Flyway: Multiple nodes migrating in parallel with PgBouncer transaction pooling - postgresql

We're encountering issues with using Flyway for database migrations with multiple nodes in parallel, backed by a PostgreSQL database behind PgBouncer with transaction pooling.
The problem is that when multiple nodes start up at the same time, Flyway gets an exclusive lock but this seems to be a session lock, which isn't supported by PgBouncer transaction pooling (as multiple nodes may get the same session). This then causes each node to not start up because they've locked each other.
Is there anything we can change or configure in Flyway to support this? We'd prefer not to switch away from transaction pooling if possible, as that's our main motivation for using PgBouncer.

At the moment, Flyway doesn't support PgBouncer, so you're seeing errors because of that lack of support. No work arounds from the developers currently. I'd suggest opening an issue on the Community Github. That's the best way to get changes in.

As a workaround, we're currently configuring two data sources for our application - one to PgBouncer as normal, and another with a single connection that's used solely for Flyway that bypasses PgBouncer and connects directly to the PostgreSQL back-end.


High number of connections to Airflow Metadata DB

I tried to find information about the number of connections that Airflow establishes with the metadata database instance (Postgres in my case).
By running select * from pg_stat_activity I realized it creates at least 7 connections whose states change between idle and idle in transaction. The queries are registered as COMMIT or SELECT 1 (mostly). This was using the LocalExecutor on Airflow 2.1, but I tested with an installation of Airflow 1.10 having the same results.
Is anyone aware of where these connections come from? And, is there a way (and a reason) to change this?
Yes. Airflow will Open big number of connections - basically every process it creates will almost for sure open at least one connection. This is "known" characteristics of Apache Airflow.
If you are using MySQL - this is not a big issue as MySQL is good in handling multiple connections (it multiplexes incoming connnections via threads). Postgres uses process-per-connection approach which is much more resource-hungry.
The recommended way to handle that (Postgres is the most stable backend for Airflow) is to use PGBouncer to proxy such connections to Postgres.
In our Official Helm Chart, PGBouncer is used by default, when Postgres is used.
I Highly recommend this approach.

Pgbouncer - managing dynamic db settings

We are considering using pgbouncer for our project, which includes dynamic db creation (i.e each and every tenant that is added - a new db created)
As far as I understand, pgbouncer takes a config file that maps the databases.
The question is - is there a way adding new databases to pgbouncer without restarting it? (adding a new db row in the config.ini file)
I was actually looking into this same issue. It doesn't seem to be possible by default right now (per this issue). The originator of that issue has a branch of his fork for dynamic pooling, but it doesn't seem that will be merged. I wouldn't use it in production unless you're up to the additional work of maintaining a forked dependency for your project.
The current way is updating the .ini. However, in addition to the overhead of maintaining configuration in another place this is further complicated because based on the docs the "online restart" capability of pgbouncer only works for non-TLS connections and if your pgbouncer is running with unix sockets. So depending on your system configuration online restarts for the potentially frequent updates might be out of the question.

PostgreSQL Multi master Synchronisation

I have a scenario as follows,
One cloud server is running an application with PGSQL as DB
Multiple local servers are running with same application with PGSQL as DB
User may access the cloud server for read/write data
User may access any of the local server to read/write data
What I need is synchronisation between all these databases. The synchronisation can be done live if connectivity is available, or immediately when connectivity is available.
Please guide me with some inputs, where can i start from.
Rethink your requirements.
Multimaster replication is full of pitfalls, and it is easy to get your databases out of sync unless you plan carefully. You'd probably be better off with a single master node.
That said, you could look at BDR by 2ndQuadrant which provides such functionality.

