Unity: Fps drops after a while - unity3d

I am building an Unity application as a visual stimulation for a neuroscience study. Basically, my application just shows several flickering planes periodically. However, I noticed that every time after I ran the application for a few minutes, the fps dropped to around 10~30 shown in the profiler. The drop of fps happened in both editor mode or build. Since my script is totally in cycle, I am guessing there were some accumulative issues like GC or memory leak?
Also, I noticed that when the fps starts to become unstable, I can click the Pause button in the tool bar of the Editor and then resume the application, the fps will become stable for a further period. Therefore, I am wondering what actually happens when the Pause button is clicked? Does pressing the Pause button clear or reset anything so the fps can go back to full?

When I had a similar problem, it helped just turning off "Record" in the Unity profiler. Recording consumes so much memory and the fps drop, especially when there are a lot of function calls (like deep recursions).
It doesn't sound like you are constantly creating new GameObjects and not deleting the old ones, but that would be the 2nd thing that comes to mind.

If you use lot of drag-drop references or in short form [SerializeFields], you will lose performance resulting reduced FPS. Try to get everything you want in Awake, specially MonoBehaviours, this worked for me to increase FPS. By everything I didn't mean you have to keep things hard coded everywhere. Just the classes and other things like gameObjects. Floats, int, bools,strings, lists<> should be okay and better to be serialized.


Lag when authenticating local user on Game Center

For my cocos2d game, I authenticate the local user in the applicationDidFinishLaunching method of my AppDelegate. However, whenever the authentication is complete, it will cause a short lag in my game when the little "Welcome back, X" message slides down and back up. The problem is I have no control over when this authentication is complete – obviously the duration is highly dependent on the data connection of the device.
Sometimes the message (and the un-avoidable accompanying lag) appears as soon as when I am in the menu scene, which is somewhat acceptable, since my menu is more or less static. More often than not, it happens later, when the game has already started. Because my game is an endless scroller, the message always causes a lag in the movement of the player, even causing the player to die sometimes (half a second of lag is enough :-/).
How might I circumvent this? I used to have a loading scene right before my menu scene to load some of my assets, and because the loading takes a while, there was always a good chance that the authentication is completed at the loading scene, but of course I can't guarantee that it will be true!
Game Center can make the game freeze for a little as its starts if your connection isn't great. I doubt that loading GameCenter on a different thread would be a good idea (or even have an effect on that) but what you could do as a work around of the issue you are having is to give the game a 3-2-1 countdown before it starts scrolling/moving. would give a little more time for game center and time for the player to build his focus, starting serious in a game straight away might not be to the liking of some players.
I hope this helps.

Possibilities to reduce power consumption with cocos2d apps

I made a board game with includes just some little animations. I reduced the fps from 60 to 30 to reduce the processor load. But the device still gets very warm.
Another application made without cocos2d is not heating it so much.
Are there any methods to calm the iPhone down?
The device state is as follows:
Wifi is always enabled
The app uses gamecenter
GPS is inactive
fps is always on 30
I use cocos2d-iphone as engine
It might be worth experimenting with different director types, e.g. kCCDirectorTypeNSTimer, and seeing if that helps at all. Those will have the biggest effect on the main loop of the game.
You should also spend some time with Instruments if you've not already, as that will show you where the CPU is spending its time and give you some hints on where you could ease things up.
I've noticed that a sequence of small time animations in cocos2d takes a lot of processor time. I've tried making tips at the level which will pulse in size. 0.1 second pulse up, 0.15 down and 0.2 stay. And i've put it all in a repeat forever sequence. Everything was terribly slow. Then i've just made the animation manually and the device calmed down and fps increased back to 60
When showing menus or dialogs that do not require animation, you can actually lower your framerate even further.

