResult = new Mock<IAsyncResult>();
var request = mockRequest.Object;
var webException = mockWebException.Object;
var asyncResult = mockAsyncResult.Object;
mockRequest.SetupProperty(r => r.Method);
mockRequest.SetupProperty(r => r.ContentType);
mockRequest.SetupProperty(r => r.ContentLength);
.Setup(ar => ar.AsyncWaitHandle)
.Setup(e => e.GetResponse())
.Setup(r => r.GetResponse())
.Setup(r => r.EndGetResponse(It.IsAny<IAsyncResult>()))
AsyncCallback callback = null;
.Setup(r => r.BeginGetResponse(It.IsAny<AsyncCallback>(), It.IsAny<object>()))
.Callback<AsyncCallback, object>((c, s) =>
callback = c;
.Returns(() =>
return asyncResult;
var mockRequestCopy = mockRequest;
var mockWebExceptionCopy = mockWebException;
.Setup<HttpWebRequestWrapper>("CreateHttpWebRequest", ItExpr.IsAny<Uri>())
.Callback<Uri>(uri =>
mockRequestCopy.Setup(r => r.RequestUri).Returns(uri);
mockWebExceptionCopy.Setup(e => e.Message).Returns(string.Format("The remote name could not be resolved: '{0}'", uri.Host));
You can then write your tests as below.
public void SyncWhenThereIsNotInternetConnectionAndFiddlerIsNotOpen_ThrowsWebExceptionWrapper()
var mockFb = new Mock<FacebookClient> { CallBase = true };
Mock<HttpWebRequestWrapper> mockRequest;
Mock<WebExceptionWrapper> mockWebException;
mockFb.NoInternetConnection(out mockRequest, out mockWebException);
Exception exception = null;
var fb = mockFb.Object;
catch (Exception ex)
exception = ex;
In v6 we have made mocking the HttpWebRequest and HttpWebResponse much easier.
Create your custom HttpWebRequest and HttpWebResponse by inheriting HttpWebRequestWrapper and HttpWebReponseWrapper.
Then change the default http web request factory for Facebook C# SDK. Here is the sample of the default factory.
FacebookClient.SetDefaultHttpWebRequestFactory(uri => new HttpWebRequestWrapper((HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(uri)));
If you want to change the HttpWebRequestFactor per FacebookClient instance then use the following code.
var fb = new FacebookClient();
fb.HttpWebRequestFactory = uri=> new MyHttpWebRequestWrapper(uri);
Note: HttpWebRequestWrapper, HttpWebResponseWrapper, WebExceptionWrapper, FacebookClient.SetDefaultHttpWebRequestFactory and FacebookClient.HttpWebRequestFactory has the attribute [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] so you might not see it in the intellisense.
Things like no internet connection that you mention should actually be a part of facebook c# sdk tests and not your app unit tests. The sdk should guarantee that when there is not internet conenction it always throws WebExceptionWrapper and your app unit tests should actually be handling the WebExceptionWrapper exception and not mocking the entire httpwebrequest and httpwebresponse.
I'd suggest you introduce another level of abstraction to your code and code to that abstraction rather than the implementation. Eg.
public interface IFacebookClient {
IEnumerable<Friend> GetFriends();
public class HttpsClient : IFacebookClient {
public IEnumerable<Friend> GetFriends() {
// Make a call out to the Facebook API, as per usual
In your consuming code you'd do something like;
public class ConsumingCode {
private IFacebookClient _client;
public ConsumingCode(IFacebookClient client) {
_client = client;
foreach (Friend friend in _client.GetFriends()) {
// Do something with each Friend
If you're using an IoC container this can all get wired up for you automatically. MVVM frameworks like Caliburn.Micro tend to support this as well.
Then when it comes to unit testing (or manual testing) you can change the implementation of your interface;
public class Http403Client : IFacebookClient {
public IEnumerable<Friend> GetFriends() {
throw new HttpException(403, "Forbidden");
Obviously this is just a mock up example but I think it demonstrates the concept that you want to implement.