Deploying an apollo & react full stack app - deployment

My current project uses apollo-server on the backend & react on the frontend: I can't find any tutorials on how to deploy this type of project - does anyone have any advice on how to do this? (If possible, the hosting should be free e.g. heroku or netlify)


Deployment and Hosting of React, Express with MySQL Backend and Frontend Website

I want to have an website with frontend React and backend Express plus MySql available on a top-level domain address. I would really appreciate your support as I feel a bit lost with all opportunities and no guidance in how to do this. I know how to create a react app and I worked with express, mysql, git / github before. I also had a php website hostet before.
I wrote some code, but before I get too far, I am wondering about ...
How to set up this project on my local machine a professional way, so I can deploy it later?
Which cloud provider / hoster can you recommend?
Do I have to handle all three components separatly or can I wrap it up somehow?
Which tools do I need?
I tried to find cloud providers and tutorials but I got lost.

Where can i host my webapp which use mongodb as a backend server

I have created a project with MERN stack and want to host it. But as i came to know that hosting site doesnt support hosting for database related projects as my project includes mongodb as a backend.
It will be a great help if anyone can suggest where should i host my project which can support mongodb as a backend also. And also any methods to do it that will be great help.
You can use AWS EC2 Linux instance, where you can keep your project and at the same time you can store your data. For the initial phase of your project, you can install MongoDB on the same machine.

Deploying Flutter Web App To Hostgator/normal FTP means?

I have been really interested in Flutter for the last few months and have been following the beta Flutter for web information. I was wondering, other than the ones mentioned in the documentation (Firebase, Github, Google Cloud), is there a way to currently test my app via using my Hostgator hosting and use something like Filezilla to publish the application/site?
I understand this is in a beta state. I only ask because the documentation states that there is a way to publish via those services but doesn't mention the way I am asking. I also understand that this is not production-ready.
Thank you all for any help
You can just run:
flutter build web
And then copy the contents of build/web to your web host's document root via a panel or FTP or something else.

How to connect the back end and the front end and use the Discovery API in IBM cloud app services?

I am very new to using APIs so please excuse me. I am currently using a Python-Django App service from IBM cloud app services and the IBM Watson Discovery resouce. I have followed all the steps given here:
I have a machine that has docker and so the app got built successfully. However I am lost as to how I am supposed to get the front end ( which I am writing in bootstrap, javascript ) to connect to the backend and link the API.
For example : I want my app to accept documents, feed them in Discovery, extract the keywords and sentiments and display them in the UI. How do I know what to access from the server side code and what to link where in the UI.
It is a very broad question but its a compulsory project I need to do and I am clueless. Pleaassee Help !
Before you try to integrate an API, you will need to be familiar with Python and Django. If that is not the case, then you really need to go through a series of tutorials.
Then before deploying to the cloud, you will be better off running your Django app locally on your laptop. Use pip to install the watson-developer-cloud pypi module and use the API documentation to build the python code in your Django application -
If none of this makes sense, then you need to brush up on your knowledge of Python, Pip, and Django.
When you have the app running on your machine, then you will be ready to package it up into either a docker image or cloud foundry container and deploy to the cloud.

How to deploy web application onto Google App Engine

This may be a vague question but I have been unable to find any help/tutorials specific to my situation and am stuck.
I have built a website using Eclipse (Dynamic Web Project.) I then deployed this application using Tomcat and can see it by going to localhost, however, I am struggling on how to actually deploy it to the cloud.
I am trying to use Google App Engine but am open to other (free) alternatives for deploying my web application.
With Google App Engine, I registered for an account, made a new project, connected it to my github repository and confirmed the correct code is listed.
However, when navigating to (mine is I get a 404 error.
I have attempted various deployments and even made an entirely new Google Web Application Project in Eclipse for testing which worked but weirdly deployed to and is the test files which I do not know how to correctly modify.
Is there any way to upload/deploy my existing web application to Google App Engine (as a .war or otherwise)?
I am new to web development and apologize for any unclear specifications. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Edit: I have also tried (in Eclipse) right clicking the project and choosing "Deploy to App Engine" under Google however it states "mapp-website is not an App Engine project".
Edit2: I had a stupid mistake, I confused my Project ID (mapp-development) and app id (mapp-develop). I am able to successfully make a new Google web project and deploy it to
Sorry for the trouble!
Here are three ways to deploy:
Make an App Engine project in Eclipse
Deploy via Git
Deploy via GitHub
It seems like you tried #1 with a project named 1-dot-mapp-develop. If you select deploy from Eclipse, a dialog box will pop up with a link to "App Engine Project Settings" where you can change the project name (to mapp-development and version).