iPhone + OpenGL + Touches: FPS drop

Recently I ran into a very strange issue: touching the screen of the iPhone and moving a finger around can eat up to 50% of my FPS. Yeah, I checked my code for possible bottlenecks – not the issue. The last resort I tried before writing this post – commenting out all the touch processing code and looking at FPS then. Results are: no touches – 58-60. Touching and moving the finger – 35-40 FPS instantly.
The rendering is done in a separate thread, so that no main runloop events shall collide with it. However, it's very crushial for me (and the game I develop) to resolve this issue, because such FPS drop is really noticeable.
Thank you for your help in advance.
UPDATE: seems that setting rendering thread's priority to higher value helps a bit...
The iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad are all single-processor, single-core devices. Simply putting your rendering code on a separate thread from touch event handling—though a good idea—won't prevent the touch processing from eating up CPU cycles. The only way to make your framerates go up will be to either make the touch handling code faster or make the rendering faster. Which you pursue depends on the specifics of your application.

mixing OpenGL and Interface Builder/ UI Controls - bad idea? Why? (iPhone)

I've heard that OpenGL ES and standard iPhone UI controls don't play well together, but I'm wondering if anyone knows why, and what the effects are? I'm writing an OpenGL based game, and the view is loaded from a nib file with ui controls, and it seems to work ok, but the game is really simple at this point... does using ui controls cause some kind of performance hit?
UI events momentarily pause timers, like when scrolling a tableview. You can get around this by using the common runtime mode when creating a timer. It may slow down your rendering if you have a lot of layers because they all need to get redrawn every-time you refresh. So if your game runs at 60fps it will also redraw everything on top of the GLView, like UIImageViews, buttons etc. 60 times a second, which is a huge waste. It might not make a huge impact on your frame rate but it may make the device run hotter and drain the battery faster. Its best to draw your HUD using OpenGL, but it depends on the situation. For something that will be displayed only for a short time, like a menu I think you can get away with it.
Theres nothing wrong with it, its just wasteful.

OpenGL ES on iPhone: timer-based painting problems, jitteryness

I have an OpenGL ES 1.1 project on iPhone, based heavily on the empty OpenGL ES application given here:
I'm testing on a 3G (not 3GS) device, 8GB.
The paint loop in my app which does openGL operations is doing quite a lot each time it renders the screen. However, in situations with it doing the same thing each paint cycle, I'm seeing variable frame rates. I have set the NSTimer which fires the paint code to fire 30 times a second -- i.e. every 0.0333 of a second. The main problem is that whereas my actual paint code often takes approximately that amount of time to execute one paint (in terms of wall time), it varies, and sometimes it takes far longer, for no apparent reason. Using careful logging to report maximum time intervals when they occur, I can see that sometimes my paint has taken as long as 0.23 sec to complete - that's like 4FPS, which compared to 30FPS is like skipping 5 frames of animation/ user interaction, which isn't very acceptable.
At first I suspected my paint loop was snagging on some lock (there aren't many in there, because the GL render stuff in on the main thread (which is necessary AFAIK), as is incoming event handling) but some logging with finer granularity revealed that, in one paint code execution cycle, a large time elapsing over a bit of code that was doing basically hardly anything, and certainly not a GL operation.
So it seems a bit like my GL drawing thread (i.e. the main thread) just takes longer sometimes for no good reason. I have comms in my application and I disabled comms to see if that was the problem -- but I still see some "spikes" in execution time of my painting, when it's doing the same painting each time.
It's seems like another thread is just being switched to, mid-paint code, for ages, before returning to my paint code, on occaison.
Any ideas with how to analyse further what is going on? I know NSTimers aren't perfect and aren't at a guaranteed frequency, but the main issue here is that my actual paint cycle sometimes just takes forever, presumably because some other thread gets switched to....
Keep in mind that your application can seem to "hang" for no reason that has nothing to do with your "main loop". That's because you are multitasking... and in paticular, something as simple as your phone checking email can cause this sort of problem. One big cause, on the iPhone anyway, is when you move through different cell sites (like if you are on a subway or in a car) you can sometimes get spikes as it does... whatever it does.
If you are on an iPhone, try airplane mode and see if the problems go away.
-- David