Which PostgreSQL replication solution to use for my specific scenario

I need to replicate a PostgreSQL database server as follows:
Two servers are adjacent to each-other - one is the master and the other standby. If the master fails, the standby takes over. Replication from master to slave needs to be failsafe, hence, synchronous. The standby will not be used for any querying unless it has become a master. So, no high-availability/load-balancing is required.
There is another backup server at a remote location. Data from the master server mentioned above will be replicated to this remote server asynchronously and in batches. Time is not a factor at all in this replication - a couple of hours is just fine. This server would be used just for backup.
I've studied the currently available replication solutions from the PostgreSQL docs as well as from Google, but can't decide which combination of synchronous-asynchronous solutions would I need.
The closest I came up with is using pgpool-II for scenario 1 and Mammoth for scenario 2. However, as pgpool is statement-based, what would happen to queries containing rand() and now()?
Please note that I'd rather use free and open-source replication tools.
Also, just a side question - according to scenario 1 above, when the master fails, the standby will take over. Would the master-slave role be reversed after that, or would after the recovery of the master server the slave would go back to its standby state?
Any suggestion would be highly appreciated. Thanks.
I suggest using DRBD for scenario 1 and either 9.0 built-in replication or Slony for scenario 2.
Before PostgreSQL 9.1 (not yet released), there is no other synchronous replication solution available, and DRBD is widely established for this purpose. Together with Pacemaker or Heartbeat, which come with all the scripts needed for PostgreSQL monitoring and switchover, you have a very robust and fairly easy to manage solution. (In fact, I'd consider continuing to use DRBD even after 9.1 comes out; it's just a lot easier and has a longer track record.)
For the cross-site asynchronous, you could try the built-in replication of PostgreSQL 9.0, perhaps in conjunction with repmgr for monitoring and management. Alternatively, you could try the (now a bit) old-school Slony, but I'd guess it will more complicated for your needs.
You didn't mention if the server in question was on a specific version or if this was a new project with the freedom to choose the version. The answers vary based on that information.
If you are starting with a clean slate, I would recommend designing based on the PostgreSQL 9.1 beta. The final version will be released long before you would be ready to go into a production environment and it has binary synchronous replication built-in.
I've been using the built-in asynchronous replication in PostgreSQL for years in almost the exact same scenario you describe and it has always been rock-solid for me. It's become even better with 9.0 with Hot standby and it's become much easier to configure and maintain. 9.1 provides the only missing piece you require.
However, if you are trying to replicate an existing server, built-in asynchronous replication with aggressive settings for "checkpoint_timeout" a very frequent backup of unarchived WAL files could be sufficient until you can upgrade to 9.1.
The bottom line here is that you can get exactly what you want is with stock PostgreSQL 9.1--no third-party products required.
As for failover, it is not an automatic process, you'll need to handle that yourself. I would recommend that after a failover, switching the roles of the two machines until either the next failover event or until a controlled manual failover during a scheduled outage during a slow period of use. Again, this is not automatic and much be managed by the administrator (via shell scripts, presumably).

Load Balancing and Failover for Read-Only PostgreSQL Database

Multiple application servers host web services written in Java, running in SpringSource dm Server. To implement a new requirement, they will need to query a read-only PostgreSQL database.
To support redundancy, at least two PostgreSQL instances will be running. Access to PostgreSQL must be load balanced and must auto-fail over to currently running instances if an instance should go down. Auto-discovery of newly running instances is desirable but not required.
I have reviewed the official PostgreSQL documentation on this issue. However, that focuses on the more general case of read/write access to the database. Top google results tend to lead to older newsgroup messages or dead projects such as Sequoia or DB Balancer, as well as one active project PG Pool II
What are your real-world experiences with PG Pool II? What other simple and reliable alternatives are available?
PostgreSQL's wiki also lists clustering solutions, and the page on Replication, Clustering, and Connection Pooling has a table showing which solutions are suitable for load balancing.
I'm looking forward to PostgreSQL 9.0's combination of Hot Standby and Streaming Replication.
Have you looked at SQL Relay?
The standard solution for something like this is to look at Slony, Londiste or Bucardo. They all provide async replication to many slaves, where the slaves are read-only.
You then implement the load-balancing independent of this - on the TCP layer with something like HAProxy. Such a solution will be able to do failover of the read connections (though you'll still loose transaction visibility on a failover, and have to start new transaction on the new slave - but that's fine for most people)
Then all you have left is failover of the master role. There are supported ways of doing it on all these systems. None of them are automatic by default (because automatic failover of a database master role is really dangerous - consider the situation you are in once you've got split brain), but they can be automated easily if the requirement needs this for the master as well.